What are WordPress Microinteractions?

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What are WordPress Microinteractions?Microinteractions can significantly improve your website’s user experience. In this article, we’ll tell you what microinteractions are and how you can add them to your WordPress site. You’ll also learn the following: How to use microinteractions in WordPress How to make the most of microinteractions Then, we’ll go over a few tips to help you […]

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5 Tips to Write the Most Clickable WordPress Headlines

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Writing Clickable WordPress HeadlinesThe idea of sitting down and completing several headline writing exercises to find the “one” may seem extra. Still, it’s really not when you consider that your headlines are the number #1 most important thing you’ll write in WordPress every day. Fact: If people don’t click your headlines, your content won’t get read. Your headline […]

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Turn a WordPress Side Hustle into a Full-Time Business

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Turn a WordPress Side Hustle into a Full-Time BusinessCreating an income stream from a WordPress website takes dedication and patience. For the first few months, you may not see any returns at all. Search engines need time to find your site before it will show up on rankings. There’s a lot of groundwork that goes into website design, keyword research, content creation, and […]

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Spot the Difference: WordPress Security Threat, Vulnerability or Risk

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Spot the Difference: WordPress Security Threat, Vulnerability or RiskYou’ve probably heard the term “cyber threat” used more than once in the context of cybersecurity. What you may not know, however, is that the term “threat” is often mistakenly used to refer to other risks to cybersecurity, such as vulnerabilities. Although these three terms may seem to mean the same thing, they each have […]

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10 Steps to Build a Personal Brand with WordPress

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Build a Personal Brand with WordPressIt has never been easier for individuals to tell the world about themselves by creating a personal brand identity. Building a personal brand can demonstrate a person’s qualities and skills, defining what makes them unique or different. Any edge you can find on your competition is critical in today’s cutthroat business environment. Social media and […]

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How to Drive WooCommerce Sales with FOMO

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How to Drive WooCommerce Sales with FOMOThis guide is all about FOMO marketing techniques that you can employ to drive more sales. FOMO is one of the best WooCommerce marketing techniques to entice customers to buy from you. However, it might appear deceptive and possibly alienate your more sophisticated customers if you don’t execute it correctly. What is FOMO? “FOMO” or […]

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How to Protect Against WordPress Zero-Day Attacks

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How to Protect Against WordPress Zero-Day AttacksWhen it comes to cyber security, what you don’t know can hurt you. This is exactly the case with zero-day vulnerabilities and zero-day attacks. The repercussions of not taking your security seriously can be devastating to you and your business. Fortunately, the best weapon you have in your arsenal against malicious hackers and security threats […]

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How to Get Your WordPress Blog Listed in Google News

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How to Get Your WordPress Blog Listed in Google NewsDo you run a WordPress blog and want to skyrocket your daily readership? You’ve probably jumped through plenty of hoops thus far just to get where you are: social media strategizing, bookmarking, and getting mentioned in blog directories are likely just a few of the methods you’ve used to make your blog a success. But […]

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7 Strategies to Grow Affiliate Sales for WordPress Blogs

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Strategies to Grow Affiliate Sales for WordPress BlogsYou may have started your blog with the sole intention of helping the community by providing much-needed information and answering questions around a given subject, but now you’re thinking you deserve to get some money out of it. Maybe you’re looking for new ways to make a little extra money on the side or you […]

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Can WordPress Theme Changes Impact Google Ranking?

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Can WordPress Theme Changes Impact Google Ranking?Your website’s theme lets search engines such as Google know what kind of content you’re offering your audience. The best WordPress themes also let your visitors easily navigate your layout and quickly find the type of content they’re looking for. From new colors and fonts to striking styles and layouts, a new website theme is […]

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15+ WordPress Features You Didn’t Know About

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WordPress Features You Didn't Know AboutWordPress is the most powerful content management system globally, used by millions of people every day to create outstanding websites on command. It’s a feature-packed, constantly-evolving platform that anyone can use to present ideas awesomely. However, many of those features are entirely unknown to most users despite their robust use cases. In this article, we’ll […]

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