Beyond Murphy’ Law

Murphy's Law ("Anything that can go wrong will go wrong and at the worst possible time.") is a well-known adage, especially in engineering circles. However, its implications are often misunderstood, especially by the general public. It's not just about the universe conspiring against our systems; it's about recognizing and preparing for potential failures.

Many view Murphy's Law as a blend of magic and reality. As Site Reliability Engineers (SREs), we often ponder its true nature. Is it merely a psychological bias where we emphasize failures and overlook our unnoticed successes? Psychology has identified several related biases, including Confirmation and Selection biases. The human brain tends to focus more on improbable failures than successes. Moreover, our grasp of probabilities is often flawed – the Law of Truly Large Numbers suggests that coincidences are, ironically, quite common.

Make Your Jobs More Robust With Automatic Safety Switches

In this article, I'll refer to a "job" as a batch processing program, as defined in JSR 352. A job can be written in any language but is scheduled periodically to automatically process bulk data, in contrast to interactive processing (CLI or GUI) for end-users. Error handling in jobs differs significantly from interactive processing. For instance, in the latter case, backend calls might not be retried as a human can respond to errors, while jobs need robust error recovery due to their automated nature. Moreover, jobs often possess higher privileges and can potentially damage extensive data.

Consider a scenario: What if a job fails due to a backend or dependency component issue? If a job is scheduled hourly and faces a major downtime just minutes before execution, what should be done?

Top Mistakes Made by Product Owners in Agile Projects

As a Product Owner (PO), your role is crucial in steering an agile project toward success. However, it's equally important to be aware of the pitfalls that can lead to failure. It's worth noting that the GIGO (Garbage In - Garbage Out) effect is a significant factor: No good product can come from bad design.

On Agile and Business Design Skills

Lack of Design Methodology Awareness

One of the initial steps towards failure is disregarding design methodologies such as Story Mapping, Event Storming, Impact Mapping, or Behavioral Driven Development. Treating these methodologies as trivial or underestimating their complexity or power can hinder your project's progress. Instead, take the time to learn, practice, and seek coaching in these techniques to create well-defined business requirements.

Datasets Staticity Levels

A common challenge when designing applications is determining the most suitable implementation based on the frequency of data changes. Should a status be stored in a table to easily expand the workflow? Should a list of countries be embedded in the code or stored in a table? Should we be able to adjust the thread pool size based on the targeted platform? 

In a current large project, we categorize datasets based on their staticity level, ranging from very static to more volatile: 

Architecture as Code With C4 and Plantuml


I'm lucky enough to currently work on a large microservices-based project as a solution architect. I'm responsible for designing different architecture views, each targeting very different audiences, hence different preoccupations:

  • The application view dealing with modules and data streams between them (targeting product stakeholders and developers)
  • The software view (design patterns, database design rules, choice of programming languages, libraries...) that developers should rely upon;
  • The infrastructure view (middleware, databases, network connections, storage, operations...) providing useful information for integrators and DevOps engineers;
  • The sizing view dealing with performance;
  • The security view, which is mainly transversal.


Designing Human-Targeted Random IDs

Designing Human-Targeted Random IDs

NOTE: We don't deal here with technical IDs used as primary keys in relational databases. See my previous article here if you seek a great way to generate them.


During one of my recent projects, I have been asked to design a scheme of IDs highly usable by humans. The business requirement was mainly to create pseudo-random values that can't be inferred or guessed in order to be used as a secret token printed on some official documents for future controls.

How to Do UUID as Primary Keys the Right Way

Why Do We Need Technical IDs in the First Place?

Any properly designed relational database table owns a Primary Key (PK) allowing you to uniquely and stably identify each record. Even if the primary key can be composite (built of several columns), it is a widespread good practice to dedicate a special column (often named id or id_<table name>) to this end. This special column is used to technically identify records and can be used as foreign keys in relations.

NOTE: Do not confuse technical (also named "surrogate") keys with function keys. The most important tables (so-called entities in domain-driven design) may contain an alternate human-readable ID column (like the customer ID "G2F6D"). In this article, we will focus only on technical PKs. They should only be processed and readable by machines, not humans.

A First Glimpse of Production Constraints for Developers

In most organizations, developers are not allowed to access the production environment for stability, security, or regulatory reasons. This is a quite good practice (enforced by many frameworks like COBIT or ITIL) to restrict access to production but a major drawback is a mental distance created between developers and the real world. Likewise, the monitoring is usually only managed by operators and very little feedback is provided to developers except when they have to fix application bugs (ASAP, of course). As a matter of fact, most developers have very little idea of what a real production environment looks like and, more important, of the non-functional requirements allowing to write production-proof code.

Involving developers into resolving production issues is a good thing for two main reasons:

Proper String Normalization for Comparison Purposes


In Java, do:



String normalizedString = Normalizer.normalize(originalString,Normalizer.Form.NFKD)
.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "").toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s{2,}", " ").trim();

Nowadays, most strings are Unicode-encoded and we are able to work with many different native characters with diacritical signs/accents (like ö, é, À) or ligatures (like æ or ʥ). Characters can be stored in UTF-8 (for instance) and associated glyphs can be displayed properly if the font supports them.