Do AI Bots Need Some Regulations?

Look around and you will realize that artificial intelligence (AI) has found a place in almost every aspect of our daily functioning and is increasingly acquiring more space in our lives. Email spam filter, booking a cab, location-based services, using GPS while driving, voice commands on mobile — these are all examples of AI. As the customers and employees become smarter, there is a growing need for smart homes, and workplaces, and artificial intelligence (AI) can be seen acquiring more extensive responsibilities and coming up with an innovative offering.

In the series of AI innovations, there is another offering from AI, which is set to make our lives much easier and convenient, and it is chatbots. Today, organizations are actively using AI chatbots to promote their businesses, engage with customers better, and enhance their experience with a seamless personalized assistance. Growing competition, the need to keep up with ever-changing business landscapes, and the empowerment of consumers are making chatbots an essential presence. Not only are bots turning out to be instrumental in communication and engagement but also in cutting down costs and streamlining workflows. Moreover, chatbots are gradually finding the addresses of our homes. Machine learning capabilities and natural language processing have further opened gateways to the future, which was far from imagination once.

What Are Micro-apps and Why Do Businesses Need Them?

The idea behind building a mobile app has been to offer a faster, easier, and innovative experience on various devices to users, doing away with their need to browse websites. However, in a bid to stay relevant to consumers amidst competition, companies try to bundle up a million features together rather than offer a full-proof and specific solution for a certain user need. Being overwhelmed with numerous unnecessary features and functionalities, an app poses various inhibitions to a great user experience. In this blog, we will take a look at how a micro-app can help enterprises solve this issue.

What Is a Micro-App?

It is a web/mobile-based, a customized app built to enable end-users to perform a certain, narrowed-down function. Unlike a conventional mobile app, which is bundled with multiple features and pages, the micro-app is smaller in size, more consumer-oriented, and built to offer certain functionality, has an easy user interface, with a dynamic loading that bypasses the app store. For instance, a Personal Banking app has several functions, such as viewing the balance, getting mini statements, changing the ATM password, money transfers, etc. However, if you build a micro-app for this, it will accomplish only that specific task, such as getting transaction history. 

A Brief Insight Into Managing UX Projects

UX is the art of drawing the most efficient user experience — the goal is that the user’s experience is unparalleled, no matter whether it is an app, website, or even a non-technical platform. It is a critical and creative evaluation of the problem so as to propose a solution. It's an attempt to carefully craft a superb experience for an end-user.

Things to Do

Unlike the UX exercise for a web application or mobile app, it becomes extremely challenging when the project that you have undertaken is just UX without a tangible prototype for the customer.

How Integrating Calendar APIs in Apps Can Skyrocket UI

Technological innovations including mobile apps, AI, ML, and  IoT, have eased operation for multiple industries. However, in a bid to channel all high-end use cases in apps, stakeholders at times overlook the very basic yet remarkably impactful integration in their apps. One such integration we’ve found is an inbuilt calendar in apps. 

In this blog, we will talk about how an integrated calendar app API can do wonders in accelerating the UI/UX designing of your apps.

What Do We Mean by Machine Learning?

The goal of artificial intelligence is to create a machine that can mimic a human mind and to do that, of course, it needs learning capabilities. However, it is more than just about learning. It’s about reasoning, knowledge representation, and even things like abstract thinking. 

Machine learning, on the other hand, is solely focused on writing software that can learn from past experiences. One thing you might find astounding is that machine learning is more closely related to data mining and statistics than it is to AI. Why is that? First, we need to know what we mean by machine learning.

Best Libraries and Tools for Android Developers


Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems ever developed that boosts the market share of almost 80%. For a Mobile Operating System with such a large user base, it’s not a surprise that there would be thousands of developers and engineers having tremendous skills in Android application development.

Unfortunately, android application development is not as easy as it sounds. It requires a serious skillset and a dedicated team of engineers working around the clock to build something awesome that makes the lives of billions of smartphone users around the world easier.

Appium vs Robotium

Write once and run on multiple platforms (operating Sy) because as we all know, the software industry is running behind in mobile applications. If you have looked at the app store and Google Play store daily, there are thousands of apps being uploaded. But, we all know that each application's success totally depends on the user experience, or how easy it to use the app. But, this kind of success must be verified by Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers. In the last few decades, we can see the most popular development methodology is “Agile Methodology”. So, we do enough testing, but not enough to assure the quality in each release because of manual testing. In this case, we need automation testing tools such as opium, robotic, but even more so, we need to choose the complexity of the application.

Some advantages of automation include:

Top 8 Augmented Reality Toolkits App Developers Should Consider

Technological advancements have led to the exploration of the digital world, influencing every sector of society, including business and education. New initiatives are being taken by brands and companies to extend their reach to consumers all over the world.

In doing so, multiple applications have been used, and multiple new features and functionalities are being introduced. To ensure global accessibility and appeal, apps are also being introduced with augmented reality functionalities. These functionalities are made active by deploying various augmented reality software tools in the system.

What IoT Means for Business

In an era of technology where things are changing in a rapid way, businesses are also keeping up the pace to get to first place.

In the present, the impact of the internet of things on business is huge. IoT has created the opportunity to drive business efficiently by connecting inert devices/sensors with the process and prospects to get valuable data over the internet.

How Android Version 11 Can Help Businesses Upscale Customer Experience

In the midst of the pandemic crisis, messaging and timely communication with customers is of utmost importance to businesses of all scales. Going digital is hence not the all-in-one solution; rather, keeping tabs on advancements and embracing them is what will help keep businesses afloat. In this article, we will have a look at the features of the latest Android version that will help businesses to level up their customer acquisition and retention game.

1. Enhanced Messaging 

The latest Android version, 11, has come out with chat bubbles that hide ongoing conversations inside the bubbles on the screen. To introduce flexibility, android has rolled-out a dedicated chat section on the notification bar, which is supposed to offer instant access to all the ongoing conversations you are having. With the capabilities of sending images while chatting through the notification bar, businesses can improve their customer experience, reducing their overall time to resolve consumer complaints.

Big Data Testing: The Solution to Deal With Volume, Velocity, and Variety

Big Data typically refers to data that is more than one terabyte. Along with high volume, it is also characterized by high velocity and variety. As it includes different variety of formats, including structured, unstructured, and semi-structured, the testing of such Big Data has to be defined accordingly. With huge volumes of data getting generated in most processes, Big Data Solutions and Big Data Testing is becoming the trend ahead.

Stages in Big Data Testing

Big Data Testing primarily comprises three broad-level stages: