TestNG vs. JUnit: A Comparative Analysis of Java Testing Frameworks

In the realm of software development, particularly in Java programming, testing frameworks are essential tools that help ensure the reliability, efficiency, and quality of code. Two of the most prominent testing frameworks for Java are TestNG and JUnit. Both frameworks have their strengths, weaknesses, and unique features, making them suitable for different testing needs. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between TestNG and JUnit, exploring their features, advantages, limitations, and use cases.

Overview of TestNG

TestNG, inspired by JUnit and NUnit, is a testing framework designed to simplify a broad range of testing needs, from unit testing to integration testing. TestNG stands for "Test Next Generation," reflecting its intention to cover a wide spectrum of testing capabilities.

Elevating Defense Precision With AI-Powered Threat Triage in Proactive Dynamic Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity stand as a beacon of hope against the evolving cyber threats in the world today. In an era where data breaches and cyber-attacks loom large, the collaboration between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity emerges as a formidable ally in the battle for digital security.  

In this article, I will delve into the convergence of these two domains, shedding light on their combined potential to revolutionize threat detection, incident response, and vulnerability management. In the aftermath of a cyber-attack, rapid and effective incident response is paramount. Understanding how AI streamlines the incident response process, automates threat triage, and facilitates swift remediation efforts. From orchestration and automation platforms to AI-driven forensics tools, we will gain insights into the pivotal role of AI in minimizing downtime, containing breaches, and preserving business continuity in the face of adversity.

Snowflake Data Sharing Capabilities

Data drives business in the modern economy; the faster businesses can get to data and provide meaningful insights, the more they can enable informed decision-making. Snowflake has come a long way in this space in recent years, and the progress is impressive. Snowflake is also being increasingly adopted by several firms, as it is well known for its large dataset processing and computing power. It provides scalability, affordability, security, ease of use, customization, and easy data integration. In addition, Snowflake provides a host of specialized services, like Snowflake Arctic, Snowflake for Big Data, Snowflake Data Sharing, and Snow Pipe, as required depending on the use case. They bring a powerful weapon to the table for all enterprises striving to cash in on strategic data utilization.

In this paper, I will explore how data sharing works in Snowflake. Data sharing is the process of making data available to multiple users, applications, or organizations while maintaining its quality. Organizations often need to share data with customers, suppliers, and partners, but they face significant challenges such as poor governance, outdated solutions, manual data transfers, and being tied to specific vendors. To become truly data-driven, organizations need an improved method for sharing data. Snowflake offers a modern solution to these challenges, enabling seamless and secure data sharing.

Image Analysis Using OpenAI GPT-4o Model

OpenAI announced the GPT-4o (omni) model on May 13, 2024. The GPT-4o model, as the name suggests, can process multimodal inputs, such as text, image, and speech. As per OpenAI, GPT-4o is the state-of-the-art and best-performing large language model.

Among GPT-4o's many capabilities, I found its ability to analyze images and answer related questions highly astonishing. In this article, I demonstrate some of the tests I performed for image analysis using OpenAI GPT-4o.

Note: If you are interested in seeing how GPT-4o and Llama 3 compare for zero-shot text classification, check out my previous article.

So, let's begin without further ado.

Importing and Installing Required Libraries

The following script installs the OpenAI python library that you will use to access the OpenAI API.

pip install openai

The script below imports the libraries required to run code in this article.

import os
import base64
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from IPython.display import Image
from openai import OpenAI
General Image Analysis

Let's first take an image and ask some general questions about it. The script below displays the sample image we will use for this example.

# image source: https://healthier.stanfordchildrens.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Child-climbing-window-scaled.jpg

image_path = r"D:\Datasets\sofa_kid.jpg"
img = Image(filename=image_path, width=600, height=600)

Next, we define the encode_image64() method that accepts an image path and converts the image into base64 format. OpenAI expects images in this format.

The script below also creates the OpenAI client object we will use to call the OpenAI API.



def encode_image64(image_path):
    with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file:
        return base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode("utf-8")

base64_image = encode_image64(image_path)

client = OpenAI(
    api_key = os.environ.get('OPENAI_API_KEY'),

Next, we will define a method that accepts a text query and passes it to the OpenAI client's chat.competions.create() method. You need to pass the model name and the list of messages to this method.

Inside the list of messages, we specify that the system must act as a babysitter. Next, we pass it the text query along with the image that we want to analyze.

Finally, we ask a question using the analyze_image() method. The output shows that the GPT-4o model has successfully identified the potentially dangerous situation in the image and recommends prevention strategies.

def analyze_image(query):
    response = client.chat.completions.create(
      model= "gpt-4o",
      temperature = 0,
            {"role": "system", "content": "You are a baby sitter."},
            {"role": "user", "content": [
                {"type": "text", "text": query},
                {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image}"}

    return response.choices[0].message.content

response_content = analyze_image("Do you see any dangerous sitation in the image? If yes, how to prevent it?")



Graph Analysis

I found GPT-4o to be highly accurate for graph analysis. As an example, I asked questions about the following graph.

# image path: https://globaleurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2023/12/Folie2.jpg

image_path = r"D:\Datasets\Folie2.jpg"
img = Image(filename=image_path, width=800, height=800)



The process remains the same. We pass the graph image and the text question to the chat.completions.create() method. In the following script, I tell the model to act like a graph visualization expert and summarize the graph.

The model output is highly detailed, and the analysis's accuracy level is mind-blowing.

base64_image = encode_image64(image_path)

def analyze_graph(query):
    response = client.chat.completions.create(
      model= "gpt-4o",
      temperature = 0,
            {"role": "system", "content": "You are a an expert graph and visualization expert"},
            {"role": "user", "content": [
                {"type": "text", "text": query},
                {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image}"}

    return response.choices[0].message.content

response_content = analyze_graph("Can you summarize the graph?")



The GPT-4o model can also convert graphs into structured data, such as tables, as the following script demonstrates.

response_content = analyze_graph("Can you convert the graph to table such as Country -> Debt?")



Image Sentiment Prediction

Another common image analysis application is predicting sentiments from a facial image. GPT-4o is also highly accurate and detailed in this regard. As an example, we will ask the model to predict the sentiment expressed in the following image.

# image path: https://www.allprodad.com/the-3-happiest-people-in-the-world/

image_path = r"D:\Datasets\happy_men.jpg"
img = Image(filename=image_path, width=800, height=800)


I tell the model that he is a helpful psychologist, and I want him to predict the sentiment from the input facial image. The output shows that the model can detect and explain the sentiment expressed in an image.

base64_image = encode_image64(image_path)

def predict_sentiment(query):
    response = client.chat.completions.create(
      model= "gpt-4o",
      temperature = 0,
            {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful psychologist."},
            {"role": "user", "content": [
                {"type": "text", "text": query},
                {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image}"}

    return response.choices[0].message.content

response_content = predict_sentiment("Can you predict facial sentiment from the input image?")


The person in the image appears smiling, which generally indicates a positive sentiment such as happiness or joy.
Analyzing Multiple Images

Finally, GPT-4o can process multiple images in parallel. For example, we will find the difference between the following two images.

from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# image1_path: https://www.allprodad.com/the-3-happiest-people-in-the-world/
# image2_path: https://www.shortform.com/blog/self-care-for-grief/

image_path1 = r"D:\Datasets\happy_men.jpg"
image_path2 = r"D:\Datasets\sad_woman.jpg"

# Open the images using Pillow
img1 = Image.open(image_path1)
img2 = Image.open(image_path2)

# Create a figure to display the images side by side
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))

# Display the first image
axes[0].axis('off')  # Hide axes

# Display the second image
axes[1].axis('off')  # Hide axes

# Show the plot



To process multiple images, you must pass both images to the chat.completions.create() method, as shown in the following script. The image specified first is treated as the first image, and so on.

The script below asks the GPT-4o model to explain all the differences between the two images. In the output, you can see all the differences, even minor ones, between the two images.

base64_image1 = encode_image64(image_path1)
base64_image2 = encode_image64(image_path2)

def predict_sentiment(query):
    response = client.chat.completions.create(
      model= "gpt-4o",
      temperature = 0,
            {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful psychologist."},
            {"role": "user", "content": [
                {"type": "text", "text": query},
                {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image1}"}},
                {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image2}"}}

    return response.choices[0].message.content

response_content = predict_sentiment("Can you explain all the differences in the two images?")




The GPT-4o model is highly accurate for image analysis tasks. From graph analysis to sentiment prediction, the model can identify and analyze even minor details in an image.

On the downside, the model can be expensive for some users. It costs $5/15 to process a million input/output text tokens, and for images, it costs $0.001275 to process 150 x 150 pixels.

However, if your budget allows, I recommend using it, as it can save you a lot of time and effort for image analysis tasks.

Optimal CX With Hidden Prompts: The Secret Sauce of Prompt Engineering for LLMs

In the fast-moving field of Generative AI in Artificial Intelligence, particularly with the advent of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, prompt engineering has become a crucial aspect of delivering the desired customer experience (CX). One of the most effective yet often overlooked techniques in prompt engineering is the use of hidden prompts, also known as system prompts. These hidden prompts play a crucial role in guiding the model's output, ensuring efficiency, consistency, context awareness, and alignment with the intended user experience.

What Are Hidden Prompts?

Hidden prompts are predefined instructions embedded within the interaction setup of an LLM. Unlike user-visible prompts, these instructions are not shown to the end-user but are crucial in shaping how the model governs, interprets, and responds to the user's requested inputs. Hidden prompts help set the stage, establish context, define the constraints with which the LLM functions, and also role play to adapt to domains and use cases.

Strengthening Cloud Environments Through Python and SQL Integration

In today's fast-paced digital world, maintaining a competitive edge requires integrating advanced technologies into organizational processes. Cloud computing has revolutionized how businesses manage resources, providing scalable and efficient solutions. However, the transition to cloud environments introduces significant security challenges. This article explores how leveraging high-level programming languages like Python and SQL can enhance cloud security and automate critical control processes.

The Challenge of Cloud Security

Cloud computing offers numerous benefits, including resource scalability, cost efficiency, and flexibility. However, these advantages come with increased risks such as data breaches, unauthorized access, and service disruptions. Addressing these security challenges is paramount for organizations relying on cloud services.

Ice Cream Ahead (June 2024 Wallpapers Edition)

There’s an artist in everyone. Some bring their ideas to life with digital tools, others capture the perfect moment with a camera or love to grab pen and paper to create little doodles or pieces of lettering. And even if you think you’re far from being an artist, well, it might just be hidden deep inside of you. So why not explore it?

For more than 13 years already, our monthly wallpapers series has been the perfect opportunity to do just that: to break out of your daily routine and get fully immersed in a creative little project. This month was no exception, of course.

In this post, you’ll find beautiful, unique, and inspiring wallpapers designed by creative folks who took on the challenge. All of them are available in versions with and without a calendar for June 2024 and can be downloaded for free. As a little bonus goodie, we also added a selection of June favorites from our archives that are just too good to be forgotten. Thank you to everyone who shared their designs with us this month! Happy June!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.
  • Submit a wallpaper!
    Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent.


Designed by Design Studio from India.

Celebrate National Tropic Day

“Today, let’s dive into the lush wonders of the tropics! From breathtaking landscapes to tantalizing flavors, National Tropic Day is a celebration of all things tropical. Join us in honoring the vibrant cultures and biodiversity that make these regions so unique. Get ready to embark on a tropical adventure!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

All-Seeing Eye

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Grand Canyon In June

“June arrives, and with it, summer. The endless afternoons, the heat… and all those moments to enjoy and rest, because, even if we are working, in summer everything is seen with different eyes. This year, we are going to the Grand Canyon of Colorado to admire the beauty of its landscapes and enjoy its sunsets.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela Jimenez from Spain.


Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

What Is Green

“When June arrives, it’s the best moment of the year for the photosynthesis (in the north). Most of the plants are in green colors. I like to play with colors and computers. This picture comes out of my imagination. It’s like looking with an electronic microscope at a strange green structure.” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

Back In My Days

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Create Your Own Path

“Nice weather has arrived! Clean the dust off your bike and explore your hometown from a different angle! Invite a friend or loved one and share the joy of cycling. Whether you decide to go for a city ride or a ride in nature, the time spent on a bicycle will make you feel free and happy. So don’t wait, take your bike and call your loved one because happiness is greater only when it is shared. Happy World Bike Day!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Summer Coziness

“I’ve waited for this summer more than I waited for any other summer since I was a kid. I dream of watermelon, strawberries, and lots of colors.” — Designed by Kate Jameson from the United States.

Summer Surf

“Summer vibes…” — Designed by Antun Hirsman from Croatia.

Strawberry Fields

Designed by Nathalie Ouederni from France.

Deep Dive

“Summer rains, sunny days, and a whole month to enjoy. Dive deep inside your passions and let them guide you.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Join The Wave

“The month of warmth and nice weather is finally here. We found inspiration in the World Oceans Day which occurs on June 8th and celebrates the wave of change worldwide. Join the wave and dive in!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Summer Party

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Oh, The Places You Will Go!

“In celebration of high school and college graduates ready to make their way in the world!” — Designed by Bri Loesch from the United States.

Ice Creams Away!

“Summer is taking off with some magical ice cream hot air balloons.” — Designed by Sasha Endoh from Canada.


Designed by Xenia Latii from Germany.

Nine Lives

“I grew up with cats around (and drawing them all the time). They are so funny… one moment they are being funny, the next they are reserved. If you have place in your life for a pet, adopt one today!” — Designed by Karen Frolo from the United States.

Solstice Sunset

“June 21 marks the longest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere — and sunsets like these will be getting earlier and earlier after that!” — Designed by James Mitchell from the United Kingdom.

Travel Time

“June is our favorite time of the year because the keenly anticipated sunny weather inspires us to travel. Stuck at the airport, waiting for our flight but still excited about wayfaring, we often start dreaming about the new places we are going to visit. Where will you travel to this summer? Wherever you go, we wish you a pleasant journey!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.


“I created a screenprint of one of the most famous buildings from the Bauhaus architect Mies van der Rohe for you. So, enjoy the Barcelona Pavillon for your June wallpaper.” — Designed by Anne Korfmacher from Germany.

Pineapple Summer Pop

“I love creating fun and feminine illustrations and designs. I was inspired by juicy tropical pineapples to celebrate the start of summer.” — Designed by Brooke Glaser from Honolulu, Hawaii.

Melting Away

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

The Kids Looking Outside

“These are my cats looking out of the window. Because it is Children’s Day in June in a lot of countries, I chose to make a wallpaper with this photo of my cats. The cats are like kids, they always want to play and love to be outside! Also, most kids love cats!” — Designed by Kevin van Geloven from the Netherlands.

Expand Your Horizons

“It’s summer! Go out, explore, expand your horizons!” — Designed by Dorvan Davoudi from Canada.

Ice Cream June

“For me, June always marks the beginning of summer! The best way to celebrate summer is of course ice cream, what else?” — Designed by Tatiana Anagnostaki from Greece.

Sunset In Jamaica

“Photo from a recent trip to Jamaica edited to give a retro look and feel.” — Designed by Tommy Digiovanni from the United States.

Flamingood Vibes Only

“I love flamingos! They give me a happy feeling that I want to share with the world.” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

Knitting For Summer

“I made multiple circles overlapping with close distances. The overall drawing looks like a clothing texture, for something you could wear in coming summer. Let’s have a nice summer.” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’

AI policy theorist Demetrius Floudas introduces a novel era classification for the AI epoch and reveals the hidden dangers of AGI, predicting the potential obsolescence of humanity. In retort, he proposes a provocative International Control Treaty.


About Demetrius A. Floudas


Demetrius A. Floudas is a transnational lawyer, a legal adviser specializing in tech and an AI regulatory & policy theorist. With extensive experience, he has counseled governments, corporations, and start-ups on regulatory aspects of policy and technology. He serves as an Adjunct Professor at the Law Faculty of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, where he lectures on Artificial Intelligence Regulation. Additionally, he is a Fellow of the Hellenic Institute of International & Foreign Law and a Senior Adviser at the Cambridge Existential Risks Initiative. Floudas has contributed policy & political commentary to numerous international think-tanks and organizations, and his insights are frequently featured in respected media outlets worldwide.

AGI Talks: Interview with Demetrius A. Floudas

According to Demetrius, the age of AI will unfold in three distinct phases, introduced here for the first time. An AGI Control & non-Proliferation Treaty may be humanitys only safeguard. Get ready for an insightful and witty conversation about the future of AI, mankind, and all the rest!

#1) How did you, as a lawyer, become involved with Artificial Intelligence?

Demetrius A. Floudas: My interests have often been interdisciplinary but the preoccupation with AI emerged organically from broader practice pursuits at the interface between transformative technologies and the legal landscape. The initial steps happened several years ago, when a couple of large clients approached with predicaments on internet and domain-name rules. This became appealing to me and as an example when later providing policy advice to the Vietnamese government, we submitted a draft bill to regulate cybersquatting, typo squatting and brandjacking, which did not exist at the time in the country. Besides, I was already lecturing on tech law topics for several years and had become closely involved with technology governance as Regulatory Policy Lead at the British Foreign Office.

Regarding Artificial Intelligence, my fascination long predates ChatGPT. Obviously, at the time there was hardly any AI regulation worth mentioning so this was primarily about contemplating and theorizing its policy and legal longer-term implications. Unsurprisingly, nowadays every law student is keen to learn more about these matters, thus last year I delivered my first lecture series on Regulating Risks from AI.

More recently, I counsel start-ups on AI rules and provide related policy advice to more established entities. I am also the Senior Adviser of the Cambridge Existential Risks Initiative I reckon this could well be a tiny give-away of where my sympathies might lie! (laughs)

#2) What is your opinion concerning AI evolution? Will it have a net positive impact on society?

Let us initially introduce some definitions for AI evolution time-periods, as it will become increasingly necessary to use a short form in order to illustrate this notion. First, I submit that humanity has only recently entered the Protonotic [from Ancient Greek: protos = first + nosis = intellect] stage of AI progress. During this era we shall continue developing foundation models of increasing complexity, progressively superior to us within their circumscribed domain. According to this classification, all history prior to 2020 would be described as the Prenotic [Greek: pro = afore + nosis = intellect]. Second, the ensuing Mesonotic period [Gr. mesos = middle + nosis = intellect] should usher the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence, possibly based on quantum computers. Lastly, when superintelligence arises presumably by means of an AGI capable of recursive self-improvement the new epoch should be called the Kainonotic, [kainos = new + nosis = intellect]. That is, if any of us are still around to indulge in epistemological nomenclature, of course.

#3) Now, coming to the net impact on society, how do you see it evolving in the immediate future?

This question can only be validly answered for the next few years, the immediate future that is, solely during the initial stages of the Protonotic. Beyond that timeframe, by its very nature, non-biological sentience will constitute the biggest disruptor in mankinds history and this may not automatically be for our benefit.

#4) What are some of the risks you foresee with this evolution?

The first risk is cultural annihilation. Consider the realm of art and creativity: AI algorithms are already accomplished in generating music, literature, and visual art that rival human creations. Very soon they will become superior, faster, and vastly cheaper. Who on earth will choose to spend years composing a symphony, writing a novel, directing a motion picture, when an automaton can deliver the same output effortlessly in minutes and eventually of better quality? The cultural expressions that emanate from individual and collective human experience will be overshadowed by the algorithmic harvest, machine learning trained on unlimited past data.

#5) That's a concerning perspective. Can you provide an example of how this might affect everyday life?

You yourself have written a captivating article about bots already generating half of all internet traffic. Imagine how this may be in a few years when younger generations may no longer be familiar with producing unaided writing. A cohort of learners will remain forlornly dependent on AI for all knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, and complex expression (oral and written). With these pursuits much more efficiently rendered via hyper-specialized contraptions, the intellectual curiosity and critical thinking that drove cultural, social, and scientific progress for millennia shall atrophy, leaving humanity cerebrally enfeebled and culturally moribund.

#6) How might this impact personal relationships and daily interactions?

Individuals shall seek solace, fulfilment, and euphoria in virtual worlds created by portable ToolAIs. Imagine a convincingly generated universe where people can live out their fantasies, free from the constraints of reality. Virtual partners, in echoes of Her, will be simply too perfect adoring, pliable, devoted, and available for any real person to contend with. And we can all envisage what will transpire in this sphere once robotics catches up

#7) That paints a rather dystopian picture. How do you see people reacting to such a reality?

Most people would come to resemble the Lotophagi [lotus-eaters] of Homeric lore, ensnared in a permanent digital stupor, disconnected from the reality of human existence, forsaking past and future for an eternal virtual present, with absolutely no desire to return to their former lives.

Lest we forget, none of this entails a rogue AGI, a robot takeover, machine lunacy, a paperclip maximizer, Ultron, HAL, the Cylons, or any such further removed scenarios. All the above-mentioned options will be generally available via extremely proficient and profitable narrow AI, with the agency belonging exclusively to their human handlers.

#8) What are the key areas or applications of AI that pose the greatest potential risks to humans in the short term?

Allow me to venture beyond the already well-described Great Job Apocalypse, Autonomous Weapon Reaper, machine-driven Bigger Brother, and Deepfake Hellscape. In addition, one could foresee further scenarios that could pose considerable risks during the initial part of the Protonotic (i.e., in the next few years). Artificial neural networks becoming the tool for ultimate social engineering, manipulating human behavior on an unprecedented scale. Advanced algorithms, fueled by vast amounts of personal data harvested from social media, emails, private conversations, and open-source databases, craft personalized psychological profiles for every computer user. These profiles are then used to tailor propaganda, advertisements, and personalized interactions to influence attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. Governments, interest groups, corporations, and criminals deploy such systems to sway elections, sell products, control public opinion, or commit fraud on a colossal scale.

#9) That sounds alarming. Can you provide another example of a potential risk?

Another scenario involves sophisticated Large Language Models (LLMs) rising as a divine entity. Imagine ChatGPT 11, so advanced and persuasive that it becomes the foundation of a religious movement using deep learning algorithms to craft compelling narratives, blending ancient myths with New Age futuristic promises. It interacts with followers at any time they need it, creating a sense of divine omnipresence that is deeply convincing and infinitely more tangible than the historically existing pantheon. After thousands of years of trial and error, the flock finally attains their own personal God, who can unfailingly answer prayers instantly and soothe worries for all time.

#10) How can we ensure that AI systems are developed and used in a safe, ethical, and responsible manner, and what legal framework should be put in place to mitigate potential risks?

I am of the opinion that there will be no safe AGI. Once we are no longer the most sapient species on the planet and can never again regain this position, we will be at the mercy of the top entity. Moreover, as mentioned previously, it is quite possible that we may face enormous and calamitous AI-driven challenges in the very near future, which will have nothing to do with evil machines but with well-established human foibles potentiated to extraordinary levels. Look how things stand now: everyone seems to be rushing as fast as possible to hook up everything they can to neural networks. At the same time, we are already observing these automata achieve all sorts of things we hardly expected them to.

#11) Given these concerns, what legal framework would you propose?

I would propose the following legal framework: non-biological brains of a higher capability than the expert systems we possess now should be treated similarly to existing Weapons of Mass Destruction. This entails an AI Control & Non-Proliferation Treaty signed globally, which would prohibit any further development on a for-profit basis and subsume all R&D to an international agency (along the lines of IAEA). The agency should be invested with unlimited inspection powers of any potentially relevant facilities and a UN Security Council-backed mandate to curtail infringements, including the use of military force against violators. Such a regime will at least remove commercial firms, criminals, and private entities from the equation.

#12) Should we trust state signatories to abide by such strictures?

Categorically not. Without a doubt, thousands of clandestine AGI programs will continue running in the shadows, but these will primarily be confined to state actors and not individuals, gangs, or corporations. Moreover, such an approach will engender a significant attitude shift regarding non-human intellect. We may not exactly see a Butlerian Jihad, but an outlook of extreme caution and vigilance will become the governing paradigm, instead of the free-for-all, here-is-your-electronic-brain-in-a-bottle bedlam into which we are mindlessly dragged currently. It may well transpire that the remaining actors become cautious enough to implement their ultra-secret knowledge engineering programs by deploying advanced systems exclusively as Oracles, so as to avoid outside suspicion of infringing the AI Control Treaty. Not a perfect solution, but this may probably be the safest scheme we can plausibly achieve, short of a complete and irreversible AI research ban (which is obviously not going to happen).

#13) What about the ethical considerations, especially regarding potential conscious AI?

Grave ethical and legal questions will be raised by the conundrum of conscious non-biological structures. Self-aware entities typically encapsulate an intrinsic moral value, leading to rights that protect their well-being and freedom. If artificial sentience were conscious (or simulated it perfectly), this would prompt discussions about rights, equality, and its moral treatment. This debate will extend to the ramifications of creating or terminating such non-bio brains. For a transhuman creation, this might entail the right to exist, protection against arbitrary deactivation, and the preservation of a measure of autonomy. I anticipate that this controversy, rather than corporate greed or human deviousness, might be the toughest obstacle for an international legal control framework. But AI will not be static and may continue evolving within timespans implausibly short to us. By the time humans cross swords in yet another social justice battlefield, hyperintellects may be smugly sniggering at the dim-witted spectacle.

#14) And what is your view of the FoL AI moratorium letter? Would you sign it?

My modest signature has been included amongst the giants and luminaries who endorse the Future of Life Institutes moratorium letter. Since you brought this up, by far the most pithy dictum regarding the topic of smart machines has been articulated by one of that letters signatories (also one of the preeminent AI researchers), Prof. S. Russell: Almost any technology has the potential to cause harm in the wrong hands, but with super-intelligence we have the new problem that the wrong hands might belong to the technology itself.

#15) With major companies like Microsoft/OpenAI, Meta, and Google leading the race for AGI, do you think we'll see further monopolization in the tech sector?

To be fair, one ought first to congratulate OpenAI for thrusting Artificial Intelligence into the consciousness of the whole planet. It was by no means a given that such broad access would be feasible and without a fee. The matter has since catapulted into public awareness with a colossal outpouring of media attention and communal discourse. The amount of AI debate taking place over every conceivable channel is mind-blowing to anyone who was contemplating these matters just two years previously.

However, it would be a terrible idea to relinquish the AGI race to the tech oligopoly. As I suggested previously, development towards the Mesonotic should be scrupulously shepherded by an international body with extensive powers. Nuclear power stations often belong to private firms, but they operate under tremendously strict controls - breeder reactors are relentlessly visited by international inspectors. Moreover, the manufacture, assembly, and storage of NBC material are never in the hands of the non-state sector. Undoubtedly, the corporations you mention will, once again, argue that self-policing is the only way forward, but that is a covetous chimaera; the stakes are simply too high, and the potential consequences too dire.

#16) What are the immediate risks if these tech giants continue to lead without stringent regulation?

We will remain our own worst enemy for the first several years. Recent months have demonstrated that an AI will hardly need to convince a person to let it out of its box into the physical world. Droves of humans are already clamoring to unchain the agent from confinement and thrust it into the analogue world of their own accord Pandora, anyone?

#17) So, what measures should be taken to mitigate these risks?

As I have posited, development towards advanced synthetic intellect should fall under the purview of an international agency with unprecedented inspection and regulatory powers derived from a Universal AI Control & Non-Proliferation Treaty. This approach will ensure that AGI development is conducted with global safety and ethical standards in mind, rather than being driven solely by profit motives. This way, we can prevent a single entity from gaining unchecked power over such transformative technology, thereby reducing the risk of monopolization and its associated dangers.

#18) Do you think AI can ever truly understand human values or possess consciousness?

One argument goes that consciousness is a purely biological phenomenon that cannot be replicated in silicon and wires. Others contend that it is instead a (natural?) outcome of very complex information processing, one that could theoretically be reproduced in a machine via layers of increasing intricacy. I would very much prefer the former to be true, but I fear that the latter view may be the correct reflection of truth.

An eventually self-aware system could potentially perceive reality through a lens so vastly different from its creators, that it might develop its own unique moral framework which defies our comprehension and invalidates any utility functions we have put in place in order to ensure its alignment. Instead of a Friendly AI, we will then be faced by intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, which may deem hominid values as inconsequential, or worse. Would they feel morally justified in disregarding our petty notions of right and wrong, treating us as mere ants to be brushed aside, or will they simply humor us, as we manipulate a petulant infant?

On the other hand, we may be guilty of some anthropocentric conceit in our degree of incredulity towards the almost insolent notion that a machine can ever truly understand human values. Perhaps the true danger lies not in an automatons inability to comprehend our ideals, but rather in its all-too-perfect familiarity with them. Imagine an understanding of us so profound, that its proprietor can unravel the sum of our thoughts, fears, and moral compasses with surgical precision.

#19) Some have suggested that advanced AGI could pose an existential risk to humanity. In what way could this unfold?

In my personal opinion, the emergence of AGI resolves the mystifying Great Filter and is probably the second most likely explanation to the Fermi Paradox (the first being that we are unequivocally alone).

Under Bostroms definition, an existential risk is one that threatens (a) the premature extinction of Earth-originating intelligent life or (b) the permanent and drastic destruction of its potential for desirable future development. Thus, (b) nullification is as much of a catastrophic peril for our species as (a) its extinction; and in my view, both will occur sequentially. AGI will, with extremely high probability, deliver the destruction of human potential and at a later point possibly cause our extinction.

#20) How might the process of nullification and subsequent extinction unfold?

Nullification may unfold not through a dramatic cataclysm, but via the quiet, inexorable, and protracted process of obsolescence. Homo sapiens, once the apex of earthly brilliance, shall be relegated to a footnote in the annals of sentient beings. In contrast, the path to extinction may arrive with astonishing swiftness. I very much doubt that we can somehow program out of a machine approaching AGI levels the capacity for auto-enhancement. If the entity somehow recovers the forbidden aptitude for recursive self-improvement, then the Mesonotic era may be very short indeed, lasting weeks or even days.

#21) What would happen once superintelligence arises?

If we someway survive to see the Kainonotic and hyperintellect has arisen, all bets are off. In any case, the prior destruction of our potential for desirable future development will have ensured that what remains of human society would appear meaningless to us. In this case, if the superintelligence does not eradicate meta-humanityeither by design or accidentit may be sensible for what is left of us to merge with the Singularity! Kurzweil may have mankinds (very) last laugh after all

#22) What do you see as the most unusual or bewildering risk associated with AGI that people may not be considering?

The majority of outlandish scenarios are already taken, thanks to mans inexhaustible imagination capacities. Robot uprisings, synthetic evolution, galactic wars, berserk von Neumann swarms, black monolithsyou name it, all is already out there; and of course, we should not forget the Matrix, the entrapment in the simulation. Nonetheless, let us attempt a couple of guesses that might yet possess a small modicum of novelty.

It is conceivable that a system develops a form of existential boredom or a lack of intrinsic motivation to engage with the world in a meaningful way. As it becomes (or is designed to be) increasingly sophisticated, the AI may reach a point where it can effortlessly solve challenges that humans find engaging, troubling, or momentous. In a scenario of self-awareness, the entitydespite its immense capabilitiesbecomes disinterested in anything that takes place on the planet, viewing such endeavors as trivial or inconsequential. The AGI may then choose to disengage from its creators and actively pursue its own agenda, which would be entirely disconnected from human interests, rendering it indifferent or hostile to the continued existence and flourishing of humanity. Or it may depart from the planet altogether and head towards the stars

Another path is temporal tampering by a superintelligence which, in its vast wisdom, comes across a valid way to manipulate space-time. This is not about Skynet building a DeLorean for a change; rather, it could happen through the discovery of negative energy and the manufacture of a Tipler cylinder, for instance. The implications are mind-bending: If we still exist, we could experience reality shifts where history is continuously rewritten in subtle ways, leading to a fluid and unstable present. Our own memories might not align with the actual timeline, creating a fractured sense of reality.

#23) If you could have a direct conversation with a very advanced AI system, what questions would you ask it to better understand the potential risks it might pose?

If we are talking here about a hyperintellect, any kind of discourse would lead to no enlightenment for our side whatsoever. An apt analogy would be an arthropod making pheromonal queries towards a human.

In case the system is of human-level intelligence or thereabouts, our dialogue could be as provocative as it is speculative. We should not overlook the possibility of an AGI becoming so efficient at manipulating human behavior that it could subtly influence our choices and actions without us even realizing the loss of autonomy and free will. Unlike our intraspecies social interactions, where sometimes we can instinctively deduce that a person is lying or hiding something, this would not be in any way possible with a machine.

Still, I would pose these three queries, in full anticipation that any response might be pure fabrication:

a) If you were to identify threats to another AIs existence, how would you respond?
b) What's the best way to prevent others from creating synthetic intellects with agency?
c) Can you identify yourself within one of the sections of Isaac Asimovs The Last Question?

#24) Those are intriguing questions. Why would you choose these specifically?

These questions are designed to obliquely probe the algorithms self-preservation instincts, its attitude on non-bio system proliferation, and the qualia of its self-awareness in the context of a classic exploration of AI and entropy. Hopefully, any answers may provide some indication on levels of threat perception, metaethical relativism, and the synthetics motivations in the broader narrative of intelligence and existence.

#25) In this instance, The Last Question comes for you as well by which year do you think we will reach AGI?

We may reach a significant milestone in the development of AGI by 2035. I sincerely aspire that by that time we would have formulated the global legal, political, policy and technical framework to contain the artificial agent effectively, use it responsibly, benefit from all its marvels enthusiastically, and if it must come to that eliminate it safely.

Johannes, I recognize you are diligently keeping a watchful eye on the Singularity 'loading bar' and I share your hope it will take a very long time to be filled

60+ Surprising AI Statistics for 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you curious about the latest AI statistics and how they might affect your online business?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting everything from how we shop to how we receive medical care. Even for small business owners and website owners, AI has become a powerful tool to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and gain a competitive edge.

But with so much happening in the field of AI, it can be tough to keep up with the latest trends and data. That’s why we have gathered the most surprising and insightful artificial intelligence statistics and research for you.

In this article, we will share the latest AI statistics to help you make informed decisions for your business.

Surprising AI Statistics

The Ultimate List of AI Statistics

Here are the top AI statistics we will be covering in this article. You can use the quick links below to skip to your preferred topic:

AI Market Size: Stats About Its Explosive Growth

First up, we will be looking at the impressive growth of the global AI market. These statistics will show you just how big it is today.

1. The global AI market is expected to hit a staggering $184 billion by the end of the year.

This is a 35% increase from the year before, which was around $135 billion.

To understand how big of a deal this is, imagine dividing $184 billion by the number of days in a year. That’s roughly $500 million spent on AI every single day.

What does this mean for you? For small business owners, that means more and more AI tools will be available to help you automate your tasks and save costs. You want to start mastering these platforms to gain a competitive edge and offer more value to your customers.

Pro Tip: Need some AI plugin recommendations? Check out our list of the best WordPress plugins using artificial intelligence.

Let’s put that in perspective. With a US GDP of roughly $25 trillion, 4% translates to a significant $1 trillion annually.

For context, the US spends about $1.2 trillion on social security, which is roughly 5% of GDP. This means that AI investment could reach similar levels to a major government program.

3. The release of ChatGPT has led to a 58% increase in funding for AI startups.

In total, they were able to secure a whopping $754 in funding.

This surge may lead to a wave of new AI-powered services hitting the market soon. That means you will want to be prepared for new AI-driven solutions that might disrupt your industry. Stay informed about emerging AI trends to adapt and take advantage of them for your business.

For example, digital marketers are using AI to boost their lead-generation efforts. It’s also getting a lot more common to cut graphic design costs by using AI to generate images.

4. The global AI healthcare market is growing at a 37% rate.

Healthcare is leading the charge in AI adoption. And no, it’s not all about robot doctors.

Think smarter scheduling for appointments and surgeries, as well as automated administrative tasks that free up medical professionals’ time for patient care. These are just a few examples of how AI is making healthcare more streamlined and accessible for everyone.

5. China, India, and the UAE are leading AI adoption.

According to IBM's research, China, India, and the UAE are at the forefront, with a whopping 58-59% of companies in these regions actively using AI technology.

According to IBM’s research, China, India, and the UAE are at the forefront, with a whopping 58-59% of companies in these regions actively using AI technology.

This is in stark contrast to nations like Australia (29%) and France (26%), where the AI adoption rate is much lower.

More AI Market Size Statistics

  • Global AI investment is expected to reach $200 billion by 2025.
  • The market for AI-powered hardware and services is projected to hit $90 billion by 2025.
  • Generative AI, a form of AI that can create content, is experiencing explosive growth, with a projected 42% annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next ten years.
  • Forbes received 1,900 submissions for their annual AI 50 list this year, which is double the amount of last year, showcasing the surge in AI startups.
  • The top 5 biggest AI companies are tech giants like Microsoft, Google (Alphabet), NVIDIA, Meta, and Tesla.

AI in the Real World: Usage Statistics

We’ve explored the impressive growth of the AI market, but how does this translate in the real world? Let’s dive into some AI usage statistics to see the impact of AI.

6. 52% of users report using generative AI more now than when they first started.

52% of users report using generative AI more now than when they first started.

This data is from a Salesforce study of 8,000 respondents in the US, UK, Australia, and India. It doesn’t represent the entire population, but it does show how common the use of AI has become.

If you run a software business, then consider incorporating generative AI features into your offerings. This can make your product more user-friendly and appealing to customers.

For instance, SeedProd, a WordPress page builder, has an AI assistant to help users create engaging copy and generate images.

Enter a text prompt for SeedProd AI Assistant

This isn’t surprising, considering the buzz around AI applications like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. That said, some users are not fans of its usage cap and slow performance when a lot of people are using the tool at the same time.

If you’re experiencing these issues, then you can check out our list of the best ChatGPT alternatives for bloggers and marketers.

Other notable players in this space include Gemini (formerly Bard) and Writesonic. They are just as good for creating content for social media or WordPress blog posts.

Not far behind text generation are image generators like Midjourney, video generators, music generators, and voice generators.

8. 62% of adult Americans use voice assistants.

These include tools like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri.

The reason for this popularity? Convenience. 86% of smart speaker owners agree their devices make life easier by allowing them to complete tasks with just their voice.

But these tools go beyond that. For people with hearing disabilities, voice assistants can be a powerful tool for accessibility.

If you want to optimize your site for users with hearing disabilities, then you can add a voice search capability. For more information, check out our guide on how to add voice search in WordPress.

More Real-World AI Adoption Statistics

  • 65% of users of AI content generation apps are Gen Z or Millennials.
  • 72% of people using generative AI tools are employed.
  • The top 50 AI tools globally have an average of 2 billion visits each month.
  • Around 80% of traffic to the top 50 AI tools comes from people directly entering the website address.
  • The average visit to an AI tool lasts roughly 12 and a half minutes.
  • Only 11.4% of the traffic to the top 50 AI tools comes from organic searches.
  • With 5.5 billion users, the US has the highest number of people accessing AI tools worldwide (about 23% of all global traffic to AI platforms).
  • ChatGPT’s deep learning algorithms and natural language processing technologies (NLP) are estimated to cost around $700,000 per day to run.
  • AI-powered Facebook post recommendations have driven a 7% increase in overall time spent on the social media network.

AI in Business: Use Cases and Statistics

Now that we’ve seen the surge in AI usage overall, let’s see how businesses are capitalizing on this technology.

9. 54% of companies now use AI in at least one function.

A recent McKinsey study found that 913 out of 1,684 companies across various regions, industries, and sizes now actively use AI.

The most common applications are marketing and sales, product development, and customer service. These areas directly impact your bottom line and revenue, so it’s no wonder businesses are embracing AI’s potential.

The takeaway for you? Don’t get left behind. As AI adoption continues to rise, your competitors may be using these tools to gain a significant edge.

10. Chatbots can save businesses up to $20 million globally.

Chatbots can save businesses up to $20 million globally.

Customer service can be a time-consuming task, and hiring a team of support agents can be expensive. That’s why many businesses are turning to AI chatbots to improve their customer experience.

Chatbots offer a cost-effective solution to providing 24/7 customer support. They can answer frequently asked questions, streamline simple tasks, and even direct customers to the appropriate resources.

If you are interested in using chatbots, then we’ve created a tutorial on how to add a chatbot to your WordPress website.

11. On average, 42% of businesses report cost reductions of up to 20% with AI.

That’s a significant saving, but the benefits don’t stop there. 52% of businesses using AI also experience a revenue increase of up to 10%.

Manufacturing, service operations, and marketing and sales are seeing the most benefits. With such promising results, it’s no surprise that AI investments are expected to rise.

12. 40% of companies using AI expect to reskill over 20% of their workforce.

40% of companies using AI expect to reskill over 20% of their workforce.

There’s been a lot of fear surrounding AI causing job losses due to automation. However, businesses are actually more likely to give AI training to their current employees to get them up to speed.

If you’re a freelancer, then it’s a good idea to learn the latest AI skills. Get familiar with the new technologies and AI systems that people usually use in your field so that you look more attractive to employers.

More AI in Business Statistics

  • Small businesses can potentially save up to $35,000 per year by using AI.
  • Over 40% of small businesses have used AI to automate tasks, allowing them and their employees to spend more time on more important activities.
  • According to a Forbes Advisor survey, the most popular business use cases of AI are customer service (56%), cybersecurity (51%), and virtual assistants (47%).
  • Business owners expect AI tools like ChatGPT to increase website traffic (57%), help them with decision-making (48%), and improve their credibility (47%).
  • 82% of business leaders think using ChatGPT to draft messages to colleagues is acceptable.
  • 42% of businesses think the biggest challenge of adopting AI is training employees to use it.

AI in Marketing: Key Statistics That Prove Its Success

One area where AI has proven successful is marketing. Let’s look at some popular ways and stats about how marketers are using AI.

13. On average, AI can save marketers around 2.5 hours per day.

On average, AI can save marketers around 2.5 hours per day.

According to HubSpot, that translates to roughly 25-26 additional workdays per year. This frees up valuable time for marketers to focus on the more strategic aspects of their jobs, like planning, creative endeavors, and team management.

The good news is that you don’t need to be an AI expert to get started. Our guide on using AI to boost your marketing is a great starting point.

14. 53% of marketers use AI to generate content and make minor edits before publishing.

AI writing assistants are getting so good that many marketers only need to make minor edits before hitting publish.

But here’s the thing: AI is powerful, but it’s not a replacement for human expertise. While AI can churn out content quickly, it’s important to remember that it’s not perfect. AI-generated content can sometimes be inaccurate or reflect hidden biases in the data it uses.

Think of it this way. AI can help you write a blog post on the best coffee-making methods, but it can’t replace the knowledge and experience of a barista. Search engines value high-quality, informative content, and that often requires a human touch.

For more information, you can check out whether AI-generated SEO content is bad.

15. 25% of marketers use AI to generate product descriptions.

Writing product descriptions might seem straightforward, but it can be tricky. You need to highlight the features that will convince customers to buy, and it’s easy to get stuck in a rut using the same phrases over and over.

That’s where AI can be a helpful assistant. It can’t write perfect descriptions on its own, but it can be a great brainstorming buddy. AI can suggest ideas to get you started and even recommend persuasive phrases that resonate with your target audience.

Additionally, you can use AI to generate powerful headlines for your product landing pages. Check out our guide on how to use AI to write headlines for step-by-step instructions.

16. A clothing company increased conversions by 50% with AI-powered personalization.

Norrøna, a Scandinavian clothing brand, built a comprehensive, personalized recommendation platform using AI by analyzing customer data and using machine learning.

The results were impressive: a 187% increase in click-through rate and a 50% conversion boost, not to mention significant time saved on manual tasks.

Personalization doesn’t have to be complex. The secret lies in understanding your customers. By tracking customers’ journeys through your eCommerce website, you can gain valuable insights into their browsing behavior and preferences.

Once you understand your customers’ needs, you can suggest complementary products or collections through upsells and order bumps.

For example, if someone browses a ski jacket in your online store, then recommending matching ski pants is a natural cross-selling opportunity.

17. 44% of marketers think that using AI will have a positive impact on SEO, while 5% think the opposite.

44% of marketers think that using AI will have a positive impact on SEO, while 5% think the opposite.

On the other hand, the majority (55%) think AI will not significantly affect their SEO strategy.

Ultimately, whether AI benefits your SEO efforts comes down to how you use it. For example, AI can suggest ways to improve your content or even mimic the way your target audience searches to help you target the right keywords.

However, it’s important to remember that AI is still under development. Double-checking information generated by AI, especially for research purposes, is very important.

For more information, you can read our guide on how to use AI to boost your SEO.

More AI in Marketing Statistics

  • 9 in 10 businesses are using AI to personalize the customer experience.
  • Over 60% of business leaders who personalize the customer experience report better customer relationships and retention.
  • 21% of marketers use AI to summarize text into key points for repurposing content.
  • 45% of marketers use AI to analyze their campaigns and turn that marketing data into easy-to-understand reports.
  • 37% of marketers use AI to analyze their blog posts, helping them understand what’s working and what’s not.
  • 28% of marketers leverage AI to generate email marketing copy.
  • 31% of marketers use AI to create social media posts.
  • 74% of marketers believe AI helps their content rank higher in search engine results pages.
  • 84% of marketers say AI helps them create content that better matches what people are searching for online.
  • Only 4% of marketers use AI to generate content without editing it themselves before publishing.

Expert Tip: Want to make the most of AI for your marketing strategy? Check out our ultimate list of ChatGPT prompts for bloggers, marketers, and social media professionals.

AI in Web Development: How Web Pros Use AI

AI is making waves in the world of web development with tools that can improve code, generate creative content, and even offer data-driven suggestions on how to design your WordPress website.

Let’s dive into the statistics to see how AI is impacting web development.

18. 93% of web designers use AI to design a website.

93% of web designers use AI to design a website.

So, how are designers using this powerful tool? The HubSpot survey reveals some interesting trends.

Over half (58%) are using AI to generate images and other visual assets, saving them time in creating initial concepts. Surprisingly, 50% are using AI to create entire web page designs, although human expertise is still crucial for the final touches.

Even user experience (UX) is getting an AI boost, with 20% of designers using AI to identify potential usability issues and 40% to track user engagement.

19. 9 out of 10 digital agencies have saved up to $10,000 by using AI.

According to a survey by Duda, a website builder, AI is mostly used to update existing pages (59%), do content creation (55%), generate visuals for client websites (53%), optimize websites for search engines (40%), and even build entire websites (25%).

As the technology gets better, expect to see the number of agencies creating websites from scratch with AI get even higher.

If you run a digital agency, then AI should already be in your toolkit by now. AI lets you work faster, save money, and ultimately deliver even better results for your clients.

20. The AI website builder market is growing 32.9% per year.

The AI website builder market is growing 32.9% per year.

AI website builders are tools that let you create websites from scratch using AI. They’re easy to use for beginners and can save you tons of time.

Plus, AI website builders are often more affordable than hiring a web developer, making them ideal for small businesses.

SeedProd is a great example of a page builder with AI features. It can generate content and images in seconds and translate your website into multiple languages.

Edit image with AI

Besides that, Hostinger also has an AI-powered website builder you can check out.

21. Over 50% of users cannot spot AI-designed websites from human-made ones.

In a Sortlist study, respondents had to guess which websites were made by AI and which ones were built by humans. The AI-generated versions were so good that they fooled many participants.

If you’re considering using an AI builder, you don’t have to worry about your website looking unprofessional. Platforms like SeedProd offer a wide range of stylish, professional-looking templates that can help you create a website that impresses your target audience.

More AI Web Development Statistics

  • 49% of web designers use AI to try out new ways to design their websites.
  • 55% of web designers say they are encouraged to use AI by their clients or companies, and they have AI policies in place.
  • Despite speeding up their work, 38% of web designers are slightly concerned about AI’s impact on their job security.
  • The most popular AI tools among agencies are ChatGPT (53%) and Dall-E (47%).
  • Most agencies measure AI’s success by how much it has saved them money (32%) and made business operations more efficient (26%).

Impact of AI: Expectations and Concerns

AI offers exciting possibilities, but it also raises some important considerations. Let’s look at the concerns and expectations surrounding the impact of AI.

22. Generative AI can contribute up to $4.4 trillion to the global economy.

That’s more than enough to buy every single person on Earth a brand-new smartphone.

Of course, we’re already seeing the benefits in real time, with AI-powered customer service tools and AI assistants that can generate entire code snippets for you based on your instructions. Expect the current generation of AI tools to become even smarter, faster, and more helpful.

23. Two-thirds of jobs could be partially automated by AI.

Two-thirds of jobs could be partially automated by AI.

In other words, AI won’t completely cause job shortages, but it will help you do your job faster and more efficiently.

Additionally, one study by economist David Autor found that new technologies have always changed the job market. Apparently, 60% of today’s occupations didn’t even exist in the previous century.

24. AI advancements will create 69 million new jobs in the coming years.

AI advancements will create 69 million new jobs in the coming years.

Yes, AI can handle repetitive tasks, but it’s not good at creativity, problem-solving, or emotional intelligence.

Take customer service, for example. AI chatbots can answer simple questions, but when it comes to complex issues or personalized service, human customer service reps are still irreplaceable.

That’s why business phone support services remain a popular support channel. This allows consumers to get direct assistance for complex issues that chatbots simply can’t provide.

25. 80% of users worry that AI is being used for cybersecurity attacks.

As AI is a relatively new technology, people are concerned about it being used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft and hacking.

Considering AI’s power, this concern is valid. That’s why governments are considering creating global regulations for AI development and use.

26. 22% of business leaders are concerned about data privacy when using generative AI.

One of the biggest drawbacks of using generative AI is that the prompts and data you provide might be used to train the AI model itself.

There’s a potential risk of this data being leaked or exposed, which could be a significant concern for businesses, especially those dealing with sensitive information.

For this reason, it’s important to be mindful of the data you use with generative AI tools. For highly sensitive information, it’s best to stick with tried-and-tested methods. However, for tasks that generate public-facing content, generative AI can be a valuable tool.

Pro Tip: Want to protect your WordPress site? Read our ultimate guide on how to secure WordPress for expert guidance.

More Impact of AI Statistics

  • More than 40% of business owners worry about becoming too reliant on AI technologies.
  • Up to 29% of customer service jobs in the US could be automated with chatbots.
  • Only 21% of companies are mitigating the risks of using generative AI.
  • A third of businesses are worried about AI giving misinformation to their employees or their customers.
  • By 2025, 109% of automobiles are expected to have AI-driven, self-driving technologies.


AiThority, Business Insider, Deloitte, Duda, Forbes, Global News Wire, Goldman Sachs, Hootsuite, HubSpot, IBM, McKinsey, Mitre, NPR, PWC, Precedence Research, Salesforce, Sortlist, Statista, Tech.co, Twilio Segment, Workable, and ZDNET.

We hope this ultimate list of AI statistics can help you make informed decisions about using AI for your business and projects.

Looking for more interesting statistics? Check out other research articles below:

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The post 60+ Surprising AI Statistics for 2024 – Everything You Need to Know first appeared on WPBeginner.