What are Your best SEO techniques?

We will touch a new year in the next few days, so yes, I am asking you in 2023 or 2024! Therefore, as an expert, what are some of the most excellent SEO techniques that allow you to achieve the target more quickly?

I'm considering Guest posting, Reddit, Medium, and more.

C++ How bad is to implement class methods in a hpp file and on its cpp ?

Hello , I always had a distant relationship with C++ (writing in it small programs (or libs for other languages) only when performance really matters) but I have found myself writing more and more C++ bots. I learned that you need to separate the definition of the class (interface in c++ ) in a hpp file with its implementation in a cpp file , but as i write more I got tired of that and now I implement my methods in the header hpp file .
I have tried to understand why this is not the way to do it but I still don't get it. Of course implementing the methods in a cpp file could give you the option to implement some of them in one file and some of them in another in the future but that would be a mess in my opinion.
Have I got this all wrong ?

Chris’ Corner: Monaspace

I’m a sucker for a new coding font. I generally don’t think what coding font you use affects productivity in any significant way (unless it’s distracting) so farting around and switching it up is just a fun little thing to do. Like pushing around the furniture in your room or taking a different bike route to work.

So count me in for playing with GitHub’s new set of monospace coding fonts: Monaspace.

(Before I get too far without mentioning it, you can use them on CodePen just by visiting your editor settings and picking one.)

The fact that there is five different stylized versions alone is pretty note worthy, but there are a variety of other features that are pretty darn cool. Texture Healing feels like a made up term, but what it does is pretty easy to understand and clearly useful.

It basically makes it so wide letters don’t have to scrunch themselves and narrow letters don’t have to exaggerate themselves. They say:

Texture healing works by finding each pair of adjacent characters where one wants more space, and one has too much. Narrow characters are swapped for ones that cede some of their whitespace, and wider characters are swapped for ones that extend to the very edge of their box.

Which is done with the OpenType feature “contextual alternates”. It’s a little bit like a ligature, where certain character combinations flop out into a new glyph that works best with them together, only, ya know, slightly different.

Monaspace has ligatures too. Ligatures are pretty controversial in coding fonts. For instance some people really hate that != might turn into as a ligature as that is like a deviation from the literal syntax of the language you may be writing. They aren’t my favorite but it’s not a firmly held opinion and it’s easy enough just to not use them. (They aren’t enabled on CodePen, as it seems like it might be confusing for some beginners.)

They come as a variable font, which I love because variable fonts rule. And it’s not a phoned in variable font with one measly axis, it’s weight, and width, and slant, which is wonderful.

The download comes both with variable and non-variable versions. If you don’t plan to use the variable-ness, the variable fonts are an order of magnitude larger so probably use the non-variable versions. If it’s not on the web it probably doesn’t matter. Also curious they only shipped .woff and not .woff2?

My very favorite idea they have around this “superfamily” is the idea of mixing and matching them for different reasons in the same UI.

The idea of having an italic monospace is starting to be more and more common. Gotta shout out the OG Operator for breaking that ground. Setting comments in italics is still just a super cool idea to me. Now we could use Radon for that, a different typeface entirely designed for it. In the image above, they suggest JSDoc-style comments using Xenon and GitHub CoPilot using Krypton. I love it. Ship it. (But I don’t think it’s possible in VS Code yet, but considering Microsoft makes both, you’d think it’s coming.)

To make that possible, essentially, you need syntax highlighting tools to provide tokens/classes that make it easy to identify different aspects of code. It’s certainly possible, and probably not even that hard, but it’s probably a somewhat tricky thing to roll out with so many third-party themes out there.

But anyway, how great is this?

If you’re into playing with different coding fonts, well make sure to explore the fact that we have over 20 of them on CodePen to switch between. But of course there are far more than that out in the wild. A great read about the landscape of “playful and fun” coding fonts is Doug Wilson’s Coding with Character. Doug dug (ha) up this great example of IBM “SELECTRIC” TYPE SAMPLES (literally different typewriter fonts you could swap between by replacing a metal ball in the typewriter):

So cool! I love that this new wave of coding fonts is kind of a callback to what was happening here, whether everyone recognizes it or not. The first one Doug mentions is Operator which I used for years and years after it came out and still love. The second is Comic Code:

My first thought: This has to be a joke, right?! Comic Sans has a bad reputation and was never meant to be used for coding—but what if…? That is what crazy mastermind Toshi Omagari seemed to ask.

He says, “Comic Code is a monospaced adaptation of the most over-hated typeface.” I haven’t asked, but I feel his thought process may have been something like this GIF.

Believe it or not, I think it actually works and certainly brings a smile—or at least a smirk—to your face

Totally agree! It works!

While I was in our code base putting in the Monaspace fonts, of course I couldn’t resist doing general code cleanup. The Monaspace fonts only ship in .woff, so the @font-face in CSS is pretty much as simple as:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Font Name';
  src: url('./fonts/font.woff') format('woff');

You can get away with only shipping in woff2 these days, so some of our fonts that have that format, that’s exactly what I’m doing. The simplicity there just feels great since this used to be such a complex bit of code in the past with loads of formats.

Then I recently learned from an Ollie Williams blog post that you don’t have to put the format as a string anymore, keywords work, so:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Font Name';
  src: url('./fonts/font.woff2') format(woff2);

Gotta appreciate those little things 😍. Check out Ollie’s post for other cleanups with @font-face including how you specify variable fonts, color fonts, other other font “tech”.

How to Remove Parent Slug From Child Page URL in WordPress

Are you wondering how to remove the parent page slug from a child page URL in WordPress?

By default, WordPress adds the parent page’s slug as a prefix to child page URLs, and this is good for SEO. However, some people may not want the parent page slug in the URL.

In this article, we will show you how to remove the parent page slug from a child page URL in WordPress.

How to Remove Parent Slug From Child Page URL in WordPress

What Is a Parent Page Slug in WordPress?

Your WordPress website comes with two main content types called posts and pages.

Pages are hierarchical, which means they can have child pages. These child pages are dependent on their parent pages and typically cover subtopics related to the parent.

For example, you might have a ‘Products’ parent page with ‘Pricing’, ‘Support’, and ‘Features’ child pages.

By default, the URL of a child page in WordPress will have its parent page’s slug in the URL. Here’s an example:


Using URLs like this is the best way to organize content within a hierarchical page structure on your website. These URLs are considered best practice for WordPress SEO and will make sense to your users when they read them.

It’s usually not a good idea to remove the parent page slug. It can potentially break the URL, and some experts believe it is less SEO-friendly. Sometimes, it may even cause conflicts with the WordPress permalink structure.

In our experience, if you don’t want a parent page slug in your child page URL, then the best approach is to not create a child page at all. Instead, you can simply create a normal page and use a navigation menu to show that other pages belong under that page.

Adding Child Items to a Menu

However, we understand that some users may still want to use child pages and not include the parent page slug within the URL.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily remove the parent page slug from a child page URL in WordPress.

Removing Parent Page Slug From Child Page URL in WordPress

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Custom Permalinks plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to edit the child page that you want to change. Under the content area, you will see a ‘Custom Permalinks’ field where you can change the child page URL.

Change child page URL

The permalink field will show your page’s current default URL. You just need to click it and enter the custom URL you want to use for your child page.

In our example, the hollywood-boulevarde page is a child page oflocations, so the default permalink is locations/hollywood-boulevarde.

We deleted the locations parent slug from the URL, as you can see in the screenshot below.

Custom page URL

Don’t forget to click the ‘Update’ button to save your page and store your URL changes.

After saving your changes, the plugin will automatically redirect the old permalink to the new address. This means your visitors will not see a 404 error if they click a link or bookmark to the page’s old address.

When you view the child page, you will now notice that its URL does not contain the parent slug.

Our Best Guides on Pages and Child Pages

Now that you know how to customize a child page’s URL in WordPress, you may want to learn more about how to use pages and child pages in WordPress:

We hope this article helped you learn how to remove the parent page slug from a child page URL in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a custom page in WordPress or our expert picks for the best drag and drop page builder plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Remove Parent Slug From Child Page URL in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

5 Things to Do When AI Takes Your Job

Scared that AI will make your job obsolete? Discover five strategies to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a future where artificial intelligence reshapes the employment landscape.

Has AI rendered white-collar work obsolete? Image credit: Screenshot from South Park: Joining the Panderverse

The End of White-Collar Work?

In a satirical yet unsettlingly realistic scenario, South Park's latest episode, "Joining the Panderverse," portrays accountants, lawyers, and insurance brokers hustling for day jobs outside Home Depot. Meanwhile, handymen, now the ruling capitalist class, flaunt their success in luxury cars. This ironic twist sharply captures the prevailing fear among white-collar workers: AI's potential to completely overturn the traditional job market.

Certainly, the rise of AI might create new job types. Yet, the concern looms large that the era of white-collar employment for the masses may be coming to an end. Indeed, in many sectors, a single AI-empowered expert can outperform the collective output of 5 or 10 traditional workers. This efficiency doesn't spell the end of most professions but does cast a shadow of uncertainty over the future of many professionals.

Even licensed professions, seemingly secure for now, face an ambiguous future. You've likely seen responses like "I am not a lawyer/doctor/etc." from AI tools like ChatGPT when asked about information from regulated fields. But the question arises: if GPT-4 can pass the bar exam, what's to stop it from practicing law eventually?

In my opinion, the ground is thinning for nearly everyone whose work isn't anchored in physical skills. We're witnessing a seismic shift that will fundamentally reshape the economy. For those of us not blessed with handyman skills, and instead reliant on our all-too-replicable human brains, it's a wake-up call. What's your plan if AI makes your job obsolete?

Here are 5 practical strategies to consider if AI replaces your job or renders it irrelevant:

#1: Build a Business Locally

Consider a tale from the 2008 financial crisis that became popular on message boards: A man, having lost his office job and facing the pressure of providing for his family, decided to think outside the box. He grabbed his electric drill and began knocking on doors in his neighborhood that lacked a spy hole. When residents answered, he presented a compelling scenario: the drill he held could just as easily have been a gun, and without a spy hole, they'd never know who was outside their door. He offered on-the-spot spy hole installation for $50-or-so. This approach netted him many sales, and he smartly reinvested part of his earnings, eventually building a successful business empire selling alarm systems. His success hinged on nothing more than a simple idea, bulk-purchased door spies, and personal initiative.

The AI revolution could fundamentally alter our economy, but the core principles of business remain the same. Buy low and sell high remains a foolproof approach, as long as you offer something people need. In this evolving economic landscape, small, local businesses have an edge. They can adapt and pivot more easily than their larger corporate counterparts. As the story above illustrates, the key is to find your niche and take the initiative.

#2: Become a Caregiver

If you are looking for a secure job, pursuing a career in caregiving or healthcare emerges as a promising path. The demographics tell the story: an aging population ensures a steady and growing demand for healthcare workers and caregivers. Each year, the need for a larger workforce in elderly care becomes more pressing, offering decades of employment opportunities.

The existence of care robots has sparked debates about the future of caregiving, but the essence of this profession lies in its human-centric approach. The social and emotional aspects of caregiving are irreplaceable by machines. While technology can assist, the core of caregiving revolves around human connection, compassion, and understanding. This human element not only makes the role of caregivers secure but also deeply fulfilling.

Hence, it's a career path where the impact you make is measured not just in tasks completed, but in the comfort and happiness you bring to those in need. Caregiving offers the unique satisfaction that comes from making a tangible difference in people's lives, while offering high job security. At least for as long as science hasn't found a way to reverse aging

#3: Take Advantage of Your Own AI Workforce

Not everyone is cut out for door-to-door sales or direct human interaction in their professional life. If this resonates with you, it's time to consider the power of AI as your ally in entrepreneurship. Today's AI technologies offer an unparalleled opportunity. Imagine having a personal business advisor, financial analyst, graphic designer, programmer, content creator, legal consultant, and more, accessible 24/7. These are roles that traditionally come with a hefty price tag, ranging from $50 to don't-dare-to-ask per hour. But now, they can be fulfilled by AI, offering you a cost-effective and efficient way to build your business.

The key here is not to jump straight into launching an AI startup. The dynamic nature of the tech industry, with giants like OpenAI and Google consistently rolling out new updates, can quickly make a narrow AI-focused business model obsolete. Instead, the smarter approach is to leverage AI as a tool to enhance your entrepreneurial endeavors. Use it to refine your ideas, to add efficiency and depth to your projects, and to free up your time to focus on areas that require your unique human touch and passion.

#4: Reclaim Your Innate Skills

The line separating humans from artificial intelligence becomes increasingly defined by our physical form. It's true that individuals might match AI in expertise on certain subjects, but spanning across all fields is a feat beyond our reach. And when it comes to speed, AI invariably has the upper hand. So, what unique trait do we possess that AI lacks?

The answer might be more straightforward than you think: our hands, with their opposable thumbs, fine-tuned by millennia of evolution. (As a side note, maybe this is why AI image generators struggle so much with drawing hands a hint of jealousy?) Our hands are a symbol of our humanity, connecting us across all cultures and beliefs. Thus, embracing your humanity involves rediscovering and valuing the use of your hands. Consider questions like these:

  • You might type at a lightning-fast pace, but can you sew a button back on your shirt?
  • You might be an expert at navigating food delivery apps, but have you ever experienced the joy of perfectly caramelizing onions in your kitchen?
  • Sure, you can plan a trip halfway around the globe, but can you navigate to the nearest forest without relying on GPS?

The rise of automation offers us a unique opportunity to slow down and relearn basic human skills. It's about doing things for yourself. Cook a tasty meal. Stop using Google Maps. Learn how to use your hands. Be a human, damnit! In this journey of reconnection with our fundamental abilities, you're likely to uncover interests and talents that have been dormant, just waiting for a spark to ignite them.

#5. Be Ready to Hustle!

While the ideas explored so far hopefully spark some inspiration, I see how cooking a healthy meal will not pay your bills. The evolving job market, influenced by AI, demands a new kind of hustle. Consider the story of a former salesman who used AI to apply for 5,000 jobs and secured 20 interviews. I think we must be aware that the future whether on our traditional career paths or exploring new paths will include a certain amount of hustling. The mantra for navigating this new era: create, adapt, and when necessary, start over. These might be the cornerstones of survival and success in an economy transformed by AI.

Flexibility and adaptability are emerging as crucial skills in this new landscape. The ability to pivot, to learn new things, and to approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset will set apart the thrivers from the mere survivors. In a world where AI is reshaping industries and job roles, those who can quickly adapt to new scenarios, learn from them, and innovate, will find themselves ahead of the curve.

So, embrace this shift with an open mind and a willingness to hustle. Remember, the journey through an AI-driven economy is not just about reaching a destination. It's about growing, learning, and evolving along the way.

How to Plan a Holiday Sale for Your WooCommerce Store (12 Tips)

Do you want to plan a holiday sale for your WooCommerce store?

The holiday season is the busiest time for online stores across the world. By planning a sale for the holidays, you can capitalize on this demand and boost your sales and revenue.

In this article, we will share some tips on how to easily plan a holiday sale for your WooCommerce store.

How to Plan a Holiday Sale for Your WooCommerce Store

Why Plan a Holiday Sale for Your WooCommerce Store?

If you have a WooCommerce store, then planning a holiday sale for it can be a great way to attract new customers.

This is because most users are looking for sales during the holiday season and offering them discount coupons can help you generate more revenue. A well-executed online store sale can even increase your brand awareness and retain existing customers.

Additionally, a holiday sale can improve your website SEO due to the increased traffic, improved click-through rates, and relevant content.

Having said that, here is our list of some of the best tips that can help you easily plan a holiday sale for your WooCommerce store.

1. Create Holiday-Themed Lead Generation Campaigns

OptinMonster is the best lead generation and conversion optimization tool that allows you to create popups, yes/no optins, banners, sliders, and more.

It comes with a drag-and-drop builder, exit-intent technology, and A/B testing, making it super easy to convert website visitors into customers.

OptinMonster even comes with premade templates for the holiday season that can be used to launch a marketing campaign in just a few minutes.

First, you’ll need to visit the OptinMonster website to create an account by clicking the ‘Get OptinMonster Now’ button.

OptinMonster – The best WordPress popup plugin

Then, you need to visit your WordPress site to install and activate the OptinMonster plugin. For details, see our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, this plugin will act as a connector between your OptinMonster account and website. You will now see a setup wizard on the screen, where you have to click on the ‘Connect Your Existing Account’ button.

Connect your existing account

Once you have done that, visit the OptinMonster » Templates page from the WordPress dashboard.

Here, you will notice a list of holidays under the ‘Seasonal’ section in the left column. Now if you are planning a sale for the Christmas season, check the box next to that option.

OptinMonster will now display all the premade templates for this holiday season. You can even select a campaign type from the top including popups, floating bar, fullscreen, gamified, inline, or slide-in.

Upon making your choice, simply click the ‘Use Template’ button to launch the template in the OptinMonster’s drag-and-drop builder.

Choose a holiday campaign template

Here, you can add headings, and dynamic content, add your discount offers, configure the countdown timer, and so much more.

You can even connect your campaigns to your email marketing services. For detailed instructions, you may want to see our tutorial on how to create WooCommerce popups to increase sales.

Customize holiday campaign popup

Once you are done, you can easily publish your campaign by switching to the ‘Publish’ tab from the top.

Upon its launch, the WooCommerce campaign for holiday sales will promote the discounts that you are offering, increase engagement, help you build an email list, and even boost sales on your online store.

Apart from that, you can also schedule your Christmas campaign, check analytics, and create mobile popups, making OptinMonster a great tool for building campaigns.

Holiday sale popup preview

2. Start a Giveaway Contest

You can also promote your holiday sales by hosting a giveaway competition on your website. This can create excitement and increase user engagement.

You can even make the giveaway competition exclusive for the customers who have bought something from your store which can convince potential customers to make a purchase.

When hosting a giveaway, keep in mind to choose a prize that may interest your entire audience, make the competition easy to enter, and announce the winner publicly.

To create and add a giveaway on your website, we recommend using RafflePress.

It is the best WordPress giveaway plugin on the market that comes with a drag-and-drop builder, premade templates, fraud protection, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) integration, and more.


Upon installing the plugin, you can navigate to the RafflePress » Add New page from the WordPress dashboard and select a template for your giveaway.

Once the template opens up in the drag-and-drop builder, you can add a name, prize, countdown timer, and a background image related to the holiday season.

For detailed instructions, see our tutorial on how to run a giveaway in WordPress with RafflePress.

Create Christmas giveaway

Once you are done, simply switch to the ‘Publish’ tab from the top to launch it.

The holiday season giveaway will now help you grow your audience and encourage them to buy from you to return the favor for freebies.

However, you can also host competitions on your website during the season to promote sales. For detailed instructions, you can see our beginner’s guide on how to create a WooCommerce contest to boost loyalty.

3. Offer Holiday Discount Coupons to Customers

When planning a holiday sale, it is important to create discount coupons, gift cards, and loyalty programs for your customers.

Discount coupons can help you clear out the inventory, increase sales, and even attract new customers.

On the other hand, offering gift cards on a new purchase for store credits can help build loyalty among users.

Another tip is to launch a loyalty program on your WooCommerce store during the holiday season to encourage customers to purchase more products in order to gain points.

You can do all of this on your website using Advanced Coupons. It is the best WordPress coupon plugin on the market that allows you to create BOGO (Buy One, Get One) deals, loyalty programs, gift cards, and smart coupons for your WooCommerce store.

It is super easy to use and offers features like coupon URLs, scheduled coupons, auto-apply coupons, shipping coupons, bulk coupons, and more.

Advanced Coupons

First, you’ll need to install and activate the Advanced Coupons plugin. For detailed instructions, see our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you must visit the Coupons » Add New page from the WordPress dashboard. Here, you can start by adding a name and description for the coupon.

Next, you can select a discount type and add the coupon amount next to the ‘Coupon amount’ option.

Now according to the studies, most online stores offer a discount of about 30-40% during the holiday season. While some stores also add discount offers of up to 70% for selected items only.

We recommend creating discount coupons of up to 35-40% off on all products to maximize your sales during the holidays.

Create a discount coupon

Once you have added all the details, simply click the ‘Publish’ button at the top to store your settings.

For detailed instructions, you may want to see our complete tutorial on how to create smart coupons in WooCommerce.

If you also want to add a loyalty program or offer gift cards to your customers, then you can see our guides on how to create a loyalty program in WooCommerce and how to add advanced gift cards in WooCommerce.

4. Add Social Proof to Your WooCommerce Store

You can also plan and promote your holiday sale by displaying social proof on your website. It is a social phenomenon wherein people copy the actions of others in choosing how to behave in a situation.

This means that a user is more likely to purchase your products if they see testimonials or reviews from other users talking positively about them.

You can easily add social proof to your WooCommerce store using TrustPulse. It is the best WordPress social proof plugin on the market that displays real-time notifications of user activities on your site.

Is TrustPulse the best social proof plugin for WordPress?

TrustPulse shows recent purchases or customer interactions to all the users who are visiting your online store at the time in order to convince them to make a purchase as well.

It offers actionable insights, real-time event tracking, smart targeting, and flexible design options, making it super easy to add social proof to your site.

For more detailed instructions, you can see our beginner’s guide on how to use FOMO on your WordPress site to increase conversions.

Fomo notification preview

5. Add Banners to Promote the Holiday

Another amazing tip that can help promote your WooCommerce holiday sale is to add banners at the top of your website.

These banners can include your brand name, logo, and discount offers to promote the holiday season and even create a festive atmosphere on your site.

If you also run a WordPress blog separately, then adding banners there for your online store sale can help drive more traffic.

You can easily create a banner on your WooCommerce store using OptinMonster which is the best WordPress banner plugin on the market.

All you have to do is create an account on the OptinMonster website and then connect it to your WordPress site using the free OptinMonster plugin.

Once you have done that, visit the OptinMonster » Templates page from the WordPress dashboard and select the ‘Floating Bar’ campaign type.

After that, choose the ‘Christmas’ option from the ‘Seasonal’ section on the left. You can now select any of the premade banner templates for your WooCommerce store.

Add a sale banner

Once you choose a template, it will be launched in the drag-and-drop builder where you can customize it according to your liking.

After that, you must switch to the ‘Publish’ tab to activate the Christmas sale banner on your online store.

Customize the WooCommerce holiday sale banner

However, if you don’t want to use OptinMonster, then you can also create a banner for your store using Thrive Leads or Canva. For detailed instructions, please see our tutorial on how to make a website banner easily.

6. Start a Holiday Countdown

When planning for a holiday sale on your WooCommerce store, it is important to also add a countdown timer on your website.

This can create a sense of urgency among your customers and encourage them to make a buying decision. It can also reduce cart abandonment rates by reminding customers to complete their purchase before the sale ends.

Plus, countdown timers also help highlight your sale and make it more visible to customers.

Countdown timer for the WooCommerce sale

You can easily create a countdown timer using a free plugin like Countdown Timer Ultimate or by opting for paid plugins like Thrive Ultimatum which is one of the best countdown plugins for your website.

For detailed instructions, you may want to see our tutorial on how to add a countdown timer widget in WordPress.

7. Offer Free Shipping

Offering free shipping upon purchase during the holiday season can help increase conversions by removing a purchase barrier.

This builds customer loyalty, encourages customers to spend more money, and also creates a sense of urgency because you are offering this service for a limited time only.

You can easily offer free shipping with a purchase using the Advanced Coupons plugin.

Upon activation, all you will have to do is visit the Coupons » Add New page from the WordPress dashboard. This will take you to a new screen where you can start by creating a discount coupon for the holiday season.

After that, simply check the ‘Allow free shipping’ box in the ‘General’ section to enable free shipping for customers who use the discount code on your website.

Allow free shipping in WooCommerce

This will encourage more customers to use your discount coupons and will boost your sales during the holiday.

For more information, you may want to see our tutorial on how to offer a shipping discount in WooCommerce.

8. Run an Email Campaign For the Sale

Email campaigns can also be an effective way to promote your WooCommerce store sales.

You can send personalized emails to your existing customers to let them know about the sale or encourage users to sign up for your newsletter to stay updated about future discount offers.

You can also send automated emails to all your subscribers and launch drip campaigns for further sale promotion. This can create a buzz around your holiday sale and help generate more leads.

You can easily launch an email marketing campaign for your holiday sale by connecting your email marketing service and WordPress site using WP Mail SMTP.

It is the best WordPress SMTP plugin on the market that allows you to properly configure your email settings and improve the overall deliverability rate.


With WP Mail SMTP, the emails that you send to your customers will never end up in the spam folder, ultimately helping you gain more visitors and revenue for your online store’s holiday sale.

9. Create Attractive Landing Pages

Another way that you can plan and promote your WooCommerce holiday sale is by creating attractive landing pages that represent the holiday.

These landing pages will quickly grab the user’s attention with their visuals and eye-catching colors, encouraging users to take action.

To easily create landing pages in WordPress, you can use SeedProd which is the best page builder plugin on the market.

It comes with a drag-and-drop builder, numerous pre-made templates, and advanced WooCommerce blocks that allow you to create landing pages for online stores in just a few minutes.

The SeedProd page builder plugin for WordPress

First, you’ll need to install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For details, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, visit the SeedProd » Landing Pages screen from the WordPress dashboard and click on the ‘Add New Landing Page’ button.

Click the Add New Landing Page button

This will take you to the ‘Choose a New Page Template’ screen where you can select any of the premade templates for your WooCommerce store.

You can easily create a pricing page for your services, a 404 error page, a coming soon page, a products page, or a home page.

Upon making your choice, you will be asked to enter a name for the landing page that you are about to create. Once you do that, click on the ‘Save and Start Editing the Page’ button to continue.

Add a page for the WooCommerce sale

This will launch SeedProd’s drag-and-drop page builder, where you can now start editing your page.

You can add a heading, CTA, dynamic content, images, videos, navigation menu, or anything else you like by dragging and dropping blocks. You can even use the WooCommerce blocks from the left column.

For detailed instructions, you may want to see our beginner’s guide on how to create a landing page in WordPress.

Publish landing page for the holiday sale

Once you are done, simply click the ‘Save’ and ‘Publish’ buttons at the top to launch your page on the store.

Tip: You can even create a fully customized theme for the holidays without using any code with SeedProd. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to easily create a custom theme in WordPress.

10. Use Surveys and Polls to Plan Holiday Sale

You can also use surveys and polls to plan your holiday sale. These polls can help you learn more about your customers, their shopping habits, and preferences and help you plan a sale according to them.

For example, if most of the customers who filled out the survey form have said that free shipping or a 50% discount on all products encourages them to buy from the store, then you can use these suggestions for your holiday sale as well.

Adding a poll or survey form to your WooCommerce store is the easiest way to gather feedback for your holiday sale plan and make improvements where needed.

You can add polls and survey forms to your website using WPForms which is the best WordPress contact form plugin on the market. It comes with a drag-and-drop builder, spam protection, and numerous pre-made templates.

Keep in mind that you will need the Pro plan of the plugin to unlock the surveys and poll extension.


Once you do that, visit the WPForms » Add New page from the WordPress dashboard and select from the multiple Survey or Poll form templates.

WPForms will then load the template in the drag-and-drop builder where you can add, remove, rename, or rearrange fields in a few minutes.

For detailed instructions, check our tutorials on how to create a survey in WordPress and how to create an interactive poll in WordPress.


If you don’t want to create surveys for your online store, then you can use the UserFeedback plugin. It is the best WordPress feedback plugin on the market that makes it super easy to collect feedback from your users.

It shows a small prompt on the screen that you can use to ask users about their shopping habits and holiday sale preferences.

UserFeedback preview

11. Plan Your Social Media Strategy

When planning a holiday sale, it is important to also build a social media strategy for it. These are tips that you will be using on different social media platforms to drive more traffic to your WooCommerce store.

To develop a solid social media strategy, you will first need to identify your target audience, and then choose the right social media platforms according to it.

For example, if you have a store that sells teen clothes, then you may want to focus on Instagram to target the younger audience.

To do this, you can start selling your products on Instagram as well, add Instagram shoppable images to your store, or add your whole Instagram feed to your WooCommerce store.

Instagram feed preview

Similarly, if you sell home decor products or DIY, then Pinterest is the go-to platform for you.

Once you do that, use a content calendar to plan and schedule your social media posts, create high-quality content, use relevant hashtags and keywords, and then start promoting your holiday sale on the platforms in advance.

You can also offer discounts to your Facebook or Instagram followers, run social media contests, and so much more.

This will help drive traffic to your WooCommerce store from different social media platforms.

For more tips, you can see our complete social media cheat sheet for WordPress.

12. Start an Affiliate Program

Another great way to promote the holiday sale is by starting an affiliate program on your WooCommerce store.

A referral program lets you build partnerships with other small businesses on the market who promote your products or services on their websites to earn a small commission.

This practice can help you reach to a different audience and bring more traffic to your online store, ultimately leading to more conversions.

You can easily create an affiliate program for your store using AffiliateWP. It is the best WordPress affiliate tracking and management software that gives you complete control over your affiliate program.

Plus, it is super cost effective making it a great choice.

AffiliateWP website

For detailed instructions, you may want to see our beginner’s guide on how to easily add an affiliate program in WooCommerce.

Bonus: Spread Holiday Spirit on Your WooCommerce Store

By spreading holiday spirit on your WooCommerce store, you can drive more traffic and generate more leads.

This is because customers are more likely to buy from vendors who have decorated their websites for the holidays and look as excited about the season as they are.

To spread the holiday spirit, you can use free plugins like Christmasify or Christmas Greetings to add jingle music, Santa Claus, gift boxes, and change the fonts of your store for the holidays.

Christmas Greetings preview

This can make your WooCommerce store look more fun and approachable and users are more likely to buy from it.

For more tips, you can see our tutorial on how to spread the holiday spirit on your WordPress site.

We hope this article helped you learn how to plan a holiday sale for your WooCommerce store. You may also want to our tutorial on how to create a sales page in WordPress and our list of amazing holiday gift ideas for bloggers, designers, and developers.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Plan a Holiday Sale for Your WooCommerce Store (12 Tips) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Discover the Performance Gain With Retrieval Augmented Generation

Large Language Models (LLMs) are smart enough to understand context. They can answer questions, leveraging their vast training data to provide coherent and contextually relevant responses, no matter whether the topic is astronomy, history, or even physics. However, due to their inability to connect the dots and remember all the details, LLMs, especially the smaller models like llama2-13b-chat, can hallucinate even when the requested knowledge is in the training data.

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