11 Typography Styles to Consider for Your Next Design

Typography Definitions Cover

When it comes to typography, there’s a seemingly infinite number of styles to choose from. But which one is the right one for your next design?

That is the ultimate question when it comes to typography. And, unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on the specific project you’re working on and what kind of message you’re trying to communicate.

However, we can narrow it down to a few general categories.

Here are 11 popular typography styles to consider for your next project.

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1. Serif

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Serif fonts are the ones with the little feet (serifs) on the end of each letter. They are classic and elegant, and they have been around for centuries. Think of Times New Roman or Garamond – these are both serif fonts.

Serif fonts are generally seen as being more formal and traditional than other types of fonts. They are often used for headlines, logos, and other high-impact pieces.

2. Sans Serif

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Sans serif fonts are the exact opposite of serif fonts. They have no little feet on the end of the letters, hence the name “sans serif.”

Sans serif fonts are generally seen as being more modern and clean than serif fonts. They are often used for body copy, menus, and other pieces where readability is key.

3. Script

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Script fonts are designed to look like they were written by hand. They are usually very flowing and cursive, and they can be difficult to read if they are used for large blocks of text.

Script fonts are best used for small pieces, such as headlines or logos. They can also be used for body copy, but only if the design is very simple and easy to read. A good example would be the Adelia Font.

4. Display

Display fonts are any type of font that is designed to be used at large sizes. They are often very bold and eye-catching, and they can be difficult to read at smaller sizes.

Display fonts are best used for headlines, logos, and other short pieces of text. They should not be used for body copy or any other type of long-form text. A good example that shows how bold these fonts can be is Arbutus.

5. Decorative

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Decorative fonts are just what they sound like – they are designed to be used for decorative purposes only. They are often very ornate and can be difficult to read.

Decorative fonts should only be used sparingly, if at all. They can be used for headlines or logos, but they should never be used for body copy. They are a lot of fun though. Just check out the Space Time font.

6. Blackletter

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Blackletter fonts are a type of serif font that is designed to look like it was written in the Middle Ages. They are very ornate and can be difficult to read. It also goes by the name of gothic script or Old English.

Cloister Black is a great example of a blackletter font that encapsulates this old-fashioned style.

7. Handwritten

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Handwritten fonts are designed to look like they were written by hand. They can be either serif or sans serif, but they usually have a more organic feel than other types of fonts.

Handwritten fonts are best used for small pieces, such as headlines or logos. The Autography Font illustrates this typography style well.

8. Slab Serif

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Slab serif fonts are a type of serif font that is designed to be used at large sizes. They are often very bold and eye-catching, and they can be difficult to read at smaller sizes.

Slab serif fonts are ideal for headlines, logos, and titles. They should not be used for body copy or any other type of long-form text though as the line weight is too thick for the confined spaces of paragraphs. The Rosette Font has a chunky look that serves as a good example of a slab serif.

9. Geometric

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Geometric fonts are designed to be very clean and simple. They often have straight lines and angles and rely on a geometric construction to achieve their letter shapes.

This kind of font is best used for headlines or logos, or any other spot where just a few words are needed. They can also be used for body copy, but only if the design is very simple, large, and easy to read.

10. Grotesque

10 - grotesque

Grotesque fonts are a type of sans serif font that is designed to be used at large sizes. Historically, they’re known for looking a bit awkward and unusual.

It is advisable to only use grotesque fonts for headlines, logos, and other brief pieces of text. They are not meant to be used for paragraphs or long stretches of text. Work Sans is a great example of a neo-grotesque style.

11. Humanistic

Humanistic fonts are sans serif fonts as well that are designed to look very natural and organic. They often have curved lines and softened edges.

Humanistic fonts are most successful when used for titles, headlines, or logos. They can also be readable if used sparingly in body copy with a simple design layout. You can look to the Centaur Font as a good example of this classic font style.

Let Typography Style Options Inspire You

There you have it! These are the 11 most common types of fonts that you’ll see used in graphic design. As you can see, each one has its own unique purpose and should be used accordingly.

When it comes to choosing the right font for your project, it’s important to think about the overall style you’re going for. Do you want something clean and modern? Or are you going for a more vintage or retro feel?

Once you have a general idea of the style you’re after, you can start browsing through different font options until you find one that fits your vision. Good luck!

8 Ways to Identify and Fix Browser-Based Website Errors and Issues

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No one is perfect, and that goes for website owners as well. Even the best, most well-coded and thoughtfully put together websites will experience errors and issues at some point – it’s simply unavoidable. In fact, part of the process of owning a website is being able to identify and fix an error as it comes up.

Often, you’ll find issues occur after switching hosts, updating plugins or themes in WordPress, or adding code snippets to existing designs. It doesn’t take much to break a site and prevent it from interacting with browsers properly.

However, not all errors or issues are the same. Some are relatively minor and can be fixed with ease; others may require more time and effort on your part.

That’s why in this article, we’ll outline 8 different types of browser-based website errors and issues you may encounter, along with tips on how to identify and fix them on the spot.

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Page Not Found (404) Error

This is perhaps the most common type of error you’ll encounter. A 404 error occurs when a user tries to access a page that doesn’t exist on your website. There can be a number of reasons why this might happen, but usually, it’s because the page in question has been moved or deleted.

Page Not Found (404) Error

In any case, if a user encounters a 404 error on your website, it’s important to have a custom error page set up. This should include a brief message explaining the error, along with links to other pages on your website that the user may find helpful.

Connection Timeout Error

A connection timeout error occurs when a user’s browser is unable to establish a connection with your server. This can happen for a number of reasons, but usually, it’s due to heavy traffic on your website or an issue with your server itself.

If you’re encountering this error frequently, it may be a sign that you need to upgrade your hosting plan to one that can accommodate more traffic. Alternatively, if the issue is with your server, you may need to contact your host or web developer for assistance.

Internal Server Error

An internal server error is similar to a connection timeout error, in that it’s also caused by an issue with your server. However, this error is typically more serious and can be caused by more pressing issues like a corrupt file or database.

Should this error occur, the first thing you should do is access your server directly in order to identify and fix the issue via an FTP client like FileZilla or Cyberduck.

Internal Server Error

Potential solutions include:

  • Checking (and adjusting) your file permissions
  • Clearing your website’s cache
  • Running a malware scan
  • Upgrading your hosting plan

Maintenance Mode Error

If you’re in the process of making changes or updates to your website, you may want to put it into maintenance mode. This essentially means that your website is only accessible to you and other administrators; regular users will see a custom error page explaining that the website is down for maintenance.

Putting your website into maintenance mode is a relatively simple process, but it’s important to remember to take it out of maintenance mode when you’re finished making changes. Otherwise, your regular users will continue to see the error page and may become frustrated.

DNS Error

A DNS, or Domain Name System, error occurs when a user’s browser is unable to resolve your website’s domain name. This usually happens due to an issue with your DNS settings.

Here’s how to adjust your DNS settings to resolve this error:

  1. Log in to your domain name registrar and select the DNS management tool.
  2. Find the A record for your website’s domain name and make sure the IP address is correct.
  3. If there is no A record for your website’s domain name, you’ll need to create one.
  4. Make sure your www CNAME record is pointing to your website’s domain name.
  5. Save your changes and wait for the DNS to propagate (this can take up to 24 hours).

SSL Certificate Error

An SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, certificate is a type of security certificate that helps to encrypt data being transmitted between a user’s browser and your website. If you have an SSL certificate installed on your website, you may encounter an error if it expires or is not properly configured.

SSL Certificate Error

If you’re encountering an SSL certificate error, the first thing you should do is check the expiration date on your certificate. If it has expired, you’ll need to renew it.

If your certificate is still valid, but you’re encountering an error, the issue may be with your configuration. To fix this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your domain name registrar and select the SSL/TLS certificates tool.
  2. Find the SSL certificate for your website’s domain name and make sure the details are correct.
  3. If there is no SSL certificate for your website’s domain name, you’ll need to create one.
  4. Save your changes and wait for the SSL to propagate (this can take up to 24 hours).

Browser Compatibility Error

Browser compatibility errors occur when a user’s browser is not compatible with the code used to build your website. This can happen for a number of reasons, but usually, it’s because the user is using an outdated or unsupported browser.

If you’re encountering this error, the first thing you should do is check to see if the browser you’re using is supported or up-to-date. If not, you may need to update your browser or switch to a different browser to view the website properly.

It can also be helpful to create a notice on your website that indicates its browser compatibility clearly — especially if your site has a very new feature or attribute that isn’t universally supported yet.

Malicious Website Errors

If you’re encountering an error that says your website has been flagged as malicious, it’s likely because your website has been hacked. This can happen for a number of reasons, but usually, it’s because the hackers were able to exploit a security vulnerability on your site.

If you believe your website has been hacked, the first thing you should do is change all of your passwords — especially if you think the hackers may have access to them. You should also run a security scan on your website to check for any malicious code or files that may have been injected. If you find any, you’ll need to delete them and then update your website to the latest version to patch the security vulnerability.

Don’t Let Browser Issues Halt Site Progress

Website errors that show up in browsers can be frustrating, but luckily, most of them are relatively easy to fix. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and fix any browser-based website errors and issues you encounter.

How to Bolster Your Design Ideas with These Unlikely Sources of Inspiration

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We all know how frustrating it can be to feel creatively stuck. Whether you’re trying to come up with new ideas for a project or simply looking for a fresh perspective, sometimes all it takes is some out-of-the-box thinking to find inspiration to jump start your creativity.

Today, we’ll be covering a few unlikely sources of inspiration that can help you bolster your design ideas. These don’t include the super obvious choices like Awwwards or Best Website Gallery. Instead, these inspiring sources delve into less top-of-mind places and offer creative fuel in less conventional ways.


Children’s Books

children's books as inspiration

Believe it or not, children’s books can be a great source of inspiration for designers. The vibrant colors and playful illustrations in these books can help spark new ideas and help you see things from a different perspective.

Take a Walk in Nature

There’s no denying that nature is one of the most beautiful things in the world. So why not use it as inspiration for your next design project? From the patterns of leaves to the colors of a sunset, there are endless possibilities when it comes to finding inspiration in nature.

Taking a walk in nature can also help clear your mind and give you some much-needed time to think about your project.


Music may be a wonderful method to stimulate your creative thinking. Music may assist you access your creative side and produce some fantastic design ideas, whether you’re listening to your favorite album or looking at new artists.

Go to an Art Gallery or Museum

art gallery or museum - inspiration

Viewing art can also be a great way to get inspired. Whether you’re visiting a museum or simply looking at paintings online, observing other artists’ work can help you see things in a new light and come up with some fresh ideas for your own projects.

Go to an Antique Store or Vintage Shop

If you’re looking for some unique inspiration, take a trip to an antique store or vintage shop. Surrounded by old items, you may find yourself seeing things in a new way and coming up with some original ideas for your project. You could even browse vintage designs on Etsy to get some inspiration.

Look Through Fashion Magazines

Fashion magazines are another great source of inspiration, especially if you’re working on a design project that involves clothing or accessories. From the latest trends to classic looks, you’ll be sure to find plenty of inspiration in these magazines.

At the very least, you can find some really interesting color palette inspiration in fashion magazines.

Talk to a Friend

Sometimes doing something completely different than the work on hand can clear your mind enough to leave room for fresh inspiration. So go ahead and take a break from your project to chat with a friend. You never know, they may just have the perfect idea for your next great design.

People Watch at Your Local Coffee Shop

coffee shop inspiration

Another great way to get inspired is to watch people at your local coffee shop. You never know who or what you’ll see, and you might just come up with some creative ideas for your project by observing the people around you.

Take a Trip

If you’re really feeling stuck, sometimes the best thing to do is take a trip. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to go somewhere far away; even taking a day trip to a nearby town can help you clear your mind and come up with some new ideas.

Get Some Sleep

If you’re feeling creatively drained, it might be time to get some sleep. Sometimes all you need is a good night’s rest to recharge your batteries and come up with some great new ideas.

Design Inspiration Can Be Found Almost Anywhere

Whether you’re looking for a fresh perspective or simply trying to get out of a design rut, these ten sources of inspiration can help you bolster your ideas and come up with some truly original designs. So don’t be afraid to explore new places and try new things; you never know where you’ll find your next great idea.

18 Grid Layouts for Building Stunning Websites

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When building a new website, it’s always a good idea to sit down and think about all the content you truly want to feature. If you find that you have a lot to say, grid layouts are always a solid choice. For starters, most are responsive and will automatically adjust orientation based on the screen size each visitor is viewing it on.

But they’re also a good choice because they offer a convenient way to display a lot of information in a condensed space without being overwhelming. What follows is a list of free and premium grid layouts sourced from a variety of places including ThemeForest and CodePen, that offer flexibility and function for your website’s design.

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12 Column Grid

Example of 12 Column Grid

Create up to a twelve-column grid with this grid layout template. It’s simple, straightforward but definitely gets the job done.

CSS Grid Layout – Template Areas

See the Pen
CSS Grid Layout – Template Areas
by Mozilla Developers (@mozilladevelopers)
on CodePen.

Another option is this CSS Grid layout. It offers templated areas into which you can add custom content. It also offers multiple fill options.


Example of Roph

Now here’s a WordPress theme that provides a grid layout you can use in a multitude of ways. It’s designed for portfolio websites and the sky’s the limit for how you can envision using it.

CSS Grid Layout

See the Pen
CSS Grid Layout – New Terminology
by Stacy (@stacy)
on CodePen.

This CSS Grid layout is super simple, but would definitely make it a lot easier to create a custom website capable of conveying a lot of information at once. It also supports lovely hover effects.


Example of Mono

This is an HTML5 template that offers a stylish grid layout you can use in a variety of ways. With multiple templates, color schemes, and settings to select from, you’re sure to find something that suits your needs here.

CSS Grid Layout with @support Flexbox Fallback

See the Pen
CSS Grid Layout with @support flexbox fallback
by Gustaf Holm (@primalivet)
on CodePen.

Or you could use this CSS Grid layout with a Flexbox fallback that offers interesting effects and an engaging look.


Example of Stash

Stash is a WordPress block builder theme that you can use to create a high-quality website for businesses, corporate sites, and e-commerce sites.


Example of Juno

This is such a lovely layout! Juno is an ideal WordPress theme for portfolios and photography websites.

True Masonry with Grid Layout

See the Pen
True Masonry with Grid Layout
by Balázs Sziklai (@balazs_sziklai)
on CodePen.

This is another super simple option that offers a masonry grid layout that you can customize in a variety of configurations.

CSS Grid Layout Demo

See the Pen
CSS Grid Layout Demo 5 – Grid Gap
by Stacy (@stacy)
on CodePen.

Another great option is this CSS Grid layout. Change the width of each column, adjust the number of rows, and change their configuration.

CSS Grid Layout – Blog Post Template

See the Pen
CSS Grid Layout – Blog Post Template
by Stacy (@stacy)
on CodePen.

This is another grid layout template that offers a blog post layout you can use for your HTML-based blog.

Flexbox Grid Layout w/Mobile Menu

See the Pen
Flexbox grid layout w/ Mobile Menu
by Lindsey (@cssgirl)
on CodePen.

Or you can use this Flexbox grid layout for a blog post template. It includes a mobile menu, too.

Magazine Grid Layout Vol. II

See the Pen
Magazine Grid Layout Vol. II
by ilithya (@ilithya)
on CodePen.

If you’re looking to create a publication, this magazine grid layout ought to do the trick.

Content Grid System

See the Pen
Content Grid System (CSS Grid Layout)
by Tobias Gerlach (@Gerlach360)
on CodePen.

Here’s another great option. It’s a content grid system that you can use to display a lot of information at once.

Flex and Grid Demo

See the Pen
Flex and Grid demo
by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew)
on CodePen.

The Flexbox and CSS Grid demo layout is ideal for showcasing info on cards across a portion of your website. Think descriptions of your services or pricing tables.

CSS Grid Layout + Mondrian

See the Pen
CSS Grid Layout + Mondrian = <3
by Toaster (@ToasterCo)
on CodePen.

This grid layout can be used for highlighting content or creating your own work of art. It’s up to you.

Masonry Grid Layout

See the Pen
Masonry Grid Layout
by Marco Biedermann (@marcobiedermann)
on CodePen.

Create something monochromatic and impactful with this masonry grid layout. Use it for a portfolio, to display photography, or to create an experience.

Flex 12 Column Grid

See the Pen
Flex 12 Column Grid
by Nick Else (@nickelse)
on CodePen.

The Flex 12 Column Grid layout is the last one on our list and another solid option. Display as much information as you need in an organized and eye-catching way, easily.

Build Your Best Website Yet with Grid Layouts

And there you have it! Another list completed. We hope it will serve you well. This collection of grid layouts feature selections that are all easy-to-use and nice to look at. Enjoy selecting one that will serve your content well.

Good luck!

How To Migrate a WordPress Website

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If you have a WordPress (or any other type of) website for any length of time, it’s likely you’ll run into the need to move it to a new host at some point. Figuring out how to migrate a WordPress website is one of those site maintenance tasks a lot of people would rather avoid as it can seem unruly, unpredictable, and time-consuming.

And sometimes, it really is all of those things. However, if you plan ahead and have a good set of instructions to walk you through the process, you should be good to go.

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Why Migrate?

Site owners find they need to migrate WordPress sites for a number of different reasons. A lot of the time, it’s a matter of finding a better hosting deal elsewhere. The promise of saving money is always enticing. Another common reason to migrate your site is due to a lack of satisfaction with your current service provider. Whether they offer poor customer service or slow server response times, there are many reasons to switch.

Here are a few more common reasons people decide to migrate a WordPress website:

  • Seeking better site performance. If your site is currently too slow, an upgrade to a new host might be the right call.
  • A need for greater bandwidth. If your site is growing rapidly, migrating to a host that can handle your increased traffic needs is a must.
  • A need for more storage space. If your site is multimedia-heavy, migrating to a host with greater storage capacity might be the right choice for you.
  • More hands-on customer support. If you run an extensive website with a lot of moving parts (customers, clients, accounts, etc), the need for a more responsive customer support team might be more pronounced and necessary.
  • Better pricing. Sometimes, the price tag tells the whole story. If you find a better hosting deal elsewhere, migrating your WordPress site might be your best bet.
  • Expanded feature set. If your current host is lacking in features, you may find you need to migrate to one that offers more.

With the “why” spelled out, let’s move onto the “how.” We’ll cover how to manually migrate WordPress, along with some plugins that will do the hard work for you.

A truck on a street.

How to Manually Migrate a WordPress Site

You will need an FTP client to complete this process. A few options include:

Step 1: Backup Your Site

Before you can move your site anywhere, you need to back it up. This means going through the process of downloading every single file of your WordPress site from a remote location. You will need an FTP client for this. Though I typically use FileZilla for this process, I’ll keep the steps fairly generic. Apply as needed to your chosen FTP client:

  1. Connect to your old site’s server.
  2. Go to the public_html folder.
  3. Select all files in this folder.
  4. Download the files.

Next, you’ll need to create and download a backup of your site’s MySQL database as well. To do this, you’ll need to go to the control panel of your web host. Most of the time, this will be cPanel. Go to phpMyAdmin and select the database associated with your WordPress site. Click Export and the database will be downloaded to your computer.

If you’d rather have this process be somewhat automated, go to cPanel (if your host supports it) and access the File Manager. In here, you can create a .zip file that contains all of your site’s files and its database for easy downloading. If you’re not super familiar with FTP, this might be the preferred method to use.

Step 2: Upload Your Files to the New WordPress Host

The next step to migrate a WordPress website is to upload your site’s files to the new host. You’ll need your trusty FTP client again. Once connected, you’ll need to go to the public_html folder on this new hosting account. Next, you’ll need to upload all the files from your site – make sure to decompress them first!

Step 3: Upload Your WordPress Database to the New Host

Once the files are uploaded, you’ll need to upload your WordPress MySQL database, too.

To do this, go to the cPanel or other control panel connected to your new hosting account. There should be a section specifically for MySQL databases. From there you’ll need to:

  1. Create a new database. Make note in a safe place of the database name, username, and password associated with this new database.
  2. Go to phpMyAdmin. The new database should be listed. Select it.
  3. Click Import. Then, select the MySQL database file you’d previously downloaded. Upload it and save your settings.

Step 4: Edit the wp-config.php File

Now that everything has been uploaded to the new host, you’ll need to do some fine-tuning to ensure all of the new host’s settings work with your site. This will require using your FTP client again, but this time, find the wp-config.php file.

Once you’ve located this file, you’ll need to modify some code. According to SiteGround, you need to locate this section of code within the file:

/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'user_wrdp1');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'user_wrdp1');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'hostname');

Once you’ve located this section of code, you need to replace bits of it with information about the WordPress database you created. Here’s what you need to replace:

  1. Change the database name, if necessary
  2. Set username to your database’s username
  3. Set password to your database’s password
  4. Swap out hostname for localhost or a custom name provided by your host

Save the changes you made. In a lot of cases, this will be the last step you need to take. Your site should now be up and running on the new host.

Step 5: Update the DNS

In some cases, you’ll need to update Domain Name Server or DNS information on your new host. This will ensure that when someone types in your site’s URL, they wind up on your actual site and not a blank page. This is common practice when you’re switching domain servers, hosting plans, and hosting companies.

According to WPEngine, you’ll need DNS info about your new host and access to the registrar from whom you bought your domain name in the first place. Specifically, you’ll need:

  1. CNAME record
  2. A NAME for your site.

Input this info in your domain registrar account. This can sometimes take up to a few days to complete processing.

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Plugins for Migrating WordPress Sites

If all of the above sounds like a lot of work, you can rely on plugin-based solutions to do the heavy lifting for you. These plugins are sometimes referred to as “cloning” plugins but for our purposes, we’re considering them all methods of migrating WordPress websites.

Now, you will still likely need to adjust a few settings on your new site server manually, but these plugins will definitely take care of the backing up, exporting, and importing processes.


Duplicator WordPress Plugin

The Duplicator plugin makes it much easier to migrate WordPress by streamlining the process. It works by making click-of-a-button copies of your site’s files and database. Then you can download all of this information in a handy .zip file with minimal effort.

All-in-One WP Migration

All-in-One WP Migration WordPress Plugin

Another great option is the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. This one allows you to make backups of your site’s content and database as well and import this information over to your new host, all from within the plugin.

WP Engine Automated Migration

WP Engine Automated Migration WordPress Plugin

Our last recommendation is the WP Engine Automated Migration plugin. This one copies your files and WordPress database and allows you to upload them to your new site server with ease. So long as you have your hosting account details on hand, the plugin will handle much of the site migration process for you. Just note that this plugin only works with the WP Engine hosting provider.

Migrate Your Site Now

Whether you decide to migrate a WordPress site manually or you opt for the plugin route, you hopefully now have a stronger understanding of what the process entails, how it works, and what you need to do to prepare. Again, it might seem like a lot of work on the surface but the end result is often well worth it when you end up with a better home for your website.

Best of luck!

How to Use Envato Elements to Create Online

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When presented with the task of creating things for the Internet, knowing where to start can be half the battle. If you lack design skills or if you’re pressed for time, using some premade resources can be extremely helpful. The first order of business is locating a resource that has what you need. The second? Searching within this resource for templates, tools, and items that can aid you in making content.

Thankfully, we can handle the first part easily. Envato Elements is truly a one-stop resource for so many templates, themes, graphics, illustrations, photos, and more that you can use immediately in your work. Once you sign up, you gain access to thousands of items.

But if you’re not convinced, let’s talk about some of the ways you can use Envato Elements to make stellar online content starting immediately.

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Build a Website Using a Template

If you’re creating online, you need a website. And Envato Elements makes it super easy to do this. It features a wide array of templates that make it easy to build and launch a site quickly. There’s no shortage of options as well, so you can choose anything from an HTML template to a full CMS template. Here’s the full breakdown of the types of templates offered here:

And within these options you can narrow your search by features (responsiveness, eCommerce, PSD files included) by focus (admin, landing page, or site) and topic (beauty, corporate, fitness, etc).

WordPress Themes at Envato Elements.

Create Presentations to Accompany Online Courses

If you want to offer or sell online courses, you may wish to create and share this content via presentations. This means you’ll need some solid templates on hand if you want to make a real impact. Lucky for you, Envato Elements offers these as well. You can select from templates for Keynote, PowerPoint, and Google Slides, all of which are super professional-looking and easy to use. Just download the template, add your custom content, and export it. That’s all there is to it.

The crux of the situation here is that you shouldn’t have to labor over these elements of your work if you don’t have to.

Presentations at Envato Elements.

Create Graphics for Social Media

If you run a business online, you should have a social media presence. But yet again, that’s another thing you have to create consistent content for. If coming up with an endless supply of compelling graphics doesn’t sound fun to you, Envato Elements can help. Its graphic templates section is loaded with a wide variety of options including templates for infographics and logos.

They also have scene generators or mockups, which make it easy to display your product or app on a background that’s been carefully (and stylishly) presented.

You can pair these templates with some other resources as well like the selection of graphics available. You can select from graphics that encompass the following categories:

They also have a dedicated Social category that you can browse for social media platform specific templates.

As if all of that weren’t enough, there’s also a Photo category that includes thousands of photographs you can use for anything under the sun.

A Social Media Resource from Envato Elements.

Make Explainer and Promotional Videos

The last thing we’ll discuss here today is how you can make videos using resources on Envato Elements. If you haven’t already dipped your toes into the video-making market, now’s the time. Video is extremely popular and it’s been proven to increase visitor engagement. Because of this, many opted to create promotional videos or explainer videos that describe something practical. And while you may need to film some footage yourself, having stock footage on hand is beneficial. Wouldn’t you know it that Elements has this as well?

Hundreds of thousands of stock videos and motion graphics are available to choose from to add to your creations.

Or, if you need a templated solution, there are thousands of video templates to pick from as well. They cover categories like:

And you can find specific options for the likes of After Effects, Premiere Pro, Apple Motion, and Final Cut Pro.

When you’re in edit mode, you can add in sound effects or music as well. The sky’s the limit here.

Video Intro Template from Envato Elements

Don’t Wait to Start Creating

So you see, you really have no excuses not to start creating unique content for your online presence, whatever that may look like for you. From websites to videos, Envato Elements has you covered from top to bottom.

What will you create next?

20 Minimal HTML Templates for Business Websites

Featured Imgs 30

When creating a business website, it’s vital to have a design and layout that serves your content well. But this can feel like a monumental task if you don’t have design skills yourself. That’s why minimal HTML templates are so useful, of course. They save you time, and for just a small upfront investment, you can get a fantastic-looking site that suits your company for years to come.

Today, we’ve compiled twenty minimal HTML templates for creating effective business websites. The minimal design is key here: it means your content stands out and won’t be lost in a sea of clutter.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: Email, admin, landing page & website templates

Starting at only $16.50 per month!


Example of Ocularus

The Ocularus HTML template is easy on the eyes, mostly because there isn’t a whole lot to look at. And that’s a good thing. Its minimal design allows your content to shine.


Example of Blossom

Another option is the Blossom template. This one offers a simple layout that you can use to create any type of company website you can imagine. Add images, add text with ease here.


Example of Sora

The Sora template is aimed at photographers and but could be used for any type of business with a graphical focus.


Example of Krome

Krome is a fantastic template that is suitable for portfolios, agency websites, and more. It uses a grid-based layout for showcasing images in an eye-catching way.


Example of Leto

Leto is another minimal template that can be used for portfolios. Its grid-based design makes it easy to display graphics and images succinctly.


Example of Minel

The Minel template could be customized for a wide range of businesses. It offers an interesting menu layout, call-to-action buttons, and compelling graphics.


Example of Opium

Opium is another HTML template that uses a minimal design to great effect. Enjoy the grid layout, and timeline page option to make for a unique “about us” page, and that’s just for starters.


Example of Minimalize

Minimalize is a lovely-to-look at HTML template that utilizes the one-page motif to create an engaging scrolling experience for your visitors.


Example of Vinero

Vinero is another minimal theme, this time using a monochromatic color scheme, a grid-based layout, and an overall clean look that complements your content well.


Example of Pisend

Another option is the Pisend HTML template. This one offers a minimal design, this time for blogs. It comes with 10 demos, too, so you can opt for one and get started with inserting your content immediately.


Example of Origin

If you’re looking for a portfolio HTML template, this minimal option is a good fit. Origin offers large text, large images, and easily identifiable call-to-action buttons that leave your visitors guided through an intuitive browsing experience.


Example of Pekko

Pekko is another HTML template that is sure to catch the eye. Its monochrome design allows you to feature your best work front and center with zero distractions getting in the way.


Example of Jestem

Jestem is a lovely minimal HTML template that can be used in a wide variety of ways from website to vCard to online resume. It’s easy to set up for presenting your contact info, at the very least.


Example of T-ONE

T-ONE offers a minimal design that gives you plenty of opportunity to showcase full-width images, compelling overlaid text, graphics, and CTAs.


Example of Omnia

Omnia is a minimal HTML template that prioritizes whitespace above all else. And to dramatic effect, I might add. Customize with your own photography and you’ll be impressed with the results.


Example of Laboq

Another option is the Laboq template. This one could be customized to support a grid-based portfolio or even an online store.


Example of Aether

Or you may wish to consider Aether. This minimal HTML template is multipurpose and can be used for any type of site. However, it does have a penchant for agency and portfolio company websites.


Example of Mimilism

Mimilism offers a cohesive, grid-based design that makes it easy to display your best work or examples of your service in an appealing way. Customize, add buttons, and flavor text however you see fit. The fact remains, this template provides flexibility for creating the look you want.


Example of Nubia

The Nubia HTML template really embraces minimalism in an eye-catching way. It has all the hallmarks: whitespace, grid-based layout, and a simple color scheme. But it presents content in such an appealing way that it looks like your site could be a magazine.


Example of Keepsake

Last on our list is the Keepsake template. This one offers a minimal design with a grid layout that could serve a blog, portfolio, or service agency site well.

Set Up a Minimal HTML Template for Your Business

Now that you have twenty minimal HTML templates to choose from, you can hopefully get started with setting up your own business website quickly. So many of these offer demos as well, so you can import that data, add your own images and content and get rolling with launching your new site in a matter of hours. Which is pretty great if you ask us.

18 Free & Premium Business Icon Sets

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If your business has an online presence — which it absolutely should — having a set of eye-catching business icons on hand is a great idea. You can use them in your site’s navigation, in social media images, on infographics, and in many other places. But if you’re reluctant to go search for business icon sets on your own, we’ve got you covered.

What follows is a healthy list of free and premium business icon sets that take the guesswork out of what collections are best and allows you to focus more on building an effective site for your visitors.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 1,500,000+ Icons & Design Assets

Business 25

The Business 25 icons set offers a solid range of icons you can use on your website and other marketing collateral.

Business Icon Set - Business 25

Outlined Business Icons

This set of outlined business icons offers a cohesive and color-coordinated collection you can add to your site immediately for stunning results.

Business Icon Set - Outlined Business Icons

30 Business Icons

This set of 30 business icons are clear, well-rendered, and can be used for a variety of purposes.

Business Icon Set - 30 Business Icons

Cute Outline Icons of Business

Here’s another set of icons that will serve you well. They’re described as cute and feature the outlines of a variety of items and objects to depict concepts.

Business Icon Set - Cute Outline Icons of Business

Free Business Icons

The Business Icons set is completely free and offers more outlines of business-related objects like chat bubbles and magnifying glasses. But it has a few fun items in there as well like rocket ships.

Business Icon Set - Free Business Icons

Magicons: 100 Business Icons

The Magicons set includes 100 different business icons that are engaging to look at and can be used for a wide variety of purposes.

Business Icon Set - Magicons

Colorful Flat Business Icons

This set of flat icons are super colorful, so sure stand out in a number of different settings. The drop shadow on each icon is an especially nice touch.

Colorful Flat Business Icon Set

Kieka Icon Set

Another option to consider is the Kieka Icon Set. This one is super simple but uniquely engaging in that each icon is bubbly and rounded.

Kieka Business Icon Set

Flat Business Icons

This is another set of flat icons, only these stick to a very specific color palette, which could come in handy if your site favors yellow or blue accents.

Flat Business Icon Set

85 Business Icons

This set of 85 different business icons would suit a variety of websites and since you have so many to choose from, they are entirely multipurpose as well.

85 business icon set

Cosmo: 100 Free Icons

Cosmo is yet another offering that includes 100 different icons with a business focus. There are quite a few food, tool, and random object icons included here as well which makes it truly multipurpose.

Cosmo Business Icon set

Linear Business Icons

Another option is the linear business icons set. This one features very simple outline drawings of common items associated with the corporate world.

Big Collection Business Flat Icons

This is an impressive set of icons. Aptly named the Big Collection, this set of flat icons consists of 640 unique icons that you can start using on your business site right away.

Big Collection Business Flat Icons

Smashicons: 80 Material Office Icons

Here’s another compelling choice. Smashicons is a set of 80 material office icons that feature bold outlines.

Smashicons: 80 Material Office Icons

Color Business Icons

Still another option is this set of color business icons. These simple drawings are colorful and eye-catching and could easily be used in a wide variety of situations.

Color Business Icons

Business Icon

The color palette on this set is lovely. The Business Icon set offers some fun gradients and bold color choices that make it stand out.

Business Icon

Material Filled Icons of Business

The Material Filled Icons set strays away from the outline trend and features filled-in icons that would look great are bright backgrounds.

Material Filled Icons of Business

UIcons: 140 Free Icons

Last on our list is UIcons. This set consists of 140 free and unique icons that you can apply to a variety of Aspects to your business and marketing materials.


Check Out These Free & Premium Business Icon Sets

Hopefully you’ll find at least one of these business icon sets useful for your website and company projects. Many fall into the outline style but there’s actually a decent variety here that should keep you experimenting for quite a bit. And since free and premium options are both listed here, you’re certain to find something that fits your aesthetic preferences and your budget.

4 Top SEO Plugins For WordPress (+ Bonus Tools)

Wp Plugins

When building out a WordPress website, it’s vital to have all the right tools on hand. And to get eyeballs on your content, that means building out a solid SEO strategy. A relatively hands-off way to accomplish this is through the use of SEO plugins. Luckily, there are quite a few plugins available for WordPress that make optimizing your site for SEO super easy.

Let’s take a look at some of these SEO plugins for WordPress then dive into discussing a few other tools that can take the guesswork out of selecting keywords and tracking results.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 500,000+ WordPress & Design Assets

Sign up for Envato Elements and get unlimited downloads starting at only $16.50 per month!

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO - WordPress SEO plugins

First on our list is Yoast SEO. This WordPress plugin is one of the most popular, for good reason. It acts as a one-stop shop for on-page SEO. Once installed, it automatically adds widgets to each post and page you can use to add SEO titles, descriptions, assign keywords, as well as other items. You can also use it to add Open Graph metadata. Additionally, you can use it to add social media images to each post along with titles and descriptions optimized for social media platforms. Lastly, Yoast creates an XML sitemap for you and can be used for managing SEO redirects. Both a free and premium version of the plugin are available.


SEOPress - WordPress SEO plugins

Another great option is SEOPress. This plugin covers many of the same attributes as Yoast by adding fields for customizing a post or page’s meta title, description, social media content, redirects, and XML sitemaps. It’s interface is a bit easier to navigate, however, while still offering a wider range of options for experienced developers. This plugin is available in a free and premium version as well.

All in One SEO Pack

All In One SEO - WordPress SEO plugins

Still another popular option is the All in One SEO Pack. This SEO plugin for WordPress includes a full set of tools you can implement immediately on your website. Customize meta titles and descriptions; set up an XML sitemap, create image sitemaps, and more. It’s also compatible with WooCommerce. As you might expect, the premium version of this plugin comes with additional features and allows for a greater level of control over your site’s optimization efforts.

Rank Math

RankMath - WordPress SEO plugins

The last of the plugins we’ll be discussing here is Rank Math. This WordPress SEO plugin is super easy to use and makes it easy to optimize your posts and pages for search engines and for social media. Use the provided setup wizard to import information from other SEO plugins or manually customize meta titles, descriptions, and images. Use it to create Open Graph metadata, an XML sitemap, integrate with Google Search Console and more.

Bonus Tools & Resources

Though the primary focus here is SEO plugins for WordPress, we’d be remiss if we didn’t at least mention a few other tools that make building a comprehensive SEO strategy easier.

  • KeywordTool.io: This simple, straightforward tool delivers keyword suggestions by using Google Autocomplete. It’s as simple as it is genius.
  • SEOQuake: This browser extension can be used to assess a wide number of on-page SEO variables for any website you visit.
  • Ahrefs: The ultimate competitor research tools. Ahrefs allows you to see why your competitors are ranking for the keywords they are so you can plan a comparable strategy.
  • SEMRush: This tools allows you to keep track of how your site is performing as well as monitor competitors, backlinks, and more.
  • Google Search Console: Last on our list, this tool allows you to research keywords and monitor their ranking on any website you manage.

Pick a WordPress SEO Plugin and Start Ranking

In case you didn’t know, having an SEO strategy is imperative for any site’s success. Sure, some happen upon it accidentally, but most keep a mindful eye on keywords and rankings. And you can take a lot of the legwork out of this effort by using a WordPress SEO plugin and by utilizing some of the research and monitoring tools listed here. The results will be well worth the price of admission, so to speak.

20+ Deliciously Dark Website Designs

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Dark website designs are where it’s at. Don’t believe me? They’ve become increasingly popular over the past year. Dark designs are thought to be easier on eye strain and make for a more pleasant viewing experience. They can also add atmosphere to your site.

As more and more websites have shifted to dark mode in 2020, we thought it imperative to highlight some designs that really capture the concept of dark designs well. What follows is a list of over 20 delightfully dark website designs you’ll definitely want to check out.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 400,000+ Fonts & Design Assets

Starting at only $16.50 per month!

Serge Thoraval: Atelier

The Serge Thoraval: Atelier website doesn’t just offer a dark design — it also features some really interesting effects. From a mouse hover effect when the site is loading to transition effects when you scroll down the page, this site sets itself apart.

Dark Website Designs - Atelier


This site offers a dark design that makes each portfolio piece really stand out. Plus, when you hover over each item, they color shift and descriptive text scrolls across it from right to left.

dark website designs - Basilico

Big Drop Inc

Big Drop Inc has a combination of light and dark designs that are both appealing and effective.

dark website designs - Big Drop Inc


DevArt is another site with a dark design that helps to make the artwork it features stand out. It’s also easier on the eyes than sites with brighter backgrounds.

dark website design - DevArt

Creative Park

The Creative Park website offers up a delightfully dark design that allows the subject of photos to really stand out. It also has some really interesting transition effects for changing slides, clicking links, and opening menus.

dark website designs - Creative Park

Olivia Restaurant

The Olivia Restaurant website mimics the mood inside of the restaurant itself — dark, cozy, and inviting.

dark website designs - Olivia Restaurant

3D Hubs

The 3D Hubs website leverages its dark design to make the components it features stand out. This also works well for displaying video and individual items the company offers.

dark website designs - 3D Hubs

Welford Media

Welford Media is a web design firm that uses a dark design on its website to engage visitors. This design choice allows the company’s tagline stand out at a glance and builds immediate interest.

dark website designs - Welford Media

Meaning 2020

The website for the Meaning 2020 Conference has a dark design as well. The gray background allows the colorful logo to stand out and offers a subdued backdrop onto which videos and photos are placed.

dark website designs - Meaning 2020

Rich Brown

This is a website dedicated to the work of Rich Brown, an art director and UX/UI designer. The site itself features a dark design onto which video backgrounds play seamlessly.

dark website designs - Rich Brown

Artem Pivovarov

The design on this website is super interesting. Artem Pivovarov has a dark design with a prominent photo background. It also has interactive elements in this background that react on hover.

dark website designs - Artem Pivovarov

Formigari Srl

Formigari Srl is another site you should check out for dark design inspiration. It highlights videos and photos on a deep gray background that makes the entirety of the content feel immersive.

Formigari Srl

Canvas United

Still another site you should check out is Canvas United. This site is for a New York-based digital agency that provides some cool transition effects and an immersive experience.

Canvas United

The Kennedys

The Kennedys website currently features an under construction sign that’s set on a dark background.

The Kennedys


The Resoluut website offers a dark purple background with images that appear as though they’re hovering on top of it. There is a lot of play with depth of field here.



Still another option is the Fantassin website, which features a dark background and tons of cool scroll effects that draw the eye further down the page.


Cody Petts Studio

The Cody Petts Studio website highlights the work of Cody Petts, including print and packaging designs as well as photography. It’s dark, gritty, and extremely compelling.

Cody Petts Studio

Kazuma Kurata

The design for the Kazuma Kurata website offers a dark background that’s intimately inviting. It makes the colorful Aspects of featured photos stand out even more. The design and function of the site make it clear why it’s deserving of its AWWWARDs Nominee status.

Kazuma Kurata


The Bachoy website highlights a creative and tech studio. The dark design featured here uses a cool spotlight hover effect and interesting interactions with photos as you scroll down the page.


Agency Legend

The Agency Legend website has a truly appealing site that takes advantage of superhero motifs to increase engagement.

Agency Legend


Last on our list is the website for Arara, which offers battery-free bicycle lights. This site is dark but not brooding, and instead uses the darker background to make the bright colors featured in images and videos “pop.”


Dark Website Designs Can Serve You Well

As you can see from the examples listed above, dark website designs can really take the overall look of your website to the next level — whatever that means for you. Whether you want to make colors look more vibrant, ease eye strain, or provide a mood, dark designs offer flexibility in both form and function. Have fun playing with them!

800+ Free & Premium Procreate Brushes

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Procreate makes it easy to create stunning designs and pieces of artwork for personal and professional use. However, gathering all the resources you need, like Procreate brushes, can seem like a daunting task when you’re first starting out.

Instead of having to hunt down brushes to use in your art, we’ve put together a resource you can reference whenever you need a new brush. Here, we’ve compiled some premium brushes, free collections, as well as premium (free & premium) collections you can use in your work starting right now.

All The Best Procreate Brushes
Unlimited Downloads: Hundreds of Procreate Brushes For Your Designs

Envato Elements - Procreate Brushes

Premium Procreate Brushes

Vintage Comic Brushes

Procreate Brushes - Vintage Comic

The Vintage Comic Brushes set contains 51 brushes for Procreate that are heavily inspired by the vintage comic halftone look.

Procreate Texture Brushes.Sand

Procreate Brushes - Texture

This set of texture brushes offer a variety of sand effects for your Procreate projects. The set comes with 6 sand texture brushes.

Fabulous Pencils for Procreate

Procreate Brushes - Pencils

The Fabulous Pencils set comes with 44 different brushes that offer realistic pencil textures for any project that requires a hand drawn look.

Graffiti Brush for Procreate

Procreate Brushes - Graffiti

The Graffiti Brush set makes it easy to create analog graffiti looks in your digital artwork.

The Jungle Brushes

Procreate Brushes - Jungle

The Jungle Brushes is a set of 20 brushes for Procreate that can be used to add an earthy and grungy look to any project.

Free Procreate Brush Collections

Watercolor & Paint Brushes

Procreate Brushes - Watercolor

This is a lovely collection of free watercolor and paint brushes.

250+ Creative and Free Brushes for the iPad Pro

Procreate Brushes - Creative

This is a real treasure trove of free resources! Here, you can find over 250 free brushes that offer you new creative ways to make what you want to make.

351+ Inking, Lettering, and Calligraphy Brushes for the iPad Pro

Procreate Brushes - 351+

If lettering is what you’re interested in, why not browse the 350+ brushes listed in this resource?

Free Procreate Brushes

Procreate Brushes - Free

Here’s another lovely set of brushes that you can browse and use for free.

Free Brushes: A Stockpile of all My Freebies

Procreate Brushes - Stockpile

In this collection, you can browse through all the free brushes a fellow artist has compiled. How generous!

50 of the Best Free Brushes

Procreate Brushes - 50 best free

Another great list here, this time of 50 fantastic free brushes.

Premium Procreate Brush Collections

Premium Brushes for Artists & Illustrators

Procreate Brushes - master bundle

If it’s within your budget, you can always splurge on a new brush or two after browsing those listed here.

34 of the Best Brushes

Procreate Brushes - 34 best

This list of 34 all-time favorite brushes can really take you far when it comes to professionalism — plus there are some freebies included here as well.

The Best Procreate Brushes for iPad (Free & Premium Packs)

Procreate Brushes - iPad

Another free and premium list here, chock full of some of the best brushes you could ever ask for.

The Best Procreate Brushes to Download in 2019

Procreate Brushes - essential bundle

Over 300 brushes are listed at this resource. Odds say you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

100+ Brushes for Artists (Best Free & Premium Brush Sets)

Procreate Brushes - 100+

Last on our list is this collection of over 100 brushes that includes free and premium selections, all of which are great for working artists.

Use These Procreate Brushes to Create Your Next Stunning Work

Don’t let a lack of on-hand resources stunt your next project. Instead, see what’s available to you for or for a nominal fee. What’s available might really surprise you. And hopefully, this collection of Procreate brushes will send you well on your way toward putting together something truly eye-catching. Be sure to check out our other brush resources here.