The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Testers

The seven habits are discussed in this article, which frames them for very successful testers. These are the seven habits:

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin With the End in Mind
  3. Put First Things First
  4. Think Win/Win
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw

Be Proactive

In every software project, a tester's objective is to guarantee that a high-quality product is produced. You have two options when determining what went wrong with software projects that fail due to low quality: you can either be proactive or reactive. Reactive persons tend to attribute difficulties or barriers to other people and external factors. Being proactive will allow you to accept responsibility for the mistakes and come up with solutions for future initiatives. After a project is over, your team should do a "postmortem" or "retrospective" in which you candidly discuss the project's successes and failures. Here are three suggestions for approaching upcoming undertakings with initiative:

Paved vs. Golden Paths in Platform Engineering

If you follow the platform engineering trend, you'll have heard people talking about paved paths and golden paths. They're sometimes used as synonyms but can also reflect different approaches.

In this article, I discuss the critical difference between paved paths and golden paths in platform engineering.

Midjourney V5: The Latest Version of Midjourney

In the field of artificial intelligence applied to artistic generation, we witnessed a significant milestone with the launch of the latest version of a platform that redefines the boundaries of digital creativity, Midjourney V5. This advanced iteration represents a major leap forward in terms of realism and expressiveness, successfully tackling complex challenges such as the representation of human hands and emotions, as well as incorporating remarkable additional functionalities.

In this article, we will take a close look at the impact of this art-generating AI, exploring how its ability to reach levels of perfection challenges traditional perceptions of human creativity.

Vue 3 Composition API

In this article, we assume that you know the basics of Vue 3. In the cited article, the main changes from Vue 2 to Vue 3 are explained, as is the basis for understanding how the composition API functions. The latter would be the main topic of this article: the Vue 3 Composition API.

Vue 3 Composition APIs

The change from Vue 2 to Vue 3 offers several options to developers when assembling the logic of a component. We can continue using the Options API as we were doing in Vue 2 or use the Composition API.

Bellman-Ford Algorithm: A Pathfinding Algorithm for Weighted Graphs

When it comes to finding the shortest path in a graph with weighted edges, the Bellman-Ford algorithm is an essential tool in a programmer’s arsenal. Named after its inventors, Richard Bellman and Lester Ford Jr., this algorithm efficiently calculates the shortest paths from a source vertex to all other vertices in a graph, even in the presence of negative edge weights. With its versatility and ease of implementation, the Bellman-Ford algorithm has found applications in various fields, such as network routing, distance vector protocols, and traffic engineering.

In the realm of computer science, algorithms play a pivotal role in solving complex problems efficiently. One such algorithm that has proven its worth over time is the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Named after its inventors, Richard Bellman and Lester Ford Jr., this algorithm is widely used to find the shortest path between two vertices in a graph. Its versatility and robustness have made it a cornerstone in various fields, including network routing protocols, transportation systems, and even game development.

How to Containerize Your Spring Boot Application for Rapid Startup

Did you know you can containerize your Spring Boot applications to start up in milliseconds, without compromising on throughput, memory, development-production parity, or Java language features? And with little or no refactoring of the application code? Here’s how with Open Liberty

Liberty Instanton

The InstantOn capability in the Open Liberty runtime uses the IBM Semeru JDK and a Linux technology called Checkpoint/Restore in Userspace (CRIU) to take a checkpoint, or a point-in-time snapshot, of the application process. This checkpoint can then be restored very quickly to bring the application process back into the state it was in when the checkpoint was taken. The application can be restored multiple times because Open Liberty and the Semeru JDK preserve the uniqueness of each restored process in containers. Each restored application process runs without first having to go through the whole startup sequence, saving up to 90% of startup time (depending on your application). InstantOn requires very little modification of your Java application to make this improvement happen.Liberty Instanton

Alternative Kubernetes Dashboards

In the beginning, there was the Kubernetes Dashboard. This dashboard is the default option for anyone who wants to monitor a Kubernetes cluster, but over the years a number of alternatives have been developed that are worth looking into.

In this post, I take a look at some of these alternative Kubernetes dashboards.