Multi-Tenancy in Kubernetes Using Vcluster

Kubernetes has revolutionized how organizations deploy and manage containerized applications, making it easier to orchestrate and scale applications across clusters. However, running multiple heterogeneous workloads on a shared Kubernetes cluster comes with challenges like resource contention, security risks, lack of customization, and complex management.

There are several approaches to implementing isolation and multi-tenancy within Kubernetes:

Your Codebase Is a Cluttered Garage

Unused code adds time and burden to maintaining the codebase and removing it is the only cure for this side of “more cowbell.” Unfortunately, it’s not always obvious whether developers can remove certain code without breaking the application. As the codebase becomes cluttered and unwieldy, development teams can become mired in mystery code that slows development and lowers morale.

Do you remember the first time you walked into your garage, empty and sparkling, yawning with the promise of protecting your vehicles and power tools? How did it look the last time you walked in? If you’re like many of us, the clutter of long-closed boxes taunts you every time you walk around them, losing precious minutes before you can get to the objects you need while your car sits in the driveway. Sadly, development teams have a similar problem with their source code, which has grown into a cluttered mess.

How To Generate Spring Properties Documentation

Are you struggling to keep the documentation of your Spring configuration properties in line with the code? In this blog, you will take a look at the Spring Configuration Property Documenter Maven plugin, which solves this issue for you. Enjoy!


Almost every Spring (Boot) application makes use of configuration properties. These configuration properties ensure that certain items in your application can be configured by means of an (or YAML) file. However, there is also a need to document these properties in order for someone to know what these properties mean, how to use them, etc. This is often documented in a README file. This README file needs to be manually maintained while the properties are present in a Java class which also contains documentation and annotations.

Cloud-Native Integration Platforms To Accelerate Business Transformation

Cloud-native integration platforms have emerged as potent drivers of business transformation, enabling seamless connections between diverse applications and systems. This grants enterprises remarkable agility, scalability, and operational efficiency. This informative blog delves into the world of leading cloud-native integration platforms, spearheading significant changes in the business arena. By enhancing customer experiences and streamlining internal processes, these platforms have the capacity to revolutionize modern business operations at their essence.

The adoption of cloud-native integration platforms represents a strategic move to meet the evolving demands of the digital era. These platforms not only facilitate smooth connections but also enable organizations to adeptly navigate complexity, respond to change promptly, and effortlessly enhance their capabilities. They effectively integrate diverse systems and applications.

Using the NGINX Docker Image

Docker is a compelling platform to package and run web applications, especially when paired with one of the many Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings provided by cloud platforms. NGINX has long provided DevOps teams with the ability to host web applications on Linux and also provides an official Docker image to use as the base for custom web applications.

In this post, I explain how DevOps teams can use the NGINX Docker image to build and run web applications on Docker.

Best Practices To Deal With Javax to Jakarta Migration

Upgrading to Jakarta EE 9 or newer from an older version of Jakarta EE or Java EE can be a bit tricky with the javax to jakarta prefix change. Some libraries may be still using the javax package, which can cause conflicts when trying to run your applications on a Jakarta EE server like Eclipse GlassFish 7. You will likely encounter the same issues when upgrading to Spring Framework 6 or Spring Boot 3, Quarkus 3, and newer versions of many other frameworks, which now depend on Jakarta EE 9 APIs.

But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! In this post, I’ll explain everything you need to know to upgrade to Jakarta EE 9+ successfully and in almost no time. By Jakarta EE 9+, I mean either Jakarta EE 9 or 10, which is currently the latest version of Jakarta EE.

Making Apps More Accessible: An Introduction to the New Accessibility Audit Test for iOS

A Brief Introduction to Accessibility

When it comes to mobile applications, particularly on iOS, ensuring accessibility has become an integral part of the development process. Apple, the creator of iOS, has been a long-time proponent of accessibility, emphasizing its importance in creating an inclusive experience for all users. They have incorporated several accessibility features and tools within their ecosystem, such as VoiceOver, Switch Control, and AssistiveTouch. To ensure the effectiveness of these accessibility features and provide a seamless user experience, developers often conduct an Accessibility audit for iOS. This test assesses the application’s compatibility with various accessibility tools and evaluates its adherence to accessibility guidelines and standards. By conducting an Accessibility Audit Test for iOS, developers can identify and address any potential barriers that may hinder the usability and accessibility of their application, thus making it more inclusive for users with disabilities.

Accessibility Audit Test: A Powerful Ally for Developers

In their continued push for a more inclusive app ecosystem, Apple has introduced a new tool to assist developers: the Accessibility Audit test for iOS. This functionality is a part of the XCTest framework, Apple’s testing framework that allows developers to write tests for their apps at the unit, performance, and UI levels.

Running Tests in Cypress With GitHub Actions [Complete Guide]

In today’s tech world, where speed is the key to modern software development, we should aim to get quick feedback on the impact of any change, and that is where CI/CD comes in place.

Setting up CI/CD is crucial for automated test cases because it gives more consistent results, agility, and efficient assessment of minor changes. With the shorter release and fast development cycles, we need to check that automated tests are passing on every code change, which can be easily done by configuring the CI/CD pipeline.

How To Scale Your Python Services

Python is becoming a more and more popular choice among developers for a diverse range of applications. However, as with any language, effectively scaling Python services can pose challenges. This article explains concepts that can be leveraged to better scale your applications. By understanding CPU-bound versus I/O-bound tasks, the implications of the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), and the mechanics behind thread pools and asyncio, we can better scale Python applications.

CPU-Bound vs. I/O-Bound: The Basics

  • CPU-Bound Tasks: These tasks involve heavy calculations, data processing, and transformations, demanding significant CPU power.
  • I/O-Bound Tasks: These tasks typically wait on external resources, such as reading from or writing to databases, files, or network operations.

Top 34 Codeless Testing Tools For 2023

With technological advancement and growth and the arrival of DevOps and Agile, the software testing industry is witnessing numerous changes. Software testing has traversed a long path from manual testing to record-and-playback sophisticated testing tools, then to test automation, and now to codeless automation testing.

Codeless testing tools have become increasingly significant in recent years as they allow software companies to perform automated testing without writing code. These codeless testing tools use graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to enable users to create automated tests through drag-and-drop functionality, eliminating the need for traditional coding skills.

Streamlining Word to PDF Conversion in Golang

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the efficient conversion of Word documents to PDF format has become a crucial requirement for individuals and businesses alike. 

With the increasing reliance on electronic document sharing, ensuring the integrity and consistent presentation of files across various platforms and devices is of utmost importance. 

9 Best ActiveCampaign Alternatives in 2023 (Compared)

Are you looking for the best ActiveCampaign alternatives for your website?

ActiveCampaign is a popular marketing automation tool that offers a suite of features, including email marketing, forms, sales automations, and more. However, you may be looking for an alternative to better fit your needs.

In this article, we will share a list of some of the best ActiveCampaign alternatives that you can use on your WordPress site.

Best ActiveCampaign Alternatives

Why Use an ActiveCampaign Alternative?

ActiveCampaign is a popular automation and marketing platform that allows small businesses to connect with their customers in multiple ways.

By using ActiveCampaign on your WordPress website, you can launch an email marketing campaign, do customer relationship management (CRM) and eCommerce marketing, create forms and landing pages, and much more.

However, ActiveCampaign may not be the best choice for you because it’s a bit difficult to navigate for beginners and can be expensive for small businesses. It might also not have all the features that you will need for automation marketing.

Additionally, some users have also complained that ActiveCampaign does not offer good customer support.

That being said, here is our list of some of the best ActiveCampaign alternatives that you can use on your WordPress site.

1. Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is the best email marketing service that also offers a suite of other tools, including marketing automation, SMS marketing, event marketing, CRMs, landing pages, and so much more.

It is the best ActiveCampaign alternative because it allows you to easily automate your emails, SMS, and social media platforms using its drag-and-drop functionality.

Constant Contact also offers other features like A/B testing, mobile apps, event marketing, forms, and list-building tools.

It also has its own built-in CRM, allows you to segment your audience, and can integrate with over 5000 apps, including Zapier, WooCommerce, and Salesforce.

Other than being an automation tool, Constant Contact is also the best WordPress newsletter tool because it connects with WPForms to let you easily build newsletter subscription forms.

Creating Welcome Email


  • Constant Contact offers email campaign templates.
  • It can easily connect with your WordPress site.
  • It is more affordable than ActiveCampaign.
  • The platform offers detailed analytics and reports.
  • Constant Contact also makes the process of switching from different platforms super easy.


  • It does not offer a free version.

Why we recommend using Constant Contact: Constant Contact is the overall best ActiveCampaign alternative because it has all the features required for marketing automation. It offers SMS marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and many other tools, making it one of the best automation tools for small businesses.

2. HubSpot

HubSpot email newsletter plugin

HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing software that offers CRM, sales, marketing, operations, and service tools for your website.

It is the perfect ActiveCampaign alternative if you are looking for sales automation. This is because its CRM tool allows you to organize your customer data and view your entire sales funnel in a visual dashboard.

With HubSpot, you can send automated emails, schedule meetings with your leads from the CRM, track leads as they move through the sales process, score leads based on engagement, and even monitor your sales performance.


  • Other than sales, HubSpot offers email and SMS marketing automation.
  • It comes with a landing page builder, form builder, SEO recommendations, ad management, and a chatbot builder.
  • Its workflow feature allows you to automate your marketing tasks, and it can integrate with over 1300 apps.
  • HubSpot has a free plugin.


  • HubSpot’s paid plan can be expensive for startups or small business websites.
  • It does not have the best customer support.

Why we recommend using HubSpot: HubSpot is the best automation marketing tool if you want to focus on sales automation marketing. This is because HubSpot is the best CRM software for business websites. Plus, HubSpot also offers email and SMS marketing automation.

3. Brevo

Brevo website

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is a popular SMS and email marketing tool that also comes with automation features.

It allows you to automate marketing tasks like sending emails, SMS messages, and WhatsApp campaigns.

Brevo also lets you build custom workflows, offers a CRM, comes with a drag-and-drop builder, and even lets you create personalized automated SMS and emails.


  • Brevo allows you to segment your audience based on different demographics for automated emails and SMS messages.
  • It lets you create landing pages and comes with A/B testing, a transactional email service, a sales platform, and multichannel marketing features.
  • It is more affordable and easy to use than ActiveCampaign.


  • Brevo’s CRM has basic features.
  • Brevo has limited automation features compared to other tools on this list.

Why we recommend using Brevo: You should opt for Brevo if you are looking for a marketing automation tool that’s beginner-friendly and comes with basic marketing automation features. Brevo is also a good choice if you run a small WordPress blog because it’s easy to use and offers a free plan.

4. Omnisend

Omnisend WPBeginner landing page

Omnisend is a well-known marketing automation platform for eCommerce websites.

It is the best ActiveCampaign alternative if you have an online store and are looking to automate emails, SMS, push notifications, WhatsApp campaigns, and more.

Omnisend also lets you segment your audience based on different demographics to send targeted automated messages to users.


  • With Omnisend, you can personalize your messages with the recipient’s name, location, and other data.
  • It provides detailed reports on your marketing performance.
  • It allows you to create custom workflows and comes with email templates and a visual email builder.
  • You can use pre-built eCommerce workflows, an automation editor, and an automation split feature.
  • Its other eCommerce features include customer lifecycle data, on-site behavior, message engagement, and more.


  • Omnisend can be expensive for small businesses.
  • The tool can be difficult to navigate for beginners.

Why we recommend using Omnisend: Omnisend is a great ActiveCampaign alternative if you have an online store and need omnichannel software to manage your automated emails, SMS, Facebook Messenger messages, WhatsApp messages, and push notifications.

5. AWeber


AWeber is a beginner-friendly ActiveCampaign alternative that lets you send automated emails and newsletters.

It’s a popular email marketing service that comes with email templates, audience segmentation, A/B testing, analytics, and more.

Plus, it can also integrate with popular eCommerce platforms, including WooCoomerce, Shopify, and Easy Digital Downloads.


  • It’s a great autoresponder tool that also lets you create landing pages.
  • You can easily connect it to your WordPress site using the free AWeber plugin. For more details, see our tutorial on how to connect AWeber to WordPress.
  • It has a free version.
  • AWeber comes with support materials, including master class sessions and live webinars.
  • It has great customer support.


  • AWeber’s premium plan can be expensive if you have a small business.
  • The free version has AWeber branding, which can affect your brand.
  • It has limited integrations and basic automation features.

Why we recommend using AWeber: Overall, AWeber is a good ActiveCampaign alternative for beginners because it has email marketing and basic automation features. Plus, it is more affordable than ActiveCampaign and has a free plan.

6. FunnelKit Automations

FunnelKit Automations

FunnelKit Automations is one of the best marketing automation services for WooCommerce stores. It allows you to launch email and SMS marketing campaigns, create automated workflows for your messages, and create drip sequences.

With FunnelKit Automations, you can also launch automated campaigns for abandoned carts, win back coupons, lead nurturing, purchase anniversaries, and more.


  • The software allows you to create segmented and personalized messages for users.
  • It enables you to create customized workflows and comes with a CRM, revenue tracking, A/B testing, and more.
  • FunnelKit Automations has a drag-and-drop builder and a landing page builder.


  • It’s a premium plugin that can be expensive for small businesses.
  • It offers limited support.

Why we recommend using FunneKit Automations: If you have a WooCommerce store, then FunnelKit Automations is a great choice because its marketing automation features are specifically designed for WooCommerce.

7. MailerLite


MailerLite is a popular email marketing service and ActiveCampaign alternative. It comes with a drag-and-drop builder, premade email templates, and even lets you create landing pages, newsletters, and opt-in forms.

With MailerLite, you can send automated emails when a subscriber joins a group or a customer purchases a product. You are even able to design multi-trigger email automations. This means that you can add 3 triggers for each automation and create multiple entry points for a single workflow.


  • MailerLite comes with an analytics and reports feature.
  • It is a super affordable alternative to ActiveCampaign.
  • It can perform A/B testing, segment your audience, and let you create personalized emails to improve user engagement.
  • MailerLite tracks your automation history.


  • MailerLite offers basic triggers and actions for its automations, making it difficult to create complex workflows.
  • It doesn’t offer any templates in the free plan.

Why we recommend using MailerLite: We recommend opting for this tool if you are on a bootstrap budget because MailerLite is super affordable and has all the features you need to create simple workflows.

8. Drip


Drip is a powerful email marketing platform that allows you to create automated sequences of emails that are sent to your subscribers based on their actions. It can segment your contact list so that your messages reach the right people.

It’s also a good choice for beginner users due to its visual builder, integration with over 200 tools, and ease of use.


  • Drip marketing reports provide you with detailed insights into your email marketing performance.
  • It comes with a landing page builder, A/B testing tool, and ad management features.
  • Drip provides online courses and detailed documentation for its use.


  • It is a bit more expensive than ActiveCampaign.
  • Drip is not the best option for startups and beginners.
  • It doesn’t have a free plan.

Why we recommend using Drip: Overall, Drip is a great alternative to ActiveCampaign if you want to focus on email marketing automation. This is because Drip is a super powerful email marketing service that also lets you automate SMS. It is also a good choice if you have an online store.

9. ConvertKit


ConvertKit is another ActiveCampaign alternative that allows you to create complex automation workflows using a drag-and-drop builder.

It is a popular email marketing service that comes with premade templates and lets you create and send automated emails to users. Plus, the tool also lets you create landing pages, email opt-in forms, perform A/B testing, email blasts, and more.


  • ConvertKit allows you to segment your audience based on different demographics.
  • It’s flexible, and its visual builder is ideal for beginners.
  • It offers reports and analytics for your emails.


  • Even though ConvertKit has a free plan, you will need the premium plan to unlock its automation features.
  • It does not offer SMS or social media marketing automations.

Why we recommend using ConvertKit: You should pick ConvertKit if you are looking for a tool that lets you manage your email campaign and automation workflows in one place. It’s also a great option if you are new to automated marketing because its visual builder is super easy to use.

What Is the Best ActiveCampaign Alternative?

In our expert opinion, Constant Contact is the best ActiveCampaign alternative since it is super easy to use, seamlessly connects with WordPress, and offers many automation features for all kinds of websites and online businesses.

However, if you have an online store, then Omnisend, Drip, AWeber, and FunnelKit Automations are also great choices due to their eCommerce-specific features.

Similarly, if you are looking for sales automation, then HubSpot is our pick because of its super powerful CRM and automation marketing features for emails, SMS, and social media platforms.

Finally, if you are on a budget, then MailerLite is a great choice because it is super affordable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions that our readers usually ask us about ActiveCampaign and its alternatives.

What’s better than ActiveCampaign?

There are a number of tools that are better than ActiveCampaign in terms of ease of use, support, features, and pricing.

If you have a WooCommerce store, then you can switch from ActiveCampaign to FunnelKit Automations to unlock automation features designed specifically for WooCommerce.

Similarly, if you have a small business website, then Constant Contact is easier to use, is more affordable, and has many automated marketing features, making it a great alternative.

Tools like Drip, Brevo, AWeber, ConvertKit, and Omnisend are also better than ActiveCampaign when it comes to pricing, support, and features.

Is there a free version of ActiveCampaign?

ActiveCampaign does not offer a free version. If you are on a budget, then you can try HubSpot because it has a free plugin.

You can also use Brevo’s free plan or MailerLite as an affordable alternative to ActiveCampaign.

Best WordPress Guides for Automation

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Best ActiveCampaign Alternatives in 2023 (Compared) first appeared on WPBeginner.

6 Powerful SEO Strategies Applicable in 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) remains a critical component for businesses looking to boost their online presence and attract organic traffic. With 2023 underway, it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO strategies to ensure your website ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are six powerful SEO strategies applicable in 2023:

Voice Search Optimization: As the use of voice-activated devices continues to rise, optimizing your content for voice search is crucial. This means creating conversational, long-tail keyword phrases that mirror how people speak. Think about questions users might ask and provide concise, informative answers.

E-A-T and YMYL: Google places a significant emphasis on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) for websites, especially those categorized under "Your Money or Your Life" (YMYL) niches, such as health and finance. Establish and showcase your expertise, link to authoritative sources, and build trust with your audience through high-quality content.

Core Web Vitals: Page experience is paramount for SEO in 2023. Google's Core Web Vitals, which include metrics like page loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability, play a critical role in ranking websites. Optimize your site's performance to enhance user experience.

Video SEO: Video content continues to gain popularity. Incorporate video into your SEO strategy by optimizing video titles, descriptions, and metadata. Use engaging thumbnails, and ensure fast loading times to enhance user engagement.

Structured Data Markup: Utilizing structured data markup (schema markup) can make your content more understandable for search engines. This can lead to rich snippets, knowledge panels, and other features that improve your visibility on SERPs. Implement structured data to provide context and enhance your website's appearance in search results.

Mobile-First SEO: With Google's mobile-first indexing, your website's mobile version takes precedence in search rankings. Ensure your website is mobile-responsive, offers a seamless user experience on various devices, and loads quickly. Focus on mobile SEO to cater to the growing mobile user base.

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort. It's not enough to simply implement these strategies once and forget about them. Regularly monitor your website's performance, track keyword rankings, and adapt your strategy as search engine algorithms and user behaviors evolve.

Along with all these strategies a reliable SEO tool is absolutely needed to rank your website and business to the next level, visit [plexper](null).

In 2023, the world of SEO is more competitive and dynamic than ever before. By staying informed about the latest trends and adapting your strategy to meet the needs of your audience, you can position your website for success in search engine rankings and ultimately drive more organic traffic to your online business.