Holiday Snowtacular 2022

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We’ve got ourselves a real holiday treat! Join host Alex Trost from the Frontend Horse community for the Holiday Snowtacular 2022 this Friday, December 16.

There’s a lineup of 12 awesome speakers — including Chris Coyier, Cassidy Williams, Kevin Powell, and Angie Jones — each discussing various front-end and web dev topics. It’s like the 12 days of Christmas, but wrapped up in a four-hour session for web nerds like us.

It’s a real good cause, too. The event is free, but includes fundraising Doctors Without Borders with a goal of reaching $20,000. You can donate here any time and anything you give will be matched by the event’s sponors. So, come for the front-end fun and help a great cause in the process.

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Holiday Snowtacular 2022 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

CSS is OK, I guess.

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Nothing but ear-to-ear smiles as I was watching this video from @quayjn on YouTube. (No actual name in the byline, though I think it’s Brian Katz if my paper trail is correct).

The best is this Pen you can use to sing along…

The little song Una did for memorizing for JavaScript’s map(), filter(), and reduce()methods at the end of this article comes to mind for sure.

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CSS is OK, I guess. originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Early Days of Container Style Queries

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We’re still in suuuuuper early days with container queries. Too early for broad browser support, but Chromium already supports it, Safari started supporting it in version 16, and Firefox is presumably not far behind.

Most early days conversations revolving around container queries usually compare the syntax to media queries.

/* Stacked flex container */
.post {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

/* Change direction when viewport is 600px or wider */
@media(min-width: 600px) {
  .post {
    flex-direction: row;

/* Define the container */
.posts {
  container-name: posts;
  container-type: inline-size;

.post {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

/* Query the container's min-width */
@container posts (min-width: 600px) {
  /* Change styles when `posts` container is 600px or wider */
  .post {
    flex-direction: row;

Both of these are making queries for min-width: 600. The difference is that the media query is looking at the viewport’s width to trigger those style changes while the container query is looking at the computed width of the .posts element. Sweet!

But after listening to CSS Podcast Episode 59, Una and Adam poked at the future of container queries: style queries! The current working draft of the CSS Containment Module Level 3 spec defines container style queries:

container style query allows querying the computed values of the query container. It is a boolean combination of individual style features (<style-feature>) that each query a single, specific property of the query container.

But no examples on syntax just yet — only a brief description:

The syntax of a <style-feature> is the same as for a declaration, and its query is true if the computed value of the given property on the query container matches the given value (which is also computed with respect to the query container), unknown if the property or its value is invalid or unsupported, and false otherwise. The boolean syntax and logic combining style features into a style query is the same as for CSS feature queries. (See @supports.)

So, yes, given time we should expect to pull off something like this:

.posts {
  container-name: posts;

@container posts (background-color: #f8a100) {
  /* Change styles when `posts` container has an orange background */
  .post {
    color: #fff;

That’s a pretty dumb example. One thing to note is that the container-type is no longer based on the container’s inline-size but by style. We could delcare that like so:

.posts {
  container-name: posts;
  container-type: style; /* unnecessary */

…but all container queries are style queries by default. Well. at least as it stands today. Miriam Suzanne has a nice outline of the possible issues that might pop up with that.

Where might querying a container’s styles come in handy? I don’t know yet! But my mind gos to a few places:

  • Custom property values: We’ve seen custom properties used like state indicators, such as the DRY-switching method Ana covered a while back. The value changes, and so do styles.
  • Alternate dark mode approach: Instead of basing it all on a body class change that re-assigns custom property values, maybe we can change an entire color palette if, say, the body background changes color.
  • More complex query conditions: Like, say, we want to apply styles when the size and style conditions for a container are met.

Una also mentioned in the CSS Podcast that container style queries could help prevent some awkward styling situations, like if we happen to have italicized text in an already italicized blockquote:

blockquote {
  container-name: quote;

@container quote (font-style: italic) {
  em, i, q, address {
    font-style: normal;

Early Days of Container Style Queries originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

State of CSS 2022 Survey Now Open

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The State of CSS survey recently opened up. Last year, the survey confirmed everyone’s assumptions that TailwindCSS is super popular and CSS variables are mainstream. It also codified what many of us want from CSS, from Container Queries to a parent selector. (Spoiler alert, we now have both of ’em.)

While I wouldn’t say the results have been super surprising each year, this time I’m excited to start seeing more historical trends reveal themselves. The survey has been running since 2019, so that’s going to be four years (ancient in front-end years!) of data to see if certain frameworks came and went, specific features are gaining momentum, what general learning practices are out there, and just plain more context. It takes time for stuff to build up like this, so kudos to Sacha Greif for keeping this thing going.

And speaking of the team behind the survey, Lea Verou is new to the bunch and lead this year’s edition. Lea made some nice additions, including more open-ended comments, questions about browser inconsistencies, and a question that compares the amount of time you write CSS versus JavaScript.

Browsers actually use this stuff to help prioritize what features to work on — so definitely add your voice to the mix! The polls close on October 20.

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State of CSS 2022 Survey Now Open originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets

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The latest spec:

style rule is a qualified rule that associates a selector list with a list of property declarations and possibly a list of nested rules. They are also called rule sets in CSS2.

Louis Lazaris:

As the above quote from W3C indicates, it seems like the W3C considers “rule set” to be a bit of an outdated term, preferring the term “style rule” (or possibly “rule” for short).

I never noticed that! “Rule set” is so gosh darned branded on my brain that it’s gonan take losing a lot of muscle memory to start using “style rule” instead. I didn’t see a specific note in the spec’s Changes section, but you can see the change in the table of contents between versions:

Side-by-side screenshot comparing the table of contents for both the CSS 2 and CSS 3 specifications.

Louis nicely sums up the parts of a style rule as well:

/* Everything below is a style rule (or rule set, or just rule) */
section { /* Everything between the braces is a declaration block */
  margin: 0 20px; /* This line is an individual declaration */
  color: #888; /* Another declaration */

I know nothing of the context and, at first, I was gonna poo-poo the change, but “style rule” really makes sense the more I sit with it. If the property:value pairs are declarations that sit in a declaration block, then we’ve got something less like a set of rules and more like one rule that defines the styles for a selector with a block of style declarations. 👌

Once again, naming things is hard.

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CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

WebKit Features in Safari 16.0

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Whew boy, Safari 16 is officially out in the wild and it packs in a bunch of features, some new and exciting (Subgrid! Container Queries! Font Palettes!) and others we’ve been waiting on for better cross-browser support (Motion Path! Overscroll Behavior! AVIF!). I imagine Jen Simmons typing cheerfully writing out all of the new goodies in the roundup announcement.

A list of new WebKit features.

Just gonna drop in the new CSS features from the release notes:

  • Added size queries support for Container Queries. Chrome started supporting it in Version 105, so all we need is Firefox to join the party to get The Big Three™ covered.
  • Added support for Container Query Units. These units go hand-in-hand with Container Queries. Once again, we need Firefox.
  • Added support for Subgrid. Now it’s Safari and Firefox with support coverage. The good news is that Chrome is currently developing it as well.
  • Added support for animatable Grids. Very cool! Chrome has always had some implementation of this and Firefox started supporting it back in 2019.
  • Added support for Offset Path. This is also known as Motion Path, and we’ve had broad browser support since 2020. It’s nice to see Safari on board.
  • Added support for Overscroll Behavior. Now we can modify “scroll chaining” and overflow affordances with the overscroll-behavior property.
  • Added support for text-align-last. Now we’re all set with cross-browser support for this property!
  • Added support for the resolution media query. All set here as well!

There are quite a few nice updates to Safari’s developer tools, too. We’ve got a Flexbox inspector, a Timelines tab (with an experimental screenshots timeline), and Container Queries info, to name a few. There’s a full 32-minute video that walks through everything, too.

I thought Safari 15 was a pretty killer release, but 16 is pretty epic in comparison. I know there’s a “Safari is the new Internet Explorer” vibe in some circles, but I’m happy to see big jumps like this and appreciate all the forward momentum. Go Safari Team!

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WebKit Features in Safari 16.0 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

iShadeed’s Container Queries Lab

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Ahmad Shadeed got an early jump on container queries and has a growing collection of examples based on everyday patterns.

And, if you missed it, his latest post on container queries does a wonderful job covering how they work since landing in Chrome 105 this month (we’ll see them in Safari 16 soon). Some choice highlights and takeaways:

  • Containers are defined with the container-type property. Previous demos and proposals had been using contain instead.
  • Container queries are very much like the media queries we’ve been writing all along to target the viewport size. So, rather than something like @media (min-width: 600px) {}, we have @container (min-width: 600px) {}. That should make converting many of those media queries to container queries fairly straightfoward, minus the work of figuring out the new breakpoint values.
  • We can name containers to help distinguish them in our code (e.g. container-name: blockquote).

Great job, Ahmad! And thanks for sharing!

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iShadeed’s Container Queries Lab originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Quick Tip: Clear VS Code Cache for Open Files

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If you use VS Code, you might have enabled the setting for re-opening a previously open file next time the app launches. I do. I like that.

Hey, thanks for remembering, buddy! 🤗

But sometimes you really, really don’t want that to happen.

I recently ran into one of those times! I had to reinstall my local copy of this site and, with it, the 3GB+ database that accompanies it. Being a WordPress site and all, I needed to open up the SQL database file to search-and-replace some stuff.

If you’ve ever tried to open a super duper large file in VS Code, then you know you might need to jiggle a few settings that increase the memory limit and all that. The app is super flexible like that. There’s even a nice extension that’ll both increase the memory and perform a search-and-replace on open.

Anyway, that big ol’ database file crashed VS Code several times and I wound up finding another way to go about things. However, VS Code keeps trying to open that file and inevitably crashes even though I nuked the file. And that means I wait for the MacOS beachball of fun to spin around before the app crashes and I can reopen it again for reals.

Well, I finally decided to fix that today and spent a little time searching around. One Stack Overflow thread suggests disabling extensions and increasing the memory limit via the command line. I’m glad that worked for some folks, but I had to keep looking.

Another thread suggests clearing the app’s cache from the command palette.

Nice, but no dice. 🎲

I wound up going with a scorched earth strategy shared by Jie Jenn in a helpful YouTube video. You’ve gotta manually trash the cached files from VS Code. The video walks through it in Windows, but it’s pretty darn similar in MacOS. The VS Code cache is located in your user folder.

Notice that I have the Backups folder highlighted there. Jie removed the files from the CachedData folder, but all that did was trigger a prompt for me to re-install the app. So, I took a risk and deleted what appeared to be a 3GB+ file in Backups. I showed that file the door and VS Code has been happy ever since.

Ask me again in a week and maybe I’ll find out that I really screwed something up. But so far, so good!

Quick Tip: Clear VS Code Cache for Open Files originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Actually, the San Francisco Typeface Does Ship as a Variable Font

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Apple unveiled an expanded version of its San Francisco system font at WWDC 2022. Then, last month, Jim Nielsen zeroed in on the font’s variations, explaining how the font provides a spectrum of variations based on the width and weight. It’s a remarkable read if you haven’t checked it.

With all of these great new options, you might be tempted to use them in a web design. Chris was ogling over the expanded sets as well over on his personal blog and pondered:

But it’s not year clear how we might tap into the condensed, compressed, and expanded varieties in CSS, or if there is even a plan to allow that. I suppose we can peek around eventually and see how they do it if they start using them there.

Doesn’t this make perfect sense to construct as a variable font and ship the whole kit and kaboodle that way?

Turns out, yes. It does make perfect sense. Chris follows up in a new post:

But just yesterday I randomly stumbled across the fact that the built-in San Francisco font (on the Apple devices that have it built-in) is already variable (!!). See, I was derping around with Roboto Flex, and had system-ui as the fallback font, and I was noticing that during the FOUT, the font-variation-settings I was using had an effect on the fallback font, which renders as San Francisco on my Mac. Which… unless I’m daft… means that San Francisco is a variable font.

So, as for using it? Chris has a demo, of course:

There are some gotchas to all this, the most significant being fallbacks for non-Apple devices. After all, that demo is simply calling system-ui for the font family — it’s not telling the browser to download a font file or anything and who knows if Apple is gonna ever ship a variable font file we can serve up as an actual custom web font.

The other interesting thing? Chris did some sleuthing and counted 35 layout featured included in that system font. Go read the rest of the post to see ’em all (and to get a good ol’ dose of Chris-isms — I know I miss them!).

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Actually, the San Francisco Typeface Does Ship as a Variable Font originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Scroll Shadows? Pure CSS Parallax? Game Back On.

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Chris calls scroll shadows one his favorite CSS-Tricks of all time. Lea Verou popularized the pure CSS approach using four layered background gradients with some clever background-attachment magic. The result is a slick scrolling interaction that gives users a hint that additional content is available in a scrollable container.

Just one problem: it broke in Safari iOS 13. One day it was all good. The next, not so much. And that wasn’t the only thing affected. Keith Clark’s CSS-only parallax effect also stopped working right about then.

Well, reader Ronald wrote in to say that all is working once again! In fact, I’m writing this on my iPad (Safari 15.5) right now and Chris’s demo is looking sharp as ever. So is Keith’s original demo.

So, what broke it? We still don’t know. But the Safari 13 release notes offer clues:

  • Added support for one-finger accelerated scrolling to all frames and overflow:scroll elements eliminating the need to set-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch.
  • Changed the default behavior on iPad for wide web pages with responsive meta-tags that require horizontal scrolling. Pages are scaled to prevent horizontal scrolling and any text is resized to preserve legibility.

When was it fixed and what fixed it? Well, on the scroll shadow side, the Safari 15.4 included some work on background-attachment: local that may have done the trick. On the parallax side, Safari 14.1 added support for individual transform properties… so maybe that?

Scroll Shadows? Pure CSS Parallax? Game Back On. originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Help Shape the Future of CSS-Tricks!

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Hey, so it’s been a minute since we announced that CSS-Tricks is now part of the DigitalOcean family. Things are pretty much business as usual and hopefully it feels that way to you, too. Now that we’re getting settled, we’re eager to start poking at the future of this site.

What sort of things are we poking at? Well, that’s where you come in. You see, there’s no shortage of ideas for CSS-Tricks, but we only want to work on things that continue to make CSS-Tricks one of the spots you come to time and again for all things front-end (including actual CSS tricks).

So, we put together a short little survey for you. Nothing crazy, just a few questions to help us vet those ideas and ultimately shape the future of CSS-Tricks.

Thanks so much for your help! And while I have you, thanks for continuing to hang with us. In the seven years I’ve been working here at CSS-Tricks, I know this site wouldn’t even be here today without y’all. Here’s to the future of CSS-Tricks and learning together!

CSS-Tricks Newsletter

Oh, and one more update for all of you who miss the newsletter: it will be back! But we had to drop a ton of you off the list (seriously, like 80% of all subscribers) to be compliant with legal stuff that’s over my head. No worries, though, because you can re-subscribe right down here with your email address.

Help Shape the Future of CSS-Tricks! originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Customizing Color Fonts on the Web

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Myles C. Maxfield on the WebKit Blog published a nifty how-to for color fonts. It comes on the heels of what Ollie wrote up here on CSS-Tricks the other day, and while they cover a lot of common ground, there’s some nice nuggets in the WebKit post that make them both worth reading.

Case in point: there’s a little progressive enhancement in there using @supports for older browsers lacking support the font-palette property. Then the post gets into a strategy that shows the property’s light and dark values at play to make the font more legible in certain contexts. There’s also a clever idea about how creating multiple @font-palette-values blocks with the same name can be used for fallbacks.

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Customizing Color Fonts on the Web originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

First Look At The CSS object-view-box Property

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Ahmad Shadeed — doing what he always does so well — provides an early look at the object-view-box property, something he describes as a native way to crop an image in the browser with CSS.

The use case? Well, Ahmad wastes no time showing how to use the property to accomplish what used to require either (1) a wrapping element with hidden overflow around an image that’s sized and positioned inside that element or (2) the background-image route.

But with object-view-box we can essentially draw the image boundaries as we can with an SVG’s viewbox. So, take a plain ol’ <img> and call on object-view-box to trim the edges using an inset function. I’ll simply drop Ahmad’s pen in here:

Only supported in Chrome Canary for now, I’m afraid. But it’s (currently) planned to release in Chrome 104. Elsewhere:

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First Look At The CSS object-view-box Property originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Adam Argyle’s Sick Mouse-Out CSS Hover Effect

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I was killing some time browsing my CodePen feed for some eye candy and didn’t need to go past the first page before spotting a neat CSS hover effect by Adam Argyle.

I must’ve spent 10 minutes just staring at the demo in awe. There’s something about this that feels so app-like. I think it might be how contextually accurate it is in that the background color slides in from the left, then exits out through the right. It’s exactly the sort of behavior I’d expect from a mouse-in, mouse-out sort of interaction.

Whatever the case, I fired up a fresh pen and went to work recreating it. And it’s not super complex or anything, but rather a clever use of transitions and transforms paired with proper offsets. Quite elegant! I’m actually a little embarrassed how long it took me to realize how the mouse-out part works.

Here’s how I tackled it, warts and all.

“I bet that’s using a transition on a background.”

That was my first thought. Define the background-color, set the background-size and background-position, then transition the background-position. That’s how I’ve seen that “growing” background color thing done in the past. I’ve done that myself on some projects, like this:

If I could do the same thing, only from left-to-right, then all that’s left is the mouse-out, right? Nope. The problem is there’s nothing that can really make the background-position transition from left-to-right to left-to-right. I could make it do one or the other, but not both.

“Maybe it’s a transform instead.”

My next attempt was jump into transforms. The transform property provides a bunch of functions that can transition together for slightly more complex movement. For example, the background can “grow” or “shrink” by changing the element’s scale(). Or, in this case, just along the x-axis with scaleX().

But like I mentioned, there isn’t a way to isolate the element’s background to do that. Going from scaleX(0) to scaleX(1) scales the entire element, so that basically squishes the link — content and all — down to nothing, then stretches it back out to its natural size which is a totally different effect. Plus, it means starting with scaleX(0) which hides the whole dang thing by default making it unusable.

But a pseudo-element could work! It doesn’t matter if that gets squished or hidden because it isn’t part of the actual content. Gotta put the background on that instead and position it directly under the link.

a {
  /* Keeps the pseudo-element contained to the element */
  position: relative;

a::before {
  background: #ff9800;
  content: "";
  inset: 0; /* Logical equivalent to physical offsets */
  position: absolute;
  transform: scaleX(0); /* Hide by default */
  z-index: -1; /* Ensures the link is stacked on top */

“Now I need ::before to change on hover.”

I knew I could make ::before scale from 0 to 1 by chaining it to the link element’s :hover state.

a:hover::before {
  transform: scaleX(1)

Nice! I was onto something.

Sprinkle a little transition fairy dust on it and things start to come to life.

a::before {
  background: #ff9800;
  content: "";
  inset: 0;
  position: absolute;
  transform: scaleX(0);
  transition: transform .5s ease-in-out;
  z-index: -1;

“Hmm, the transition moves in both directions.”

Again, this is where I sorta got stuck. Something in my head just wasn’t clicking for some reason. As per usual, I ran over to the CSS-Tricks Almanac to see what property might’ve slipped my mind.

Ah, yes. That would be transform-origin. That allows me to set where the transform starts, which is not totally dissimilar from setting the background-position like I tried earlier. The transform could start from the left instead of its default 50% 50% position.

a::before {
  background: #ff9800;
  content: "";
  inset: 0;
  position: absolute;
  transform: scaleX(0);
  transform-origin: left;
  transition: transform .5s ease-in-out;
  z-index: -1;

Yeah, like this:

I was already transitioning ::before to scaleX(1) on link hover. If I reversed the transform-origin from left to right at the same time, then mayyyybe the highlight goes out the opposite of how it came in when the mouse exits?

a:hover::before {
  transform: scaleX(1);
  transform-origin: right;


Whoops, backwards! Let’s swap the left and right values. 🙃

Gorgeous. Thank you, Adam, for the inspiration!

Adam Argyle’s Sick Mouse-Out CSS Hover Effect originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter and become a supporter.

Line length revisited: following the research

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Mary Dyson produces nitty gritty research on the long-accepted notion that shorter line lengths are more legible than longer ones. The study finds that shorter lines do not necessarily lead to faster reading. If you’re looking for a definitive answer to use in your next design review debate, though, no dice. The big finding is that long lines don’t slow things down as much as previously thought, not that they’re better or worse.

But there’s so much more meat in here that I found much more interesting, mostly because I’m largely ignorant on the topic and gained a dollop of context on writing, legibility, and behavior.

Things like…

There’s a term for transitioning between lines of text

It’s return sweeps. You know, like your eye hits the Return key at the end of the line and sweeps to the start of the next line. Then, there are undershoots. The idea is that eyes may not sweep to the exact start of the next line, instead stopping a bit short.

Showing four muted lines of test with jump arrows across each line taking the eye to the end of the line, followed by dashed arrow leading to the next line. Red arrows highlight where the eye could undershoot a new line and miss content.

Those little rapid eye movements between words and phrases? Those are called saccades. I had to look that up.

The impact of undershoots is what’s being challenged

The previous research we’ve relied on for years comes from 1940(!), a time when we obviously were more concerned with paper pages than bright digital displays. Longer lines, it said, increased the likelihood that eyes undershoot during a return sweep, and undershooting results in a regression that results in a 130ms to 250ms delay where the brain needs to get its bearings. The report refers to that as undersweep-fixation.

We can still process words during undersweep-fixation

This report cites a 2019 study that tried to correct undershoots by bolding the first word at the start of each new line, sort of like an anchor that naturally draws the eye closer to the left margin.

The 2019 study did find that the bolded words did decrease undershot return sweeps But despite that, reading speed did not improve. That’s the impetus for challenging the long-held assumption that shorter is better.

Mary explains further:

In seeking to reconcile why longer line lengths may not slow down reading on screen but do so when reading print, I outlined some differences, e.g. visual angle, time spent scrolling. But although physical differences between reading from screen and reading print still exist, we now have direct evidence to explain why longer lines were read at least as fast as shorter lines. Readers can process words during the brief fixation when undershooting the start of the new line. This saves time in subsequent processing. Now we might also acknowledge that there is greater consistency between the range of optimal line lengths for print and screen.

Where does this leave us today?

Well, nowhere closer to a clear answer we can use in our day-to-day work. But it’s good to dust off our collection of design and copywriting best practices and know that line length is less of a constraint than perhaps it has been.

Again, none of this tells us whether long or short lines are better. Mary ends her report by saying she cannot definitely recommend using longer lines of text because there are clear because there are still some factors at play, including:

  • Shorter lines are more effective for people with dyslexia.
  • More questions about return sweeps and undershooting need to be answered.
  • Several other studies indicate that users prefer shorter lines and judge longer lines as more difficult to read.

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:focus-visible Support Comes to Firefox

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Look at that! The :focus-visible pseudo-selector is now supported in Firefox, as of version 85 which shipped yesterday. I had to rush over to the MDN Docs just to confirm, and yep, the :focus-visible page has been updated to reflect the news.

What’s so cool about :focus-visible? It’s all about the blue focus ring that displays around elements that are in focus. It’s sort of a happy medium between loving the outline for accessibility purposes (gotta know what element is selected when tabbing on a keyboard) but not-really-loving how it looks (gotta have everything follow brand).

The strategy has largely been an all-or-nothing choice between using a custom outline when any element is in :focus (great, but that means for both keyboard tabbing and mouse clicks) or ditching the outline altogether (not great, like ever). :focus-visible accomplishes the same thing as :focus, but uses a browser’s knowledge of user inputs (or heuristics) to determine whether the focus is coming from a keyboard or a mouse.

(Are a browser’s heuristics perfect at determining the input? That depends. Things get murky once we start factoring in things like touch interactions.)

That means, we get to remove the default focus ring (yay!) for the right types of interactions (double yay!) and display our own custom styles while we’re at it (triple yay!). Allow me to pluck Andy Adams’ fine example straight from our almanac. Note that :focus-visible cannot remove the focus ring like :focus can, so the two are used together:

.next-image-button:focus {
  outline: none;

.next-image-button:focus-visible {
  outline: 3px solid blanchedalmond; /* That'll show 'em */

Chrome implemented :focus-visible back in 2018. Firefox had it’s own prefixed version, :-moz-focusring, prior to this implementation. Safari? Go vote for the feature!

Igalia is gathering funding and working on getting it into Safari! Here’s Brian Kardell on this.

The post :focus-visible Support Comes to Firefox appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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How to Work With WordPress Block Patterns

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Just a little post I wrote up over at The Events Calendar blog. The idea is that a set of blocks can be grouped together in WordPress, then registered in a register_block_pattern() function that makes the group available to use as a “block pattern” in any page or post.

Block patterns are becoming upper-class citizens in the WordPress block editor. They were announced without much fanfare in WordPress 5.5 back in August, but have been given prominent real estate in the block inserter with its own tab next to blocks, including 10 or so default ones right out of the box.

Block patterns are sandwiched between Blocks and Reusable Blocks in the block inserter, which is a perfect metaphor for where it fits in the bigger picture of WordPress editing.

If the 5.6 Beta 3 release notes are any indication, then it looks like more patterns are on the way for default WordPress themes. And, of course, the block registration function has an unregister_block_pattern() companion should you need to opt out of any patterns.

What I find interesting is how the blocks ecosystem is evolving. We started with a set of default blocks that can be inserted into a post. We got reusable blocks that provide a way to assemble a group of blocks with consistent content across all pages of posts. Now we have a way to do the same, but in a much more flexible and editable way. The differences are subtle, but the use cases couldn’t be more different. We’ve actually been using reusable blocks here at CSS-Tricks for post explanations, like this:

We drop some text in here when we think there’s something worth calling out or that warrants a little extra explanation.

Any reusable block can be converted to a “regular” block. The styles are maintained but the content is not. That’s been our hack-y approach for speeding up our process around here, but now that block patterns are a thing, previous reusable blocks we’ve been using now make more sense as patterns.

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Selectors Explained

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Have you ever found yourself either writing a CSS selector that winds up looking confusing as heck, or seen one while reading through someone's code? That happened to me the other day.

Here's what I wrote:

.site-footer__nav a:hover > svg ellipse:first-child { }

At the end of it, I honestly couldn't even explain what it does to myself. LOL, that probably means there was a better way to write it.

But Hugo Giraudel has this handy new tool that will explain any selector you throw at it.

Here's how it explained mine:

An <ellipse> element provided it is the first child of its parent somewhere
… within a <svg> element
… itself directly within an <a> element provided it is hovered
… itself somewhere
… within an element with class site-footer__nav.

Bravo! It even spits out the specificity of the selector to boot. 👏

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The post Selectors Explained appeared first on CSS-Tricks.