How to Add Conditional Logic to Menus in WordPress

Wp Plugins

Do you want to show different navigation menu items for different pages in WordPress? Or display a different menu for logged in users?

WordPress allows you to show a navigation menu in a specific location in your theme, but by default, it will always show the same menu.

In this article, we will show you how to add conditional logic to menus in WordPress.

How to Add Conditional Logic to Menus in WordPress

Why Add Conditional Logic to Menus in WordPress?

Navigation menus give your WordPress website structure and help visitors find what they’re looking for. By default, your WordPress website will display the same navigation menu to all users and on all posts and pages.

However, there may be times when you wish to display different menus to different users, or on different pages on your website.

Websites like an online store, a WordPress membership site community, or an online learning platform can all benefit from personalized navigation menus.

Using conditional logic, you could add extra menu items for logged in users so they can manage their accounts, renew their subscriptions, or view the online courses they purchased. You can think of it as WordPress menu access control.

With that being said, let’s take a look at how to add conditional logic to menus in WordPress. Here are the topics we’ll cover in this tutorial:

Creating New Navigation Menus in WordPress

The first step is to create the additional navigation menus you wish to display in WordPress. After that, you can use conditional logic to decide when each menu will be displayed.

Simply head over to the Appearance » Menus page in the WordPress dashboard. If you already have a navigation menu that you use on your website for all users, then this can be your default menu.

Main menu

Next, you need to click the ‘create a new menu’ link to create a new menu. For example, you could create one menu to show to logged in users, and another to display on a certain WordPress page or category.

On the left-hand side of the screen, you can see a list of your website pages. Simply check the box next to any page you want to add to your menu and click the ‘Add to Menu’ button.

Logged in menu

You can also drag and drop the menu items on the right side of the screen to rearrange them.

Further down the page, you can choose a location to display your menu. But, you don’t need to assign a location to this menu now. We’ll do that in the next step.

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Menu’ button to store your changes.

For more details on creating menus, you can take a look at our beginner’s guide on how to add a navigation menu in WordPress.

Showing a Different Menu to Logged In Users in WordPress

It’s often useful to display different navigation menus to users depending on whether they have logged in to your site or not.

For example, you can include login and registration links for logged out users and add a logout link to your menu for your logged in menu.

Or if you are running a WooCommerce store, then you could include items for your customers that are hidden from the general public.

First, you need to install and activate the Conditional Menus plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Appearance » Menus page and switch to the ‘Manage Locations’ tab.

Manage menu locations

From here, you will see the list of available menu locations and the menus that are currently displayed. These will vary depending on the WordPress theme you are using.

For example, on our demo website, it is showing that our Primary Menu location is showing a navigation menu titled ‘Main Menu’.

We can tell the plugin to show a different menu when a certain condition is matched by clicking on the ‘+ Conditional Menu’ link and selecting another menu from the drop down menu. For this tutorial, we’ll select ‘Logged in Menu’.

Select logged in menu

Next, you need to click on the ‘+ Conditions’ link.

This will bring up a popup where you’ll see a bunch of conditions to choose from.

Select logged in user aa the condition

Simply check the box next to the ‘User logged in’ option, and then click on the ‘Save’ button.

You can now visit your website to see the logged in user menu in action. You can log out of your website to see the navigation menu that is shown to all other users.

Different menu for logged in users

For more detailed instructions and to learn how to do this using code, take a look at our guide on how to show different menus to logged in users in WordPress.

Showing a Different WordPress Menu Depending on User Role

Once a user has logged in, you can also display a different navigation menu depending on the user role you have assigned to them.

For example, you could include extra menu items for an administrator and more limited items for a contributor. Or on a membership site, you could grant different levels of access to different membership levels.

As in the previous section, you need to install and activate the Conditional Menus plugin, then visit the Appearance » Menus page and switch to the ‘Manage Locations’ tab.

Select the Conditional Menu

You should add the appropriate conditional menu for the user role you will select. For this tutorial, we’ve selected the ‘Nav Menu Administrator’ menu.

After that, you need to click the ‘+ Conditions’ link so you can choose the user role.

Select the Roles That Should See the Menu

You will need to click on the ‘User Roles’ tab to see checkboxes for each user role on your website. Simply click the user roles that will see this menu, and then click the ‘Save’ button.

Showing a Different Menu for Different Pages in WordPress

You can display a different menu for different pages in WordPress. For example, you could display extra menu items on your privacy policy page, such as a link to your cookie notice.

To do this, you need to install and activate the Conditional Menus plugin, as shown above, then choose the appropriate navigation menu and click the ‘+ Conditions’ link.

This time you should click the ‘Pages’ tab. You will see a list of every page on your website.

Select the Pages Where the Menu Should Be Displayed

You need to place a checkmark next to each page where you wish to display the navigation menu, then click the ‘Save’ button.

Hiding the Navigation Menu on Landing Pages in WordPress

There may be pages on your website where you don’t want to display a navigation menu at all, such as your landing pages.

A landing page is designed to increase sales or generate leads for a business. On these pages, you will want to minimize distractions and provide users with all the information they need to take a specific action.

In our guide on how to increase your landing page conversions by 300%, we suggest that you can minimize distractions by removing navigation menus and other links from the page.

You can do that using the Conditional Menus plugin. When selecting the conditional menu, this time you need to choose ‘Disable Menu’ from the drop down menu.

Select Disable Menu From the Drop Down

Next, you need to click the ‘+ Conditions’ link to choose when to display the menu.

You should click on the ‘Pages’ tab and place checkmarks next to your landing pages.

Select the Pages Where the Navigation Menu Should Be Hidden

Don’t forget to click the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Doing More With WordPress Navigation Menus

Navigation menus are a powerful web design tool. They allow you to point users to the most important sections of your website.

Now that you are showing different navigation menus on different pages and for different users, you may be wondering how you can customize them further.

Try these useful tutorials to extend the functionality of the navigation menus on your WordPress website.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to add conditional logic to menus in WordPress. You may also want to learn how to create automated workflows, or check out our list of the best social proof plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Conditional Logic to Menus in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Add Taxonomy Images (Category Icons) in WordPress

Wp Plugins

Do you want to display taxonomy images or category icons in WordPress?

By default, WordPress does not come with an option to upload a taxonomy image or category icon. It simply just displays a category or taxonomy name on the archive pages.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add taxonomy images or category icons in WordPress. We’ll also show you how to display taxonomy images on your archive pages.

Adding category icons or taxonomy images in WordPress

Why Add Taxonomy Images in WordPress?

By default, your WordPress website does not come with an option to add images for your taxonomies like categories and tags (or any other custom taxonomy).

It simply uses taxonomy names everywhere including the category archives or taxonomy archive pages.

Plain taxonomy archive page

This looks kind of plain and boring.

If you get a lot of search traffic to your taxonomy pages, then you may want to make them look more engaging.

The easiest way to make a page more interesting is by adding images. You can add taxonomy images or category icons to make these pages more user-friendly and engaging.

A good example of it is a site like NerdWallet that uses category icons in their header:

Category Icons example Nerdwallet

You can also use it create beautiful navigational sections on your homepage like Bankrate:

Category Icon Navigation Blocks

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add taxonomy images in WordPress.

Easily Add Taxonomy Images in WordPress

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Categories Images plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you can simply go to the Posts » Categories page. You’ll notice the plugin will be showing a placeholder image for your existing categories.

Default placeholder image

To choose your own category icon, you need to click on the Edit link below a category.

On the Edit category page, scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find a form to upload your own taxonomy image.

Upload new taxonomy image

Simply click on the ‘Upload/Add New Image’ button to upload the image you want to use for that particular category.

Don’t forget to click on the Add Category or Update button to save your changes.

Next, you can repeat the process to upload images for other category images. You can also upload images for your tags and any other taxonomies as well.

Categories with thumbnail images

Now the problem is that after adding the images, if you visit a category page, then you won’t see your category image there.

To display it, you will need to edit your WordPress theme or child theme. If this is your first time editing WordPress files, then you may want to see our guide on how to copy and paste code in WordPress.

First, you will need to connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client or your WordPress hosting file manager.

Once connected, you will need to find the template responsible for displaying your taxonomy archives. This could be archives.php, category.php, tag.php, or taxonomy.php files.

For more details, see our guide on how to find which files to edit in a WordPress theme.

Once you have found the file, you’ll need to download it to your computer and open in a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit.

Now paste the following code where you want to display your taxonomy image. Usually, you would want to add it before the taxonomy title or the_archive_title() tag.

<?php if( is_category() ) { ?> 
<div class="taxonomy-image">
<img class="taxonomy-img" src="<?php if (function_exists('z_taxonomy_image_url')) echo z_taxonomy_image_url(); ?>"  alt="" / >
} else {  
//do nothing

After adding the code, you need to save this file and upload it back to your website using FTP.

You can now visit the taxonomy archive page to see it display your taxonomy image. Here is how it looked on our demo archive page.

Category with image

Now, it may still look a bit awkward, but don’t worry. You can style that using a little bit of custom CSS.

Here is the custom CSS we used for the taxonomy image.

img.taxonomy-img {
    float: left;
    max-height: 100px;
    max-width: 100px;
    display: inline-block;

Depending on your theme, you may also need to style surrounding elements like taxonomy title and description.

We simply wrapped our taxonomy archive title and description in a <div> element and added a custom CSS class. We then used the following CSS code to adjust title and description.

.taxonomy-title-description {
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 18px;

Here is how it looked afterward on our test website.

After adding custom CSS

Exclude Taxonomies from Displaying Taxonomy Images

Now some users may only want to use taxonomy images for specific taxonomies.

For instance, if you run an online store using WooCommerce, then you may want to exclude product categories.

Simply go back to the Categories Images page in WordPress admin area and check the taxonomies you want to exclude.

Exclude categories

Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add taxonomy images in WordPress. You may also want to see these useful category hacks and plugins for WordPress or see our tips on getting more traffic from search engines.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Taxonomy Images (Category Icons) in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Add Old Post Notification on Your WordPress Blog

Category Image 091

Do you want to add an old post notification in WordPress?

If you have been producing content for some time now, then there is a chance that some of your content may be outdated.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add old post notification to your WordPress blog.

Adding old post notice to WordPress

Why Add Old Post Notification to WordPress Blog Posts

Content decay (outdated blog posts) can be a bit of a problem for a growing WordPress blogs.

Depending on your niche, sometimes your content may become irrelevant, incorrect, or inappropriate over a period of time. This may cause a bad user experience, a higher bounce rate, and lower search rankings.

Ideally, you would want to edit those articles and update them with more useful, accurate, and up-to-date information.

But that’s not always possible because your site may have too many old articles, and you may not have enough resources to update them. In that case, adding an old post notification may be helpful for your users.

It will let them know that the content is a bit older, and they should keep this in mind when using the information presented on that page.

Another solution that many blogs use is by simply adding the ‘Last updated date’ instead of the publishing date.

An older article with last updated date

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can add the old post notification in WordPress, and how to display the last updated date on your articles.

Method 1. Display Old Post Notification Using Plugin

This method is easier and recommended for all users that want to display an old post notification.

First, you need to install and activate the DX Out of Date plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » Out of Date page to configure plugin settings.

Out of date settings

Here, you need to choose the period and duration. This is the time after which a post will be considered old by the plugin.

Below that you can provide a custom message to display on older posts and enable the notification to be displayed for all old posts. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to hide it for specific posts by editing them.

On the settings page, you can also choose post types, colors for the notification box, and add custom CSS if needed.

Advanced settings for outdated posts

Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

You can now visit an old post on your website to see the plugin in action.

Old post notification displayed on an article

Hiding Old Post Notification on Individual Posts

Now let’s say you have an article that is older, but it is still accurate, up-to-date, and has great search rankings. You may want to hide the old post notification there.

Similarly, what if you have updated an old post with new information. The plugin will keep showing old post notification because it uses the post’s published date to determine its age.

To fix this, you can edit the post and scroll down to the ‘Out of Date Notification’ tab under the Post panel of the block editor. From here, simply uncheck the notification option and save your changes.

Hide old post notification

The plugin will now stop showing old post notification on this particular article.

Method 2. Display Last Modified Date for Your Posts

A lot of WordPress websites display the last modified date for their blog posts. Some replace the publish date with the last modified date as well.

The advantage of this method is that it shows users when a post was last updated without showing an old post message.

First, you need to install and activate the WP Last Modified Info plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to Settings » WP Last Modified Info page to configure plugin settings.

Last modified settings

On the settings page, you need to turn on the Global display of the last modified info toggle. After that, you can choose how you want to display the modified date.

You can replace the published date, show it before or after the content, or manually insert it into a post.

Below that, you’ll find a bunch of options. If you are unsure, then you can leave them to default.

Don’t forget to click on the Save Settings button to store your changes.

You can now visit your website to see the last updated information for all your blog posts.

Last updated notice

This problem with this method is that it will show the last updated date for all posts including the newer posts.

You can set a time gap under plugin settings. But this gap is only limited to 30 days.

Time gap between published and updated posts

The plugin also provides three blocks that you can manually insert into a post or page to display last modified info.

Add last modified information using blocks

You also have the option to use custom CSS to style your last updated date notice. We used the following custom CSS in the screenshots above. {
    background: #fbffd8;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid orange;
    font-size: small;
    font-weight: bold;

Method 3. Add Old Post Notification Using Code

This method requires you to manually add code to your WordPress theme files. If you haven’t done this before, then take a look at our guide on how to add custom code snippets in WordPress.

Simply copy and paste the following code in your theme’s single.php template.

// Define old post duration to one year
$time_defined_as_old = 60*60*24*365; 

// Check to see if a post is older than a year
if((date('U')-get_the_time('U')) > $time_defined_as_old) {

$lastmodified = get_the_modified_time('U');
$posted = get_the_time('U');

//check if the post was updated after being published
 if ($lastmodified > $posted) {
// Display last updated notice
      echo '<p class="old-article-notice">This article was last updated ' . human_time_diff($lastmodified,current_time('U')) . ' ago</p>';   

  } else { 
// Display last published notice 
echo '<p class="old-article-notice">This article was published ' . human_time_diff($posted,current_time( 'U' )). 'ago</p>';


This code defines old posts to be any articles published at least one year ago.

After that, it checks if a post is older than a year. If it is, then it checks if the post was updated after publication. Then it displays a notice based on those checks.

Here is how it looked on our demo website for post that is old and was never updated.

Last updated information for old post

Here is how it looked for a post that is old, but it was updated after being published.

An old post that is never updated

We customized the old post notification with the following custom CSS.

p.old-article-notice {
    background: #fbffd8;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid orange;
    font-size: small;
    font-weight: bold;

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily display old post notification on your WordPress blog. You may also want to see our WordPress SEO guide or see our pick of the best popular posts plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Old Post Notification on Your WordPress Blog first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Disable Directory Browsing in WordPress

Category Image 091

Do you want to disable directory browsing in WordPress?

Directory browsing can put your site at risk by showing important information to hackers which can be used to exploit vulnerabilities in your site’s plugins, themes, or even your hosting server.

In this article, we will show you how you can disable directory browsing in WordPress.

How to disable directory browsing in WordPress

What Does Disabling Directory Browsing in WordPress Do?

Every time someone visits your website, your web server will process that request.

Usually, the server delivers an index file to the visitor’s browser, such as index.html. However, if the server can’t find an index file, then it may show all the files and folders in the requested directory instead.

This is directory browsing, and it’s often enabled by default.

If you’ve ever visited a site and seen a list of files and folders instead of a webpage, then you’ve seen directory browsing in action.

A WordPress site with directory browsing enabled

The problem is that hackers can use directory browsing to see the files that make up your website, including all the themes and plugins that you’re using.

If any of these themes or plugins have known vulnerabilities, then hackers can use this knowledge to take control of your WordPress blog or website, steal your data, or perform other actions.

Attackers may also use directory browsing to look at the confidential information inside your files and folders. They might even copy your website’s contents, including content that you would usually charge for such as ebook downloads or online courses.

This is why it’s considered a best practice to disable directory browsing in WordPress.

How to Check is Directory Browsing is Enabled in WordPress

The easiest way to check whether directory browsing is currently enabled for your WordPress website is by simply visiting the /wp-includes/ folder link like this:

You’ll want to replace with your website’s URL.

If you get a 403 Forbidden or similar message, then directory browsing is already disabled on your WordPress website.

A website with directory browsing disabled

If you see a list of files and folders instead, then this means that directory browsing is enabled for your website.

A WordPress site with directory browsing enabled

Since this makes your website more vulnerable to attack, you’ll typically want to block directory browsing in WordPress.

How to Disable Directory Browsing in WordPress

To disable directory listing, you’ll need to add some code to your site’s .htaccess file.

To access the file, you’ll need an FTP client, or you can use the file manager app inside your WordPress hosting control panel.

If this is your first time using FTP, then you can see our complete guide on how to connect to your site using FTP.

After connecting to your site, simply open your website’s ‘public’ folder and find the .htaccess file. You can edit the .htaccess file by downloading it to your desktop and then opening it in a text editor like Notepad.

At the very bottom of the file, simply add the following code:

Options -Indexes

It will look something like this:

The WordPress .htaccess file

Once you’re done, save your .htaccess file and upload it back to your server using an FTP client.

That’s it. Now if you visit the same URL, you’ll get a 403 Forbidden or similar message.

How to disable directory browsing in WordPress

We hope this article helped you learn how to disable directory browsing in WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress security guide, or see our expert pick of the best WordPress membership plugin to protect your files.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Disable Directory Browsing in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Add an Author’s Photo in WordPress

Featured Imgs 29

Do you want to add an author’s photo in WordPress?

By default, most WordPress themes show the author’s gravatar as their profile picture. However, authors may want to replace this gravatar with another image.

In this article, we will show you how to add an author’s photo in WordPress.

How to add an author's photo in WordPress

When Do You Need to Add an Author’s Photo in WordPress?

If you run a multi-author WordPress site, then you may decide to add an author info box in WordPress posts. These author bio boxes typically show the author’s profile photo, a brief bio, and link to their website or social profiles.

By default, most WordPress themes use the person’s gravatar as their author photo. However, sometimes you may prefer to use a different image for the author photo.

As a WordPress website owner you may even have rules about the kind of photos you want to show in your author bio boxes. For example, maybe you require your authors to use a professional headshot.

If the author’s gravatar doesn’t meet your rules, then you may want to edit their profile and upload an image that better suits your WordPress blog.

With that in mind, let’s see how you can add an author’s photo in WordPress.

How to Add an Author’s Photo in WordPress

The easiest way to add an author photo in WordPress is by using the PublishPress Authors plugin. This plugin lets authors edit their own profile and author photo by adding a new ‘Author Profile’ area to their WordPress dashboard.

Changing your author photo

It also gives site admins the power to edit the author’s profile including changing their photo.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the PublishPress Authors plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to Authors » Settings. You can then go ahead and click on the ‘Display’ tab.

PublishPress' author settings

Once you’ve done that, open the ‘Layouts’ dropdown and choose a layout that includes an author photo.

Let’s look at your options.

The default layout is ‘Boxed.’ This shows the author’s information in a box, complete with their author photo.

How to add an author's photo in WordPress

The ‘Centered’ layout is similar to the boxed layout, but with all of the author’s information centered inside the author bio box.

‘Inline with avatar’ and ‘Simple List’ are both layouts that includes space for an author photo. Here’s an example of the Simple List layout.

An author photo displayed in the simple list layout

Just be aware that those two layouts don’t have space for a bio. Even if the author has added a bio, it won’t be shown on your website.

After choosing your layout, click on the ‘Save Changes’ button. You can now visit your website to see the author photos on your WordPress posts and pages.

Anyone who has registered on your site with the Author role will now be able to upload a photo using the ‘Author Profile’s settings in their WordPress dashboard.

How To Change an Author’s Photo in WordPress

As admin, you can also use PublishPress Authors to change any of the individual author photos that appear on your website. This is useful if an author chooses a photo that isn’t a good fit for your site.

To change an author’s photo, simply go to Authors » Authors.

Adding an author's photo to WordPress

You will now see a list of all the authors who are registered with your WordPress blog.

From here, you can click on an author’s ‘Edit Author Profile’ link.

Changing the author's photo in WordPress

Then, just click the ‘Image’ tab.

By default, PublishPress will try to find a gravatar that’s linked to the author’s email address. To use a different author photo, click on the ‘Custom image’ radio button.

Changing the author's profile picture

Once you’ve done that, click on ‘Select Image.’ You can now choose any image from your WordPress media library, or upload a new image.

Then, just click on the ‘Update’ button.

Saving a new author photo in WordPress

Your website will now use this new image as the author’s photo.

We hope this article helped you learn how to add an author’s photo in WordPress. You can also go through our comparison of the best WordPress membership plugins, or see our expert guide on how to install Google analytics in WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add an Author’s Photo in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Import External Images in WordPress

Wp Plugins

Do you want to import external images in WordPress?

If you have recently moved your website from one platform or host to another, then there is a good chance that you may have external images embedded on your pages.

In this article, we will explain how to properly import those external images in WordPress.

How to Import External Images in WordPress

Why Import External Images in WordPress?

External images are images embedded in your content that load from another website or URL different from your main WordPress website.

Most commonly, WordPress users come across external images issue after migrating their website from other platforms like Blogger, Weebly, Joomla, or

By default, if you use one of the WordPress importers, then it will try to import images. You can see the imported images by visiting Media » Library page in your WordPress admin area.

If you see that all your images are already in the Media Library, but the image URLs in your posts still point to your old website, then you don’t need this article. Instead, you should follow our guide on how to easily update URLs when moving your WordPress site.

However, if you don’t see images imported to your WordPress media library, then continue reading and we will show you how to import those external images.

How to Import External Images in WordPress

The first thing you need to do is to install and activate the Auto Upload Images plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » Auto Upload Images page to review the plugin settings.

The Auto Upload Images Settings Page

The default settings would work for most users, but you can change them as needed.

For example, the plugin will import images to your default WordPress media uploads folder. You can change that by providing a different base URL. Other than that, it also allows you to set filename, image alt tag, image size, and exclude post types.

If you do make some changes, then don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page to store the new settings.

Next, you will need to update the posts or pages containing the external images. Since this is a manual process, it can be tedious if you have a lot of content.

Luckily, there’s a quick way to update all posts with external images. Simply go to Posts » All Posts page and then click on the Screen Options button at the top.

Use Screen Options to Display 999 Posts at a Time

You need to increase the number in the ‘Number of items per page field’ field to ‘999’ and click the ‘Apply’ button.

WordPress will reload the page, and this time it will show up to 999 posts at a time.

Note: If you have slow web hosting, your server may not be able to handle updating so many posts at once. In that case, you would want to do smaller batches of posts at a time, or consider switching to better WordPress hosting.

Next, you can select all of your posts on this page by clicking the checkbox next to ‘Title’. After that, you should select ‘Edit’ under the bulk actions menu and click the ‘Apply’ button.

Editing All Posts in Bulk

WordPress will now show you a ‘Bulk Edit’ box with all selected posts.

You just need to click on the ‘Update’ button, and WordPress will update all your posts.

Updating All Posts in Bulk

Remember, don’t change any of the settings in the bulk edit settings that you see. You just need to click the ‘Update’ button.

This will trigger the plugin to check all selected posts and import external images as it finds them.

If you have more than 999 posts, then you will need to visit the next page to select the remaining posts.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to import external images in WordPress. You may also want to learn how to create a custom Instagram photo feed, or check out our list of must have plugins to grow your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Import External Images in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.