Question for Dislikes/ Down voting comments

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Hello all,

First I would like to thank all being helpful.
My question or suggestion is about Disliking the comment.
Why we get the dislikes?
I will let u know in details, please bear with me or u can leave.
Ok so I got an email a week ago from Daniweb that I am sure you all get, which is "
The following topic(s) that you're watching have recently been updated:"

So I clicked on the link and answered the question posted, But I got a comment and a dislike which minus my 4 points. I admit that I didnt see the post's date which is 8 years ago, but I got a notification a week ago and I interacted.
Did I do anything wrong ? even some of the members still commented on that post after me and I saw Dani also commented.

May be that is not a big deal for any or all of u, but to me as a beginner points matters a lot.
what should I do, Shouldn't the member who disliked be polite ?

your suggestions are welcome but please donot downvote my post.
Thankyou for your time.