Telemetry Pipelines Workshop: Avoiding Telemetry Data Loss With Fluent Bit

Are you ready to get started with cloud-native observability with telemetry pipelines? 

This article is part of a series exploring a workshop guiding you through the open source project Fluent Bit, what it is, a basic installation, and setting up the first telemetry pipeline project. Learn how to manage your cloud-native data from source to destination using the telemetry pipeline phases covering collection, aggregation, transformation, and forwarding from any source to any destination. 

Rookie Mistakes Scrum Masters Make

TL; DR: Top Five Rookie Mistakes by Self-Proclaimed Scrum Masters

Are you struggling with imposter syndrome as a new Scrum Master? Avoid five common rookie mistakes Scrum Masters make. Instead, discover how to set clear Sprint Goals, build trust, balance metrics, and empower your team to make independent decisions. 

Don’t let early missteps define your journey. Learn from these mistakes and transform them into stepping stones towards mastery. By understanding and addressing these pitfalls, you’ll gain confidence, enhance your leadership skills, and truly embody the principles of Scrum. 

I Built a Reusable Dashboard for Read the Docs Traffic Analytics Using Vizro-AI

In this article, I'll explain how I built a dashboard to visualize the traffic data for some documentation I maintain as a technical writer. I have few design skills and limited Python experience, so I needed a simple, low-code approach to show the impact and usage of the documentation I maintain. This turned out to be an open-source solution: Vizro as a template for a low-code dashboard, and Vizro-AI to build individual charts with generative AI.


If you want to jump right in, you can find the Jupyter Notebook code for the dashboard in my GitHub repo.

LLMs Get a Memory Boost with HippoRAG

Large Language Models (LLMs) have quickly proven themselves to be invaluable tools for thinking. Trained on massive datasets of text, code, and other media, they can generate human-quality writing, translate languages, generate images, answer your questions in an informative way, and even write different kinds of creative content.  But for all their brilliance, even the most advanced LLMs have a fundamental constraint: their knowledge is frozen in time.  Everything they "know" is determined by the data they were trained on, leaving them unable to adapt to new information or learn about your specific needs and preferences.

To address this limitation, researchers developed Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG allows LLMs access to access datastores that can be updated in real-time. This access to dynamic external knowledge bases, allows them to retrieve relevant information on the fly and incorporate it into their responses. Since they tend to rely on keyword matching, however, standard RAG implementations struggle when a question requires connecting information across multiple sources —  a challenge known as "multi-hop" reasoning. 

Security Considerations When Building SaaS

There is no well-defined pattern or framework for building a managed SaaS. Building a well-managed SaaS involves solving a wide variety of problems. Some of these problems are common across different kinds of SaaS, and some are very specific to the SaaS. Examples of common problems are billing, analytics, metrics, and onboarding. Examples of problems that are different for every SaaS are provisioning (what resources should be provisioned when a new tenant onboards), data isolation, scaling, and performance needs. For the sake of this article, we will classify common problems as control plane problems, and different problems as data plane problems. 

This article briefly talks about the different models of providing tenant isolation and then delves into the security considerations of building a SaaS. 

How to Quickly Learn Coding and Land a Job in Tech

From the day I wrote my first Hello World program, it took me two years to land a job at Amazon and another two years to get into Google. That’s because I accomplished this without having a Computer Science degree or attending a boot camp. I made countless mistakes along the way which made my path to becoming a Software Engineer longer than it should have been. I spent countless hours watching YouTube tutorials and paid for numerous Udemy courses, only to find that they added no real value. If I could go back in time and undo all the things that didn't work, I would be in the exact same situation as today within six months of starting programming. That’s exactly why I am writing this helpful piece.

Today, I'll cut out all the unnecessary fluff and provide you with the quickest route from beginner to full-time Software Engineer.

What Is Reverse ETL? Overview, Use Cases, and Key Benefits

In the evolving landscape of data engineering, reverse ETL has emerged as a pivotal process for businesses aiming to leverage their data warehouses and other data platforms beyond traditional analytics. Reverse ETL, or “Extract, Transform, Load” in reverse, is the process of moving data from a centralized data warehouse or data lake to operational systems and applications within your data pipeline. This enables businesses to operationalize their analytics, making data actionable by feeding it back into the daily workflows and systems that need it most.

How Does Reverse ETL Work? 

Reverse ETL can be visualized as a cycle that begins with data aggregated in a data warehouse. The data is then extracted, transformed (to fit the operational systems' requirements), and finally loaded into various business applications such as a CRM, marketing platforms, or other customer support tools. These concepts can be further explored in this resource on the key components of a data pipeline

Python in Finance: A Developer’s Guide

Introduction to Python in Finance

Python has ascended as a formidable force within the financial sector, transforming the operational landscape and fostering innovation among financial entities. For software engineers, mastering Python’s utility in finance can unlock opportunities to develop advanced financial applications and instruments.

Why Opt for Python in Finance?

Simplicity and Comprehensibility

Python's straightforward and lucid syntax empowers developers to craft intricate financial algorithms and models with ease. This clarity shortens the development lifecycle and curtails errors, which is indispensable in the high-stakes financial domain.

Effective Java Application Testing With Cucumber and BDD

Increase your testing efficiency by utilizing Cucumber for Java application testing, fully integrated with Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). This guide provides comprehensive steps for project setup, scenario writing, step implementation, and reporting.


Cucumber is a tool that supports Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). A good starting point in order to learn more about BDD and Cucumber, are the Cucumber guides. BDD itself was introduced by Dan North in 2006, you can read his blog introducing BDD. Cucumber, however, is a tool that supports BDD, this does not mean you are practicing BDD just by using Cucumber. The Cucumber myths is an interesting read in this regard.

New Ways for CNAPP to Shift Left and Shield Right: The Technology Trends That Will Allow CNAPP to Address More Extensive Threat Models

Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Cloud Native: Championing Cloud Development Across the SDLC.

The cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) model is designed to secure applications that leverage cloud-native technologies. However, applications not in the scope are typically legacy systems that were not designed to operate within modern cloud infrastructures. Therefore, in practice, CNAPP covers the security of containerized applications, serverless functions, and microservices architectures, possibly running across different cloud environments.

Scaling Success: Key Insights And Practical Takeaways

Building successful web products at scale is a multifaceted challenge that demands a combination of technical expertise, strategic decision-making, and a growth-oriented mindset. In Success at Scale, I dive into case studies from some of the web’s most renowned products, uncovering the strategies and philosophies that propelled them to the forefront of their industries.

Here you will find some of the insights I’ve gleaned from these success stories, part of an ongoing effort to build a roadmap for teams striving to achieve scalable success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Cultivating A Mindset For Scaling Success

The foundation of scaling success lies in fostering the right mindset within your team. The case studies in Success at Scale highlight several critical mindsets that permeate the culture of successful organizations.


Successful teams prioritize the user experience above all else.

They invest in understanding their users’ needs, behaviors, and pain points and relentlessly strive to deliver value. Instagram’s performance optimization journey exemplifies this mindset, focusing on improving perceived speed and reducing user frustration, leading to significant gains in engagement and retention.

By placing the user at the center of every decision, Instagram was able to identify and prioritize the most impactful optimizations, such as preloading critical resources and leveraging adaptive loading strategies. This user-centric approach allowed them to deliver a seamless and delightful experience to their vast user base, even as their platform grew in complexity.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Scaling success relies on data, not assumptions.

Teams must embrace a data-driven approach, leveraging metrics and analytics to guide their decisions and measure impact. Shopify’s UI performance improvements showcase the power of data-driven optimization, using detailed profiling and user data to prioritize efforts and drive meaningful results.

By analyzing user interactions, identifying performance bottlenecks, and continuously monitoring key metrics, Shopify was able to make informed decisions that directly improved the user experience. This data-driven mindset allowed them to allocate resources effectively, focusing on the areas that yielded the greatest impact on performance and user satisfaction.

Continuous Improvement

Scaling is an ongoing process, not a one-time achievement.

Successful teams foster a culture of continuous improvement, constantly seeking opportunities to optimize and refine their products. Smashing Magazine’s case study on enhancing Core Web Vitals demonstrates the impact of iterative enhancements, leading to significant performance gains and improved user satisfaction.

By regularly assessing their performance metrics, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing incremental optimizations, Smashing Magazine was able to continuously elevate the user experience. This mindset of continuous improvement ensures that the product remains fast, reliable, and responsive to user needs, even as it scales in complexity and user base.

Collaboration And Inclusivity

Silos hinder scalability.

High-performing teams promote collaboration and inclusivity, ensuring that diverse perspectives are valued and leveraged. The Understood’s accessibility journey highlights the power of cross-functional collaboration, with designers, developers, and accessibility experts working together to create inclusive experiences for all users.

By fostering open communication, knowledge sharing, and a shared commitment to accessibility, The Understood was able to embed inclusive design practices throughout its development process. This collaborative and inclusive approach not only resulted in a more accessible product but also cultivated a culture of empathy and user-centricity that permeated all aspects of their work.

Making Strategic Decisions for Scalability

Beyond cultivating the right mindset, scaling success requires making strategic decisions that lay the foundation for sustainable growth.

Technology Choices

Selecting the right technologies and frameworks can significantly impact scalability. Factors like performance, maintainability, and developer experience should be carefully considered. Notion’s migration to Next.js exemplifies the importance of choosing a technology stack that aligns with long-term scalability goals.

By adopting Next.js, Notion was able to leverage its performance optimizations, such as server-side rendering and efficient code splitting, to deliver fast and responsive pages. Additionally, the developer-friendly ecosystem of Next.js and its strong community support enabled Notion’s team to focus on building features and optimizing the user experience rather than grappling with low-level infrastructure concerns. This strategic technology choice laid the foundation for Notion’s scalable and maintainable architecture.

Ship Only The Code A User Needs, When They Need It

This best practice is so important when we want to ensure that pages load fast without over-eagerly delivering JavaScript a user may not need at that time. For example, Instagram made a concerted effort to improve the web performance of, resulting in a nearly 50% cumulative improvement in feed page load time. A key area of focus has been shipping less JavaScript code to users, particularly on the critical rendering path.

The Instagram team found that the uncompressed size of JavaScript is more important for performance than the compressed size, as larger uncompressed bundles take more time to parse and execute on the client, especially on mobile devices. Two optimizations they implemented to reduce JS parse/execute time were inline requires (only executing code when it’s first used vs. eagerly on initial load) and serving ES2017+ code to modern browsers to avoid transpilation overhead. Inline requires improved Time-to-Interactive metrics by 12%, and the ES2017+ bundle was 5.7% smaller and 3% faster than the transpiled version.

While good progress has been made, the Instagram team acknowledges there are still many opportunities for further optimization. Potential areas to explore could include the following:

  • Improved code-splitting, moving more logic off the critical path,
  • Optimizing scrolling performance,
  • Adapting to varying network conditions,
  • Modularizing their Redux state management.

Continued efforts will be needed to keep performing well as new features are added and the product grows in complexity.

Accessibility Integration

Accessibility should be an integral part of the product development process, not an afterthought.

Wix’s comprehensive approach to accessibility, encompassing keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and infrastructure for future development, showcases the importance of building inclusivity into the product’s core.

By considering accessibility requirements from the initial design stages and involving accessibility experts throughout the development process, Wix was able to create a platform that empowered its users to build accessible websites. This holistic approach to accessibility not only benefited end-users but also positioned Wix as a leader in inclusive web design, attracting a wider user base and fostering a culture of empathy and inclusivity within the organization.

Developer Experience Investment

Investing in a positive developer experience is essential for attracting and retaining talent, fostering productivity, and accelerating development.

Apideck’s case study in the book highlights the impact of a great developer experience on community building and product velocity.

By providing well-documented APIs, intuitive SDKs, and comprehensive developer resources, Apideck was able to cultivate a thriving developer community. This investment in developer experience not only made it easier for developers to integrate with Apideck’s platform but also fostered a sense of collaboration and knowledge sharing within the community. As a result, ApiDeck was able to accelerate product development, leverage community contributions, and continuously improve its offering based on developer feedback.

Leveraging Performance Optimization Techniques

Achieving optimal performance is a critical aspect of scaling success. The case studies in Success at Scale showcase various performance optimization techniques that have proven effective.

Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation

Building resilient web experiences that perform well across a range of devices and network conditions requires a progressive enhancement approach. Pinafore’s case study in Success at Scale highlights the benefits of ensuring core functionality remains accessible even in low-bandwidth or JavaScript-constrained environments.

By leveraging server-side rendering and delivering a usable experience even when JavaScript fails to load, Pinafore demonstrates the importance of progressive enhancement. This approach not only improves performance and resilience but also ensures that the application remains accessible to a wider range of users, including those with older devices or limited connectivity. By gracefully degrading functionality in constrained environments, Pinafore provides a reliable and inclusive experience for all users.

Adaptive Loading Strategies

The book’s case study on Tinder highlights the power of sophisticated adaptive loading strategies. By dynamically adjusting the content and resources delivered based on the user’s device capabilities and network conditions, Tinder ensures a seamless experience across a wide range of devices and connectivity scenarios. Tinder’s adaptive loading approach involves techniques like dynamic code splitting, conditional resource loading, and real-time network quality detection. This allows the application to optimize the delivery of critical resources, prioritize essential content, and minimize the impact of poor network conditions on the user experience.

By adapting to the user’s context, Tinder delivers a fast and responsive experience, even in challenging environments.

Efficient Resource Management

Effective management of resources, such as images and third-party scripts, can significantly impact performance. eBay’s journey showcases the importance of optimizing image delivery, leveraging techniques like lazy loading and responsive images to reduce page weight and improve load times.

By implementing lazy loading, eBay ensures that images are only loaded when they are likely to be viewed by the user, reducing initial page load time and conserving bandwidth. Additionally, by serving appropriately sized images based on the user’s device and screen size, eBay minimizes the transfer of unnecessary data and improves the overall loading performance. These resource management optimizations, combined with other techniques like caching and CDN utilization, enable eBay to deliver a fast and efficient experience to its global user base.

Continuous Performance Monitoring

Regularly monitoring and analyzing performance metrics is crucial for identifying bottlenecks and opportunities for optimization. The case study on Yahoo! Japan News demonstrates the impact of continuous performance monitoring, using tools like Lighthouse and real user monitoring to identify and address performance issues proactively.

By establishing a performance monitoring infrastructure, Yahoo! Japan News gains visibility into the real-world performance experienced by their users. This data-driven approach allows them to identify performance regression, pinpoint specific areas for improvement, and measure the impact of their optimizations. Continuous monitoring also enables Yahoo! Japan News to set performance baselines, track progress over time, and ensure that performance remains a top priority as the application evolves.

Embracing Accessibility and Inclusive Design

Creating inclusive web experiences that cater to diverse user needs is not only an ethical imperative but also a critical factor in scaling success. The case studies in Success at Scale emphasize the importance of accessibility and inclusive design.

Comprehensive Accessibility Testing

Ensuring accessibility requires a combination of automated testing tools and manual evaluation. LinkedIn’s approach to automated accessibility testing demonstrates the value of integrating accessibility checks into the development workflow, catching potential issues early, and reducing the reliance on manual testing alone.

By leveraging tools like Deque’s axe and integrating accessibility tests into their continuous integration pipeline, LinkedIn can identify and address accessibility issues before they reach production. This proactive approach to accessibility testing not only improves the overall accessibility of the platform but also reduces the cost and effort associated with retroactive fixes. However, LinkedIn also recognizes the importance of manual testing and user feedback in uncovering complex accessibility issues that automated tools may miss. By combining automated checks with manual evaluation, LinkedIn ensures a comprehensive approach to accessibility testing.

Inclusive Design Practices

Designing with accessibility in mind from the outset leads to more inclusive and usable products. Success With Scale\’s case study on Intercom about creating an accessible messenger highlights the importance of considering diverse user needs, such as keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility, throughout the design process.

By embracing inclusive design principles, Intercom ensures that their messenger is usable by a wide range of users, including those with visual, motor, or cognitive impairments. This involves considering factors such as color contrast, font legibility, focus management, and clear labeling of interactive elements. By designing with empathy and understanding the diverse needs of their users, Intercom creates a messenger experience that is intuitive, accessible, and inclusive. This approach not only benefits users with disabilities but also leads to a more user-friendly and resilient product overall.

User Research And Feedback

Engaging with users with disabilities and incorporating their feedback is essential for creating truly inclusive experiences. The Understood’s journey emphasizes the value of user research and collaboration with accessibility experts to identify and address accessibility barriers effectively.

By conducting usability studies with users who have diverse abilities and working closely with accessibility consultants, The Understood gains invaluable insights into the real-world challenges faced by their users. This user-centered approach allows them to identify pain points, gather feedback on proposed solutions, and iteratively improve the accessibility of their platform.

By involving users with disabilities throughout the design and development process, The Understood ensures that their products not only meet accessibility standards but also provide a meaningful and inclusive experience for all users.

Accessibility As A Shared Responsibility

Promoting accessibility as a shared responsibility across the organization fosters a culture of inclusivity. Shopify’s case study underscores the importance of educating and empowering teams to prioritize accessibility, recognizing it as a fundamental aspect of the user experience rather than a mere technical checkbox.

By providing accessibility training, guidelines, and resources to designers, developers, and content creators, Shopify ensures that accessibility is considered at every stage of the product development lifecycle. This shared responsibility approach helps to build accessibility into the core of Shopify’s products and fosters a culture of inclusivity and empathy. By making accessibility everyone’s responsibility, Shopify not only improves the usability of their platform but also sets an example for the wider industry on the importance of inclusive design.

Fostering A Culture of Collaboration And Knowledge Sharing

Scaling success requires a culture that promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing, and continuous learning. The case studies in Success at Scale highlight the impact of effective collaboration and knowledge management practices.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional collaboration accelerates problem-solving and innovation. Airbnb’s design system journey showcases the power of collaboration between design and engineering teams, leading to a cohesive and scalable design language across web and mobile platforms.

By establishing a shared language and a set of reusable components, Airbnb’s design system enables designers and developers to work together more efficiently. Regular collaboration sessions, such as design critiques and code reviews, help to align both teams and ensure that the design system evolves in a way that meets the needs of all stakeholders. This cross-functional approach not only improves the consistency and quality of the user experience but also accelerates the development process by reducing duplication of effort and promoting code reuse.

Knowledge Sharing And Documentation

Capturing and sharing knowledge across the organization is crucial for maintaining consistency and enabling the efficient onboarding of new team members. Stripe’s investment in internal frameworks and documentation exemplifies the value of creating a shared understanding and facilitating knowledge transfer.

By maintaining comprehensive documentation, code examples, and best practices, Stripe ensures that developers can quickly grasp the intricacies of their internal tools and frameworks. This documentation-driven culture not only reduces the learning curve for new hires but also promotes consistency and adherence to established patterns and practices. Regular knowledge-sharing sessions, such as tech talks and lunch-and-learns, further reinforce this culture of learning and collaboration, enabling team members to learn from each other’s experiences and stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

Communities Of Practice

Establishing communities of practice around specific domains, such as accessibility or performance, promotes knowledge sharing and continuous improvement. Shopify’s accessibility guild demonstrates the impact of creating a dedicated space for experts and advocates to collaborate, share best practices, and drive accessibility initiatives forward.

By bringing together individuals passionate about accessibility from across the organization, Shopify’s accessibility guild fosters a sense of community and collective ownership. Regular meetings, workshops, and hackathons provide opportunities for members to share their knowledge, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions. This community-driven approach not only accelerates the adoption of accessibility best practices but also helps to build a culture of inclusivity and empathy throughout the organization.

Leveraging Open Source And External Expertise

Collaborating with the wider developer community and leveraging open-source solutions can accelerate development and provide valuable insights. Pinafore’s journey highlights the benefits of engaging with accessibility experts and incorporating their feedback to create a more inclusive and accessible web experience.

By actively seeking input from the accessibility community and leveraging open-source accessibility tools and libraries, Pinafore was able to identify and address accessibility issues more effectively. This collaborative approach not only improved the accessibility of the application but also contributed back to the wider community by sharing their learnings and experiences. By embracing open-source collaboration and learning from external experts, teams can accelerate their own accessibility efforts and contribute to the collective knowledge of the industry.

The Path To Sustainable Success

Achieving scalable success in the web development landscape requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses the right mindset, strategic decision-making, and continuous learning. The Success at Scale book provides a comprehensive exploration of these elements, offering deep insights and practical guidance for teams at all stages of their scaling journey.

By cultivating a user-centric, data-driven, and inclusive mindset, teams can prioritize the needs of their users and make informed decisions that drive meaningful results. Adopting a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration ensures that teams are always striving to optimize and refine their products, leveraging the collective knowledge and expertise of their members.

Making strategic technology choices, such as selecting performance-oriented frameworks and investing in developer experience, lays the foundation for scalable and maintainable architectures. Implementing performance optimization techniques, such as adaptive loading, efficient resource management, and continuous monitoring, helps teams deliver fast and responsive experiences to their users.

Embracing accessibility and inclusive design practices not only ensures that products are usable by a wide range of users but also fosters a culture of empathy and user-centricity. By incorporating accessibility testing, inclusive design principles, and user feedback into the development process, teams can create products that are both technically sound and meaningfully inclusive.

Fostering a culture of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and continuous learning is essential for scaling success. By breaking down silos, promoting cross-functional collaboration, and investing in documentation and communities of practice, teams can accelerate problem-solving, drive innovation, and build a shared understanding of their products and practices.

The case studies featured in Success at Scale serve as powerful examples of how these principles and strategies can be applied in real-world contexts. By learning from the successes and challenges of industry leaders, teams can gain valuable insights and inspiration for their own scaling journeys.

As you embark on your path to scaling success, remember that it is an ongoing process of iteration, learning, and adaptation. Embrace the mindsets and strategies outlined in this article, dive deeper into the learnings from the Success at Scale book, and continually refine your approach based on the unique needs of your users and the evolving landscape of web development.


Scaling successful web products requires a holistic approach that combines technical excellence, strategic decision-making, and a growth-oriented mindset. By learning from the experiences of industry leaders, as showcased in the Success at Scale book, teams can gain valuable insights and practical guidance on their journey towards sustainable success.

Cultivating a user-centric, data-driven, and inclusive mindset lays the foundation for scalability. By prioritizing the needs of users, making informed decisions based on data, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration, teams can create products that deliver meaningful value and drive long-term growth.

Making strategic decisions around technology choices, performance optimization, accessibility integration, and developer experience investment sets the stage for scalable and maintainable architectures. By leveraging proven optimization techniques, embracing inclusive design practices, and investing in the tools and processes that empower developers, teams can build products that are fast and resilient.

Through ongoing collaboration, knowledge sharing, and a commitment to learning, teams can navigate the complexities of scaling success and create products that make a lasting impact in the digital landscape.

We’re Trying Out Something New

In an effort to conserve resources here at Smashing, we’re trying something new with Success at Scale. The printed book is 304 pages, and we make an expanded PDF version available to everyone who purchases a print book. This accomplishes a few good things:

  • We will use less paper and materials because we are making a smaller printed book;
  • We’ll use fewer resources in general to print, ship, and store the books, leading to a smaller carbon footprint; and
  • Keeping the book at more manageable size means we can continue to offer free shipping on all Smashing orders!

Smashing Books have always been printed with materials from FSC Certified forests. We are committed to finding new ways to conserve resources while still bringing you the best possible reading experience.

Community Matters ❤️

Producing a book takes quite a bit of time, and we couldn’t pull it off without the support of our wonderful community. A huge shout-out to Smashing Members for the kind, ongoing support. The eBook is and always will be free for Smashing Members. Plus, Members get a friendly discount when purchasing their printed copy. Just sayin’! ;-)

More Smashing Books & Goodies

Promoting best practices and providing you with practical tips to master your daily coding and design challenges has always been (and will be) at the core of everything we do at Smashing.

In the past few years, we were very lucky to have worked together with some talented, caring people from the web community to publish their wealth of experience as printed books that stand the test of time. Heather and Steven are two of these people. Have you checked out their books already?

Understanding Privacy

Everything you need to know to put your users first and make a better web.

Get Print + eBook

Touch Design for Mobile Interfaces

Learn how touchscreen devices really work — and how people really use them.

Get Print + eBook

Interface Design Checklists

100 practical cards for common interface design challenges.

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Queuing Theory for Software Engineers

“Start With Why”

Queues are a built-in mechanism everywhere in today's software. Not being familiar with the basics of queuing theory will prevent you from understanding the relations between latency and throughput, high-level capacity estimations, and workload optimization. Knowing the internals of queuing models is actually not that hard to grasp. In this article, I'll sum up the essence of what's required for a software engineer to be more effective in their field.

Queues Are Everywhere!

Let's see some common examples from an average dude's vocabulary (like me). I'll list some of the technology usages of queues without even thinking about it.

8 Best WordPress Development Tools (Free + Paid)

We’ve developed and launched many successful websites from the ground up. So we know that whether you’re an experienced WordPress developer or a beginner, having the right development tool helps you customize your site and add different functionality.

From our years of experience, some of the best development tools we can recommend include Local WP, WPCode, Duplicator, MAMP, and GitHub Copilot.

In this article, we’ll explain everything we learned while testing the tools and narrow down the best WordPress development tools so you can easily find the right one for your site.  

Best WordPress development tools

Are you in a rush and want to know which development tools to choose? Don’t worry. Here’s a quick overview of the best tools and plugins you can use.

ToolBest ForPrice
1Local WPDevelop and test WP sites on local machineFree
2WPCodeEasily insert code for themes, plugins, and features Free +Paid
3DuplicatorMigrate WP sites between serversFree + Paid
4MAMPRun a local server environment for developmentFree
5GitHub CopilotGenerate code suggestions for various programming languagesPaid
6XAMPPRun a local server environment for development Free
7InstaWPWordPress Sandbox for testing themes & pluginsFree + Paid
8Theme CheckCheck WP themes for errors and best practicesFree

How We Test and Review WordPress Development Tools

To find the best development tools for WordPress, we focused on 5 key areas:

  • Functionality: We looked for tools that cater to various development tasks, such as creating local development environments, debugging code, automating repetitive processes, easily inserting code into your site, creating backups, and more.
  • Ease of Use: Is the tool user-friendly and accessible for users of all experience levels? We prioritized tools with simple interfaces, clear documentation, and beginner-friendly features while still offering powerful functionalities for experienced developers.
  • Integration with WordPress: When reviewing tools, we looked for solutions that integrate seamlessly with the WordPress ecosystem. Seamless integration ensures a smooth development experience and avoids potential conflicts.
  • Performance: We considered how the tools affect website loading speed, resource usage, and overall user experience. Ideally, the chosen tools should optimize website performance or at least not hinder it.
  • Community and Support: We also checked if a strong community and support system is available for the tool. A large and active community provides valuable resources and troubleshooting assistance and helps users and developers stay updated on the latest updates and best practices.

Why Trust WPBeginner?

The WPBeginner editorial team has over 16 years of experience in WordPress, digital marketing, website development, and eCommerce. We’ve tried and tested various plugins and software on real websites to find the most suitable ones for our readers’ specific needs.

Want to learn more? Just check out our editorial process.

That said, let’s look at some of the best WordPress development tools.

1. Local WP

Local WP

Local WP (previously known as Local by Flywheel) is a desktop application designed to simplify the process of creating and managing local WordPress development environments.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with WordPress, Local WP offers a user-friendly interface and powerful features to streamline your workflow.

Open Adminer

We tested Local WP and found it incredibly easy to set up. Within minutes, we had a fresh WordPress site running on our computer, complete with a custom domain name and SSL certificate. During the setup process, Local WP offers Nginx and Apache servers and different PHP versions to choose from.

Another impressive feature we discovered during testing was the ability to create multisite installations and manage them effortlessly. Local WP also allows you to import existing WordPress sites from live servers, making it perfect for development, staging, and testing purposes.


  • Effortless setup and management of local WordPress sites
  • Built-in Nginx and Apache servers
  • Secure development environment with SSL certificates
  • Support for multisite installations
  • Easy import of existing WordPress sites
  • Integration with PHPMyAdmin and WP-CLI


  • Requires some technical knowledge to use advanced features

Why We Recommend Local WP: When reviewing the plugin, Local WP stood out for its ease of use and comprehensive feature set. It’s a perfect solution for anyone who wants to develop and test WordPress sites locally without the complexities of setting up a server.

Pricing: Local WP is a free WordPress development tool.

2. WPCode


WPCode is one of the best WordPress development plugins for your website. It allows you to add custom code snippets to your WordPress site without directly modifying your site’s theme files. This keeps your theme safe from updates that might overwrite your code and means that you can make changes without risking breaking your site.

We tested WPCode extensively and found it to be a user-friendly plugin. It offers a feature-rich code snippet manager and library. You can choose from pre-built code snippets and instantly add them to your site.

WPCode provides a code editor with syntax highlighting for PHP, JavaScript, and HTML. This makes it simple to write and manage your code snippets, even for those without extensive coding experience.

Adding the WordPress Search Form code in WPCode

Besides that, it offers conditional logic for inserting code based on specific rules, ensuring your scripts only load on the specific pages or sections you need them.


  • Manage custom code snippets without editing theme files
  • Beginner-friendly code editor with syntax highlighting
  • Built-in code validation to prevent errors
  • Insert header and footer code
  • Create advanced conditional logic rules to load snippets


  • Limited features and functionality in the free version

Why We Recommend WPCode: It is an excellent choice for WordPress users who want to add custom functionality to their site without the complexity of editing theme files. WPCode stood out for its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and focus on code safety.

Pricing: WPCode prices start at $49 per year. There is also a WPCode Lite version you can use for free.

3. Duplicator

Is Duplicator the right backup and migration plugin for you?

Duplicator is the best WordPress plugin for cloning a site and creating backups. It also helps you migrate your WordPress site to a new host, domain, or staging environment.

It simplifies the WordPress backup process by creating a single downloadable package containing your entire site’s files and database. This package can be easily stored locally or uploaded to cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive for safekeeping.

A choice of backup storage locations in Duplicator

Duplicator comes in handy if you’re creating themes or testing new WordPress plugins. The plugin ensures you can easily revert to a previous version of your site if needed.

We particularly liked the scheduled backup option, which automates the process and ensures you always have a recent backup in case something goes wrong. With a few clicks, you can simply restore WordPress from a backup and revert changes during development.


  • Creates complete website backups
  • Offers scheduled automated backups
  • Simplifies website migrations with a user-friendly process
  • Supports cloud storage for convenient backup
  • Offers secure backup encryption


  • Advanced features like multisite and scheduled backups require the Pro version
  • Navigating settings effectively requires some familiarity with WordPress

Why We Recommend Duplicator: Its ease of use and powerful features make Duplicator a standout choice for WordPress users of all experience levels. Whether you need a reliable backup solution or a way to migrate your site to a new host after development, Duplicator offers a user-friendly and efficient way to get the job done.

Pricing: Duplicator prices start at $39.60 per year, and it also offers a free version.



MAMP (Macintosh, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is free and open-source web development software. The best part is that MAMP gets you up and running in minutes, allowing you to focus on building amazing websites locally on Mac and Windows.

We tested MAMP and found that WordPress installation was quick and simple. It just took a few minutes to get the server up and running. It also provides a clean interface for starting, stopping, and managing your server.

You can easily switch between PHP versions, choose between Nginx or Apache servers, and access the MySQL administration panel directly through the application. It also supports additional languages, including Python and Perl.


  • Free and open-source
  • Easy installation and configuration
  • Intuitive interface for server management
  • Supports multiple PHP versions
  • Built-in virtual host management
  • Supports additional language other than PHP


  • Less control over the local environment compared to XAMPP
  • Fewer dashboard options

Why We Recommend MAMP: It is a great choice for web developers, especially beginners, who need a straightforward way to set up a local development environment on their computers. Its user-friendly interface, ease of use, and open-source platform make it an excellent option for WordPress development.

Pricing: MAMP is a free WordPress development tool. However, there is also a premium version.

5. GitHub Copilot

GitHub copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that acts like your virtual pair programmer. It offers intelligent suggestions to complete lines, functions, or even entire blocks of code. When developing a WordPress site, feature, theme, or plugin, Copilot can save a lot of time and increase productivity.

We tested Copilot across various coding projects and were impressed with its versatility. It seamlessly integrated with our preferred IDEs (integrated development environments) like Visual Studio Code, JetBrains IDEs, and Neovim.

Besides that, GitHub Copilot is particularly great at generating code to reduce the time spent writing repetitive tasks. It even understands natural language comments, allowing you to describe the desired functionality and get code suggestions tailored to your needs.


  • Suggests code completions, functions, and entire blocks of code
  • Analyzes context to provide relevant suggestions
  • Works with various coding styles and languages
  • Chat functionality offers additional problem-solving assistance
  • Easily integrates with different IDEs
  • Helps reduce time and improve productivity


  • Requires a paid subscription (free trial available)
  • Code suggestions may require review and potential adjustments

Why We Recommend GitHub Copilot: For developers of all levels, GitHub Copilot offers a valuable productivity boost. By automating repetitive tasks and suggesting relevant code, Copilot frees you to focus on the creative aspects of coding.

Pricing: GitHub Copilot is a paid tool, with prices starting from $10 per month. However, there is also a free trial that you can use to get started.



XAMPP, which stands for Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl, is a popular development tool. It is free and open-source, and it allows you to set up a fully functional development environment on your local machine. Using the tool, you can test your code and debug your projects efficiently.

XAMPP takes away the difficulty of configuring individual server components. Its simple interface allows you to easily start, stop, and manage Apache, MySQL, and PHP from a single place.

It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux-based machines. To learn more, please see our guide on how to create a local WordPress site using XAMPP.


  • Easy installation and configuration
  • Bundles essential development tools (Apache, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin)
  • Lightweight and resource-efficient
  • Free and open-source
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, Linux)


  • Limited security features
  • May require some technical knowledge for advanced configurations

Why We Recommend XAMPP: After testing this tool, we believe it is a great choice for web developers and learners who need a convenient way to set up a local development environment. With its ease of use and comprehensive functionality, XAMPP is a powerful tool that can streamline your development process.

Pricing: XAMPP is a free and open-source development tool.

7. InstaWP


InstaWP is the next WordPress development tool on our list. It lets you create fully functional WordPress environments for testing themes and plugins or showcasing demos to clients.

The best part is that InstaWP installs WordPress in mere seconds. We were consistently amazed by the speed, allowing us to test multiple configurations quickly. InstaWP also lets you create templates containing your preferred WordPress version, PHP configuration, and pre-installed plugins.

We explored its other features, such as the ability to populate your sites with dummy content, manage backups and migrations, and even control access to your sandbox environments. These functionalities streamline the development process and provide greater flexibility.


  • Incredibly fast WordPress site creation
  • Easy-to-use interface for managing sandbox sites
  • Template system for consistent development environments
  • Optional dummy content generation for realistic testing
  • Backup and migration functionalities


  • Limited base plan restricts the number of concurrent sandbox sites
  • Advanced features might require upgrading to higher pricing plans

Why We Recommend InstaWP: Our testing revealed that InstaWP is great for developers, agencies, or anyone who juggles multiple WordPress environments. Its speed, ease of use, and template system significantly reduce setup time and ensure consistency.

Pricing: InstaWP offers a free plan that lets you create 3 temporary staging sites. However, paid plans with more features start at $90 per year.

8. Theme Check

Theme Check

Theme Check is a free WordPress plugin that acts as your personal inspector, analyzing your theme’s code for quality and compliance with WordPress’s coding standards.

The plugin offers a comprehensive automated test suite that checks various aspects of your WordPress theme.

It checks for common coding errors, ensures proper use of WordPress functions and templates, verifies the inclusion of essential theme files like stylesheet and template files, and even scans for outdated code or potential security vulnerabilities.

We found the tests to be thorough and informative, providing clear explanations for any flagged issues. Plus, the plugin is very easy to use, as you can run the tests from your WordPress dashboard.


  • Catches a wide range of coding and styling issues
  • Check your theme with WordPress coding standards
  • Offers suggestions for improvement
  • Easy to use with clear results


  • Requires some basic understanding of code to fully understand certain explanations
  • May not catch all potential issues

Why We Recommend Theme Check: For WordPress theme developers, Theme Check is an essential development tool. It streamlines the development workflow by identifying potential problems early on, saving you time and frustration during the submission process to

Pricing: Theme Check is a free WordPress plugin.

Which Is the Best WordPress Development Tool?

After testing and reviewing multiple tools and plugins, we recommend different solutions for specific situations.

For instance, if you’re looking for a tool to set up and test WordPress sites locally, then we suggest using Local WP. It is very easy to use, and you can create a local site within a few minutes. Plus, it lets you choose the PHP version and server type.

On the other hand, you can use WPCode to add custom code snippets to your site and add additional functionality. The plugin makes it super simple to insert and manage code snippets on your site without risking breaking anything.

Similarly, you can use Duplicator to migrate and back up your WordPress site during the development process.

FAQs about WordPress Development Tools

1. What are local WordPress development tools?

Local WordPress development tools allow you to set up a WordPress environment on your computer, completely separate from a live website. This lets you develop and test themes, plugins, and modifications without affecting a live website.

2 . What are the benefits of using WordPress development tools?

WordPress development tools let you experiment and make changes without impacting a live website. They also increase efficiency by developing and iterating faster in a controlled environment. You can also work on projects even without an internet connection.

3. Which is better, XAMPP or Local WP?

Local WP is simpler and more user-friendly than XAMPP, making it perfect for beginners. XAMPP requires a bit more technical knowledge but provides more control over the local development environment.

Discover More WordPress Development Guides

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress development tools. You may also want to see our guide on how to add dummy content for theme development in WordPress and the most common WordPress errors and how to fix them.

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The post 8 Best WordPress Development Tools (Free + Paid) first appeared on WPBeginner.