Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: A Step-by-Step Guide

JUnit has been one of the most popular testing frameworks for a long time, with 85% of Java developers claiming to use it in JetBrains' 2021 survey. In addition, JUnit also plays a crucial role in the practice of TDD (test-driven development), a trending strategy for dev teams all over the world.

Developers use JUnit to implement unit testing which in turn helps them improve code quality and accelerate programming. JUnit’s popularity is no surprise, considering that it contributes so much to enhanced productivity in delivering quality code. That said, some teams are still using JUnit 4 and are worried about the disruption that migrating to JUnit 5 could cause.

Regulations vs. DevSecOps: Requiem

In this 15-minute lightning talk, Diptesh “Dips” Mishra, CTO for Shoal (a Standard Chartered Venture) talks about the governance challenges that financial services organizations face when they look to adopt DevSecOps. Dips has worked for Nationwide, Lloyds Banking Group, and RBS and he’ll share key strategies behind successful implementations.


I’ve been in financial services looking at the overlap between regulations and DevSecOps over the last six years. It’s been an interesting journey, and I’ve looked at it from the startup lens, both within larger corporate banks, more traditional investment banks, and retail banks, but also upcoming startups, starting from pre-seed seed grounds.

Troubleshooting WordPress: 502 Bad Gateway Error

As a web developer working with WordPress, troubleshooting errors is part and parcel of your journey. One common error you might come across is the dreaded “502 Bad Gateway” error.

In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the meaning of a 502 Bad Gateway error, provide examples to help you identify it, and offer step-by-step instructions on how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue efficiently.

We’ll cover the following areas:

Understanding the Error

The 502 Bad Gateway error is an HTTP status code that indicates communication failure between two servers, often a web server (like Nginx or Apache) and an upstream server (like PHP-FPM or a database server).

In the context of WordPress, this error typically arises when your web server cannot receive a valid response from an upstream server. Basically, a 502 bad gateway message indicates that something went wrong while connecting with a device that should fetch all the elements your web page needs to load.

502 Error message - nginx
The dreaded 502 Bad Gateway error message.

Common Causes of 502 Errors

Server Overload

When a server is overloaded with too many requests, it can struggle to process them all, leading to delayed or failed responses. This overload could be due to sudden spikes in website traffic, misconfiguration, or inadequate server resources.

DNS Issues

Domain Name System (DNS) issues can lead to a “Bad Gateway 502” error. If the DNS server fails to resolve the domain name, the communication between servers breaks down, triggering the error.

Network Connectivity Problems

Disruptions in network connectivity, such as broken connections or high latency, can also contribute to the occurrence of the “Bad Gateway 502” error.

PHP-FPM or Backend Server Issues

PHP-FPM (PHP FastCGI Process Manager) is a highly efficient and configurable alternative to the traditional way of running PHP scripts on a web server. Instead of having the web server handle PHP scripts directly, PHP-FPM manages a pool of worker processes to handle PHP requests and works as an intermediary between the web server (e.g., Nginx, Apache) and the PHP interpreter.

Handling PHP requests and processing these separately from the web server improves resource management and contributes to better performance and stability in serving dynamic content, such as what’s commonly found in WordPress websites.

If your web server relies on PHP-FPM or any other backend service, issues with these servers can lead to 502 errors.

Database Server Problems

If your WordPress site is connected to a database server (like MySQL), database connection problems can result in a 502 error.

Proxy or CDN Configuration

Incorrect settings or misconfigurations within your content delivery network (CDN) or proxy server can also trigger this error.

Plugins or Themes

Faulty plugins or themes that overload or improperly interact with your server can lead to 502 errors.

Recognizing a Bad Gateway Error

When a 502 Bad Gateway error occurs, users visiting your website might see a message like:

  • “502 Bad Gateway”
  • “502 Bad Gateway – nginx”
  • “502 Proxy Error”
  • “Bad Gateway: The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.”

Troubleshooting and Resolving Errors

It goes without saying that the best way to prevent most server-related issues is to host your sites with a reliable hosting company.

WPMU DEV not only offers award-winning managed WordPress hosting as voted by users, but all of our hosting plans are also built on a self-healing architecture that proactively attempts to restart hosting services during high server loads to prevent issues and minimize disruptions.

If you are a WPMU DEV member, we also recommend activating Uptime from The Hub. Uptime will alert you if your site goes down for any reason, including issues that can lead to a 502 error.

Uptime email alert - website down - 502 error
Uptime alerts you when issues like a 502 error cause your site to go down.

Here’s a list of all the downtime issues Uptime monitors and their error status codes.

Now, let’s delve into the steps you can take to diagnose and resolve the 502 Bad Gateway error on your WordPress site.

Step 1: Refresh the Page

Sometimes, the 502 error might be transient and can be resolved by simply refreshing the page. This could indicate a temporary server glitch.

Step 2: Check Other Sites

Visit other websites to determine if the issue is isolated to your site or affecting multiple websites. This can help you differentiate between a problem on your end or a more widespread issue.

Step 3: Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Cached data in your browser might be causing the error. Consider clearing server-side caches (e.g. object cache, static cache etc.), then try accessing your website again.

Step 4: Flush DNS Cache

Flushing your computer’s DNS cache can help resolve DNS-related issues that might contribute to the error. See this guide if you need help.

Step 5: Monitor Server Status

Check the status of your web server, backend servers, and database servers. Look for server load issues or errors in server logs.

Step 6: Review PHP and Backend Configuration

Inspect your PHP-FPM or backend server configuration files. Make sure they are properly configured and functioning as expected.

Step 7: Examine CDN and Proxy Settings

If you’re using a CDN or proxy server, review their settings for any misconfigurations. Ensure that requests are being properly forwarded to your web server. Clearing the CDN cache may also be helpful.

Step 8: Disable Problematic Plugins/Themes

Temporarily deactivate all plugins and switch to a default WordPress theme. Gradually reactivate plugins one by one to identify if any are causing the 502 error.

Step 9: Increase Server Resources

If your server is running out of resources, consider upgrading your hosting plan or optimizing your server settings.

Step 10: Consult Hosting Support

If the error persists and you’re unable to identify the cause, reach out to your hosting provider’s support team. They can provide valuable insights and assistance in resolving the issue.

Preventing and Minimizing 502 Errors

Additional measures to help prevent or minimize potential 502 errors include the following:

1. Optimize Server Performance

Invest in robust server infrastructure and optimize server performance to significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering “Bad Gateway 502” errors.

2. Implement Redundancy

Having backup servers ready to take over in case of failure will help to maintain uninterrupted service and prevent errors.

3. Load Balancers

Implement load balancers to distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers. This reduces the risk of overloading a single server and triggering the error.

4. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

CDNs store cached copies of websites on servers located globally. This can enhance website performance and reduce the chances of a “Bad Gateway 502” error. If you’re not using a CDN, consider implementing one in your setup.

5. Regular Server Maintenance

Perform routine server maintenance, including software updates and security checks to prevent unforeseen errors.

6. Monitoring and Alert Systems

Implement monitoring tools and alert systems (e.g. Uptime) to notify administrators of server issues in real-time, allowing for swift intervention and error resolution.

7. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection

DDoS protection services can safeguard servers from malicious traffic surges, preventing server overload and potential 502 errors.

8. Implement Graceful Error Handling

Graceful error handling refers to the practice of designing a website or application to handle errors and unexpected situations in a smooth and user-friendly manner.

Custom error pages and graceful error handling can enhance user experience by providing informative messages, clear, human-readable explanations of what went wrong and offering actionable steps to resolve the issue instead of presenting users with the standard error codes, confusing error messages, or technical jargon.

Know What To Do When You Get a 502

Facing a 502 Bad Gateway error in WordPress can be frustrating.

If you experience a 502 error, refer to the above information to help you quickly identify possible causes and solutions. Make sure you’re familiar with WordPress troubleshooting tools and our WordPress troubleshooting guide and follow the steps outlined above to identify and address the root cause of the error to ensure your website remains up and running smoothly for your visitors.

And of course, if you are a WPMU DEV member and need additional help troubleshooting errors, you can always access our 24/7 expert support team anytime for assistance with anything WordPress or hosting-related.

Want more? Learn how to troubleshoot a 504.

How to Use IP Geolocation in React

Most websites these days leverage the use of IP geolocation to accomplish various goals. It can be used to localize website contents or display the correct translations based on the web visitor’s geolocation. IP geolocation data can be retrieved from geolocation databases or web services just by using the web visitor’s IP address. Commonly used geolocation data includes the country, region, and city of the website visitor.

This tutorial demonstrates how to implement the IP geolocation service, using the service from IP2Location.io, into a website built with React. To accomplish this, you will need to install React, Node.js, Express, and IP2Location.io modules. Below are the brief descriptions of each component.

AI Agents: Generative AI Trend of the Month

If you have been involved in LLM (Large Language Model) and Generative AI application development, "AI agents" wouldn't be a new term for you. 

AI agents are Software that can perform certain tasks independently and proactively without the need for human intervention, often utilizing a suite of tools like calculators or web browsing.
- AI Glossary

Exploring the Landscape of Generative AI

What Is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a category of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and models designed to create novel content. Unlike simple replication, these models produce data — such as text, images, music, and more from scratch by leveraging patterns and insights gleaned from a training dataset.

How Does Generative AI Work?

Generative AI employs diverse machine learning techniques, particularly neural networks, to decipher patterns within a given dataset. Subsequently, this knowledge is harnessed to generate new and authentic content that mirrors the patterns present in the training data. While the precise mechanism varies based on the specific architecture, the following offers a general overview of common generative AI models:

Technical Approach to Design an Extensible and Scalable Data Processing Framework

Modern distributed data processing applications provide curated and succinct output datasets to the downstream analytics to produce optimized dashboarding and reporting to support multiple sets of stakeholders for informed decision-making. The output of the data processing pipeline must be pertinent to the objective as well as provide summarized and to-the-point information from the backend data processing pipeline. The middleware data processing thus becomes the backbone of these analytics applications to consume voluminous datasets from multiple upstreams and process the complex analytics logic to generate the summarized outcomes, which are then consumed by analytics engines to generate different kinds of reports and dashboards for multiple purposes. The most broadly defined objective for these analytics systems is as listed below:

  1. Forecasting application to predict the outcome for the future based on the historical trend to decide the future strategies for the organization.
  2. Reporting for senior leadership to display the performance of the organization and assess profitability.
  3. Reporting to external stakeholders for companies’ performance and future guidance.
  4. Regulatory reporting to external and internal regulators.
  5. Various kinds of compliance and risk reporting.
  6. Provide processed and summarized output to data scientists, data stewards, and data engineers to aid them in their data analysis needs.

There can be many more needs for the organization, which will require the analytics processing output to generate the summarized information, which will be consumed by the analytics application for generating the reports, charts, and dashboards.

Must-Try Gen AI Prompts for Data Scientists

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data science, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies can greatly amplify productivity and innovation. One such transformative technology is Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), often referred to as "Gen AI," which has shown remarkable capabilities in various applications. In this article, we'll look into must-try Gen AI prompts tailored to empower data scientists. 

  • Building baseline Machine Learning Models

Generative AI for Biomedical Insights

Large language models (LLMs) are emerging as valuable new biomedical discovery and therapeutic development tools. This technical analysis compares two leading biomedical LLMs —the open-source OpenBIOML framework and Anthropic’s proprietary BIO GPT. These contrasting AI systems' architectures, optimization approaches, and benchmark performances are analyzed. By evaluating their complementary strengths and weaknesses on representative biomedical tasks, guidance is provided for researchers and technologists on responsible integration into pharmaceutical workflows. The analysis aims to help teams leverage these technologies to advance disease understanding and drug discovery without compromising scientific or ethical standards. Best practices for the transparent and rigorous application of OpenBIOML’s data modeling strengths and BIO GPT’s knowledge synthesis capabilities are discussed.

Biomedical LLM Landscape

Biomedical Large Language Models (LLMs) are pivotal in accelerating drug discovery. They have the capability to swiftly analyze research, generate hypotheses, and consolidate findings, providing innovative methods to comprehend and address complex biological challenges.

Dark and disturbing experience in Quora.com and “Spaces”.

Hi, Im a return member of danweb. My last time here was 2010/11. Good to he back and thanks for having me. Im here with a purpose and it's due to some harrowing experiences ive endured on Quora.com to which I also recently returned. Reason:I had my first real encounter with a narcissist and was oblivious to the fact until almost 9 months later is when I realized the scale of it all. As i was learning about NPD, it seemed there were dedicated spaces to specific interest groups related to natcissim Narcissistic Abuse and Victims.
I didn't realize that place was full of Narcissists and i am cyberbullied there. I know and have a list of users who are intentionally as a group spreading misinformation about NPD making it worst for survivors or victims who seek information that is reliable. Ive been calling out these hoaxer and their lies and misinformation about psychology that is harmful, and noe have become a target of abuse online myself.my report to Quora has no effect no response.

Are there any ways that i can use to find out, who has been sharing my quora profile link, and to which space or url was my profile link shared to. I am asking to find out if webcrawlers or webscrapers be used to search for and list the urls where my profile link appears within quora.com and the account name that posted it? Is that possible?
If not how can it be helped?
Please assist dear members. The abuse there is horrific and some people who seek answers there are oblivious to the psychological tarpits that trap them.

Is there

Discrepancies Between Test and FastAPI App Data

When testing the FastAPI application with two different async sessions to the database, the following error may occur:

  1. In the test, an object is created in the database (the test session).
  2. A request is made to the application itself in which this object is changed (the application session).
  3. An object is loaded from the database in the test, but there are no required changes in it (the test session).

Let’s find out what’s going on.

Exploring Shadow DOM With Examples Using Cypress

The idea of componentization has completely changed how we design and maintain user interfaces in the field of web development. The advent of Shadow DOM is one of the pillars of this movement. Shadow DOM empowers developers to encapsulate styles, scripts, and markup within components, shielding them from the global scope and preventing unintended interference. 

In this blog, we'll delve into the fascinating realm of Shadow DOM and explore how Cypress, a powerful end-to-end testing framework, can help us interact with components encapsulated within Shadow DOM with detailed examples.

The Four Big Risk Categories Every SAAS Application Must Address

When enterprises select a SaaS provider for mission-critical applications, they are placing a bet on that product and vendor. Smart customers understand that they must minimize risks to their security and their business. Not surprisingly, many CISOs and security organizations today require that every SaaS application goes through a thorough security vetting process where the SaaS provider will explain how the product mitigates risks and enhances security. 

Additionally, CFOs and their audit teams must analyze and judge the business risk posed by any SaaS product inserted into their enterprise workflows. These teams are not only trying to identify the obvious risks, like business continuity and risk to customers but also other orthogonal risks, such as impacts on operational excellence that might result from improper project versioning or feature roadmaps.

A Guide To Taming Blocking Operations With Project Reactor

In the world of modern web application development, responsiveness and scalability are paramount. Users expect lightning-fast responses and seamless interactions, and to meet these expectations, developers have embraced reactive programming paradigms. Spring WebFlux, with its non-blocking, asynchronous foundation, is a cornerstone of this revolution.

However, even in the realm of reactive programming, there are often unavoidable encounters with the blocking world. Whether it's interfacing with legacy systems, accessing a traditional database, or integrating with third-party libraries that haven't made the leap to reactive yet, developers find themselves at the crossroads of reactivity and blocking operations.

How To Use SQL To Analyze and Visualize Data

In today's data-driven world, the ability to analyze and visualize data is crucial for making informed decisions. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a powerful tool that not only helps you retrieve and manipulate data but also allows you to create compelling visualizations. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to effectively use SQL for data analysis and visualization.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the art and science of employing SQL to analyze and visualize data. We'll navigate through the intricacies of data extraction, explore transformative techniques, harness the analytical prowess of SQL, and ultimately unveil the captivating world of data visualization. The primary focus will remain on the core question: "How to visualize data?" This journey will equip you with the skills to extract actionable insights from raw data and present them in a visually compelling manner.

Create a Langchain Alternative From Scratch Using OceanBase

Recently, I've been exploring the world of OceanBase, a distributed relational database management system. As I navigated through its extensive documentation, I realized the magnitude of the task at hand — the sheer volume of content made it challenging to find precise information quickly and efficiently.

This experience sparked an idea. What if there was a way to simplify this process? What if we could leverage the power of AI to navigate through this vast sea of information? Thus, the concept of a document chatbot for OceanBase was born.