Building Trust, Boosting SEO, and Driving Sales through Content Marketing

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Content marketing is a powerful tool for building trust with your target audience, boosting your search engine optimization (SEO), and driving sales. Here are some tips on how to achieve these goals through content marketing:

Building Trust:
Building trust with your target audience is essential for creating long-term relationships that lead to repeat business. You can build trust through content marketing by:

Providing valuable information: Create content that educates and informs your audience about topics related to your industry. This will position you as an authority in your field and help establish trust with your audience.
Being transparent: Be honest and transparent in your content. Share your companys values, mission, and goals, and let your audience know what to expect from you.
Engaging with your audience: Respond to comments and questions on your content, and engage with your audience on social media. This will help build a sense of community and trust with your followers.
Boosting SEO:
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Content marketing can help boost your SEO by:

Creating high-quality content: Search engines prioritize high-quality content that is relevant and valuable to users. Create content that is well-researched, well-written, and provides value to your target audience.
Using relevant keywords: Use keywords that are relevant to your industry and target audience in your content. This will help search engines understand what your content is about and rank it accordingly.
Building backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your content. Backlinks are an important ranking factor for search engines, so focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.
Driving Sales:
Ultimately, the goal of content marketing is to drive sales and revenue for your business. You can drive sales through content marketing by:

Creating content that targets your ideal customer: Develop content that speaks directly to your target audiences needs and pain points. This will help you attract qualified leads and convert them into customers.
Including calls-to-action (CTAs): Use CTAs in your content to encourage your audience to take a specific action, such as signing up for your email list or making a purchase.
Measuring and analyzing your results: Use analytics tools to track your contents performance and make data-driven decisions about your content strategy. This will help you identify what content is driving the most sales and where you need to make improvements.
By following these tips, you can build trust with your target audience, boost your SEO, and drive sales through content marketing. Remember to create high-quality content that provides value to your audience and always be transparent and honest in your communication.

3 Ways 3D Printing is Already Changing Design

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3D printing isn’t just for hobbyists and novelty trinkets anymore. This transformative technology is fundamentally reshaping the design landscape, pushing boundaries and opening doors to endless possibilities. Let’s explore three key ways 3D printing is already changing design. Design Freedom Traditional manufacturing often imposes limitations on design complexity and customization. With 3D printing, these limitations […]

Chris’ Corner: Complexity

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Have you seen The Grug Brained Developer? It’s an essay with a URL. It’s written like a caveman became a developer and put together a philosophy that is largely a rally against complexity. Cavemen have dumb simple brains, get it? It has good points, and I largely agree with it. The caveman angle is a clever quirk to get to read it and to stick in ol’ brain.

(If you find it hard to read, I have seen a “translation”).

I think it’s fairly easy to relate to what Grug means when it comes to back-end architecture. Sprawling systems with complex requirements, services talking to each other, APIs, third-party dependencies, data manipulation methods, etc. It’s not that front-end development doesn’t have its own complexities, but it’s less obvious to point at a bit of CSS and be like, that, that’s where the complexity got too much.

Is it over, say, 2000 lines of CSS? Is it over three levels of nested DOM per component, or 12 overall? Is selector specificity averages? Is it when browser support requirements go too far back? Is it when there are too many sources of input?

I’ve certainly known organizations that, without perhaps understanding or admitting it, are afraid of their CSS. Nobody wants to touch it because nobody is entirely sure if they are going to kick over a bar stool in another bar, as the meme goes.

Taylor Troesh on a recent Changelog podcast said:

If there is any part of your code base that is starting to scare you, it needs immediate attention. Things will just get worse if there is that one part of your code base that all of your engineers are afraid to touch, because it grows in disgustingness, everyone wants to just get in there and get out and it accumulates. You want to start thinking about how you can throw that away without breaking everything.

I don’t think Taylor was talking about CSS, but to me, it maps perfectly. CSS can get into a situation where developers are afraid to touch it. That’s one reason I’m bullish on CSS that is scoped (despite my hesitation on actual CSS @scope), like CSS modules and Shadow DOM. If you can edit CSS with reasonably high confidence that you’re not touching styles elsewhere unintentionally, that’s good.

I feel CSS nesting, which is now a native feature of CSS, helps this to some degree. Write a unique class, and everything you select in a nested way is scoped to that class without you having to repeat the class name. Plus it’s just kinda ergonomically nice. But there are rather significant gotcha’s, which admittedly I really had no idea about until reading Kilian Valkhof’s The gotchas of CSS Nesting. The order in which rules are applied can get funky, and the specificity can also be unexpected. One example from Killian:

main, #intro {
    & div {

Ends up as:

:is(main, #intro) div { ... }

Which makes it go from 0,0,1 for main div to 1,0,1 making it vastly more specific.

I’m not sure if nesting gotchas is the ultimate example of CSS complexity gone wild, but it’s just one little potential poke. I remember in the Sass heyday that people would point to @extend as a complexity code smell and they weren’t wrong.

Perhaps thanks to the scale and pervasiveness of npm, piles of questionable third-party code is another cause of complexity concern on the front-end. Michelle Barker gets into this in Reducing Complexity in Front End Development where she’s ruminating on Jack Franklin’s recent talk at All Day Hey.

A quick look in our Node modules folder quickly exposes the web of complexity within, which few of us can really fathom. A single point of failure can bring down the entire stack, like the well-worn “house of cards” metaphor.

Reducing dependencies, I’ll go out on a limb and say, is nearly always “worth it” in the sense of saving future-you headaches. Or as grug says:

one day code base understandable and grug can get work done, everything good!

next day impossible: complexity demon spirit has entered code and very dangerous situation!

Scaling IBM App Connect Enterprise Integrations That Use MQ Request/Reply

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In the initial "How to Move IBM App Connect Enterprise to Containers" post, a single MQ queue was used in place of an actual MQ-based back-end system used by an HTTP Input/Reply flow, which allowed for a clean example of moving from local MQ connections to remote client connections. 

In this post, we will look at what happens when an actual back-end is used with multiple client containers and explore solutions to the key challenge: how do we ensure that reply messages return to the correct server when all the containers have identical starting configurations? 

AI Against AI: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence To Detect Deepfakes and Vishing

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In today's digital age, the proliferation of Deepfake technology and voice phishing (vishing) tactics presents a significant challenge to the authenticity and security of digital communications. Deepfakes manipulate audio and video to create convincing counterfeit content, while vishing exploits voice simulation to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information. The need to accurately identify and mitigate these threats is paramount for protecting individuals and organizations from the potential consequences of misinformation, fraud, and identity theft.

Understanding Deepfakes and Vishing

Deepfakes are created using deep learning techniques, especially Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), to generate or modify videos and audio recordings, making them appear real. This technology can swap faces, mimic voices, and alter expressions with high precision.

Data Governance – Data Privacy and Security – Part 1

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In every organization, there may be multiple source systems for various needs. Depending on how big the organization is, the source systems may vary from one to more than 1,000. Organizations often centralize their data in one place, integrate it, and derive value out of the data, such as a 360-degree view of customers, products, and so forth. To achieve this, a good data governance framework needs to be in place. 

The Data Governance framework helps organizations to group the data in the appropriate way, manage the data, ensure the quality of the data, verify the consistency of data, and completeness of data, all to improve decision-making abilities and secure the data in an apt way.

“Do You Have Any Questions for Me?”

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When the interview comes to the “Do you have any questions for me?” part, your best use of time is to try to uncover things that would cause you to absolutely say no (or yes) to the job.

“What gets you most excited about the company’s future?” is… nice, but no matter what answer they give, it’s not likely to change your mind about whether to accept the job or not.