Building Kafka Producer With Spring Boot

In this article, I am going to show you how to build Message Publisher using Apache Kafka and Spring Boot. First, we will talk about what Apache Kafka is. 

Apache Kafka is an open-source, distributed streaming platform designed for real-time event processing. It provides a reliable, scalable, and fault-tolerant way to handle large volumes of data streams. Kafka allows you to publish and subscribe to data topics, making it ideal for building event-driven applications, log aggregation, and data pipelines. 

Cluster Logging of Telecom 5G IOT Microservice Pods

While Kubernetes, the industry standard for container orchestration, offers efficient management, deployment, and scaling capabilities, logging in this environment is not without its challenges. The dynamic and distributed nature of Kubernetes presents unique hurdles in log management. In this complex setting, centralized log management becomes a necessity for understanding and resolving anomalies. This is where Kubernetes Cluster Logging steps in.

Now, let's embark on a journey into the depths of Kubernetes Cluster Logging, a topic that holds the key to efficient management and troubleshooting in the container-based 5G Telecom IoT microservices environment.

Scrum Master Interview 2024

TL; DR: Scrum Master Interview 2024

In today’s tight job market, standing out as a genuine Scrum Master is crucial amidst a sea of imposters. Shining during the Scrum Master interview is an essential first step: Elevate your candidacy by detailing how you successfully applied Scrum in challenging environments, showcasing advanced practices and techniques, and sharing your engagement with the agile community. 

The following post will support your effort to demonstrate your pivotal role in agile transformations and strategic contributions, proving your indispensable value in driving organizational success.

Pure Storage Unveils Groundbreaking Innovations in AI, Automation, and Cyber Resilience at Accelerate 2024

Pure Storage Accelerate 2024 kicked off with a bang as the company unveiled a series of groundbreaking innovations aimed at revolutionizing data storage for the modern enterprise. With a focus on simplifying storage management, accelerating AI adoption, and bolstering cyber resilience, Pure Storage is poised to lead the industry into a new era of data storage.

Redefining Storage Automation With Pure Fusion

One of the most significant announcements from Day 1 was the introduction of the next generation of Pure Fusion, a game-changer in storage automation. Shawn Hansen, VP and GM of Core Platform at Pure Storage explained, "Fusion will automate storage with a single control plane. It will standardize and enforce policies across the global pool, and now it is available out of the box for all customers with just a simple update to the latest version of Purity."

Application Telemetry: Different Objectives for Developers and Product Managers

In the world of software development, making data-driven decisions is crucial. However, the approaches to data collection are often ambiguous, leading to misunderstandings between technical developers and product management teams. While developers focus on application performance and outage management, product managers are more concerned with user interactions and identifying friction points. Therefore, a comprehensive application monitoring strategy is often an afterthought in the development process. To avoid this pitfall, it is essential for development teams to build a shared understanding of telemetry objectives. A coherent team, aligned in their goals, can effectively measure and analyze data to drive meaningful insights. This article explores various data collection approaches for application telemetry, emphasizing its significance for both developers and product managers.

What Is Application Telemetry?

Application telemetry involves the automatic recording and transmission of data from multiple sources to an IT system for monitoring and analysis. It provides actionable insights by answering key questions for both developers and product managers.

Poppin’ In

Oh, hey there! It’s been a hot minute, hasn’t it? Thought I’d pop in and say hello. 👋

Speaking of “popping” in, I’ve been playing with the Popover API a bit. We actually first noted it wayyyyy back in 2018 when Chris linked up some information about the <dialog> element. But it’s only been since April of this year that we finally have full Popover API support in modern browsers.

There was once upon a time that we were going to get a brand-new <popover> element in HTML for this. Chromium was working on development as recently as September 2021 but reached a point where it was dropped in favor of a popover attribute instead. That seems to make the most sense given that any element can be a popover — we merely need to attach it to the attribute to enable it.

<div popover>
  <!-- Stuff -->

This is interesting because let’s say we have some simple little element we’re using as a popover:


If this is all the markup we have and we do absolutely nothing in the CSS, then the waving emoji displays as you might expect.

Add that popover attribute to the mix, however, and it’s gone!

That’s perhaps the first thing that threw me off. Most times something disappears and I assume I did something wrong. But cracking open DevTools shows this is exactly what’s supposed to happen.

DevTools inspector showing the computed values for an element with the popover attribute.
The element is set to display: none by default.

There may be multiple popovers on a page and we can differentiate them with IDs.

<div popover id="tooltip">
  <!-- Stuff -->

<div popover id="notification">
  <!-- Stuff -->

That’s not enough, as we also need some sort of “trigger” to make the popover, well, pop! We get another attribute that turns any button (or <input>-flavored button) into that trigger.

<button popovertarget="wave">Say Hello!</button>
<div popover id="wave">👋</div>

Now we have a popover “targeted ” to a <button>. When the button is clicked, the popover element toggles visibility.

This is where stuff gets really fun because now that CSS is capable of handling logic to toggle visibility, we can focus more on what happens when the click happens.

Like, right now, the emoji is framed by a really thick black border when it is toggled on. That’s a default style.

Notice that the border sizing in the Box Model diagram.

A few other noteworthy things are going on in DevTools there besides the applied border. For example, notice that the computed width and height behave more like an inline element than a block element, even though we are working with a straight-up <div> — and that’s true even though the element is clearly computing as display: block. Instead, what we have is an element that’s sized according to its contents and it’s placed in the dead center of the page. We haven’t even added a single line of CSS yet!

Speaking of CSS, let’s go back to removing that default border. You might think it’s possible by declaring no border on the element.

/* Nope 👎 */
#wave {
  border: 0;

There’s actually a :popover-open pseudo-class that selects the element specifically when it is in an “open” state. I’d love this to be called :popover-popped but I digress. The important thing is that :popover-open only matches the popover element when it is open, meaning these styles are applied after those declared on the element selector, thus overriding them.

Another way to do this? Select the [popover] attribute:

/* Select all popovers on the page */
[popover] {
  border: 0;

/* Select a specific popover: */
#wave[popover] {
  border: 0;

/* Same as: */
#wave:popover-open {
  border: 0;

With this in mind, we can, say, attach an animation to the #wave in its open state. I’m totally taking this idea from one of Jhey’s demos.

Wait, wait, there’s more! Popovers can be a lot like a <dialog> with a ::backdrop if we need it. The ::backdrop pseudo-element can give the popover a little more attention by setting it against a special background or obscuring the elements behind it.

I love this example that Mojtaba put together for us in the Almanac, so let’s go with that.

Can you imagine all the possibilities?! Like, how much easier will it be to create tooltips now that CSS has abstracted the visibility logic? Much, much easier.

Michelle Barker notes that this is probably less of a traditional “tooltip” that toggles visibility on hover than it is a “toggletip” controlled by click. That makes a lot of sense. But the real reason I mention Michelle’s post is that she demonstrates how nicely the Popover API ought to work with CSS Anchor Positioning as it gains wider browser support. That will help clean out the magic numbers for positioning that are littering my demo.

Here’s another gem from Jhey: a popover doesn’t have to be a popover. Why not repurpose the Popover API for other UI elements that rely on toggled visibility, like a slide-out menu?

Oh gosh, look at that: it’s getting late. There’s a lot more to the Popover API that I’m still wrapping my head around, but even the little bit I’ve played with feels like it will go a long way. I’ll drop in a list of things I have bookmarked to come back to. For now, though, thanks for letting me pop back in for a moment to say hi.

Poppin’ In originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Understanding Mule Events in Mule 4

In MuleSoft integration, events play a crucial role in ensuring communication between two or more flows. Within MuleSoft's Anypoint Studio, each flow that is triggered operates with its event and can make it possible to transfer data and control from one flow to another. Before delving deep into today's topic, let us discover why Mule events are essential to understand for MuleSoft developers. It is because it enables efficient data flow management, and helps in debugging and troubleshooting errors, which ultimately boosts developer productivity. 

Let's find out more about the structure and basic functionality of each segment or part of Mule Events in Mule 4.

Documenting a Spring REST API Using Smart-doc

If you are developing a RESTful API with Spring Boot, you want to make it as easy as possible for other developers to understand and use your API. Documentation is essential because it provides a reference for future updates and helps other developers integrate with your API. For a long time, the way to document REST APIs was to use Swagger, an open-source software framework that enables developers to design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services. In 2018, to address the issues of code invasiveness and dependency associated with traditional API documentation tools like Swagger, we developed smart-doc and open-sourced it to the community.

In this article, we will explore how to use Smart-doc to generate documentation for a Spring Boot REST API.

Shortened Links, Big Risks: Unveiling Security Flaws in URL Shortening Services

In today's digital age, URL-shortening services like TinyURL and are essential for converting lengthy URLs into short, manageable links. While many blogs focus on how to build such systems, they often overlook the security aspects. Here, we have threat-modeled the URL shortening service and identified the top threats based on OWASP Top 10.

Let's begin with the overview of the URL shortening service. 

MySQL to GBase 8C Migration Guide

This article provides a quick guide for migrating application systems based on MySQL databases to GBase databases (GBase 8c). For detailed information about specific aspects of both databases, readers can refer to the MySQL official documentation and the GBase 8c user manual. Due to the extensive content involved in the basic mapping of MySQL data types and other aspects of the migration process, this will not be covered in detail in this article. If interested, please leave a comment, and we can discuss it next time.

1. Creating a Database

In both MySQL and GBase 8c, the CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database. The specific syntax differences are as follows:

The XZ Utils Backdoor in Linux: A Symptom of Ailing Security in the Software Supply Chain

The cybersecurity industry was once again placed on high alert following the discovery of an insidious software supply chain compromise. The vulnerability, affecting the XZ Utils data compression library that ships with major Linux distributions, is logged under CVE-2024-3094 and boils down to a backdoor deliberately inserted by a once-trusted volunteer system maintainer, who managed to socially engineer his way to a position of trust before turning rogue. Allowing remote code execution (RCE) in some instances if successfully exploited represents a high-severity issue with the ability to cause serious damage in established software build processes.

Thankfully, another maintainer discovered this threat before the malicious code entered stable Linux releases, but, if this discovery were not made in time, the risk profile would make it one of the most devastating supply chain attacks on record, perhaps even eclipsing SolarWinds.

How To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility

Getting support for accessibility efforts isn’t easy. There are many accessibility myths, wrong assumptions, and expectations that make accessibility look like a complex, expensive, and time-consuming project. Let’s fix that!

Below are some practical techniques that have been working well for me to convince stakeholders to support and promote accessibility in small and large companies.

This article is part of our ongoing series on UX. You might want to take a look at Smart Interface Design Patterns 🍣 and the upcoming live UX training as well. Use code BIRDIE to save 15% off.

Launching Accessibility Efforts

A common way to address accessibility is to speak to stakeholders through the lens of corporate responsibility and ethical and legal implications. Personally, I’ve never been very successful with this strategy. People typically dismiss concerns that they can’t relate to, and as designers, we can’t build empathy with facts, charts, or legal concerns.

The problem is that people often don’t know how accessibility applies to them. There is a common assumption that accessibility is dull and boring and leads to “unexciting” and unattractive products. Unsurprisingly, businesses often neglect it as an irrelevant edge case.

So, I use another strategy. I start conversations about accessibility by visualizing it. I explain the different types of accessibility needs, ranging from permanent to temporary to situational — and I try to explain what exactly it actually means to our products. Mapping a more generic understanding of accessibility to the specifics of a product helps everyone explore accessibility from a point that they can relate to.

And then I launch a small effort — just a few usability sessions, to get a better understanding of where our customers struggle and where they might be blocked. If I can’t get access to customers, I try to proxy test via sales, customer success, or support. Nothing is more impactful than seeing real customers struggling in their real-life scenario with real products that a company is building.

From there, I move forward. I explain inclusive design, accessibility, neurodiversity, EAA, WCAG, ARIA. I bring people with disabilities into testing as we need a proper representation of our customer base. I ask for small commitments first, then ask for more. I reiterate over and over and over again that accessibility doesn’t have to be expensive or tedious if done early, but it can be very expensive when retrofitted or done late.

Throughout that entire journey, I try to anticipate objections about costs, timing, competition, slowdowns, dullness — and keep explaining how accessibility can reduce costs, increase revenue, grow user base, minimize risks, and improve our standing in new markets. For that, I use a few templates that I always keep nearby just in case an argument or doubts arise.

Useful Templates To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility

1. “But Accessibility Is An Edge Case!”

❌ “But accessibility is an edge case. Given the state of finances right now, unfortunately, we really can’t invest in it right now.”

🙅🏽♀️ “I respectfully disagree. 1 in 6 people around the world experience disabilities. In fact, our competitors [X, Y, Z] have launched accessibility efforts ([references]), and we seem to be lagging behind. Plus, it doesn’t have to be expensive. But it will be very expensive once we retrofit much later.”

2. “But There Is No Business Value In Accessibility!”

❌ “We know that accessibility is important, but at the moment, we need to focus on efforts that will directly benefit business.”

🙅🏼♂️ “I understand what you are saying, but actually, accessibility directly benefits business. Globally, the extended market is estimated at 2.3 billion people, who control an incremental $6.9 trillion in annual disposable income. Prioritizing accessibility very much aligns with your goal to increase leads, customer engagement, mitigate risk, and reduce costs.” (via Yichan Wang)

3. “But We Don’t Have Disabled Users!”

❌ “Why should we prioritize accessibility? Looking at our data, we don’t really have any disabled users at all. Seems like a waste of time and resources.”

🙅♀️ “Well, if a product is inaccessible, users with disabilities can’t and won’t be using it. But if we do make our product more accessible, we open the door for prospect users for years to come. Even small improvements can have a high impact. It doesn’t have to be expensive nor time-consuming.”

4. “Screen Readers Won’t Work With Our Complex System!”

❌ “Our application is very complex and used by expert users. Would it even work at all with screen readers?”

🙅🏻♀️ “It’s not about designing only for screen readers. Accessibility can be permanent, but it can also be temporary and situational — e.g., when you hold a baby in your arms or if you had an accident. Actually, it’s universally useful and beneficial for everyone.”

5. “We Can’t Win Market With Accessibility Features!”

❌ “To increase our market share, we need features that benefit everyone and improve our standing against competition. We can’t win the market with accessibility.”

🙅🏾♂️ “Modern products succeed not by designing more features, but by designing better features that improve customer’s efficiency, success rate, and satisfaction. And accessibility is one of these features. For example, voice control and auto-complete were developed for accessibility but are now widely used by everyone. In fact, the entire customer base benefits from accessibility features.”

6. “Our Customers Can’t Relate To Accessibility Needs”

❌ “Our research clearly shows that our customers are young and healthy, and they don't have accessibility needs. We have other priorities, and accessibility isn’t one of them.”

🙅♀️ “I respectfully disagree. People of all ages can have accessibility needs. In fact, accessibility features show your commitment to inclusivity, reaching out to every potential customer of any age, regardless of their abilities.

This not only resonates with a diverse audience but also positions your brand as socially responsible and empathetic. As you know, our young user base increasingly values corporate responsibility, and this can be a significant differentiator for us, helping to build a loyal customer base for years to come.” (via Yichan Wang)

7. “Let’s Add Accessibility Later”

❌ “At the moment, we need to focus on the core features of our product. We can always add accessibility later once the product is more stable.”

🙅🏼 “I understand concerns about timing and costs. However, it’s important to note that integrating accessibility from the start is far more cost-effective than retrofitting it later. If accessibility is considered after development is complete, we will face significant additional expenses for auditing accessibility, followed by potentially extensive work involving a redesign and redevelopment.

This process can be significantly more expensive than embedding accessibility from the beginning. Furthermore, delaying accessibility can expose your business to legal risks. With the increasing number of lawsuits for non-compliance with accessibility standards, the cost of legal repercussions could far exceed the expense of implementing accessibility now. The financially prudent move is to work on accessibility now.”

You can find more useful ready-to-use templates in Yichan Wang’s Designer’s Accessibility Advocacy Toolkit — a fantastic resource to keep nearby.

Building Accessibility Practices From Scratch

As mentioned above, nothing is more impactful than visualizing accessibility. However, it requires building accessibility research and accessibility practices from scratch, and it might feel like an impossible task, especially in large corporations. In “How We’ve Built Accessibility Research at”, Maya Alvarado presents a fantastic case study on how to build accessibility practices and inclusive design into UX research from scratch.

Maya rightfully points out that automated accessibility testing alone isn’t reliable. Compliance means that a user can use your product, but it doesn’t mean that it’s a great user experience. With manual testing, we make sure that customers actually meet their goals and do so effectively.

Start by gathering colleagues and stakeholders interested in accessibility. Document what research was done already and where the gaps are. And then whenever possible, include 5–12 users with disabilities in accessibility testing.

Then, run a small accessibility initiative around key flows. Tap into critical touch points and research them. As you are making progress, extend to components, patterns, flows, and service design. And eventually, incorporate inclusive sampling into all research projects — at least 15% of usability testers should have a disability.

Companies often struggle to recruit testers with disabilities. One way to find participants is to reach out to local chapters, local training centers, non-profits, and public communities of users with disabilities in your country. Ask the admin’s permission to post your research announcement, and it won’t be rejected. If you test on site, add extra $25–$50 depending on disability transportation.

I absolutely love the idea of extending Microsoft's Inclusive Design Toolkit to meet specific user needs of a product. It adds a different dimension to disability considerations which might be less abstract and much easier to relate for the entire organization.

As Maya noted, inclusive design is about building a door that can be opened by anyone and lets everyone in. Accessibility isn’t a checklist — it’s a practice that goes beyond compliance. A practice that involves actual people with actual disabilities throughout all UX research activities.

Wrapping Up

To many people, accessibility is a big mystery box. They might have never seen a customer with disabilities using their product, and they don’t really understand what it involves and requires. But we can make accessibility relatable, approachable, and visible by bringing accessibility testing to our companies — even if it’s just a handful of tests with people with disabilities.

No manager really wants to deliberately ignore the needs of their paying customers — they just need to understand these needs first. Ask for small commitments, and get the ball rolling from there.

Set up an accessibility roadmap with actions, timelines, roles and goals. Frankly, this strategy has been working for me much better than arguing about legal and moral obligations, which typically makes stakeholders defensive and reluctant to commit.

Fingers crossed! And a huge thank-you to everyone working on and improving accessibility in your day-to-day work, often without recognition and often fueled by your own enthusiasm and passion — thank you for your incredible work in pushing accessibility forward! 👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾

Useful Resources

Making A Case For Accessibility

Accessibility Testing

Meet Smart Interface Design Patterns

If you are interested in UX and design patterns, take a look at Smart Interface Design Patterns, our 10h-video course with 100s of practical examples from real-life projects — with a live UX training later this year. Everything from mega-dropdowns to complex enterprise tables — with 5 new segments added every year. Jump to a free preview. Use code BIRDIE to save 15% off.

Meet Smart Interface Design Patterns, our video course on interface design & UX.

100 design patterns & real-life examples.
10h-video course + live UX training. Free preview.

Unleashing the Power of Redis for Vector Database Applications

In the world of machine learning and artificial intelligence, efficient storage and retrieval of high-dimensional vector data are crucial. Traditional databases often struggle to handle these complex data structures, leading to performance bottlenecks and inefficient queries. Redis, a popular open-source in-memory data store, has emerged as a powerful solution for building high-performance vector databases capable of handling large-scale machine-learning applications.

What Are Vector Databases?

In the context of machine learning, vectors are arrays of numbers that represent data points in a high-dimensional space. These vectors are commonly used to encode various types of data, such as text, images, and audio, into numerical representations that can be processed by machine learning algorithms. A vector database is a specialized database designed to store, index, and query these high-dimensional vectors efficiently.

7 Best WordPress Support Agencies for 2024 (Expert Pick)

At WPBeginner, we receive many requests from readers asking us if we recommend any support agencies for WordPress maintenance and management services.

From our own experience of running multiple WordPress websites, we know that it can be tricky to handle everything behind the scenes. This includes keeping WordPress, plugins, and themes updated, fixing bugs and issues, optimizing your site for performance, and more.

This is where WordPress support and maintenance services come in handy. We’ve carefully hand-picked some of the best agencies you can hire to maintain your WordPress site. Plus, we’ve investigated the best options for all kinds of users, from small business websites to more complex sites.

In this article, we will show you the best WordPress support agencies you can choose for your business.

WordPress support agencies

Are you in a hurry and want to pick a WordPress support agency? Here’s a quick overview of the top agencies we’ve reviewed:

AgenciesFocus24/7 WordPress SupportStarting Prices
🥇 WPBeginner Pro Maintenance ServicesBeginner & Intermediate Users$69 per month
🥈Seahawk MediaE-Commerce & Business Websites$49 per month
🥉WP BuffsComplex Websites$79 per month
GoWPAll Levels$39 per month
FixRunnerSmall Businesses$49 per month
WP Fix ItAll Levels$27 per month
TemplateMonsterWordPress Themes & PluginsLimited$67 per month

How We Tested and Reviewed WordPress Support Agencies

Finding the perfect WordPress support agency can be overwhelming and frustrating. You need a reliable partner who understands your website’s complexities, offers responsive support, and fits your budget.

Here are some of the factors we considered in our rigorous testing process to ensure we recommend only the best WordPress support agencies for your website:

  • Features and Services: We evaluated each agency’s range of services, including core maintenance tasks like backups, security updates, and performance optimization. Additionally, we looked at more specialized services like plugin troubleshooting, theme customization, and on-demand support.
  • Expertise and Experience: A top-notch support agency should have a team of experienced WordPress developers and experts who stay current on the latest trends and updates. We reviewed the agency’s team profiles and ensured their expertise aligns with most new website owners’ needs.
  • Customer Support: Responsive and effective communication is super important. We reviewed each agency’s support channels (phone, email, chat) to gauge their response times, knowledge base accessibility, and overall helpfulness.
  • Pricing and Value: We compared pricing structures across different WordPress support agencies to ensure you get the best value for your budget. We also consider any additional perks or guarantees offered, such as uptime guarantees or money-back policies.

Why Trust WPBeginner?

At WPBeginner, we are a team of WordPress experts with over 16 years of experience in SEO, website development, design, troubleshooting, hosting, and more.

To recommend the best website WordPress support agencies, our experts researched and reviewed each option in detail. You can learn more about our in-depth review process on our editorial process page.

That said, let’s look at some of the best WordPress support and maintenance agencies.

1. WPBeginner Pro Maintenance Services

WPBeginner Pro Maintenance Services

WPBeginner Pro Maintenance Services is the best WordPress support agency you can choose from at affordable prices.

Whether you are a complete beginner or a time-strapped entrepreneur, our team of WordPress experts offers a variety of services to take your website to the next level.

For instance, our team will manage all the technicalities of your website, run cloud backups, monitor your site for security threats, keep plugins and themes updated, ensure core files are up to date, troubleshoot and fix issues, and offer 24/7 support.

In addition, you get on-demand development hours, during which an expert will help resolve urgent issues. Other Pro services include website design, SEO optimization, hacked website repairs, and site optimization for speed and performance.

You can see the complete list of WPBeginner Pro Services for more details.


  • Over 16 years of experience helping over 100,000 users
  • Affordable pricing plans
  • 24/7 support and uptime monitoring
  • Comprehensive security monitoring
  • On-demand emergency support
  • Website speed and SEO optimization
  • Built customized websites
  • Repair hacked websites


  • The maintenance plan cannot be transferred to another website
  • Comprehensive site speed optimization is only available in the highest maintenance plan

Why We Recommend WPBeginner Pro Services: For people new to WordPress or website management in general, we highly recommend WPBeginner Pro Services. We offer a comprehensive solution at affordable prices, with a focus on core maintenance tasks. This is ideal for keeping your website secure, optimized, and running smoothly without the technical hassle.

Pricing: WPBeginner Pro Services offers different services. For website support, you’ll need WordPress Maintenance & Support, with prices starting from $69 per month.

2. Seahawk Media

Seahawk Media

Seahawk Media is one of the best global WordPress service providers. They offer a wide range of services, including website support and maintenance. This is a great option for eCommerce store owners and complex websites that require custom development.

The agency performs cloud backups for your site, provides urgent support, uptime monitoring, theme and plugin updates, and more. The best part is that you get a dedicated account manager who will assist you with all the issues and concerns with your website.

We tested Seahawk Media’s services and were thoroughly impressed with their comprehensive approach. From initial design consultations to meticulous development and ongoing maintenance, their team handled everything professionally.


  • Custom WordPress development services
  • Secure website migration services
  • Ongoing website care and maintenance
  • Dedicated account manager
  • 24/7 monitoring and WordPress support
  • Website optimization and growth services


  • The support plan cant be transferred to a new site

Why We Recommend Seahawk Media: If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced partner to maintain and support your WordPress website, then look no further than Seahawk Media. Their well-rounded approach makes them a great choice for website design, development, growth, support, and maintenance.

Pricing: For website support, you’ll need the WordPress Maintenance and Care Services package, which starts at $49 per month. But if you require on-demand development, you can upgrade to higher-pricing plans.

3. WP Buffs

WP Buffs

WP Buffs is the next WordPress support agency on our list. They also offer a comprehensive WordPress management solution, including regular backups, 24/7 support, weekly updates, speed optimization, and more.

One feature that stood out while testing the service was the unlimited website edits. These include editing content, changing plugin settings, and adjusting CSS.

However, it’s important to note that on-demand content edits have limitations. They don’t include custom development, updating code, graphic design, or building a new site.

We were also impressed by the responsiveness and expertise of the WP Buffs support team. They consistently resolved our inquiries quickly and efficiently while providing all the basic WordPress support services.


  • 24/7 website monitoring and security
  • Performance optimization
  • Plugin, theme, and core file updates
  • Core file and database backups
  • Expert 24/7 emergency support
  • Malware removal services


  • On-demand content edits have limitations
  • May not be suitable for sites requiring extensive development work

Why We Recommend WP Buffs: WP Buffs offers a unique combination of features that provide peace of mind for website owners of all levels. We highly recommend them to users who have complex websites, such as a membership site or an eCommerce store, that require special maintenance attention.

Pricing: WP Buffs pricing plans start at $79 per month. A higher plan will get you priority support, speed optimization, and other extra features.

4. GoWP


GoWP is another WordPress support agency you can hire to maintain your website. Their dedicated team of WordPress experts can handle all sorts of issues.

During our testing, GoWP impressed us with their comprehensive set of features. From automated backups and security updates to performance optimization and malware scanning, GoWP takes care of many of the behind-the-scenes tasks.

Some of the services you get include 24/7 support, plugin updates, security monitoring, malware cleanup, regular backups, and custom reporting. GoWP offers 24/7 content edits that include adding or editing blog posts and WooCommerce pages, editing menus and widgets, and more.

GoWP also offers outsourcing services where you can hire their team for WordPress maintenance and content edits. This way, you can partner with them and easily handle your client’s technical issues.


  • Automated backups and security updates
  • Performance optimization and malware scanning
  • Dedicated developer, copywriter, and designer
  • 24/7 content edits
  • Detailed training resources and community forum


  • Slightly expensive as you’ll need to pay extras for tasks that take 30 minutes or more
  • Dedicated services are costly for small businesses

Why We Recommend GoWP: If you’re looking for website support from a dedicated developer or looking to expand your business through outsourcing services, then GoWP is the best solution.

Pricing: GoWP offers a wide variety of services. Their maintenance service will cost $39 per month, while content editing service will cost $99 per month per site.

5. FixRunner


FixRunner offers personal WordPress support to help you save time and money by maintaining your site. You get 24/7 support from a team of WordPress experts at affordable pricing.

While reviewing the agency, we found that they offer all the standard services you’d expect from a WordPress support service. For instance, you get speed optimization, cloud backups, uptime monitoring, security scanning, and more.

However, what impressed us the most was that you can contact them via multiple channels for support, including emails, live chat, tickets, and phone calls.


  • 24/7 WordPress support
  • Security monitoring and malware removal
  • Multi-channel support options
  • Uptime monitoring and speed optimization
  • Regular cloud backups and core file updates
  • 30-day money-back guarantee


  • No unlimited support time option
  • No free trial

Why We Recommend FixRunner: This is a perfect solution for all types of businesses. Their comprehensive support plans ensure your WordPress site stays secure, optimized, and up-to-date, freeing you to focus on running your business.

Pricing: FixRunner pricing plans start from $49 per month (billed annually).

6. WP Fix It

WP Fix it

WP Fix It has been in the WordPress support industry since 2009 and offers a wide range of services. You can hire an expert to fix issues, infection removal, speed optimization, website migration, and more.

The best thing about WP Fix we found was that it works for all types of websites. Whether you have a blog, eCommerce store, membership site, or corporate website, you will be able to benefit from WordPress support.


  • Fast response times and efficient communication
  • Scheduled and automated cloud backups
  • Expertise in handling a wide range of WordPress issues
  • Control panel to manage and monitor websites
  • 24/7 availability for emergency website fixes


  • Custom pricing plans can be expensive for small businesses

Why We Recommend WP Fix It: If you’re looking for an experienced WordPress support agency, then WP Fix It ticks all the boxes. However, if you require ongoing maintenance or complex development work, then you’ll need to choose another support agency on this list.

Pricing: WP Fix It offers a care plan at $27 per month. There is also an option to create a custom care plan.

7. TemplateMonster


TemplateMonster is a digital marketplace for website templates, plugins, and graphic design. It also offers website maintenance services for WordPress websites.

TemplateMonster’s subscription-based website maintenance service takes care of all the technical nitty-gritty for you. You get access to uptime monitoring, regular backups, website health checks, keeping everything up-to-date, and monthly reports.

While TemplateMonster Website Maintenance offers a comprehensive set of services, we did find that the level of customization was somewhat limited. For instance, you only get 5 developer hours every month.


  • A wide range of website maintenance services
  • Uptime monitoring and security features
  • Website backups and updates
  • Regular reports and communication


  • Limited developer hours
  • May not be suitable for highly complex websites

Why We Recommend TemplateMonster: If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to ensure your website is always up-to-date and functioning, then TemplateMonster Website Maintenance is definitely worth considering.

Pricing: TemplateMonster Website Maintenance prices start from $67 per month.

Which WordPress Support Agency Should You Choose?

After reviewing and testing different WordPress support agencies, we believe WPBeginner Pro Maintenance Services is the best option.

Our team of experts provides around-the-clock support, removes malware, monitors for security threats and downtime, provides regular backups, and performs routine updates.

The best part about using our services is affordable prices. Whether you’re just starting a site or have a complex website, our support services fit all kinds of businesses.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for support for eCommerce platforms, then you can try Seahawk Media Services. Alternatively, for complex websites, you can also give WP Buffs a try.

FAQs About WordPress Support Agencies

Here are some frequently asked questions about the best WordPress support agencies.

1. How much should website maintenance cost?

The cost of website maintenance depends on your needs and the type of website. If you require basic support like plugin and theme updates, backups, and security monitoring, it will cost between $30 and $70. However, if you have a complex site and require custom development, it can cost a lot more.

2. What are the benefits of using a WordPress support agency?

There are many benefits to hiring a WordPress support agency:

  • Saves you time and keeps your site up-to-date.
  • Offers expertise in security, performance, and troubleshooting.
  • Provides peace of mind knowing your site is in good hands.

3. Are there any free WordPress support options?

Different WordPress forums offer help from volunteers (mixed skill levels). However, they are limited to basic troubleshooting and may require technical knowledge.

Instead, you can hire a WordPress support and maintenance agency for personalized tasks and development. Most agencies also offer a free one-on-one call to understand your needs.

Additional Reading

We hope this article helped you pick the best WordPress support agency. You may also want to see our guide on common WordPress errors and how to fix them and coming soon vs. maintenance mode.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best WordPress Support Agencies for 2024 (Expert Pick) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Transforming Software Development With Low-Code and No-Code Integration

Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Low-Code Development: Elevating the Engineering Experience With Low and No Code.

Although the traditional software development lifecycle (SDLC) is slow and incapable of addressing dynamic business needs, it has long been the most popular way companies build applications — that was until low- and no-code (LCNC) tools entered the fray. These tools simplify the coding process so that advanced developers and non-technical users can contribute, enabling organizations to respond rapidly to market needs by shortening the SDLC.