My Final Take On Gradle (vs Maven)

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I tweet technical content that I consider interesting, but the funny tweets are the ones that get the most engagement. I attended the JavaLand conference in March, stumbled upon the Gradle booth, and found this gem:

Of course, at some point, a fanboy hijacked the thread and claimed the so-called superiority of Gradle. In this post, I'd like to shed some light on my stance, so I can direct people to it instead of debunking the same "reasoning" repeatedly.

Resizing Images On-The-Fly

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As a web architect, one of the many issues is asset management. And the most significant issue in assets is images. A naive approach would be to set an image and let the browser resize the image via CSS:

img {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    object-fit: contain;

2023 in Retrospective

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Last year, I wrote my first yearly retrospective. I liked the experience, so I'm trying one more time. Let the future decide if it will become a trend or not.

Before diving into our safe technological world, my thoughts go to Ukraine, to my friends who had to flee their own country, to other friends who fought on the front to defend it from imperial power, and to all victims of an old kleptocrat who clings to power despite the cost to others. The free world needs to support Ukraine more. I hope 2024 will be the year of Ukrainian victory.

My First Firefox Extension

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A couple of weeks ago, I spent the weekend creating another CFP submission helper in the form of a Firefox extension. It was not a walk in the park. To help others who may be interested in doing the same (and my future self), here's my journey.


I've written multiple posts about my conference submission workflow. To sum up:

My Evaluation of the Scaleway Cloud Provider

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A couple of years ago, I developed an app that helped me manage my conference submission workflow. Since then, I have been a happy user of the free Heroku plan. Last summer, Heroku's owner, Salesforce, announced that it would stop the free plan in November 2022. I searched for a new hosting provider and found Scaleway. In this post, I'd like to explain my requirement, why I chose them, and my experience using them.

The Context

I've already described the app in previous blog posts, especially the deployment part. Yet, here's a summary in case you want to avoid rereading it.

2022 in Retrospective

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2022 is over, and not a moment too soon. I'll never forget it: some of my friends had to flee their own country; others are fighting for their freedom as I write this post. I hope they will be safe and that their wishes will come true in 2023.

On the personal and technical side, here's a summary of the past year from my perspective.

Exceptions in Lambdas

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Java introduced the concept of checked exceptions. The idea of forcing developers to manage exceptions was revolutionary compared to the earlier approaches.

Nowadays, Java remains the only widespread language to offer checked exceptions. For example, every exception in Kotlin is unchecked.

Backend-for-Frontend: The Demo

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In one of my earlier posts, I described the Backend-for-Frontend pattern. In short, it offers a single facade over multiple backend parts. Moreover, it provides each client type, e.g. desktop, mobile, exactly the data that it needs and not more in the format required by this client type.

The Use-case

Imagine the following use case. In an e-commerce shop, the home page should display multiple unrelated data at once.