Dysfunction Mapping

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In this fascinating talk, Michael Lloyd introduced the concept of dysfunction mapping, a tool developed over years of trial and error aimed at creating a repeatable way to find, theme, and ultimately solve organizational dysfunction.


Dysfunction mapping is a tool developed over years of trial and error, aimed at creating a repeatable way to find, theme, and ultimately, solve organizational dysfunction. By following these steps, you can more quickly identify the biggest wins, develop a solid action plan, and measure if you’re really achieving outcomes that matter. It’s not a silver bullet, but it can give you some structure to creatively solve problems while also making your value visible and your goals clear.

Saying No as a Product Owner or Product Manager

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TL, DR: Saying No Without Burning Bridges

Are you navigating the delicate art of saying "no" as a Product Owner or product manager? Actually, it’s more of a strategic "yes" to higher priorities, turning down lower-level requests without shutting down communication.

This article will dive into various approaches, from reframing conversations and fostering stakeholder collaboration to being transparent to data-informed rationale and empathetic engagement. Discover how to maintain a harmonious balance between driving Product Goals and nurturing professional relationships with your stakeholders.


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Is self-management an essential building block on an organization’s path to business agility or a nice-to-have cultural twist to, for example, keep teams happy and attract new talent?

While many people, particularly at the management level, are skeptical about the concept, I am convinced that organizations need to descale and regroup around aligned, autonomous, self-managing teams in a complex environment. Ultimately, only the people closest to the customers’ problems can solve those within the given constraints while contributing to an organization’s sustainability.