Anti-Hotlinking Script for WP on Apache (.htaccess) – Linkspam Prevention

Category Image 091

Never published this before, so this is a Exclusive :)

If your WP-Site has a lot of K-Links, you should consider using this script.

It definetly works. For now...

Negative SEO through spamming Backlinks can be a huge problem for the visibility of a webpage.

You can not defend your site against all kinds of attacks, but on one of the most common, you can significantly decrease the negative effects:

"K-Links" (new version: C-Links), where Image Hotlinking is used to generate Links, targeting mainly Wordpress Instances.


this is why they're called "K-Links/C-Links". They always end with "-k.html" oder "-c.html"

The basic Anti-Hotlinking-Script can help in reducing the amount of traffic, when hotlinking is abused to burn your bandwith.

But i have never seen it recover any visibility losses in the SERPs.

This is the basic "Anti-Hotlinking-Script":
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\\.)? [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\\.)? [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\\.)? [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\\.)? [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\\.)? [NC]
    RewriteRule \\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|avif|webp|svg)$ /nohotlink.html [L]


content nohotlink.html:

    <h1>Hotlinking not allowed</h1>
    <p>Too view our images, please visit our <a href="<>">Website</a>.</p>

It integrates the "Whitelist" directly into .htaccess, which is not optimal.

I had a case, where this caused problems, because the Whitelist was huge (1000+ Domains).

So i found this solution with "RewriteMap", which i integradted into this Script to put the whitelist inside a .txt file.
This also was easier for the client, as he might needs to add entries to the whitelist and like this does not have to edit the htaccess everytime.

I have also set the link inside the HTML to rel="nofollow".

I did get some nice results with this!

Even if there are still other DoFollow-Links on the Hotlinking Site, the presence of this one nofollow-link seems to reduce the toxicity of each one.

Important: Dont link the actual Canonical URl from your Main Page from nohotlink.html!
If your Domain is for example, you link to (with "www" and "http").

I experimented a lot with this and set the Canonical of the nohotlink.html to the Main Page, tested with noindex, nofollow robots tag, but it was all a mess.

If anybody is as deep into this stuff as i am, i will be happy to discuss.

Feel free to share your thoughts!

Disclaimer: Please use at your own risk, only if you know, what you are doing. Don't make me responsible, if you make mistakes. They are yours, not mine.