Limited Conversations With Distributed Systems

Category Image 062

By the way, ChatGPT suggested the title: The Art of Balancing Control and Accessibility


Houston Airport had this really big problem. Passengers complained about the time it took for luggage to arrive at the terminal building after the airplane had landed. The Airport invested millions to solve this pain point. They improved the process, hired more people, and introduced new technology. They eventually succeeded in reducing the wait time to 7 minutes. However, users still complained. The Airport realized that they had reached a point where optimizing the process/design was no longer optimal. So they did something different. They reframed the problem. By reframing the problem, they discovered that it was not the time it took to get the luggage to the terminal building that was the problem. It was the time the passengers had to wait for the luggage that was the problem. The Airport decided to park the airplanes further away from the terminal building. Consequently, it took some time for passengers to arrive at the terminal building, thus reducing the wait time for luggage, and voila! Complaints dropped drastically.