Implementing Adaptive Dark Mode Based on User’s OS Settings: A Step-by-Step Guide

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More and more users prefer browsing websites in dark mode to reduce eye strain and save battery life. To provide the best user experience, it’s helpful to implement an automatic dark mode on your website that adjusts according to a user’s operating system settings. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to achieve this.

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1. Create a CSS file for dark mode

First, create a separate CSS file called “darkmode.css” that contains the styles for your website’s dark mode. This file should include the color palette, font styles, and other design elements that cater to dark mode. For example:

body {
  background-color: #121212;
  color: #ffffff;

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  color: #f0f0f0;

a {
  color: #ffffff;
  text-decoration: underline;

2. Link the dark mode CSS file

In your website’s main HTML file, add the following link tag inside the head section to reference the dark mode CSS file:

<link id="darkmode-stylesheet" rel="stylesheet" href="darkmode.css" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" />

The “media” attribute ensures that the dark mode CSS file will only be applied if the user’s operating system is set to dark mode.

3. Detect operating system’s color scheme

Now it’s time to detect the user’s operating system color scheme with JavaScript. Create a new JavaScript file called “darkmode.js” and add the following code:

function getSystemColorScheme() {
  return window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'light';

This function checks if the user’s operating system is set to dark mode or light mode by evaluating the ‘prefers-color-scheme’ media query.

4. Save the user’s preference

To improve the user experience, we’ll save their preference in the browser’s local storage. Add the following code to the “darkmode.js” file:

function saveUserPreference(preference) {
  localStorage.setItem('color-scheme', preference);

function loadUserPreference() {
  return localStorage.getItem('color-scheme');

These two functions save and load the user’s color scheme preference, respectively.

5. Toggle dark mode

Create a function to toggle dark mode on and off by adding or removing the “dark” class from the HTML body element:

function toggleDarkMode(enableDarkMode) {
  if (enableDarkMode) {
  } else {

6. Initialize dark mode based on user preference or system settings

Now, add a function to initialize dark mode on page load. This function checks if the user has a saved preference in local storage; if not, it defaults to their operating system’s settings:

function initializeDarkMode() {
  const userPreference = loadUserPreference();

  if (userPreference) {
    toggleDarkMode(userPreference === 'dark');
  } else {
    const systemColorScheme = getSystemColorScheme();
    toggleDarkMode(systemColorScheme === 'dark');

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initializeDarkMode);

7. Allow users to toggle dark mode manually

As a fallback and also providing a better experience for your users, it is a good practice to give them the ability to switch between dark and light modes manually. To do this, add a button or a switch element in your website’s main HTML file:

<button id="toggle-darkmode">Toggle Dark Mode</button>

Next, add an event listener for this button in your “darkmode.js” file:

function handleDarkModeToggle() {
  const currentPreference = loadUserPreference() || getSystemColorScheme();
  const newPreference = currentPreference === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark';

  toggleDarkMode(newPreference === 'dark');

document.getElementById('toggle-darkmode').addEventListener('click', handleDarkModeToggle);

This function toggles dark mode, saves the new preference in local storage, and updates the user interface.

8. Listen for operating system changes

To ensure that your website’s dark mode adapts to changes in the user’s operating system settings, add an event listener to the “darkmode.js” file that listens for changes to the ‘prefers-color-scheme’ media query:

function handleSystemColorSchemeChange(event) {
  if (!loadUserPreference()) {

window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addListener(handleSystemColorSchemeChange);

This function checks if the user has a saved preference in local storage. If not, it toggles dark mode based on the updated operating system settings.

9. Link the JavaScript file

Finally, include the “darkmode.js” file in your main HTML file by adding the following script tag inside the head section:

<script src="darkmode.js" defer></script>

The “defer” attribute ensures that the script is executed only after the HTML document has been fully parsed.

All done! Now you have everything you need to implement dark mode on your future projects!

Mastering CSS Variables and Unlocking Their Full Potential

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CSS Variables, also known as Custom Properties, have revolutionized the way we manage styles and build maintainable, flexible stylesheets. They enable developers to store and reuse values throughout a stylesheet, making it easier to change themes, colors, fonts, and more with just a few updates. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for using CSS variables, along with some helpful code examples.

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1. Defining and Using CSS Variables

To define a CSS variable, you must use the double hyphen (–) syntax. Typically, you’ll want to create your variables within the :root pseudo-class, which refers to the highest-level parent element in the DOM tree. This ensures that your variables are globally accessible.

:root {
  --primary-color: #3498db;
  --secondary-color: #2ecc71;
  --font-size: 16px;

body {
  font-size: var(--font-size);

a {
  color: var(--primary-color);

button {
  background-color: var(--secondary-color);

In the example above, we’ve defined three CSS variables: –primary-color, –secondary-color, and –font-size. To use these variables, we use the var() function, which accepts the variable name as its argument.

2. Fallback Values

One of the great features of CSS variables is their ability to provide a fallback value. This is helpful when a variable may not be defined or supported by a particular browser. To provide a fallback value, include a second argument within the var() function.

body {
  font-size: var(--font-size, 16px);

In this example, if the –font-size variable isn’t defined, the browser will use the fallback value of 16px.

3. Leveraging Variables in Media Queries and Theming

CSS variables are incredibly useful when combined with media queries and theming. You can quickly and easily update your styles for different devices or themes by redefining the variable values.

:root {
  --font-size: 16px;

@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
  :root {
    --font-size: 18px;

body {
  font-size: var(--font-size);

In this example, we’ve updated the –font-size variable within a media query. When the screen width is at least 768px, the font size will automatically adjust to 18px.

4. Working with Calculated Values

CSS variables can be combined with the calc() function to create dynamic and flexible values.

:root {
  --base-padding: 10px;

.container {
  padding: calc(var(--base-padding) * 2);

In the example above, we’ve defined a base padding value and used it in combination with the calc() function to double the padding for the .container element.

5. Handling Colors with HSL and CSS Variables

When working with colors, using the HSL color format in combination with CSS variables makes it easier to create color schemes and adjust hues, saturation, and lightness.

:root {
  --primary-hue: 210;
  --primary-color: hsl(var(--primary-hue), 50%, 50%);
  --primary-color-light: hsl(var(--primary-hue), 50%, 75%);
  --primary-color-dark: hsl(var(--primary-hue), 50%, 25%);

a {
  color: var(--primary-color);

a:hover {
  color: var(--primary-color-light);

a:active {
  color: var(--primary-color-dark);

In this example, we’ve used the HSL color format and CSS variables to create a primary color and its lighter and darker variations. By adjusting the –primary-hue value, you can change the color scheme throughout your stylesheet with ease.

6. JavaScript Interoperability

CSS variables can be accessed and manipulated using JavaScript, providing an additional layer of flexibility and dynamism. For instance, you can create user-customizable themes by modifying variables through JavaScript.

<button onclick="changeTheme()">Change Theme</button>

<img src="" data-wp-preserve="%3Cscript%3E%0A%20%20function%20changeTheme()%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20root%20%3D%20document.documentElement%3B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20currentHue%20%3D%20parseInt('--primary-hue'))%3B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20newHue%20%3D%20(currentHue%20%2B%2030)'--primary-hue'%2C%20newHue)%3B%0A%20%20%7D%0A%3C%2Fscript%3E" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="&lt;script&gt;" title="&lt;script&gt;" />

In the example above, clicking the “Change Theme” button will change the –primary-hue variable, effectively updating the primary color and its variations.

Wrapping Up

Variables have transformed the way we approach theming, responsiveness, and maintainability in our stylesheets. By following best practices such as global variable declaration, using fallback values, leveraging variables in media queries, working with calculated values, handling colors with HSL, and harnessing JavaScript interoperability, you’ll unlock their full potential.

With this newfound understanding, you can create more efficient, flexible, and dynamic stylesheets that adapt to different devices, user preferences, and themes with minimal effort.

Quick Tip: How To Disable Autocomplete on Form Inputs

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Autocomplete is a feature that can save users’ time by suggesting previously entered information when filling out forms. Although it can be a helpful feature, sometimes it can be a privacy concern, especially when users share devices or work on public computers. In this case, users may want to disable the autocomplete feature for specific input fields or forms. In this article, we will discuss how to disable autocomplete for input elements.

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The autocomplete attribute

The autocomplete attribute is used to control this feature. This attribute can be applied to different form elements, including input tags. It takes two values: “on” and “off.” By default, the browser sets the value to “on” for input tags. When set to “off,” the browser will not suggest previously entered values for that particular input field.

Disabling autocomplete for a specific input field

To disable auto-complete for a specific input field, you can use the following code:

<input type="text" name="username" autocomplete="off">

In the above code, we have added the autocomplete attribute to an input tag and set its value to “off.” This will disable it for that particular input field. You can apply this attribute to other input tags as well, including password fields, email fields, and search fields.

Disabling autocomplete for a whole form

If you want to disable it for a whole form, you can add the attribute to the form element and set its value to “off.” The following code demonstrates this:

<form method="post" action="/submit-form" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="text" name="username">
  <input type="password" name="password">
  <input type="email" name="email">
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In the above code, we have added the autocomplete attribute to the form element and set its value to “off.” This will disable it for all the input fields within the form.

Best practices

When disabling autocomplete, it is essential to keep in mind that it can impact the user experience. Some users may appreciate the feature, as it can save time and make filling out forms easier. Therefore, it is recommended to disable it only when necessary, such as when the user is working on a public computer.

Another best practice is to use the attribute only for specific input fields, such as search fields or email fields, to provide a better user experience.

CSS Basics: Visibility: Hidden vs. Display: None

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visibility: hidden and display: none are two CSS properties that can be used to hide elements. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are some significant differences between them. In this article, we’ll explore these differences and provide some examples to illustrate their use.

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visibility: hidden

The visibility property in CSS determines whether or not an element is visible on the web page. If set to hidden, the element will be hidden from view, but it will still occupy space on the page. This means that any other elements that would normally be positioned after it will still be positioned as if the hidden element were still visible.

Here’s an example of how visibility: hidden works:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="" data-wp-preserve="%3Cstyle%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%23hidden-element%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20visibility%3A%20hidden%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%3C%2Fstyle%3E" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="&lt;style&gt;" title="&lt;style&gt;" />
    <p>This is some text before the hidden element.</p>
    <div id="hidden-element">
      <p>This element is hidden using visibility.</p>
    <p>This is some text after the hidden element.</p>

In this example, the #hidden-element is hidden using visibility: hidden. Notice that the element still occupies space on the page, and the text after it is still positioned as if it were visible.

display: none

The display property in CSS determines how an element is displayed on the web page. If set to none, the element will be completely removed from the page and will not occupy any space. This means that any other elements that would normally be positioned after it will be repositioned as if the hidden element were not present.

Here’s an example of how display: none works:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="" data-wp-preserve="%3Cstyle%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%23hidden-element%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20display%3A%20none%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%3C%2Fstyle%3E" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="&lt;style&gt;" title="&lt;style&gt;" />
    <p>This is some text before the hidden element.</p>
    <div id="hidden-element">
      <p>This element is hidden using display.</p>
    <p>This is some text after the hidden element.</p>

In this example, the #hidden-element is hidden using display: none. Notice that the element does not occupy any space on the page, and the text after it is repositioned as if the element were not present.

When to use visibility: hidden vs. display: none

Now that we’ve seen how visibility: hidden and display: none work, it’s important to consider when to use one over the other.

Use visibility: hidden when you want to hide an element from view but still want it to occupy space on the page. This can be useful when you want to reveal the element later or when you want to maintain the layout of the page.

Use display: none when you want to completely remove an element from the page and don’t want it to occupy any space. This can be useful when you want to completely hide an element and don’t plan to reveal it later.

How To Use CSS To Maintain Aspect Ratio For Responsive Design

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Maintaining the Aspect ratio of a div is a common requirement when creating responsive web designs. In this article, we’ll explore how to use CSS to maintain the Aspect ratio of a div as the window’s width changes.

To achieve this, we’ll use the padding hack. The padding hack is a technique that uses a percentage value for padding-top or padding-bottom to maintain the Aspect ratio of an element. The percentage value is calculated based on the width of the parent element. As the width of the parent element changes, the padding value will adjust to maintain the Aspect ratio of the child element.

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Let’s start by creating a div element with a background color.

<div class="aspect-ratio"></div>

  .aspect-ratio {
    background-color: #ccc;

To maintain the Aspect ratio of this div, we’ll set its padding-top to a percentage value. The percentage value will be calculated based on the desired Aspect ratio of the div. For example, if we want the Aspect ratio to be 16:9, we’ll set the padding-top to 56.25% (9/16 * 100).

.aspect-ratio {
  background-color: #ccc;
  padding-top: 56.25%;

Now, as the width of the parent element changes, the padding value will adjust as desired.

Here’s an example that shows how to use the padding hack on a div with a background image.

<div class="aspect-ratio" style="background-image: url('image.jpg')"></div>

  .aspect-ratio {
    background-position: center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;
    position: relative;
  .aspect-ratio:before {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    padding-top: 56.25%;
  .aspect-ratio > * {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

In this example, we are again using the padding hack, and we’re also using a pseudo-element (:before) to create the padding. We’re setting the position of the parent element to relative and the position of the child element to absolute to position the child element inside the parent element. We’re also setting the width and height of the child element to 100% to fill the parent element.

In conclusion, the padding hack is a simple and effective technique for maintaining the Aspect ratio of a div as the window’s width changes. By using a percentage value for padding-top or padding-bottom, we can calculate the padding value based on the desired Aspect ratio of the div. This technique is widely used in responsive web design and can be used to create a variety of layouts and designs. Be sure to check out our library of CSS articles and tutorials while you’re here!

How To Align Checkboxes and Their Labels Consistently Across Browsers

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While checkboxes are relatively straightforward to implement, aligning them with their labels can be a challenge, as each browser renders them differently. In this article, we will explain how to align checkboxes and their labels consistently across all browsers using CSS.

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Wrap the Checkbox and Label in a Container

The first step is to wrap the elements in a container so we can use it to apply styling to both the checkbox and the label.

<div class="checkbox-container">
  <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1">
  <label for="checkbox1">Checkbox Label</label>

Style the Checkbox and Label

Once we have our container, we can use CSS to position the checkbox and label, adjust their size, and style them.

.checkbox-container {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

.checkbox-container input[type="checkbox"] {
  margin-right: 10px;

.checkbox-container label {
  margin: 0;

The display: flex; property allows us to align the checkbox and label vertically. The align-items: center; property centers the checkbox and label vertically within the container.

The margin-right: 10px; property adds a small amount of space between the checkbox and the label. The margin: 0; property removes any margin that may be added by default by the browser.

Styling the Checkbox to make it visually appealing

In addition to aligning the checkbox and label, we can also style the checkbox to make it more visually appealing.

.checkbox-container input[type="checkbox"] {
  appearance: none;
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  border: 2px solid #ccc;
  border-radius: 4px;
  background-color: #fff;
  cursor: pointer;

.checkbox-container input[type="checkbox"]:checked {
  background-color: #007bff;
  border-color: #007bff;

.checkbox-container input[type="checkbox"]:checked::before {
  content: "\2713";
  font-size: 16px;
  color: #fff;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

The appearance: none; property removes the default styling of the checkbox, allowing us to create our own custom style. The width and height properties set the size of the checkbox. The border property creates a border around the checkbox, and the border-radius property rounds the corners of the checkbox.

The background-color property sets the background color of the checkbox, and the cursor: pointer; property changes the cursor to a pointer when the user hovers over the checkbox.

The input[type="checkbox"]:checked selector styles the checkbox when it is checked. The background-color property changes the background color of the checkbox, and the border-color property changes the color of the border.

The input[type="checkbox"]:checked::before pseudo-element adds a checkmark to the checkbox when it is checked. The content property adds the checkmark character, and the font-size property sets the size of the checkmark. The color property sets the color of the checkmark, and the position: absolute; property positions the checkmark in the center of the checkbox.


By wrapping checkboxes and their labels in a container and applying CSS styling, we can align checkboxes and their labels consistently across all browsers, as well as create a more visually appealing and user-friendly form element. Be sure to check out our other CSS articles while you’re here!

The Difference Between the :where() and :is() CSS Selectors

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The CSS selectors :where() and :is() are two pseudo-classes that allow you to select elements based on their relationship with other elements. Although they sound similar, they are different in terms of functionality and syntax.

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The :where() pseudo-class was introduced as part of the CSS Selectors Level 4 specification and allows you to select elements based on the presence of other elements that match a specific condition. In other words, you can select elements based on the relationship between elements in a DOM tree. For example, you can use the :where() selector to select a list item li only if it is the first child of an unordered list ul:

li:where(:first-child of ul) {
  background-color: yellow;

On the other hand, the :is() pseudo-class is part of the CSS Selectors Level 3 specification and allows you to select an element if it is one of several different selectors. It is similar to the logical OR operator, in CSS. For example, you can use the :is() selector to select a p element if it is either the first child of its parent or has a class of highlight:

p:is(:first-child, .highlight) {
  background-color: yellow;

It’s important to note that the :where() selector has better browser support than the :is() selector, and that the :is() selector should not be used in conjunction with the :not() pseudo-class.

How To Get a User’s IP Address With PHP

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In PHP, there are several methods to retrieve a user’s IP address. We will explore two of those ways in this article.

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The most reliable way to get a user’s IP address in PHP is to use the $_SERVER superglobal variable.

The $_SERVER superglobal variable contains information about the server environment, including the user’s IP address. Here’s an example:

echo $ip;

The $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] element returns the IP address of the client (i.e., the user’s device) that is making the request to the server. This method works well for most cases, but there are a few situations where it may not return the correct IP address, such as when the user is behind a proxy server or using a VPN.

To handle these cases, it is recommended to use the following code to get the user’s IP address:

function get_client_ip() {
    $ip = '';
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
        $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
    } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
        $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
    } else {
        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    return $ip;

$ip = get_client_ip();
echo $ip;

In this code, we first check if the $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] element is set. If it is, we use its value as the user’s IP address. If not, we then check if the $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] element is set. If it is, we use its value as the user’s IP address. If neither of these elements is set, we use the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] element as the user’s IP address.

This method provides a more robust solution for retrieving the user’s IP address, as it takes into account the possibility that the user may be behind a proxy server or using a VPN.

Learn more here.

Quick Tip: How To Disable Resizing of a Textarea in HTML or CSS

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In this quick tip, we’re going to show you 2 different ways to disable the resizing of a textarea, for those times when you don’t want the user to be able to control it in this manner. It’s a relatively quick process, with just some simple CSS using the resize CSS property.

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The HTML textarea element provides a resizable property by default. To disable it, you can use the CSS property resize: none in the textarea element. Here is an example:

 <textarea style="resize: none;"></textarea> 


You can also disable the resizable property of a textarea by using CSS that is not inline. You can add a class to the textarea element and then add the CSS property resize: none to the class. Here is an example:

<textarea class="no-resize"></textarea>

  .no-resize {
    resize: none;

Quick Tip: How to Disable Text Selection Highlighting in CSS

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There are two main CSS properties that control text selection highlighting: user-select and -webkit-user-select. These properties are used to specify whether or not users are able to select text on the web page.

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To disable text selection highlighting in CSS, you can set the value of the user-select property to none:

body {
   -webkit-user-select: none;  /* for Safari */
   -moz-user-select: none;     /* for Firefox */
   -ms-user-select: none;      /* for Internet Explorer */
   user-select: none;          /* for modern browsers */

In this example, the user-select property is applied to the body element, which means that text selection highlighting will be disabled for the entire page. If you want to disable text selection highlighting for a specific element, simply apply the property to that element instead of the body element.

It’s important to note that the -webkit-user-select and -moz-user-select properties are vendor-specific extensions, and are used to ensure compatibility with Safari and Firefox, respectively. The -ms-user-select property is used for compatibility with Internet Explorer. The standard user-select property should work in all modern browsers.

How Spark Writer Can Help Improve Your Web Design Business

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If you are running a web design business, your portfolio website is one of your most important tools to attract new clients. In order to actually generate leads through your website, you have to get people there, and that means you need to continually generate new content along with having it optimized for search engines. If you’re a freelancer or small business, that means you are not only a web designer or developer, but you also have to wear the hat of the content creator. How are you supposed to find enough hours in the day?

This is where Spark Writer comes in. Spark Writer is a GPT-3 writing tool that allows you to create texts such as articles, blogs, ads, and even SEO meta descriptions in an instant. In this post we are going to take a look at how Spark Writer can make your life easier and help you grow your web design business.

Spark Writer for your web design business

What Is Spark Writer?

Spark Writer is a creative tool that helps you write better, faster and more easily. It provides you with a range of templates, tips and resources that makes writing easier and more fun.

The previous paragraph was actually written by Spark Writer in a matter of seconds using the paragraph tool. That summarizes it pretty succinctly, but there is much more to this AI writing tool. There are a variety of ways to use it for your web design business blog, including generating titles and ideas, introductions, outlines, conclusions, listicles, and more – all the way to even a full article generator.

So you can see how this tool could save you a significant amount of time when creating content. Let’s take a look at several ways in more detail.

Create Catchy Titles

With the Article Title / Idea Tool, you can take your blog topic idea and generate several catchy titles easily. For example, we put the title of this post in and Spark Writer popped out the following:

  1. How to take your web design business to the next level with Spark Writer
  2. How Spark Writer can help you stand out from the competition
  3. Create better content and improve your web design business with Spark Writer
  4. The secret to success: How Spark Writer can help improve your web design business
  5. How to improve your web design business with Spark Writer

In literally seconds we have five alternate titles we could use instead of what we started with! Coming up with ideas or refined, catchy titles no longer has to consume your time when writing new content for your blog.

Write Article Outlines

Many blog posts and articles start with an outline in order to better organize your thoughts and map out the sections and main points. With the Article Outline Tool you can type in what your article is about and in seconds have an outline of it right in front of you. If you prefer to do the actual writing of the article yourself, this would be a great way to get started and save you tons of time along the way.

Generate Listicles

One of the most popular types of blog posts is listicles, offering, for instance, “10 top web design tools of the year” or any other idea you can come up with. Spark Writer’s Listicle Tool can generate these for you in seconds.

Take a look at what we got when we typed in “Top Web Design Tools of 2022”:

  1. Adobe XD
  2. Figma
  3. Sketch
  4. Invision Studio
  5. Protopie
  6. Adobe Photoshop
  7. Adobe Illustrator
  8. Adobe After Effects
  9. Cinema 4D
  10. Blender

Just like that, the research has been done for us instantly. Then we could take this list, fill it in with descriptions of each tool, add an introduction and conclusion, and presto! Another way to come up with a quick blog post for your web design business!

Write Full Articles

If you’re really in a hurry, you can elect to use the Full Article Generator from Spark Writer to generate a complete, unique, and SEO friendly article in 30 seconds or less. While this may not be the best way to make sure your blog has your own unique “voice” in its writing, it can definitely save you hours per post. You could also take what the tool produces and edit it to your liking to make it more your own, which would still be a great way to reduce the amount of time you spend creating blog content.

Spark Writer options that will help your web design business

How Will You Use Spark Writer To Grow Your Web Design Business?

Although we’ve touched on just a few ways this new tool can be used to greatly increase your efficiency as a content creator, there are many more options to look into beyond what we’ve described here. Best of all, Spark Writer is 100% free to use, so you can take it for a spin right away!

It’s a brave new AI-generated content world we’re stepping into. We recommend you give Spark Writer a try and see how it can be used to help you save time, inspire creativity, and grow your business.

Typography Inspiration In Web Design

Typography Definitions Cover

Looking for typography inspiration for your next or future web design projects? We’ve rounded up some of the most creative and award-winning examples of typography usage in these websites that follow. Take a look and see what ideas they bring!

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Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets

Font Roundup

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - font roundup

Likely Story

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Likely Story

VJ Type

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - VJ Type

Arthur Simonini

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Arthur Simonini

Martine Syms

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Martine Syms

Mama Joyce Peppa Sauce

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Mama Joyce Peppa Sauce

Slava Kirilenko

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Slava Kirilenko

DAD Agency

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - DAD Agency

Pact Media

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Pact Media


Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Dante


Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Custo



Santa Teresa Fest

Santa Teresa Fest

Kim Kneipp

Kim Kneipp

Panic Studio

Panic Studio