Introduction To Face Authentication With FACEIO in AngularJS

In today’s digital age, security, and user convenience are of paramount importance for web applications. Traditional methods of authentication, such as passwords, while widely used, come with their own set of challenges, including the risk of breaches and the inconvenience of remembering and managing passwords. In this context, facial authentication offers an innovative and secure solution that enhances the user experience.

This guide introduces you to the world of face authentication using the FACEIO platform, specifically tailored for AngularJS applications. FACEIO simplifies the integration of facial recognition technology, allowing you to incorporate this advanced security feature seamlessly into your web applications.

Architecture Patterns: API Gateway

What Is an API Gateway?

An API Gateway is a tool that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from servers or microservices. It manages, routes, aggregates, and secures the API requests.

Like previous patterns we have explored, this is often described as a “microservices context” pattern, but this is not necessarily the case. It could be worth using in many “not microservices” cases and sometimes shouldn’t be used in microservices.

Exploring the Powerhouse of Cloud Computing: An In-Depth Look at Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud service provider in today’s digital age, where organizations and individuals rely heavily on the cloud for their computing needs. AWS, which was founded in 2006 by, has transformed the way businesses operate by offering a diverse set of scalable and cost-effective cloud computing services. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by Since its inception in 2006, AWS has become a dominant force in the cloud computing industry, offering diverse services and solutions to businesses and individuals worldwide.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of AWS, discussing its key offerings, advantages, use cases, and the impact it has had on the industry.

Performance of ULID and UUID in Postgres Database

Hello everyone! In this article, I want to share my knowledge and opinion about the data types that are often used as an identifier. Today we will touch on two topics at once. These are measurements of search speed by key and data types for the key on the database side.

I will use a PostgreSQL database and a demo Java service to compare query speeds. 

Instant Microservices: Rules for Logic and Security

In this article, see how to build a complete database system, in minutes instead of weeks or months:

  1. An API, and, we'll add UI and logic to make it a microservice
  2. Logic and security: Multi-table constraints and derivations, and role-based security
  3. An Admin app: And finally, a multi-page, multi-table web app

We'll use API Logic Server (open source), providing:

YouTube vs Vimeo – Which One is Better for WordPress Videos?

Are you looking for a YouTube vs. Vimeo comparison to find out which one is better for embedding videos in WordPress?

When it comes to uploading videos online, YouTube and Vimeo are the two most popular platforms on the market. They are both great, but they have their own pros and cons.

In this article, we will compare YouTube vs. Vimeo and share their pros and cons to help you choose a platform for your WordPress videos.

YouTube vs Vimeo - Which One is Better?

Why Use a Hosting Platform for WordPress Videos?

If you want to start a blog, then WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, used by 43% of all websites.

Many blogs include videos in their content to make it more engaging. While you can directly upload your videos to WordPress, it is not designed to stream videos.

This is because videos are large files, and most WordPress hosting providers don’t offer servers optimized for video streaming. If multiple users access videos on your website at once, then this could crash your server and increase bandwidth usage.

Plus, each user has a different type of internet connection, meaning your high-quality videos will take forever to load on slower internet connections.

On the other hand, you can use video hosting platforms like YouTube or Vimeo that are designed to serve videos. They have server resources and technology to offer a far better video streaming experience than WordPress.

Plus, you can easily embed these videos in WordPress to improve your site’s SEO, monetize your content, and build a community around your brand.

For more on this topic, see our guide on why you should never upload videos to WordPress.

That being said, let’s take a look at YouTube vs. Vimeo to find out which one is better for your WordPress videos. Here is an overview of the topics we will cover in this comparison:

1. Pricing

Both YouTube and Vimeo are for-profit companies, and their pricing options are based on how they make money online.


YouTube has a completely free plan that comes with unlimited storage and bandwidth.

This is because YouTube mainly earns money by showing advertisements on the platform. These ads are displayed inside the YouTube video player, the sidebar, and the YouTube app.

As a content creator, you can upload as many YouTube videos as you want in the free plan. You can even host YouTube live streams on your channel.

However, it has some limitations, as you cannot upload videos larger than 15 minutes or monetize your videos with ads.

You can easily increase this limit by verifying your account. You will need at least 100,000 subscribers to get verification.

Additionally, users can purchase a YouTube Premium subscription if they want to get ad-free viewing, video downloads, and more. Premium plans start at $13.99 per month.


Vimeo’s business model is quite different from YouTube’s because the platform makes money by selling video hosting services. This allows publishers and small businesses to offer an ad-free viewing experience to their users.

Vimeo even has a free plan that you can use. However, it only allows you to create up to 2 videos per month (with a total of 25 videos) and is limited to 500 MB of weekly storage.

Alternatively, you can sign up for Vimeo Starter, Standard, or Advanced plans to access more features.

Vimeo pricing

If you are just starting your business, then we recommend getting the Starter plan for $20/month, which allows you to upload 60 videos on Vimeo.

2. Upload Limits

YouTube and Vimeo have different policies regarding how much video content you can upload on these platforms.


By default, you can upload unlimited videos with YouTube’s free plan, but each video should be under 15 minutes.

However, after verifying your account, you can upload videos with up to 12 hours of playback or a 128GB file size.

You can easily create a verified account on YouTube by providing your phone number and then adding the verification code sent on your mobile. Note that you will need at least 100,000 subscribers to get verified.

This is very generous and fairly reasonable for all types of content creators.


On the other hand, Vimeo has different limitations on the upload size for each plan.

  • Free: 500 MB per week and up to 5 GB total
  • Plus: 5 GB per week up to 250 GB per year
  • Pro: 20 GB per week up to 1 TB per year
  • Business: No weekly limits and up to 5 TB total storage

You can see the detailed comparison of all Vimeo plans. This means that the upload limit on Vimeo will depend on the pricing plan that you choose for your videos.

3. Audience Size and Reach

Both platforms have a huge user base and a dedicated following. Vimeo and YouTube even offer video-sharing options and social features to further increase your content reach.


When it comes to audience size and reach, YouTube is the winner because it has over 2 billion monthly users.

It is owned by Google, meaning that YouTube has more visibility than Vimeo. Plus, almost all the Android phones in the world come with the YouTube app pre-installed.

Due to boasting a huge community, YouTube is also considered the world’s second most widely used search engine.

The platform recommends videos to viewers based on their watch history or interests, lets you add end screens and cards to your videos to promote other videos, and even comes with features like polls and live chats to further increase reach.


Vimeo has about 260 million monthly viewers and 1.9 million subscribers, which is much fewer than YouTube.

However, the platform is growing at a significant rate and is trusted by more than 287 million creatives, entrepreneurs, and businesses worldwide.

Vimeo stats

Vimeo also offers other features that can help improve your channel’s reach. For example, it has a search feature that allows users to search for videos, people, channels, and groups.

It also has a content discovery feature that shows relevant videos in the sidebar. However, by design, they are not as noticeable as on YouTube.

Similarly, Vimeo has a Groups feature where users can create and participate in groups. Users can also limit group content visible only to its members.

Plus, the platform shows staff picks on its homepage that are hand-selected by Vimeo’s staff.

4. Privacy Controls

Not all publishers want their content to be seen by everyone. For example, if you are selling online courses or running a video membership website, then you will want to restrict video access to paying subscribers only.

Let’s check out how both platforms allow publishers to control the privacy of their videos.


YouTube offers three privacy settings for the videos that you upload on your channel:

  • Public – These videos are publicly accessible by anyone. They can be searched, listed, and displayed all across YouTube.
  • Unlisted – These videos can be accessible by anyone who has the URL. However, they will not appear in YouTube searches or related videos.
  • Private – These videos are only visible to you and the specific users you choose.
Privacy controls in YouTube

Apart from these settings, you can also disable comments or the like/dislike buttons on your videos.

Plus, YouTube lets you prevent the embedding of your videos on any website. Keep in mind that this setting will also block you from embedding videos on your own WordPress website.

Overall, YouTube is not the ideal platform if you want to host private videos.


In terms of privacy controls, Vimeo is superior to YouTube. It lets you make your videos public, private, or unlisted and even lets you hide them on Vimeo.

This means that your video can be embedded and viewed on your WordPress site, but it will not have a homepage on Vimeo.

Vimeo privacy controls

If you are using a paid plan, then you can also restrict video embeds to your website only. Plus, you can password-protect your videos so that only the users with the password can view and share them.

You can then add those videos to password-protected posts on your WordPress website.

If you want to have more control over who can watch your online videos, then Vimeo is a much better platform.

5. Video Editing

Both platforms offer great tools to upload, edit, and manage your videos. Let’s take a look at the video editing options for YouTube vs. Vimeo.


YouTube offers powerful video editing features that allow you to create videos from your previously uploaded videos, photos, titles, and more.

You can also make videos using your videos and photos in Google Photos.

YouTube video editing

Their web-based video editing tools offer a simple and easy video-creating process where you can easily trim or crop any unwanted footage, add audio effects, add text and overlays to your videos, use transition effects, and more.

YouTube allows you to add links, annotations, captions, and subtitles to your videos. It also offers a live streaming feature where you can live broadcast events, news, or just casual vlogs.


Vimeo does not offer as many video editing features as YouTube. However, it does provide all the basics you’ll need.

It allows you to add video titles, descriptions, categories, tags, licenses, and audience ratings. You can also upload captions and subtitles to your videos.

However, Vimeo does not have annotation features, so you cannot add clickable links to your videos.

Vimeo video editing

Some of Vimeo’s other editing features include trimming and cropping videos, audio effects, text overlays, transition effects, screen cards, color correction and grading, curve editing, custom watermarks, and more.

The best thing about Vimeo is that you can even replace your video with a newer version without having to change the video URL or stats. This is something that you cannot do on YouTube without uploading a new video with a totally new URL.

This specific feature is really handy because if you made a mistake or just need to update footage in your tutorials, then you can easily do so while keeping all the view count and the same video URLs. This also helps you keep your content fresh, which can help drive more traffic.

6. Monetization Options

Both platforms allow their users to make money online from their videos. Let’s compare Vimeo vs. YouTube for monetization options.


YouTube allows content creators to join the YouTube partner program by signing up for Google AdSense to monetize their videos. Creators then get a cut of the ads displayed on their videos.

However, you will first need to be at least 18 years old, have 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months, and have 1,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel to join the program.

YouTube monetization

YouTube also allows content creators to use other monetization options.

For example, publishers can sell products in their videos, add paid reviews, join affiliate programs, get sponsors for their videos, ask for donations, and more.

Many of YouTube’s most popular content creators also use platforms like Patreon, where viewers can directly support their channel with donations.


Vimeo prides themselves on offering an ad-free video platform because they do not have an advertising program that you can join to earn money.

However, they do offer a “Vimeo on Demand” feature where you can sell videos directly to viewers. You’ll need at least a Vimeo Pro account to join the program.

Vimeo on demand

Similarly, you can also create and sell subscription plans that will allow viewers to access exclusive content like early access to new videos, behind-the-scenes content, and discounts on merchandise.

With Vimeo, you can even host live events like concerts, webinars, and workshops that users can pay to watch.

Another way to make money is to mention sponsors in your Vimeo videos, add links in video descriptions, and ask users to support your channel on platforms like Patreon.

YouTube vs. Vimeo – Which One Is Better?

YouTube and Vimeo are both great video hosting platforms that are easy to use. They offer excellent video editing features, make it super easy to embed videos on your website, and even provide many ways to make money online.

If you have just started a WordPress blog or have a small business and want to use videos to build a subscriber base and reach a much larger audience, then YouTube will be better for your goals.

However, if you have a website with membership options, sell courses, or host webinars or live events, then you will need more privacy and a top-notch viewing experience. That’s when Vimeo is a better choice.

Bonus: How to Embed TikTok Videos in WordPress

YouTube and Vimeo are two of the most popular video hosting platforms. If you are looking to reach an even larger audience, then you might also consider using TikTok.

This social media platform has more than 1 billion monthly users and is particularly popular among young audiences. You can also embed TikTok videos into your WordPress site to get more views, engagement, and social media followers.

By creating and adding TikTok videos to your site, you can improve your website’s SEO by making your content more helpful to users and even build brand awareness.

An example of a TikTok video, embedded in a WordPress website

If you have a WooCommerce store, then you can also use the TikTok platform to showcase your products and increase conversions.

For detailed instructions, just see our tutorial on how to embed TikTok in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you learn more about YouTube vs Vimeo and which is better for your WordPress videos. You may also want to see our step-by-step guide on how to start a podcast and our comparison of the best video editing software.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post YouTube vs Vimeo – Which One is Better for WordPress Videos? first appeared on WPBeginner.

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Did you know you can save a significant amount on your Canva purchases and subscriptions? With Canva coupons and special offers, you can unlock powerful design tools without breaking the bank. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of maximizing your savings and getting the best deals on Canva using Canva coupons. Key […]

How 5G Is Empowering Digital Twins

5G is revolutionizing digital twin technology, enabling faster data transfers, real-time monitoring, seamless collaboration, and advanced security. These features are advancing the capabilities of digital twins and the value organizations can gain from them. What are the benefits of building a digital twin simulation on a 5G network? 

Capability for Large-Scale Real-Time Monitoring

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MuleSoft: Anypoint Mule Gateway vs. Anypoint Flex Gateway vs. Anypoint Service Mesh

In this article, I would like to do a comparison study of MuleSoft Anypoint Gateway RuntimesMule Gateway, Flex Gateway, and Service Mesh. I will take you through key differences and commonalities (high-level — not at code- or configuration-level) among these gateway options.


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Essential Security Measures for PDF Documents

Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format that contains a comprehensive representation of a document, encompassing elements like text, fonts, graphics, and other components. PDF is often considered a secure document format due to its inherent security features. These capabilities enable the incorporation of password protection, encryption, and digital signatures into a file.

PDF security is important for several reasons. Information is often shared over the internet, and ensuring the privacy and integrity of sensitive data during such exchanges is paramount. Whether the PDF contains a legal contract, a confidential business report, or personal information, proper PDF security ensures that only authorized individuals can access or modify the contents of these documents. PDF security not only protects intellectual property but can also help you comply with legal and regulatory requirements. This makes it an indispensable tool in today's interconnected world.

Architecture Patterns: Strangler Pattern

The Strangler Pattern, first described by Martin Fowler, is a software architectural pattern that describes a method of gracefully migrating a legacy system incrementally rather than in a big-bang approach. It is named after the Strangler Fig, a type of vine that slowly grows on a tree and eventually replaces it. Similarly, in the software context, the Strangler Pattern involves building a new system around the boundaries of the old system, allowing you to slowly replace parts of the old system with components of the new system over time.  

Many Software engineers will be confronted with system migration in their careers; technology is growing faster, and humans need time to adapt and maintain their systems, which can become old sometimes even before they have time to finish it. A strangler pattern is an approach that allows migration without a big bang, which can be very stressful for teams and is often condemned to failure. This pattern is very efficient in the context of large systems because it allows people to gain confidence in the ability to make the migration, providing a multitude of small successes that are much harder to achieve in a one-shot.

Comparative Analysis of Major Distributed File System Architectures: GFS vs. Tectonic vs. JuiceFS

As technology advances and data continues to explode, traditional disk file systems have revealed their limitations. To address the growing storage demands, distributed file systems have emerged as dynamic and scalable solutions. In this article, we explore the design principles, innovations, and challenges addressed by three representative distributed file systems: Google File System (GFS), Tectonic, and JuiceFS.

  • GFS pioneered commodity hardware use and influenced systems like Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) in big data.
  • Tectonic introduced layered metadata and storage/compute separation, improving scalability and performance.
  • JuiceFS, designed for the cloud-native era, uses object storage and a versatile metadata engine for scalable file storage in the cloud.

By exploring the architectures of these three systems, you will gain valuable insights into designing distributed file systems. This understanding can guide enterprises in choosing suitable file systems. We aim to inspire professionals and researchers in big data, distributed system design, and cloud-native technologies with the knowledge to optimize data storage, stay informed about industry trends, and explore practical applications.

Xcode Plugins and Extensions: Enhancing Your Development Experience

As a tech leader with years of experience in the custom software development industry, I've witnessed the rapid evolution of tools and technologies that have revolutionized how we create software. Among these, Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment (IDE), has been a cornerstone of our workflow. However, to truly supercharge your development experience, there's a hidden gem you might not fully leverage—Xcode plugins and extensions.

In this blog, I'll share my insights and experiences from the perspective of a tech leader to help software developers and companies enhance their development process and improve productivity.

A Tale of Two Intersecting Quality Attributes: Security and Performance

I want to build a system that is highly secure, scalable, reliable, performant, compliant, robust, resilient, and durable.” Add more adjectives to that to really dream of a quintessential solution. Is that even possible? Where do we make the two ends meet — aspirations vs reality? What is the right intersection point? To answer that, we probably need to categorize the above, and maybe a few more quality attributes, into two major cross-cutting concerns — security and performance, and see where and how to strike a balance between the two, often referred to as architectural or design trade-offs.

Security is a requirement for each and every component involved in the overall system, which may include devices, networks, data, services, applications, storage, etc. However, it is not always mutually exclusive in the sense that the security of one component can partly or fully ensure the security of other components, depending on how they are configured. For example, we often offload SSL at the gateway level as the data is expected to travel within the internal network after that, which is deemed secure to a certain extent. Likewise, the performance of the overall system depends upon how each individual component is behaving. We may have a fast rendering UI but a slow API response that really sucks, or vice versa.

AWS Partition Projections: Enhancing Athena Query Performance

In today's data-driven landscape, organizations are increasingly turning to robust solutions like AWS Data Lake to centralize vast amounts of structured and unstructured data. AWS Data Lake, a scalable and secure repository, allows businesses to store data in its native format, facilitating diverse analytics and machine learning tasks. One of the popular tools to query this vast reservoir of information is Amazon Athena, a serverless, interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. However, as the volume of data grows exponentially, performance challenges can emerge. Large datasets, complex queries, and suboptimal table structures can lead to increased query times and costs, potentially undermining the very benefits that these solutions promise. This article delves specifically into the details of how to harness the power of partition projections to address these performance challenges.

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