
Category Image 076

I created a little library at work to make those “skeleton screens” that I’m not sure anyone likes. […] We named it skellyCSS because… skeletons and CSS, I guess. We still aren’t even really using it very much, but it was fun to do and it was the first node package I made myself (for the most part).

Regardless of whether or not anyone “likes” skeleton screens, they do come up and have their use cases. And they’re probably not something you want to rebuild time and again. Great use for a web component, I’d say! Maybe Ryan can get Uncle Dave to add it to his Awesome Standalones list. 😉

The other reason I’m sharing this link is that Ryan draws attention to the Web Components De-Mystified course that Scott Jehl recently published, something worth checking out of course, but that I needed a reminder for myself.

Introducing <shelly-wc> originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Useful Tools for Creating AVIF Images

Category Image 076

AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is a modern image file format specification for storing images that offer a much more significant file reduction when compared to other formats like JPG, JPEG, PNG, and WebP. Version 1.0.0 of the AVIF specification was finalized in February 2019 and released by Alliance for Open Media to the public.

You save 50% of your file size when compared to JPG and 20% compared to WebP while still maintaining the image quality.

In this article, you will learn about some browser-based tools and command-line tools for creating AVIF images.

Why use AVIF over JPGs, PNGS, WebP, and GIF?

  • Lossless compression and lossy compression
  • JPEG suffers from awful banding
  • WebP is much better, but there’s still noticeable blockiness compared to the AVIF
  • Multiple color space
  • 8, 10, 12-bit color depth


Jake Archibald, wrote an article a few years back on this new image format and also helped us to identify some disadvantages to compressing images, normally you should look out for these two when compressing to AVIF:

  1. If a user looks at the image in the context of the page, and it strikes them as ugly due to compression, then that level of compression is not acceptable. But, one tiny notch above that boundary is fine.
  2. It’s okay for the image to lose noticeable detail compared to the original unless that detail is significant to the context of the image.

See also: Addy Osmani at Smashing Magazine goes in-depth on using AVIF and WebP.

Data on support for the avif feature across the major browsers from

Browser Solutions


Screenshot of Squoosh.
Screenshot of Squoosh.

Squoosh is a popular image compression web app that allows you to convert images in numerous formats to other widely used compressed formats, including AVIF.

  • File-size limit: 4MB
  • Image optimization settings (located on the right side)
  • Download controls – this includes seeing the size of the resulting file and the percentage reduction from the original image
  • Free to use


Cloudinary’s free image-to-AVIF converter is another image tool that doesn’t require any form of code. All you need to do is upload your selected images (PNG, JPG, GIF, etc.) and it returns compressed versions of them. Its API even has more features besides creating AVIF images like its image enhancement and artificially generating filling for images.

I’m pretty sure you’re here because you’re looking for a free and fast converter. So, the browser solution should do.


  • No stated file size limit
  • Free to use

You can find answers to common questions in the Cloudinary AVIF converter FAQ.

Command Line Solutions


avif-cli by lovell lets you take your images (PNG, JPEG, etc.) stored in a folder and converts them to AVIF images of your specified reduction size.

Here are the requirements and what you need to do:

  • Node.js 12.13.0+

Install the package:

npm install avif

Run the command in your terminal:

npx avif --input="./imgs/*" --output="./output/" --verbose
  • ./imgs/* – represents the location of all your image files
  • ./output/ – represents the location of your output folder
  • Free to use
  • Speed of conversion can be set

You can find out about more commands via the avif-cli GitHub page.


sharp is another useful tool for converting large images in common formats to smaller, web-friendly AVIF images.

Here are the requirements and what you need to do:

  • Node.js 12.13.0+

Install the package:

npm install sharp

Create a JavaScript file named sharp-example.js and copy this code:

const sharp = require('sharp')

const convertToAVIF = () => {
    .toFormat('avif', {palette: true})
    .toFile(__dirname + 'path_to_output_image')


Where path_to_image represents the path to your image with its name and extension, i.e.:


And path_to_output_image represents the path you want your image to be stored with its name and new extension, i.e.:


Run the command in your terminal:

node sharp-example.js

And there! You should have a compressed AVIF file in your output location!

  • Free to use
  • Images can be rotated, blurred, resized, cropped, scaled, and more using sharp

See also: Stanley Ulili’s article on How To Process Images in Node.js With Sharp.


AVIF is a technology that front-end developers should consider for their projects. These tools allow you to convert your existing JPEG and PNG images to AVIF format. But as with adopting any new tool in your workflow, the benefits and downsides will need to be properly evaluated in accordance with your particular use case.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead!

Useful Tools for Creating AVIF Images originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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The “Other” C in CSS

Category Image 052

I think it’s worth listening to anything Sara Soueidan has to say. That’s especially true if she’s speaking at an event for the first time in four years, which was the case when she took the stage at CSS Day 2024 in Amsterdam. What I enjoy most about Sara is how she not only explains the why behind everything she presents but offers it in a way that makes me go “a-ha!” instead of “oh crap, I’m doing everything wrong.”

(Oh, and you should take her course on Practical Accessibility.)

Sara’s presentation, “The Other ‘C’ in CSS”, was published on YouTube just last week. It’s roughly 55 minutes of must-see points on the various ways CSS can, and does, impact accessibility. I began watching the presentation casually but quickly fired up a place where I could take thorough notes once I found myself ooo-ing and ahhh-ing along.

So, these are the things I took away from Sara’s presentation. Let me know if you’ve also taken notes so we can compare! Here we go, there’s a lot to take in.

Here’s the video

Yes, CSS affects accessibility

CSS changes more than the visual appearance of elements, whether we like it or not. More than that, its effects cascade down to HTML and the accessibility tree (accTree). And when we’re talking about the accTree, we’re referring to a list of objects that describes and defines accessible information about elements.

There are typically four main bits of info about an accTree object:

  • Role: what kind of thing is this? Most HTML elements map to ARIA roles, but not all of them.
  • Name: identifies the element in the user interface.
  • Description: how do we further describe the thing?
  • State: what is its current state? Announce it!

The browser provides interactive features — like checking a checkbox that updates and exposes the element’s information — so the user knows what happens following an interaction.

Accessibility tree objects may also contain properties and relationships, such as whether it is part of a group or labeled by another element.

Example: List semantics

CSS can affect an object’s accessible role, name, description, or even whether it is exposed in the accTree at all. As such, it can directly impact the screen reader announcement. We shared a while back how removing list-style affects list semantics, particularly in the case of Safari, and Sara explains its nuances.

/* Removes list role semantics in Safari */
/* Need to add aria-role=list */
ul {
  list-style: none;

/* Does not remove role semantics in Safari */
nav ul {
  list-style: none:

/* Removed unless specifically re-added in the markup */
ul:where([role="list"]) {
  list-style: none;

/* Preserves list semantics */
ul {
  list-style: "";

display: contents

CSS can completely remove the presence of an element from the accessibility tree. I took a screenshot from one of Sara’s slides but it’s just so darn helpful that I figured putting the info in a table would be more useful:

Exposed to a11y APIs?Keyboard accessible?Visually accessible (rendered)?Children exposed to a11y APIs?
display: none
visibility: hidden
opactity: 0 and filter: opacity(0)
clip-path: inset(100%)
display: contents

The display: contents method does more than it’s supposed to. In short, we know that display controls the type of box an element generates. A value of none, for example, generates no box.

The contents value is sort of like none in that not box is generated. The difference is that it has no impact on the element’s children. In other words, declaring contents does not remove the element or its child elements from the accTree. More than that, there’s a current bug report saying that declaring contents in Firefox breaks the anchoring effect of an ID attribute attached to an element.

Eric Bailey says that using display: contents is considered harmful. If using it, the recommendation is to set it on a generic <div> instead of a semantically meaningful element. If we were to use it on a meaningful interactive element, it would be removed from the accTree, and its children would be bumped up to the next level in the DOM.

Visually hiding stuff

Many, many of us use some sort of .visibility-hidden class as a utility for hiding elements while allowing screenreaders to pick them up and announce the contents. TPGi has a great breakdown of the technique.

.visually-hidden:not(:focus):not(:active) {
  width: 1px;
  height: 1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0); /* for IE only */
  clip-path: inset(50%);
  position: absolute;
  white-space: nowrap;

This is super close to what I personally use in my work, but the two :not() statements were new to me and threw me for a loop. What they do is make sure that the selector only applies when the element is neither focused nor activated.

It’s easy to slap this class on things we want to hide and call it a day. But we have to be careful and use it intentionally when the situation allows for us to hide but still announce an element. For example, we would not want to use this on interactive elements because those should be displayed at all times. If you’re interacting with something, we have to be able to see it. But for generic text stuff, all good. Skip to content links, too.

There’s an exception! We may want an animated checkbox and have to hide the native control’s appearance so that it remains hidden, even though CSS is styling it in a way that it is visible. We still have to account for the form control’s different states and how it is announced to assistive tech. For example, if we hide the native checkbox for a custom one by positioning it way off the screen, the assistive tech will not announce it on focus or activation. Better to absolutely position the checkbox over the custom one to get the interactive accessibility benefits.

Bottom line: Ask yourself whether an interactive element will become visible when it receives focus when deciding whether or not to use a .visually-hidden utility.

CSS and accessible names

The browser follows a specific process when it determines an element’s accessible name (accName):

  • First, it checks for aria-labelledby. If present, and if the ID in the attribute is a valid reference to an element on the page, it uses the reference’s element’s computed text as the element’s accessible name.
  • Otherwise, it checks for aria-label.
  • Otherwise, unless the element is marked with role="presentation" or role="none" (i.e., the element does not accept an accName anymore), the browser checks if the element can get its own name, which could happen in a few ways, including:
    • from an HTML elemnenty, such as alt or title (which is best on an <iframe>; otherwise, avoid),
    • from another element, like <label> or <legend>, or
    • from its contents.

At this point, Sara went into a brief (but wonderful) tangent on <button> semantics. Buttons are labelable elements and can get their accName by using an aria-label attribute, an aria-labelledby attribute, its contents, or even a <label> element.

ARIA takes precedence over HTML which is why we want to avoid it only where we have to. We can see the priorities and overrides for accessible names in DevTools under the Accessibility tab when inspecting elements.

DevTools exposing the accessibility tree of the document and aria attributes for a selected anchor element.

But note: the order of priority defined in the accName computation algorithm does not define the order of priority that you should follow when providing an accName to elements. The steps should like be reversed if anything. Prioritize native HTML!

CSS generated content

Avoid using CSS to create meaningful content. Here’s why:

<a href="#" class="info">CSS generated content</a>
.info::before {
  content: "ⓘ" / "Info: ";
  /* or */
  content: url('path-to-icon.svg') / "Info: ";

/* Contents: : Info: CSS generated content. */

But it’s more nuanced than that. For one, we’re unable to translate content generated by CSS into different languages, at least via automated tools. Another one: that content is gone if CSS is unavailable for whatever reason. I didn’t think this would ever be too big a concern until Sara reminded me that some contexts completely strip out CSS, like Safari’s Reader Mode (something I rely on practically every day, but wish I didn’t have to).

There are also edge cases where CSS generated content might be inaccessible, including in Forced Colors environments (read: color conflicts), or if a broken image is passed to the url() function (read: alt text of the image is not shown in place of the broken image, at least in most browsers, yet it still contributes to the accName, violating SC 2.5.3 Label in Name). Adrian Roselli’s article on the topic includes comprehensive test results of the new feature, showing different results.

Inline SVG is probably better! But we can also do this to help with icons that are meant to be decorative to not repeat redundant information. But it is inconsistent as far as browser implementation (but Sara says Safari gets it right).

/* like: <img src="icon.svg" alt=""> */
.icon {
  content: url('path/to/icon.svg') / "";

So, what can we do to help prevent awkward and inaccessible situations that use CSS generated content?

  • Avoid using CSS pseudo-elements for meaningful content — use HTML!
  • Hide decorative and redundant CSS content by giving it an empty alt text (when support is there and behavior is consistent).

CSS can completely strip an element of its accName…

…if the source of the name is hidden in a way that removes it from the accessibility tree.

For example, an <input> can get its accName from a <label>, but that label is hidden by CSS in a way that doesn’t expose it to a11y APIs. In other words, the <label> is no longer rendered and neither are its contents, so the input winds up with no accName.

Showing the HTML for a label-input pair and CSS that uses display: none to hide the label.

BUT! Per spec:

By default assistive technologies do not relay hidden information, but an author can explicitly override that and include hidden text as part of the accessible name or accessible description by using aria-labelledby or aria-describedby.

So, in this case, we can reuse the label even if it is hidden by tacking on aria-labelledby. We could use the .visually-hidden utility, but the label is still accessible and will continue to be announced.

Using aria-labelled by on an text form input with DevTools showing the input's accessible name which is pulled from the label element.

CSS does not affect the state of an element in the accTree

If we use a <button> to show/hide another element, for example, the <button> element state needs to expose that state. Content on hover or focus violates SC 1.4.13 which requires a way to dismiss the content. And users must be able to move their cursor away from the text and have it persist.

CSS-only modals using the checkbox hack are terrible because they don’t trap focus, don’t make the page content inert, and don’t manage keyboard focus (without JavaScript).

Popovers created with the Popover API are always non-modal. If you want to create a modal popover, a <dialog> is the right way to go. I’m enamored with Jhey Tompkins’s demo using the popover for a flyout navigation component, so much so that I used it in another article. But, using popover for modal-type stuff — including for something like a flyout nav — we still need to update the accessible states.

There’s much more to consider, from focus traps to inert content. But we can also consider removing the popover’s ::backdrop for fewer restrictions, like making background content inert or trapping focus. Then again, something like a popover-based flyout navigation violates SC 2.4.12 Focus Not Obscured if it covers or obscures another element with focus. So, yes, visibility is important for usability but we should shoot for better usability that goes beyond WCAG conformance. (Sara elaborates on this in a comment down below.)

So… close the popover when focus leaves it. Sara mentioned an article that Amit Sheen wrote for Smashing Magazine where it’d be wise to pay close attention to how a change is communicated to the user when a <select> menu <option> is selected to update colors on the page. That poses issues about SC 3.2.2 where something changes on input. When the user interacts with it, the user should know what’s going to happen.

Final thoughts

Yeah, let all that sink in. It feels good, right? Again, what I love most about Sara’s presentation (or any of them, for that matter) is that she isn’t pointing any condemning fingers at anyone. I care about oodles accessible experiences but know just how much I don’t know, and it’s practical stuff like this where I see clear connections to my work that can make me better.

I took one more note from Sara’s talk and didn’t quite know where to put it, but I think the conclusion makes sense because it’s a solid reminder that HTML, CSS, and, yes JavaScript, all have seats at the table and can each contribute positively to accessible experience:

  • Hacking around JavaScript with CSS can introduce accessible barriers. JavasScript is still useful and required for these things. Use the right tool for the job.

The “Other” C in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Preparing for the upcoming Java Interview in September 2024 with BlackRock

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Hello, i've cleared my java certification exam and got the job interview. The interview will be held in the next month on 22 September 2024. I want to prepare for each every questions because i believe it would be the toughest round with BlackRock. This is my best call and I don't want to miss it. Anyone has any helpful resource related to Java Interview Questions please share.

How to Use AI for Technical SEO, Straight from HubSpot’s Tech SEO Team

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HubSpot’s 2024 State of Marketing Report found that marketers save around 2.5 hours per day with AI. Further, 60% of marketers see AI tools as helpful assistants in their jobs.

Download Now: The Annual State of Artificial Intelligence in 2024 [Free Report]

When it comes to technical SEO and AI, specifically, I set out to answer three burning questions: Are SEO folks using AI? If so, how? And is it actually worth it?

To find answers, I contacted members of HubSpot’s technical SEO team and practitioners from my external network.

If you’re asking yourself the same questions, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get into the good stuff!

Table of Contents

How to Use AI for Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to anything you do that makes your site easier for search engines to crawl and index. Technical SEO, content strategy, and link-building strategies all work together to help your pages rank highly in search.

AI can be leveraged in various ways to help your technical SEO strategy. The first five use cases are from HubSpot’s internal SEO team.

The final three are from SEO practitioners in my network doing interesting things with AI for tech SEO purposes.

1. Improve Internal Linking Architecture

I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t internal linking on-page SEO? As with most things in SEO, it depends. (You knew that was coming at some point, folks, so I got it in early for good measure.)

You might not figure out anchor text for individual links as part of your technical SEO efforts. However, you will need to factor in internal linking as part of a site’s overall link architecture. To get a clear picture, you’ll need a bird’s-eye view of any existing internal linking.

Enter Killian Kelly’s use case for AI. Kelly is a marketing manager and SEO content strategist working on HubSpot’s EN blog strategy.

“I‘m currently looking into ways we can enhance our blog’s internal linking structure by using Screaming Frog‘s Ngram tool,” says Kelly.

“It’s going to be incredibly useful for navigating through the large amount of content on HubSpot’s blog. The tool is excellent at identifying both linked and unlinked keywords within the content, which is very helpful for internal linking.”

ai technical seo: using Screaming Frog’s Ngram tool to find internal linking opportunities

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Kelly adds, “During this exploration, I stumbled upon the possibility of integrating OpenAI with Screaming Frog. This will allow us to use ChatGPT prompts during the crawl, which can help automate and optimize different aspects of SEO.”

Kelly explains that the integration should help automate tasks like writing and optimizing alt text for images, creating anchor text, and structuring data automatically.

It can also automatically classify the content into themes, which he thinks would be very helpful for understanding page intent and possible correlations between content types and performance.

Best for: Many of the AI automations mentioned above are more relevant to on-page SEO. So, I think this use case would benefit you if you have a mixture of on-page and tech in your role. And let’s face it, that’s a lot of us these days.

2. Generate Schema Tags

The next four use cases come from Sylvain Charbit, the senior marketing manager on HubSpot’s tech SEO team. He discusses using AI to generate schema tags, conduct log file analysis, and more.

“There are a few ways to use AI for technical SEO, the most common one being to generate Schema tags,” says Charbit. “These small blocks of code are used to display rich results in search (among other things).”

ai technical seo: using Jasper Chat to generate Schema tags

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There are a ton of AI-powered schema markup generators available online. If you’re already using for your content efforts, you can use Jasper Chat to create schema markup.

Of course, there’s OpenAI’s ChatGPT. I know of many folks who use the free version for this task.

As with anything AI-related, you’ll want to validate what the tool spits out to make sure it’s accurate and functional.

Best for: SEO practitioners who aren’t very comfortable with coding. But even if you are, it can help you save time.

3. Log File Analysis

“Another way we leverage AI for technical SEO is to have it analyze part of our logs (the one without sensitive user data) and recognize behavior patterns,” says Charbit.

“Maybe Googlebot is getting stuck somewhere or crawling many URLs with no interest. AI allows us to know what is going on in a flash and to act accordingly.”

Disclaimer alert: I haven’t personally tested this. However, you should be able to use the Data Analysis GPT in ChatGPT to add some AI magic to your log file analysis. Theoretically, it should be as simple as dragging and dropping your log file into the GPT and asking it a question to get started.

ai technical seo: using Open AI’s Data Analysis GPT to analyze a log file

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Asking Open AI’s Data Analysis GPT questions about data from a log file

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If you’d like to explore this concept further, I found this tutorial pretty helpful!

<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“” title=“YouTube video player” frameborder=“0” allow=“accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=“strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Best for: SEO practitioners who want to recognize behavior patterns at speed.

4. Get a Second Opinion on Your Code

HubSpot’s Sylvain Charbit shares another use case for AI in technical SEO.

“Additionally, getting an opinion from AI on a block of code can be useful to detect an issue if a manual review doesn't provide any results,” Charbit says.

I’d say that in this case, whatever AI tool you use to validate your code, it should, as the cool kids say, function as your “intern.”

That’s opposed to taking the lead with your code. In short, for this use case, you must have the skills and knowledge to recognize whether AI is hallucinating.

Best for: SEO practitioners with a competent understanding of code but would like a second opinion.

5. Communicate Technical Ideas to Decision-Makers

“Last but not least, communication! Being able to simplify and communicate technical SEO is crucial to getting buy-in from decision-makers,” says Charbit.

He adds, “As I am constantly head down into technical stuff, I can sometimes forget that some terms or facts are not known to many people. AI reminds me of this and improves collaboration with multiple stakeholders by providing more digestible information.”

If I were to do this, I think I’d probably enlist Grammarly, one of my go-to AI-enhanced tools, for the task. Why? It’ll accomplish two things at once.

First things first, it’ll check the text for spelling, grammar, and tone. Second, you can use the new “Increase the impact of your text” feature to highlight any parts of the text that you might need to clarify for a beginner audience.

I’d also highly recommend the “Clarity” function. I’ve been really impressed with how much that’s improved in the last year or so!

Using AI for technical SEO: Setting the Audience goals in Grammarly

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I’d start by setting the “Audience” goal to “General.” I’d then click “Increase the impact of your text.”

I do have a word of warning for this Grammarly feature, though. Sometimes, it can be a little over the top with its suggestions. Then, before you know it, rather than filling in your audience's potential knowledge gaps, you’re actually talking down to them.

I generally use this feature to highlight potential areas for improvement rather than using the solutions presented by Grammarly.

ai technical seo: using the Increase the impact of your text feature in Grammarly

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Best for: SEO practitioners who need to communicate technical ideas — including the business benefits of implementation — to non-technical stakeholders.

6. Track Headers During Audits

Next, Mike Ciffone, an SEO consultant at Ciffone Digital, shares how he’s been using AI for technical SEO audits.

“While perhaps not the most glamorous use of AI, in my audits, I’ve been using it to keep track of headers,” says Ciffone. “When I fire up Screaming Frog, I use the JavaScript execution feature to store the HTTP response of each URL. Then, with AI, I’m simply asking questions and getting told the story.”

Ciffone asks AI questions like:

  • Are there any patterns in response codes?
  • Where are we getting the most cache misses?
  • Do I have X-robots headers setting no-index/nofollow or canonicals anywhere?

He adds, “In my opinion, there’s way too much instinct involved in auditing for AI to be very useful for any sort of automation (for now at least). However, as a personal assistant, it’s drastically improved my efficiency and shortened my turnaround times.”

Best for: SEO practitioners working with the combination of having a separate mobile site (e.g.,, multiple language and geo versions, and also working with a progressive web app versus merely a responsive site.

7. Deploy Schema at Scale

I wanted to build upon the schema tag generation use case presented by Sylvain Charbit (number two on this list.)

So I contacted International SEO Consultant Aarne Salminen, who I noticed talking about generating schema templates in bulk to deploy sitewide in MostlyMarketing’s Slack community.

“I do this for sites that have hundreds of content types = schema templates and millions of URLs,” says Salminen. “If you have just a few types of content, I might not go the AI route, but on large-scale projects, it seems to speed up things, including setting everything up.”

Salminen adds, “I don't use AI in any active component in the process because reliability is most likely still an issue. So it is in the preprocessing stage and/or planning stage, where you build up templates per content type, keeping the big picture of the website infrastructure and internal connections in mind.”

I asked Aarne to share what this process looks like. He said he feeds it the data of their site, such as Screaming Frog type of data with identified and manually verified page types, and lets the AI run the first pass of suggestions.

After that, he verifies and validates the AI input, tweaks it, and does a second pass if need be. Then, he verifies and validates again, and finally, it goes to implementation.

Best for: SEO practitioners working on sites that have large quantities of content types and URLs.

8. Visualize Google Search Console (GSC) Data

Last but not least, I learned about this use case from Sreeram Sharma, an SEO consultant and co-founder of Angleout.

“I use ChatGPT to visualize the GSC data while looking for pages that were hit or gained traffic during a specific time period,” says Sharma. “This helps me to plot a graph and visualize stuff rather than using Tables or Looker Studio. I like using this approach compared to Looker Studio.”

I asked Sharma to expand upon the process:

“I run a screaming frog audit and export it into sheets, then use vlookup to map them with clicks + impressions before/after traffic drop. Now, I upload the sheet to ChatGPT and ask it to visualize and show a correlation of the number of tech errors versus the drop in traffic.”

A correlation of pages with increased impressions and clicks from ChatGPT

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A correlation of pages with decreased impressions and clicks from ChatGPT

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Sharma adds, “This helps me get an approximate idea of traffic drop and makes it a bit easier to explain to my clients on monthly calls. So far, they've loved it.”

Best for: SEO practitioners looking for an alternative to Tables or Looker Studio.

Adding AI to Your Technical SEO Strategy: Yay or Nay?

Ever since OpenAI unleashed ChatGPT in the winter of 2022, there's been a ton of hype around AI.

Upon the back of the release — and seemingly in the blink of an eye — we went from AI being a developing concept, bubbling away in the background, to it being everywhere. Integrated into anything and everything.

The floodgates had truly opened.

Now, it‘s the summer of 2024. You look to your left: AI. You look to your right: Oh, hello, that’s some more AI. But unlike 2022, the dust has settled somewhat, and maybe you're like me, constantly asking: Is the juice really worth the squeeze?

When it comes to AI for technical SEO, the answer is both yay and nay. Honestly, it depends on your unique situation. That said, there are two things I can say with absolute confidence:

1) There‘s literally no point using AI for tech SEO simply for the sake of it. If it doesn’t add value to your process (i.e., save you time and improve efficiency), it's hype — plain and simple.

2) If you remove the human from tech SEO at this stage, where AI is right now, you're cooked.

On the latter point, will this change in the future? Who knows. I personally don‘t think you can ever fully remove humans from SEO. But that’s just my humble opinion.

What do you think?

Top Shopping Trends of 2024 & How They’ve Changed [New Data]

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Shopping trends have drastically changed over the past few years. While most of us previously browsed retail stores on a Saturday to find great deals, we now turn to Instagram to find discounts offered by influencers.

Download Now: The State of U.S. Consumer Trends [Free Report]

And rather than watching TV ads to find out about new products, nowadays, most of us stumble across ads in between YouTube videos.

Here, we'll explore the shopping trends of 2024, as discovered in our State of Consumer Trends Survey, to ensure you're able to meet customers where and when they'd prefer to shop. Let's dive in. 

Table of Contents

How Shopping Trends Changed in 2024

1. Consumers prefer flexibility over subscription models.

These days, consumers have a lot of flexibility in how they purchase products.

They can make a one-time purchase or join a subscription service. Thanks to popular platforms like Afterpay and Klarna, they can also pay full price or via installments.

However, this flexibility may not be necessary. A staggering 63% of consumers still prefer purchasing products whenever the need arises. Only 17% actually prefer purchasing a product on a subscription basis. 

"I've seen a few 'grocery subscription' services pop up over the last year or two," HubSpot staff writer Erica Santiago says. "Basically, you sign on to get a certain item on a monthly basis. But I prefer getting items as I need them because I don't like getting roped into a commitment to purchase if that makes sense."


To learn more, check out our post “Top Shopping Trends of 2024 and How They’ve Changed” on the HubSpot blog #marketing #shopping #hubspot

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She explains, "Let's say I typically order a lot of fruits and veggies, so I subscribe to a service that delivers my usual quantity of fruits and veggies each month.

However, the summer rolls around, and I'm out of town a lot for vacations, weddings, etc. Now I have all the produce coming in that I might not have time to eat. Or, I have to remember to pause the subscription while away."

Santiago says a subscription sounds like too much of a hassle to manage and is not always a guarantee that she'll save money.

"I have too many subscriptions as it is, and I'm always getting emails from these services about subscription prices increasing," she says.

"It can be a pain to remember what to cancel, what's worth the investment. I'd rather just buy things as I need them."

Moreover, consumers prefer to purchase products at full price. Only 21% of consumers prefer purchasing a product with installments.

"An installment is like another monthly payment I need to remember along with my list of other monthly payments, even if it's temporary," Santiago explains.

"Again, I'd rather buy something once, pay it in full, and not worry about it until the next time I need it again."

 A staggering 63% of consumers still prefer purchasing products whenever the need arises. Only 17% actually prefer purchasing a product on a subscription basis. 

2. Baby Boomers are skeptical about shopping via social media, but they're coming around.

According to our report, a slim 8% of Baby Boomers feel comfortable making purchases directly on social media. Though Baby Boomers are skeptical about shopping via social media, things could be turning around.

20% of Baby Boomers have discovered a new product on social media in the past 3 months — a 41% jump from May 2022. On top of that, 8% of boomers have bought a product on social media in the past three months, a more than 50% jump from May 2022.

While these stats are promising, it's important to meet your consumers where they are right now. So, if you're audience skews older, you might get more traction with other channels like TV ads and search.

3. A company's stance on social issues remains important to Millennials and Gen Z'ers, but the quality of the products reigns supreme.

Consumers do want to support companies that share their values. For example, 64% of consumers want companies to reduce their environmental impact.

However, numbers suggest it's not as big of a deciding factor as previous years:

  • 58% of consumers believe companies should donate a portion of their profits to charity, a 3% decrease from 2023. 
  • 76% of consumers believe companies should try to improve the well-being of their employees, up only 1% from May 2022.
  • Only 7% of consumers say whether companies donating the proceeds from their purchases to charity is the most important factor in their purchasing decision. 

When a company takes a genuine stand, it can be an effective way to build trust and credibility with consumers. However, consumers care most about the quality of a product or service and whether it's worth their money. 

Our study found that 51% of consumers say the quality and price of a product are the most important factors in their purchasing decisions. Furthermore, one of the top concerns consumers (44%) have with buying items online is the quality, according to our survey. 

The Top Shopping Trends of 2024

1. For Gen Z, influencer recommendations matter more than recommendations from friends and family, but that gap is narrowing. 

According to our survey, a little over a fifth of Gen Z consumers (22%) prefer to discover new products on social media via influencers, and 29% of millennial consumers say the same.

Furthermore, 27% of Gen Z consumers say they've made a purchase based on an influencer's recommendation in the last three months, and 36% of millennial consumers say the same.

Influencer marketing has remained an effective strategy for brands over the past few years, which is why 50% of marketers plan to increase their investment in it in 2024.

However, our survey shows a slight shift in the trend, at least among Gen Z consumers. Only 9% of Gen Zers in our survey said recommendations from friends and family are among the most important factors in their purchasing decisions.

This is only 2% less than the amount of Gen Zers who say the same about influencer recommendations. 

That said, most millennials and Gen Zers in our survey still have a lot of trust influencers and consider their recommendations in their purchasing decisions.

This makes sense in many ways: Influencers are traditionally considered experts in their niche. If I follow a makeup influencer, I can safely assume he or she knows more about makeup than most of my friends.

For e-commerce businesses, this is powerful news: It means you no longer need to rely on word-of-mouth alone (though word-of-mouth should still be a part of your strategy).

Instead, it's wise to focus your efforts on influencer marketing since influencers have demonstrated a level of influence over their audiences that surpasses even that of friends and family.

2. Gen Zers prefer to discover new products via social media — but they still like to make purchases in-store.

Our State of Consumer Trends Survey found 40% of Gen Zers (ages 18-24) have discovered new products on social media in the last 3 months, followed by internet searches (28%), and word of mouth (26%). 

If your e-commerce business is targeting Gen Zers, then, it's vital you focus your efforts on social media rather than paid ads when it comes to attracting new leads to your products and educating those leads on your products.

Additionally, when asked which content formats Gen Zers prefer for learning about a product and its features on social media, the majority (48%) said they'd like to learn about a product through a short-form video like a TikTok or Reel.

The same percentage applies to social media marketplaces where purchases happen off the app, like Facebook Marketplace.

However, 38% of Gen Zers say they'd still prefer to purchase a product in-store.

This is an important call-out: While you'll want to focus on social media for your lead generation efforts, it's still vital to have a strong, effective in-store shopping option for those who would like to make the final sale in person.

40% of Gen Zers (ages 18-24) have discovered new products on social media in the last 3 months.

3. When it comes to millennials and Gen X, social media is the most popular option for discovering new products.

Similar to Gen Zers, social media (34%) is the most popular method among millennial buyers for discovering new products.

However, YouTube ads (29%) are a close second for millennials, which means that if you're targeting a millennial demographic, you might want to consider investing in YouTube and YouTube Ads to get their attention. 

And if your target audience is Gen X (35-54-year-olds), social media is also the most popular option. The majority of Gen X (28%) say they prefer to discover new products via social media.

Plus, 27% of Gen X buyers also search the internet for new products, so SEO is another good option here.

4. Millennials, Gen Xers, and Gen Zers prefer to discover new products via short-form videos.

What do Gen Zers, millennials, and Gen Xers all have in common? Well, the majority of them (48%, 47%, and 36%, respectively) prefer discovering new products via short-form videos.

So, if you're aiming to attract those three generations, you'll want to consider short-form videos like TikTok or Instagram Reels.

What do Gen Zers, millennials, and Gen Xers all have in common? Well, the majority of them (48%, 47%, and 36%, respectively) prefer discovering new products via short-form videos.

5. Mobile phones are the most popular device for online shopping, but most consumers prefer buying in-store. 

The majority of consumers in our survey (62%) say they prefer shopping online with their mobile phone over using a tablet, computer, laptop, or other device.

You'd think this would mean they prefer making purchases via a mobile app or their phone. Surprisingly, that isn't the case! 64% of consumers in our survey actually prefer purchasing items in-store.

"I find new products online all the time, and I'll even do some 'virtual window shopping," says HubSpot's Santiago. "Basically, I'll peruse different online stores via my phone and not always with the intention of buying anything."

However, like the 52% of millennials in our survey, Santiago says she prefers purchasing items in-store. 

"I like being able to hold an item in my hand to get a feel for the quality or trying on clothes in a fitting room, and those are experiences you really only get if you're shopping in person," she says.

Again, ensure that your in-store experience is just as delightful, easy, and effective as your digital store. 

And, if you're an e-commerce business, it's critical your website is mobile-optimized, and you have mobile-responsive product pages.

If I'm scrolling a company's products and I find it's too difficult or cumbersome on my phone, I typically ditch the website – and don't return. So it's vital you ensure you're following mobile best practices (including large text, lots of white space, responsive templates, and mobile-friendly calls-to-action).

6. Price and quality matter most when it comes to making a purchasing decision — but not always in that order.

Most of our Gen Z (40%) and Boomer respondents (71%) say price is the most important factor when deciding to buy a product. 

However, our survey suggests that price is actually second to quality in the eyes of Millennials and Gen Xers. Most of our Millennial respondents (33%) rank quality as the number one factor when deciding on a purchase, and 46% of Gen Xers say the same. 

According to our survey, quality is the second most important factor for Gen Z and Boomers. No matter the order, price, and quality are the top two deciding factors, so make sure your products are fairly priced and of high quality. 

7. Short-form video offers huge advertising opportunities.

Short-form video is the most popular video length on social media. As a result, TikTok — and other short-form video platforms — are becoming viable advertising channels. In fact, 37% of consumers in our survey want to learn about products through short-form videos like TikToks or Reels.

On top of that, 52% of U.S TikTok users say the advertisements they see on the platform are fun and engaging — which are two ingredients for effective ads.

The Shopping Trends to Expect in 2025

Here are a few trends you'll continue to see: 

  • Omnichannel retailing will be a priority. Our survey results show that mobile, online, and in-store shopping are all important to consumers across generations to varying degrees. So, expect to see businesses lean heavily into omnichannel retailing. In other words, businesses will ensure the shopping experience is consistent, connected, and delightful no matter how or where customers are shopping. 
  • Sustainable and ethical practices will be crucial in retaining consumer trust. Consumers care a lot about a company's values and ethics. For example, we found that 64% of consumers agree that companies should try to reduce their environmental impact. So, think of ways your company can operate sustainably and ethically for both the planet and your consumers. 
  • Prepare to see a lot of micro and nano-influencers in short-form video advertisements. Short-form video is still a preferred medium for many consumers learning about new products and marketers continue to see success with micro and nano influencers. So, it makes sense you're going to see more influencers promoting products and services on short-form video platforms like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok.

When creating an effective e-commerce strategy, it's vital you take the time to understand how shoppers want to shop today — and into the future.

Shopping behaviors change over time. The more your business can meet the evolving needs of your consumers, the more likely you are to continue to succeed well into the future.

What Jobs Will AI Replace & Which Are Safe in 2024 [+ Data]

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Is AI taking over jobs in 2024?

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A quarter of workers are worried it is.

There’s even a website called “Will Robots Take My Job?” where you can input a job title and see the likelihood of AI taking it over. I’ll admit that I’m even affected by this fear, checking the website more often than I’d like to admit.

The site is interesting to explore, but it’s important to understand the facts. So, I took a deep dive into the site to see what jobs have staying power and which don’t.

In this post, I’ll discuss the impact it’s already had, a list of jobs that AI can and cannot replace, and expert advice on how to future-proof your career and come out on top.

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Artificial intelligence disruption is already happening.

AI once posed the most significant disruption to assembly lines. The recent AI boom has changed that, as advancements have introduced AI to many different industries and businesses, and more and more workers leverage it to do their jobs.

For example, salespeople are using AI to analyze sales calls faster, bloggers and content creators are already using AI to streamline the writing process, and customer support reps are bringing customers faster solutions.

Salespeople are now using AI to analyze sales calls faster, marketers and digital creators are creating multi-channel content at greater speed, and customer support reps are bringing customers faster solutions.

Such functions lead to greater ROI for businesses, and this is shooting the AI optimism off the roof according to our 2023 State of AI report.

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However, as advancements continue, will the disruption become so great that the workforce will find themselves asking, will ChatGPT replace me?

HubSpot Co-Founder and CTO Dharmesh Shah has a positive outlook on the future of AI. In fact, he thinks bots and AI will make us better at our jobs and more secure in our careers, not the other way around.

Samyutha Reddy, Jasper’s head of enterprise marketing, thinks similarly. Her teams regularly use generative AI, but she’s still actively hiring because AI can’t replace the human experience.

“We value writers in our society because they‘re able to give us a thought-provoking human perspective on the world…it’s about humans sharing opinions on very real topics that help build your perspective on how you feel about something. So an AI could really never replace that human perspective,” she says.

Despite the expert opinions of Shah and Reddy, you might still be anxious about where your career stands. I sometimes find myself lying in bed, scrolling through Reddit threads about the robot uprising. So, I put my mind at ease by turning to data.

Based on current data and the website Will Robots Take My Job?, I’ll explore what jobs AI can replace highlighting ten positions with a higher likelihood. I’ll also explore which jobs are safe from AI, highlighting ten job roles least likely to be replaced by this technology.

What jobs can AI replace?

Once in the past, concerns over machines replacing human jobs rose with the automation of physical tasks common in factories and warehouses. Now, the same is happening with AI and the fear of it replacing human intelligence in the workplace.

“Think about your position and what your position will transform to in the next 12 to 24 months. Whether you like it or not, this is happening, and it is going to happen so fast that it will change the fabric of our society. If you haven't already done so, search for whatever your title or your position is and look at all the [AI] tools that exist within that,” Duran Inci, CEO at Optimum7 says.

Before ChatGPT exploded in 2022 and unleashed the capabilities of AI to the average user, AI had already been making inroads in the sector. Business leaders were already hiring AI specialists, devising ways to use the technology to 10x their productivity, according to a report by PwC.

Between 2012 and 2023, jobs with AI-specific skill requirements increased sevenfold. In contrast, regular jobs only doubled within the same timeframe. But while the demand for professionals with technical AI skills may be on the rise, traditional jobs with high exposure to AI may be left on the back burner.

And from a Pew Research Center study, one in five Americans work a job with “high exposure” to (this exposure is measured by how much of the job’s most important activities can be performed or supported by AI).

Job roles that involve work activities like “getting information, processing information, analyzing data and information, thinking creatively, evaluating information to determine compliance with standards, making decisions or solving problems, performing for or working directly with the public, and more” fall under that category.

And these are the jobs that AI can replace. Not entirely, but to a significant extent affecting 30% of current worked hours by 2030.

“I would say 40% to 50% of creative and generic positions are already 80% there, and you will lose millions of dollars in the next 10 to 20 years if you don’t already have the plus version of ChatGPT and if you don't already use it,” Inci continues.

What this means is that the greater the level of AI exposure a job has, the greater the risk of replacement.

Here are some examples.

1. Telemarketers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 99%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 100%

Why: You probably already receive robocalls on behalf of various products and services, and career growth in the telemarketing space is expected to decline by 18.2% by the year 2032. This is largely because of the requirements to be successful. Unlike other roles, these jobs often require repetitive and predictable tasks that can easily be automated.

However, successful human telemarketers have a level of social perceptiveness and emotional awareness that machines can never replicate.

2. Bookkeeping Clerks

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 99%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 100%

Why: Jobs in this role are expected to decline 4.5% by 2032, and it‘s no surprise why — most bookkeeping is becoming automated if it hasn’t been already. QuickBooks, FreshBooks, and Microsoft Office already offer software that does the bookkeeping for you, so it's no surprise this job has such a high probability.

3. Compensation and Benefits Managers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 96%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 41%

Why: As companies grow, especially across multinational markets, a human and paper-based system can present more hurdles, time delays, and costs. That’s why there is a 64% chance of full automation within the next two decades.

Automated benefits systems can save time and effort by providing benefits to large numbers of employees, and companies like Ultipro and Workday are already being widely adopted.

4. Receptionists

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 96%%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 93%

Why: Pam predicted this back on The Office, but in case you‘re not a fan, she said automated phone and scheduling systems can replace a lot of the traditional receptionist role — especially at modern technology companies that don’t have office-wide phone systems or multinational corporations.

But, receptionists develop relationships in the office that give them a unique advantage in providing customized support compared to an algorithmic system.

5. Couriers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 94%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 95%

Why: Couriers and delivery people are already being replaced by drones and robots, so it’s only a matter of time until this space is dominated by automation altogether.

6. Proofreaders

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 84%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 100%

Why: Only a few jobs have a 100% risk level and this is unfortunately one of them. Proofreading software is everywhere. From Microsoft Word’s simple spelling and grammar check to Grammarly and Hemingway App, there are a lot of technologies out there that make it easy to self-check your writing.

On the other hand, the relationship a proofreader develops with a client gives them an understanding of the intention behind a writer's work and the contextual knowledge needed to successfully complete a project.

7. Computer Support Specialists

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 65%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 52%

Why: The field is projected to grow by 6.2% by 2032. But with so much content on the internet with instructions, step-by-step guides, and hacks out there, it’s no surprise companies will rely more heavily on bots and automation to answer support questions from employees and customers in the future.

8. Market Research Analysts

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 61%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 40%

Why: Market research analysts play an incredibly important role in developing messaging, content, and products, but automated AI and surveys can compile this information more and more efficiently.

While automated research tools can have a leg up in scale, speed, and accuracy, a human researcher has hands-on knowledge and personal experience that an algorithm can’t develop. Human researchers that leverage automation tools can create a more effective process.

9. Advertising Salespeople

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 54%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 52%

Why: As advertising shifts away from print and TV and towards web and social media landscapes, people simply aren't needed to manage those sales for marketers who want to buy ad space.

Social media platforms make it easy for people to buy space through free application program interfaces (APIs) and self-serve ad marketplace, removing the salesperson and making it faster and easier for users to run their ads.

Even the ads themselves are leaning more and more in artificial intelligence. When looking at actors or voice actors, we're also seeing a trend of companies using AI voices for advertisements like commercials.

10. Retail Salespeople

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 92%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 66%

Why: Companies are democratizing the shopping experience with features like self-checkout, and the modern buyer is much more internet-savvy and more likely to do internet research and make a buying decision on their own.

On the other hand, the care a retail salesperson brings during a 1:1 interaction differs from automated and unemotional support, and many consumers prefer to interact with humans during the support process.

10 Jobs AI Can Replace

What jobs are safe from AI?

Although data suggests generative AI could expose over 300 million full-time jobs across the US and Europe to automation, certain roles remain largely immune to this. Going by the exposure scale, these jobs have medium to low exposure to AI.

This is because their most important work activities range from:

  • Training and teaching others
  • Performing general physical activities
  • Repairing and maintaining equipment
  • Establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships
  • Resolving conflicts and negotiating with others
  • Developing and building teams
  • Selling or influencing others
  • Judging the qualities of objects, services, or people 
... and so much more.

What these activities revolve around are uniquely human traits like emotional intelligence, contextual creativity, discernment and manual labor that AI cannot replicate yet. This is also echoed by the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) top 10 work skills of 2025, some of which include:

  • Analytical thinking and innovation.
  • Critical thinking and analysis.
  • Creativity, originality, and initiative.
  • Leadership and social influence.
  • Complex problem-solving.

And this is true for business leaders and their hiring practices. At GuerrillaBuzz, Co-Founder Yuval Halevi, says they rely mainly on human creativity to drive their marketing efforts. “We apply AI mainly to repetitive and time-consuming tasks, removing the monotony and freeing up time for more creative work.”

In the words of Ian Shine at the WEF, these jobs are safe because “one of the human brain’s biggest advantages over AI is the fact that it is attached to a real human body.”

Without further ado, here are some jobs that are safe from AI.

1. Human Resources Managers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 0.55%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 14%

Why not: It’s kind of in the name — but your company’s Human Resources department will likely always need a human at the helm to manage interpersonal conflict with the help of non-cognitive and reasoning skills. Problem solving, contextual understanding, and unique business knowledge also make a human better equipped for this job.

The field is projected to grow 7.3% by 2032 as companies scale and need more robust structures for supporting and helping employees.

2. Sales Managers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 1.3%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 30%

Why not: Sales managers need high emotional intelligence to hit their monthly quotas, network and collaborate with customers, and motivate and encourage the larger sales team. Managers also have to analyze data and interpret trends. The high levels of intelligence required and the constant need to adapt to new situations make this role safe from automation.

3. Marketing Managers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 1.4%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 18%

Why not: Marketing managers have to interpret data, monitor trends, oversee campaigns, and create content. They also have to nimbly adapt and respond to changes and feedback from the rest of the company and customers, making this another human-forward career AI isn't quite ready to replicate.

A unique contextual understanding and previous business experience make a human stand out from an automated system.

4. Public Relations Managers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 3.7%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 8%

Why not: Successful public relations (PR) managers rely on a network of relationships and contacts to procure press placements and buzz for the companies they represent, making this another completely safe role.

PR managers who have to raise awareness around an issue or mission need a particularly human touch to raise funds or get people to participate in a campaign, too — and jobs are expected to grow 7.6% by 2032.

Most importantly, PR managers are often on the go, attending events and being on hand to provide support if need be — a computer will never be able to do this.

5. Chief Executives

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 1.5%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 0%

Why not: It‘s nearly impossible to automate leadership — after all, it’s hard enough to teach it. Chief executives must inform broad strategy, represent companies' missions and objectives, and motivate huge teams of people working for them. Executives also have years of prior experience that make them successful.

Companies may answer to stakeholders and boards of directors, who likely wouldn't want a robot giving them an earnings report, either.

6. Event Planners

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 3.7%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 8%

Why not: Event planning is a growing field, and if you ask anyone on our events team here at HubSpot, whether you're planning an event for employees, customers, or an industry event with tens of thousands of attendees, the planning process has many, many moving parts involved.

Planners have to coordinate and negotiate with vendors, contractors, and freelancers to make things come together, and the organizational and people skills involved will make this another near-impossible role to automate.

Planners also attend events, ready to step in and troubleshoot on the spot. An automated tool simply couldn’t be present.

7. Writers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 3.8%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 49%

The large score difference is likely due to developments and advancements in language models post-2013 that can write entire blog posts or social media content.

Why not: Writers have to ideate, create, and produce original written material, something that AI writing tools have not yet been able to replicate in the same way as humans (see recent BuzzFeed controversy about AI-generated travel articles).

There are also many types of writers, some of which might be more at risk. An experienced journalist will likely be favored over AI, but a freelance copywriter may no longer be needed by a business that now uses AI to write Instagram captions.

8. Software Developers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 4.2%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 39%

The large score difference is likely because of new back-end tools that help web developers write entirely new code, fill in gaps, and debug.

Why not: Software engineering and development is complex enough for human beings, and the time and skill investment needed to create applications, software, and websites will be tough to replicate — especially since developers need to execute perfectly to create great products for customers.

The field is expected to grow by 30.3% by 2032, so if you‘re a software developer, you’re sitting pretty for now.

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9. Editors

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 5.5%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 45%

Why not: While the automated proofreading technology mentioned previously can take a load off, editors have to review writers' submission for clarity, accuracy, comprehensiveness, and originality.

Some software can spot-check for clarity and scan for plagiarism, but the editor role must be carried out by a human in order to read work as another human would.

Today, 86.33% of marketers who use AI, for example, always make edits to the content that AI produces, according to our State of AI in Marketing survey.

10. Graphic Designers

Future of Employment Study Likelihood: 8.2%

Will Robots Take My Job? Likelihood: 34%

Why not: Image generators like Midjourney and DALL-E make it easy for people to create what they want, but graphic design is an artistic and technical field best suited for someone with fine arts training and experience. Like writing, graphic design work must be original and tailored to a unique use case.

If a graphic designer is working with a business, it also requires building a relationship between both parties throughout the design process. Plus, some image creators have been found to plagiarize artists' work — a lawsuit is likely the last thing people want.

10 Jobs AI Can’t Replace

Navigating Artificial Intelligence

Kate O'Neill, the author of Tech Humanist and founder of KO Insights, explains that jobs that require emotional intelligence will be safer in the immediate future:

“This is going to be a continuously moving target, but for the time being, what AI can't do well is use emotional intelligence, understand situational context, make judgment calls, and generally see nuance and meaning like we do.”

“That means any kind of job that benefits from these kinds of human attributes is better off done by a human. A computer or robot may assist you in performing efficiently, but for now, you're the one who adds the expertise on how to perform appropriately,” she adds.

This is echoed by Halevi, who says, "Having knowledge that's beyond the obvious is crucial. AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini can sometimes provide inaccurate or misleading information."

"Without a deep understanding of your specific area, you might be misled or produce subpar work. Expertise ensures you can critically evaluate AI outputs and maintain high-quality standards."

Even for jobs that are more likely to be impacted, there are always reasons why a human with real-life experience and expertise is a better fit. The best way to navigate the fast-moving world of artificial intelligence is to stay informed and adaptable.

How to Future-Proof Your Career

Between January and May 2023, 417,500 jobs were cut. However, only 3,900 were reportedly because of artificial intelligence — less than 1%. Still, regardless of what happens, you might be wondering how to future-proof your career. The answer? Re-skilling.

On a Marketing Against The Grain Episode, Kipp Bondar, HubSpot’s chief marketing officer, says, “As I think about the evolution of AI, I think about one of the things that’s going to go part and parcel with it is the need to be amazing at re-skilling our workforce all around the world.” (Listen to the full episode here).

Re-skilling doesn’t mean preparing for the worst. Most jobs expect employees to engage in some sort of professional development, so this might be routine for you.

For example, you could explore different AI tools and how to leverage them in your day-to-day role. HubSpot’s AI tools, for instance, give you access to a suite of AI tools that could perform functions like content creation, data analysis, and even build a chatbot.

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Or you could take a course to learn a new skill. As Shah said above, AI’s most significant impact will likely be helping us be more effective in our careers.

But, if your job is impacted, having taken the time to re-skill leaves you more prepared for future opportunities where you present yourself as a multifaceted candidate.

Learning from others is another great way to stay on top of the changing AI landscape and learn new skills. HubSpot has spoken to experts that have leaned into AI and incorporated it into their processes, and their insight is a valuable way to get ideas for re-skilling.

Here are some helpful resources:

Your experience is your greatest asset.

All technological revolutions impact how people work, and AI will simply follow this pattern, having the most impact on rote and mundane tasks to save us time.

No matter what happens, your experience is your greatest asset in the face of a changing landscape. To stay up to date on AI and the trends, HubSpot’s State of AI pillar houses all the information you need.

How My Brand Went Viral: 16 Small Brands That Made It Big (And What You Can Learn)

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You don’t have to be in marketing to know what it means to “go viral,” but the dream of saying, “My brand went viral”? — That’s definitely unique to our profession.

Learn how to run more impactful, measurable marketing campaigns.

Marketing managers are even credited with coining the phrase back in the 1980s, but it’s safe to say a lot has changed since then.

“Going viral” is slowly giving way to “becoming a meme” these days, but either way, we mean getting lots of attention on the Internet, especially on social media.

Think the 10,000 retweets Oreo got on its famous “You can still dunk in the dark” Super Bowl tweet in 2013 or the 154 million views Solo Stoves' covert collaboration with Snoop Dogg generated in 2023.

But let’s be honest; these big brands have it easy.

Global brands have agencies and well-staffed marketing teams standing by to pounce on current events and trends. Plus, they have large, established audiences paying attention and ready to spread timely content.

What are the little guys supposed to do? How can we grab some of the viral glory? Let’s talk through how 16 small (or formally small) brands made it happen and what you can learn from their stories.

16 Small Brands That Went Viral On Social Media

1. Janet Heller Fine Jewelry

Everyone’s still talking about the Paris Summer Olympics — and not just about the athletes.

After winning gold in the all-around gymnastics final, gymnast Simone Biles showed off a diamond-studded gold goat pendant (representing being the GOAT or “Greatest Of All Time”) to cameras.

And then, of course, fans everywhere wanted their own.

The pendant was custom-made for Biles by Janet Heller Fine Jewelry, a jeweler of 15 years based in Southern California.

After Biles’ win, Heller received thousands of requests for the pendant but will not be replicating it. She explains, “The goat can't be replicated. Simone is one of a kind."

While Heller won’t be selling more goats, the attention she received from the piece has been overwhelming.

She told ABC News affiliate KABC, “I've made many gorgeous pieces for many beautiful people, but I have to say that this is probably the pinnacle of my career so far.”

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Showcase your talent in unique ways.

Sure, we can’t all get legendary athletes to show our product on globally watched television events. Sucks, I know.

But let’s dial this back to what business owner Janet Heller did do: She made something different. Heller offers lots of beautiful jewelry on her website, but Biles’ commission was unique and memorable.

It’s easy to look past products that are just like everything else out there, but if you make something people have never seen before, you’re one step closer to grabbing attention, getting shared, and going viral.

2. Mike Hege & Pridemore Properties

In July 2024, Mike Hege, a real estate agent at Pridemore Properties, asked his 27-year-old marketing manager to edit a video of him to put on his social media.

What they made was a compilation of outtakes of Mike breathing, thinking, and essentially “Millennial pausing.”

The Gen Z marketing manager proceeded to post the video to the company’s Instagram page with the caption, “Asked my Gen Z employee to edit a video for me, and this is what I got!” and the Internet loved it.

As I write this, the video has over 5.3 million likes on Instagram and almost 150K views on TikTok.

It has even sparked a trend thousands of brands have participated in, including one of my favorite local restaurants in Connecticut, Haven Hot Chicken:

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Humanize your brand.

Looking at Pridemore’s Instagram account, it’s clear the team is no stranger to creating light-hearted content — and this is by design.

Hege explained to that the team wants to expand its social media presence beyond content focused on North Carolina real estate and often shows their humanity in their content.

He shared, "We want to help people through the process of finance and real estate. [Our editor] tries to convey that we can have a good time, are real people, and have fun and be on the lighter side.” Clearly, it worked.

Learn more about humanizing your brand in our article, “How to Humanize a Brand: 15 Best Tips for Humanizing Your Voice.”

3. Dominique Ansel Bakery

Studio shot showing five of Dominque Ansel’s cronut pastries on a table.

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Pastry chef Dominique Ansel was not very familiar with doughnuts when someone pointed out that his New York bakery didn't have one on the menu.

Originally from France, he grew up eating croissants. So, taking the inquiry seriously, Ansel returned to his roots and invented a new twist on the doughnut — the Cronut.

In 2013, Ansel's Cronut gained steam after a food blogger from Grub Street documented their experience. Traffic to the bakery website rose by more than 300%, and hundreds lined up daily to get their hands on the trendy pastry.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Capitalize on exclusivity.

Initially, each batch of Cronuts took Ansel's team three days to prepare, which meant the numbers were limited.

Now, a decade later, you can join a pre-order list or place an order, but you'll still find a line outside of Ansel's bakery (really), hoping to get a hold of one of the 350 made fresh daily.

Because quantities are limited, getting a cronut is a delicious bragging right and an exclusive experience, which makes people want it even more.

If you’re wondering how your brand can go viral, try limiting production of or access to your offering to build hype. The scarcity effect can be a powerful marketing tool.

Learn more about it in our article, “The Scarcity Principle: How 7 Brands Created High Demand.”

4. Lala Hijabs

Nothing says “2020s” like the story of Lala Hijabs.

Sana and Will Saleh are a young married couple with two children who grew quite an audience on TikTok sharing videos about their everyday lives as Muslims in America and an interracial couple.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, both Salehs lost their jobs.

But when they realized the handmade tie-dye hijabs (head coverings or scarves worn by some Muslim women in public) that Sana occasionally wore in their videos were getting a lot of attention, they decided to use their life savings to start a business.

They explained, “When people began asking where we got [the hijabs] from, we decided to hype up the business before we even began forming it — people loved it and anticipated the huge launch!”

Since its launch, the family-owned business has gained over 145K followers and 4.4 million likes on TikTok, with 60% of its sales coming through the app. It also has over 27 million followers on Instagram.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Build a community first.

We’ve heard it time and time again. Communities foster brand loyalty and deeper customer relationships for businesses, and that has proven very true with Lala Hijabs.

The Saleh Family had already been on TikTok for about a year before they had the idea for the business. But once they did, they already had a hoard of customers lined up for their product and rooting for their success.

How do you build a community exactly? Here are a few resources to help you get started:

5. Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity — the self-proclaimed “party game for horrible people” did not come from some hip Silicon Valley incubator.

Instead, it was the brainchild of eight high school friends from Chicago, with the goal of “being funny and having people like us," co-creator Max Temkin explained.

Screenshot of Cards Against Humanity’s homepage showing examples of the game cards.

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The product has been available for free download on their website since day one. Eventually, they started a Kickstarter campaign to print the cards for sale as well.

The team raised 400% of its original $4,000 goal and became the number-one game on Amazon within a month of its 2011 launch.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Establish your brand and stay true to it.

Cards Against Humanity has always touted itself as the game for misfits, and that unorthodox brand is carried throughout its marketing.

In 2013, they ran a satirical anti-Black Friday sale where they actually increased the price of the game, saying “Today only! Cards Against Humanity products are $5 more. Consume!” Their sales inexplicably increased.

In 2016, their Black Friday campaign featured a live video of the company "digging a holiday hole“ and asking people to donate to its ”cause." They raised close to $30,000 with the stunt.

And in 2017, they launched their first-ever Super Bowl ad featuring nothing but a potato and a clever article about why the ad “failed.”

Cards Against Humanity is one of the clearest cases of knowing and staying true to your brand. Their copy, creative, and campaigns are unapologetically their own, just like the game.

It’s a brand that speaks to its audience and, as of 2023, Cards Against Humanity is a $500 million company.

Learn more about establishing your voice in “Creating Your Brand Voice: A Complete Guide.”

6. Metro Trains Melbourne

Even 11 years later, there’s a good chance you’re already humming this catchy little viral song in your head. It’s ok, so am I.

Melbourne’s metro system wasn’t a small brand per se, but it certainly wasn’t global when it launched the "Dumb Ways to Die" (DWTD) safety campaign.

Before the campaign, the organization had information at stations, but nothing really elicited positive changes in behavior, so tried something different.

They brought on the agency McCann Melbourne to help, and DWTD was born.

By April 2014, the campaign had been viewed 77 million times on YouTube (Today, it’s 312 million). The accompanying game became the number one free app in 101 countries. In six weeks, DWTD had garnered an estimated $60 million in earned media.

The most important change that came out of the campaign? A 21% reduction in railway accidents and near misses.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Start outside your target audience.

Reflecting on the campaign‘s inception, Metro Trains’ Chloe Alsop explained, “We kept returning to the same thing: it's really hard to get hit by a train. Wrong or careless behavior is required.”

So, rather than crafting something serious or heartbreaking, as so many safety videos would, they went with a memorable and shareable campaign that earned worldwide attention.

This global impact approach was actually by design.

McCann created the original campaign using North American voices and characters because they believed “the video had to go viral first, later it would catch the attention of the real target audience.”

Today, the campaign has become a franchise used by metro transit around the world. The takeaway for us? As McCann spokesperson John Mescall says, “It used to be ‘Think global, act local.' That's no longer true; we need to think and act globally.”

7. Saucemoto

Saucemoto is another Kickstarter success story by none other than a company that produces a plastic sauce holder that plugs into a car's air vent. They earned attention on the crowdfunding platform in 2017 with an innuendo-filled video.

The campaign sought $10,000 and netted $63,308 while gaining over 50 million views across social media. Two years later, it scored a $45,000 deal with Kevin O’Leary on ABC’s “Shark Tank.” As of 2022, the company was valued at $200,000.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Use humor.

Both Saucemoto’s Kickstarter video and their Shark Tank pitch were filled with jokes poking fun at how “absurd” the product was. But that humor grabbed people’s attention and made them listen.

The truth is that Saucemoto solves a real and relatable, albeit silly, problem, and if they hadn’t used humor to capture people’s interest, they might not have seen the same level of growth and popularity.

8. Datz Deli

Datz Deli was just a small, family-run corner store selling snacks and a variety of Caribbean and Guyanese dishes in Jamaica, Queens, New York, when owner Joshua Dat opened its doors in December 2022.

But then Johnny Eats posted his now famous TikTok video about the location’s signature “Mac Patty” — a Jamaican beef patty sliced, placed between coco bread filled with mac and cheese and topped with meat and sauce of your choice — and there was no turning back.

The video generated 1.3 million views, and the sandwich became the subject of hundreds more.

By August, Dat reported selling more than 10,000 sandwiches a month, roughly 400-600 a day and was projected to bring in over one million dollars in his first year in business. “We don’t sleep anymore,” Dat told Eater.

The social media hype caught the attention of Business Insider, CNBC, and The Kelly Clarkson Show, among others.

Today, Dat has opened a second location in Manhattan and plans to expand to other major cities. He also continues to sell out regularly — Trust me, I went last month, and they were already out of the jerk chicken option. I was heartbroken.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Collaborate with influencers

During his interview with Kelly Clarkson, Dat recounted how he collaborated with food blogger Johnny Eats to create the video that would ultimately set the “Mac Patty” trajectory in motion.

Eats got new, unique content for his platform, and Dat was exposed to Eats’ audience of over 220,000 followers across social media.

Having only been open for a few months, this was a smart and invaluable partnership for Dat.

Want to learn more about collaboration and co-marketing? Check out these resources:

Bonus: Get personal.

While Johnny Eats’ video was the catalyst for the deli’s media attention, the family’s personal touch is what they continue to highlight in videos, interviews, and articles.

Customers regularly praise the team's kindness and hospitality, even during long wait times and crowds.

Furthermore, Dat started the business to give his father something to call his own and to create stability and structure for his entire family, a goal he is very open about.

His personal, human story is one that people from all walks of life connect with and want to support.

9. Chubbies

Screenshot showing the Chubbies shorts selection on its website.

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Love ‘em or loathe ‘em, Chubbies have left their mark on the apparel industry.

The founders are four Stanford buddies who bonded over their mutual love of short shorts and the belief that “if you had a really cool pair of shorts, people would talk about it."

After testing their idea for Chubbies at a Fourth of July beach party, their website launched in September 2011 without a big-budget campaign. They simply started by emailing college fraternity presidents, and they sold out in days.

Today, they generate over $13 million in revenue.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Ditch the formality.

Witty emails, unapologetic copy, and “bro-friendly” photography set them apart, and their guerilla-style email tactics spread the Chubbies name and product through college towns everywhere.

Their voice, and style were casual and informal — just like their product. This caught people’s attention and kept it even as they grew, expanded their offerings, and were acquired.

When trying to go viral, especially on social media, this laidback approach grabs far more attention than sounding corporate and professional.

10. Love Your Melon

Love Your Melon is a brand I was introduced to by an old teammate many years ago, and I've been a fan of it ever since.

The hat and apparel brand started in 2012 as a part of a class project for Zachary Quinn and Brian Keller, two students at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota.

Quinn and Keller set up a stand outside of Quinn’s family restaurant with 400 hats. He promised that for every 200 hats they sold, one would be donated to a local child with cancer. They sold out in two days.

As Forbes detailed, “Within a week, word of Quinn and Keller’s mission went viral. Their Facebook page blew up. Orders came in one after the other, doubling every time."

"Within a few months, Quinn had dropped out of college, and Love Your Melon had morphed from a class project into a full-fledged start-up with the simple goal of putting a hat on every child battling cancer in America.”

Today, Love Your Melon’s website claims they have donated nearly $10 million to children’s cancer and put over 270,000 beanies on children battling it. The brand continues to donate $1 for every product they sell.

Screenshot of Love Your Melon’s website sharing details on its mission and charitable donations.

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The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Highlight your cause or mission.

Anyone who owns a Love Your Melon product will rave about their quality and comfort, but there are no shortage of imitations on Etsy and Amazon.

What sets the company apart is their mission. When you buy a Love Your Melon product, your dollar isn’t just going to a cold retailer; it’s going towards helping children and families in need with the goal of eradicating Cancer.

You should not just embrace a cause or mission to go viral — people can sense that inauthenticity from a mile away.

However, if you have something that genuinely fits your offering or brand value, using your platform and resources gives your audience something greater to get behind.

11. Chatbooks

A four-minute viral video? That’s pretty unheard of in today’s 30-second Reel world, but it paid off for Chatbooks.

The video that put Chatbooks on the map showed viewers how to use the then-new app that turns their social media photos into albums via a funny, matter-of-fact mom running errands and spending time with her kids.

Chatbooks sold 1 million subscriptions in its first 18 months, racked up over 1 million views on YouTube, and has over 400,000 “likes” on Facebook. They also continue to post honest, pain-point-driven videos featuring the same now-recognizable mom.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Showcase relatable pain points.

Why was Chatbooks video so successful? They nail their buyer persona and the problems they face.

The video features a busy, realistic mom. She speaks to the audience with all the advice, sarcasm, and "I get it, I've been there,“ relatability you'd look for from a fellow cool mom. It closes with a catchy tagline: ”Done is better than perfect."

It's easy to phone in your user personas, targeting general groups, but Chatbooks went the extra mile.

They clearly considered how their persona thinks, what she worries about, how she's spending her time, and how photos figure into her hectic schedule.

The result? A video their target audience couldn't help but share.

12. National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum:

The National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum is a museum in Oklahoma City that celebrates the history of the American West and Native American art.

Like most of us, it was forced to close its doors during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, but a small team, including head of security Tim Tiller, still watched over the grounds.

Tiller was recruited to run the museum’s social media while it was closed, and the internet fell in love.

A social media novice at the time, Tiller’s humor and behind-the-scenes photos across Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook drew thousands of likes and comments.

And today, the museum has over 400,000 followers across its Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook profiles.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Hone in on a “creator.”

People follow brands on Instagram but are more likely to follow and engage with other people, especially people they care about and like.

A smart way for your business to capitalize on this is to recruit specific creators, like Tiller, to appear regularly in your content.

These individuals are like your “spokespeople,” giving your audience someone human to recognize and root for rather than just a cold, faceless brand.

In this scenario, the brand went viral because people were no longer just following a museum with lifeless artifacts; they were following a friendly face with a personality in Tiller.

Note: My teammate Meg Prater, who grew up in Oklahoma, can confirm Tiller remains a local hero and is the subject of much merchandise.

13. Mohawk Chevrolet

Mohawk Chevrolet, a car dealership in Malta, New Jersey, went viral after starting a spoof of the popular series “The Office” on its social media.

Episodes of “The Dealership” drop on the company’s TikTok every Tuesday, and they’ve generated over one million likes and 150k followers on the platform.

@mohawkchevrolet Replying to @Carrigan moebs Episode 6 of The Dealership, "Star Quality"⭐️ #theoffice #cardealership #cdk #officelife #officehumor #chevy #mohawkchevrolet #fyp ♬ original sound - Mohawk Chevrolet

They are certainly not the first to parody the series, but they are arguably one of the most successful, grabbing the attention of USA Today and Complex, among other media outlets.

It even inspired other brands to start their own spoofs, including Pridemore Properties, which we talked about earlier.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Use popular culture to connect with your audience.

Mohawk Chevrolet may have made it big with “The Dealership,” but they are no strangers to poking fun at popular culture in their content. Scroll down their feed, and you’ll find videos influenced by HBO’s “Game of Thrones” and the “Star Wars” franchise.

Using pop culture or current event references is a fun and memorable way to grab people’s attention and show personality.

Screenshot of a comment from a Mohawk Chervolet TikTok video showing a followers love of their content and services.

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This is a fun and easy way to resonate with your audience and make them want to work with you. So, get creative.

14. Eva Kor and Candles

In 2017, BuzzFeed did a profile on Auschwitz survivor Eva Kor and her Holocaust memorial museum, Candles, in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Before the video, the museum was quite small and had suffered its share of hardship. However, the profile gave Kor a global platform to share a story of heartbreak, bravery, and remembrance that connected with millions.

After its publication, a visit to the cherished local museum became a must, and many shared their experiences on social media. Many people in Terre Haute will enthusiastically tell you about their first time at Candles.

Now, millions of people know about the museum and get to spread that message.

In 2019, two Indiana natives teamed up with PBS to release a documentary highlighting Kor’s legacy.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Share a human story.

Everyone has a story to tell. Candles' story is one of strength, passion, and perseverance — feelings everyone can relate to.

By telling your story and what motivates your business, you may also capture the hearts and attention of the masses.

15. Liquid Death

Liquid Death is far from a small brand now, but when it was started in 2017, it was a bit of an anomaly.

Screenshot of the Liquid Death website showing their product selection.

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It was water — just like Poland Spring or Aquafina — but it was distributed in a can rather than a plastic, see-through bottle, and it was marketed like alcohol. It wasn’t anything new, but at the same time, it was.

Gen Z and millennials loved it.

The brand has over three million followers and 5.2 million on TikTok, and, according to NBC News, it is valued at about $1.4 Billion.

It is also reported that Liquid Death “hit $263 million in global sales and can be found in 113,000 retail outlets across the U.S. and U.K.”

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Challenge the norm.

It’s safe to say Liquid Death isn’t like other purified water brands.

Forget images of lakes and rivers. Liquid Death uses skulls and rock stars like Ozzie Osbourne. It even has a digital “Murder Head Death Club” filled with NFTs and merchandise giveaways for fans to enjoy.

It’s more of a lifestyle than just water, and that’s what makes it stand out.

Brad Avery, senior reporter for industry news group BevNET explained to NBC:

“When you look at branding in the bottled water category, so much of it has revolved around themes like the purity of the water, superior levels of hydration, etc. Liquid Death took off in part because it was a subversion of all the tropes of bottled water marketing that we’re familiar with.”

As sober and alcohol-free lifestyles become increasingly popular in the United States, especially among younger generations, Liquid Death’s marketing wants consumers to know that healthy alternatives can still be fast-paced and exciting.

16. Dollar Shave Club

We can’t talk about small brands that went viral and not mention Dollar Shave Club (DSC).

At this point, the razor company’s inaugural video from 2012 is a legendary case study in video marketing.

Co-founder Michael Dubin wrote and starred in the video and had a friend shoot it in a single day for less than $4,500.

It spoke flawlessly to common shaving pain points, poked fun at the company, and announced to the world that it was ready to shake up a previously forgettable industry.

90 minutes after the video went live, the company's servers crashed due to all the traffic the video generated. Over the next two days, DSC received 12,000 orders.

DSC was bought for $1 billion in 2022, and today, its “Our Blades Are F***ing Great” video has 28 million views.

The lesson on how to make your brand go viral? Make a boring industry exciting.

Shaving has always been a part of life; it’s not really something worth talking about with your friends, but DSC made it one with its marketing.

Its video, candid voice, and revolutionary solution (quality razors shipped straight to your door for just $1) breathed new life into the shaving industry. These were all novelties worth sharing and talking about.

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s no guarantee that your brand will ever go viral.

In most cases, it’s luck by chance or even an algorithm. The best thing you can do is to use the tips and lessons learned from these 16 brands to continuously create high-quality, original content and deliver great products and services.

Sound like a lot of work? Honestly, it’s what you should be doing anyway.

With this approach, if and when your small brand goes viral, people won’t just share or notice you and disappear. Rather, they’ll stick around because they know you have something valuable to offer.