The 5 Books You Absolutely Must Read as an Engineering Manager

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Continuous learning is one of the guiding principles that all people should apply in their life. Reading is an excellent tool to learn, and it is a habit that we should all be doing on a regular basis. Since I love reading books about different topics, in this article, I'm going to share five books that have helped me a lot to improve as Engineering Manager.

When we read a book, we should always remember three important things: 

Engineering Manager: Resolving Interpersonal Situations

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This article is a follow-up to the Engineering Manager: Resolving Conflict Situations, Part 1. In the previous article, we talked about intra-personal conflicts which are associated with people themselves. Today we will talk about interpersonal conflicts, common scenarios, and some tips on how to manage them in a professional environment.


Interpersonal conflict is between two or more people that do not agree on topics such as what actions to take, what the priorities are, or how to resolve a situation. This kind of conflict is the most frequent and is usually the easiest to solve, but if poorly managed can generate an atmosphere of resentment between people.

Engineering Manager: Resolving Intrapersonal Conflicts

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In this article, a follow-up to the engineering manager series, we will talk about conflicts, common scenarios, and some tips on how to manage them in a professional environment. Conflict management is a complex topic and we will address it in a series of three articles, the first of which is this one.

People's conflicts are common in the professional day-to-day, some people might even say that conflict is not professional behavior, but of course, it is, as we are human so conflicts are inevitable. What makes the difference is how we manage these situations

Engineering Manager: Continuous Feedback

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Feedback is one of the most valuable tools to support people and company growth. What is feedback? It is any information about the product, workplace, company culture, team, workmates, or managers used as a basis for improvement. The feedback comes from many sources, but in this article, we focus on feedback between engineers and their engineering managers.

The feedback goals, frequency, and methodology to achieve them are good indicators of the company's culture. For example, there are many companies where the goals are only focused on performance delivery and not on the growth of the people's career path or skills.