3 Ways to Track Construction Assets Using Ultra-Wideband

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Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology uses high-frequency radio waves and operates across a broad portion of the spectrum. Although some of its earliest uses relate to the military, people are increasingly interested in using it for asset tracking in construction. That allows them to scan a large target area and quickly pinpoint an item’s precise location. Here are some eye-opening reasons to consider using UWB tracking for better construction site visibility. 

1. Deploy the Technology on a Busy Site

Construction site decision-makers have an ongoing need for outdoor asset tracking. Such solutions should ideally be wireless since wires can pose tripping and other safety hazards. 

Modular Data Centers Are Better for the Environment

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Data centers are the secret behind robust, successful networks — and they use a lot of energy. With every day leading humans to a more developed and connected world, these data centers are becoming focal points of the sustainability conversation for the tech sector. One of the top solutions experts present is modular data centers. These centers seek to optimize operations and energy efficiency for a greener future, but is the effort to make the shift worth it?

How Different Are Modular Data Centers?

Data centers are responsible for 1% of the world’s electricity demand. Though this doesn’t seem like a large number, it will only increase as technological needs increase. That translates to around 200 TWh of electricity, most of which runs on fossil fuels and isn’t optimized for current internet activity.

What Emerging Technologies Make Data Centers More Energy Efficient?

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The looming energy crisis is a black spot for industries where power consumption is commonly excessive and difficult to manage, the chief example being modern data centers. These facilities consume 10 to 50 times more energy per floor space than your average office building. While achieving an energy-efficient data center is possible, even the most sophisticated energy management initiatives are not without difficulties.

One of the best solutions is to adopt emerging technologies — which require using even more energy, albeit efficiently — such as the Internet of Things and connected sensors. A quick review is necessary to understand how they can help better reduce, mitigate and manage power consumption.