Hello, I have a problem in making that when the light is green it would light for 5seconds and when the lights are red-yellow or yellow it will only light up for 3seconds. Could anyone help me how to get the result?
; controlling external device with 8086 microprocessor.
; realistic test for c:\emu8086\devices\Traffic_Lights.exe
name "traffic"
mov ax, all_red
out 4, ax
mov si, offset situation
mov ax, [si]
out 4, ax
; wait 5 seconds (5 million microseconds)
mov cx, 4Ch ; 004C4B40h = 5,000,000
mov dx, 4B40h
mov ah, 86h
int 15h
add si, 2 ; next situation
cmp si, sit_end
jb next
mov si, offset situation
jmp next
; FEDC_BA98_7654_3210
situation dw 0000_0011_0000_1100b
s1 dw 0000_0110_1001_1010b
s2 dw 0000_1000_0110_0001b
s3 dw 0000_1000_0110_0001b
s4 dw 0000_0100_1101_0011b
sit_end = $
all_red equ 0000_0010_0100_1001b