How can I limit number of bookings in SQL where per month only 5 bookings

Category Image 101

I have three tables:

First table is 'user':

user_id  |    Name   |
1234354  | Abu Bakar |           
2543353  | Ali       |    
3342342  | Aliza     |    
4234243  | Ali       |  
5234324  | Mike      |     

Second table is 'meeting':

meeting_id  | meeting_name  |  meeting_startDate  | meeting_endDate | room_name  |
1           | Discussion 1  |     2021-05-29      |   2021-05-31    |   room 1   |
2           | Discussion 2  |     2021-06-01      |   2021-06-02    |   room 2   |
3           | Discussion 3  |     2021-05-02      |   2021-05-02    |   room 1   |
4           | Discussion 4  |     2021-05-03      |   2021-05-03    |   room 1   |
5           | Discussion 5  |     2021-05-04      |   2021-05-04    |   room 1   |

Third table is 'booking':

book_id  |  meeting_id  |  user_id  | 
0001     |      1       |  1234354  |
0002     |      2       |  1234354  |
0003     |      3       |  1234354  |
0004     |      4       |  1234354  |
0005     |      5       |  1234354  |

I want to allow per user can book each room_name up until 5 times for per month.

(Example: Abu Bakar can book room 1 only for 5 times per month). However, Abu Bakar should not able to booked room 1 for more than 5 times per month.

How can I write my query for above situation because I need to prepare SQL query for above so that it can help me to perform in my php if else statement?

Can someone assist me on this?
Note: As I know i agree there is insert, select, inner join and count involve but I just dont understand how to do the calculation for the date, place, and limitation for a user ID