Comparison and Usage of Javascript Engines in Camunda

In this article, let’s look at how to use Javascript as a scripting language in Camunda with the introduction of Java 15, where the Nashorn Javascript Engine is removed from Java.


  1. Java 15+
  2. Eclipse IDE – Used in this article to switch between Java versions from demonstration
  3. Camunda 7.16


            Java 8 introduced Nashorn Javascript Engine, and Camunda is using the same to process scripts written in Javascript. With the introduction of Java 15 (supported by Camunda v7.16+), Nashorn Javascript Engine is removed. Camunda v7.16+ now supports GraalVM Javascript as a Javascript engine as well.

Integrating OpenLDAP With Camunda in Windows

In this article, we'll see a working example of OpenLDAP and its integration with Camunda using Camunda Distribution so that you can easily check it in your local setup and then use these concepts take it further to higher environments in your project.


To test OpenLDAP integration with Camunda in your local windows machine, you need to have below tools/software which we will be using for our use case.