Event-Driven Architecture With Serverless Functions – Part 1

First things first, Event-driven architecture. EDA and serverless functions are two powerful software patterns and concepts that have become popular in recent years with the rise of cloud-native computing. While one is more of an architecture pattern and the other a deployment or implementation detail, when combined, they provide a scalable and efficient solution for modern applications.

What Is Event-Driven Architecture

EDA is a software architecture pattern that utilizes events to decouple various components of an application. In this context, an event is defined as a change in state. For example, for an e-commerce application, an event could be a customer clicking on a listing, adding that item to their shopping cart, or submitting their credit card information to buy. Events also encompass non-user-initiated state changes, such as scheduled jobs or notifications from a monitoring system.

ReactJS for AI and Machine Learning: A Powerful Combination

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, ReactJS has firmly established itself as a dominant player. Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and developer-friendly features have made it a go-to choice for building user interfaces. However, ReactJS isn't limited to front-end development alone. In recent years, it has found its way into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), becoming a crucial tool for creating AI-powered web applications. In this blog post, we will explore how ReactJS and AI/ML can be combined to build powerful and interactive web applications.

The Rise of AI and Machine Learning

Before delving into the synergy between ReactJS and AI/ML, let's take a moment to understand why AI and ML are so significant in today's technological landscape.

Microsoft AI Involuntarily Exposed a Secret Giving Access to 38TB of Confidential Data for 3 Years

The WIZ Research team recently discovered that an overprovisioned SAS token had been lying exposed on GitHub for nearly three years. This token granted access to a massive 38-terabyte trove of private data. This Azure storage contained additional secrets, such as private SSH keys, hidden within the disk backups of two Microsoft employees. This revelation underscores the importance of robust data security measures.

Microsoft AI

What Happened?

WIZ Research recently disclosed a data exposure incident found on Microsoft’s AI GitHub repository on June 23, 2023.