Ingredients for a Perfect Design Document


If you are a software developer or an architect, then surely you know how important software design documents (SDD) are. You can find unlimited articles on the internet related to the type of design documents, which type should have which heading, etc., so I am not going to waste your time by explaining those things again.

Now the question is this: if we already have a lot of information available on the internet, then what do we want to cover in this article and why?

What Can Go Wrong While Following Agile Methodology


Most of the Job Postings you will see will have the term Agile Process mentioned somewhere in their Job Description. If you talk to Developers or Managers in your network, most of them will tell you that their teams are using Agile Methodology. 

So I believe it is fair to say that the term Agile Process is trending nowadays in Software Industry, and using Agile Process in your team is as cool as using AI/ML in your code. Agree?

Performance Analysis of ArrayList and LinkedList in Java

ArrayList and LinkedList are frequently used classes in the Java collection framework. If you know only understand basic performance comparisons of ArrayList and LinkedList, but not the minor details of these two classes, then this article is for you.

" ArrayList should be used where more search operations are required, and  LinkedList should be used where more insert and delete operation is needed."

ArrayListuses the Array data structure, and LinkedList uses the DoublyLinkedList data structure. Here, we are going to discuss how the underlying data structure affects the performance of insert, search, and delete operation on ArrayList and LinkedList.