Some Best-Ofs

Our Top Pens of 2022 has been out a few weeks now and it’s loads of fun.

We tweeted and tooted the Top 10 to show them some extra love.

I noticed Steve Gardner has put together a Hall of Fame Collection with some of the greatest Pens of All Time, and I gotta say I agree with him on this list.

There are so many more, though! There are some massive heavy hitters. isladjan’s Parallax scroll animation has the most hearts of all time as I write. And there are unusual ones, like the freeCodeCamp test template, which is nothing to look at but has helped a zillion learners.

And speaking of curated best-of lists, GreenSock put together their favorites of 2022 — of Pens that use the GSAP framework. Really unbelievably beautiful interactive stuff in there, and of course, presented in a beautifully interactive way.

The web is cool.
