Defensive Programming With Klojang Check

Unit testing and integration testing have long since become established practices. Practically all Java programmers know how to write unit tests with JUnit. IDEs will help you with it and build tools like Maven and Gradle and run them as a matter of course.

The same cannot be said of its (sort of) runtime counterpart: Defensive Programming — ensuring your program or method starts with a clean and workable set of inputs before continuing with the business logic. Null checks are the most common example of this. Yet it often seems like everything beyond that is treated as part of the business logic, even when it arguably isn't. If a method that calculates a price needs some value from a configuration file, is the presence of the configuration file part of the business logic? Probably not, but it should be checked nonetheless.

End-To-End Automated Testing of a Home Robot Using April Tags

In my previous article, I gave an overview of robotics software design, and what are the different approaches to testing we could do, and how we can approach testing at different layers. In this article, I will explain how to perform E2E automated testing for a home robot. 

Challenges in End-To-End Automation

Challenges in robotic automation are plenty. The complexity of the software stack itself makes this type of automation super challenging. Testing could be done at any different layer, starting from the front end all the way to the low layer. End-to-end becomes difficult as it introduces a newer challenge with respect to the 3D space. Testing within a 3D space involving real home features is challenging too. Top of all, there are no specific tools and technology available to automate the testing process. This is a space that requires an immense understanding of the problem and great expertise in solving this challenge. Don't worry. I will share my experience here to help you understand and provide an overview of how things could be done.

The Power of Caching: Boosting API Performance and Scalability

Caching is the process of storing frequently accessed data or resources in a temporary storage location, such as memory or disk, to improve retrieval speed and reduce the need for repetitive processing.

Benefits of Caching

  • Improved performance: Caching eliminates the need to retrieve data from the original source every time, resulting in faster response times and reduced latency.
  • Reduced server load: By serving cached content, the load on the server is reduced, allowing it to handle more requests and improving overall scalability.
  • Bandwidth optimization: Caching reduces the amount of data transferred over the network, minimizing bandwidth usage and improving efficiency.
  • Enhanced user experience: Faster load times and responsiveness lead to a better user experience, reducing user frustration and increasing engagement.
  • Cost savings: Caching can reduce the computational resources required for data processing and lower infrastructure costs by minimizing the need for expensive server resources.
  • Improved availability: Caching can help maintain service availability during high-traffic periods or in case of temporary server failures by serving content from the cache.

Types of Caching

Client-Side Caching

Client-side caching refers to the process of storing web resources, like HTML pages, CSS files, JavaScript scripts, and images, on the user's device, typically in their web browser. The purpose of client-side caching is to speed up web page loading by reducing the need to fetch resources from the web server every time a user visits a page.

How to Handle Email Overload?

Overwhelming inboxes are a typical complaint in the modern day. It might be challenging to keep up with the constant stream of communications and choose the most crucial ones, which is why we have put together this guide on how to handle email overload. Constantly checking your inbox throughout the day is a productivity killer that takes time away from more pressing matters.

Many individuals, whether or not it is necessary, feel that they must reply to every email they receive. Dealing with a vast number of emails may be a tedious and annoying process.

When you have a lot of emails to go through, it may not be easy to balance your personal and professional life. But how can you tell whether you've reached the point of email overload?

Email Overload: what is it?

You may suffer from email overload if you constantly feel stressed out by your inbox. This clutter might cause you to feel stressed out, anxious, or even depressed.

When your inbox is always full, you feel like you're always behind on emails, or you get so many that it's tough to keep up, you may be experiencing email overload.

7 Telltale Indications That You're Drowning in Email

1. Your Team Is Not Communicating Well

When leaders' instructions and team members' updates are not clear, confusion might result. This uncertainty might cause a lot of extra emails from people seeking an explanation and general confusion. This situation wouldn't have happened if the material had been more straightforward and valuable at the outset.

2. More questions are raised at meetings than are answered.

Getting everyone in the same space at the exact moment may provide fantastic teamwork results, but meetings can also take up much time. What do you accomplish at your team's meetings? Do they all consist of an hour's worth of setup and nothing but hot air?

Do people leave with actual action items to assist them in going ahead or with vague suggestions? You may reduce the number of emails if the quality of meetings is increased.

3. Follow-Up Emails Overwhelm Your Inbox

Whenever you get an email that begins with, "I just wanted to circle back on this..." know that it's one of those annoying follow-ups since the sender assumes you forgot about the initial message.

You know you're heading toward email insanity when you start receiving messages like these. Your colleagues and prospective clients have observed that you're already slacking off.

4. A mountain of unopened emails

You may have experimented with the "unread blind" method of email handling. However, this scheme may easily be foiled by the constant influx of new emails that push the original message down to the bottom of your inbox.

With this approach, you risk losing out on profitable interactions as time passes, and your older emails lose relevance. You should better retain essential emails unopened and marked, so you don't miss a deadline.

5. Your Workspace Looks Like a Ticker Tape Parade

Your inbox will appear like a ticker tape parade of post-it notes if you leave them all over your desk, urging you to respond. The problem of receiving too many emails is entirely accurate. You can't even see the unread emails since your eyes are glazed over. The spoiler warning here is that you will forget those prompts as well. The paper bills serve just as a stopgap measure.

6. Having the "Sunday Panics" often.

If you panicked about your inbox on a Sunday evening, you might suffer from the "Sunday panics." A lot of research has been conducted over the last few years on this psychological phenomenon. The constant demands of today's jobs, compounded by the ever-increasing volume of emails, have left us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

7. Signs that your clients have taken notice

If your consumers are impatient waiting for a response from you, you're not alone. Internal communication constraints might have an impact on the efficacy of your external communications as well.

Overwhelming inboxes are a cry for help.

The adverse effects of email overload on productivity and well-being are well-documented. Recent research indicates that negative feelings such as email anxiety and depression, as well as less organizational commitment, are linked to increased workload stress. Limiting the number of emails in your life is crucial since prolonged mental and physical stress may have devastating effects.

Understanding the causes and solutions to email overload

You may use tags to arrange your email.

Assigning relevant tags to your emails is a great way to maintain order in your inbox. Emails may be sorted in several ways, including by subject, sender, and other tags.

With this method, you may rapidly go through your inbox to identify the messages you need and delete the rest. Your inbox will still fill up with new messages, but at least you won't feel as overwhelmed by them.

Ensure your emails are easy to read and understand

When writing an email, keep it short and to the point. Write in short, concise paragraphs that go to the subject. This habit can help you save time and avoid drawn-out email conversations, contributing to a more organized inbox.

It would be best to use "Reply All" only when required.

Replying to everyone in an email thread may rapidly lead to inbox overload, so it's best to utilize "Reply All" rarely. Never use it without a definite cause. If you are copied on an email and the sender answers to everyone, you may safely ignore the message without responding (unless your input is essential).

Stop making your email address public.

You'll start being spammed if you give out your email address. Use a website contact form or the Email Oversight service to prevent this. If you require an email address for upcoming signup, you may generate one.

Keep your personal and professional emails distinct.

People often make the error of using the same email address for professional and personal purposes. Because of this, you may be inundated with messages from both parties, leading to a frustrating situation where you can't get anything done. Keeping professional and private email conversations apart is a simple way to prevent this problem.

Set up a vacation message system while you're away.

While on vacation, the last thing you want to do is worry about being inundated with messages. A vacation responder may help you avoid this problem. This system will send an automated response to incoming emails, explaining that you will not be able to deal with them until your return.

**How Inbox Pause may aid in managing excessive email
Putting your inbox on hold is one solution to dealing with too many messages. By momentarily pausing your inbox, you can avoid receiving any new emails until you're ready to view them.

Because of this, you may take a vacation from checking your inbox without worrying about missing anything crucial. Additionally, you may go through your backlog of unread emails at speed, whether reading, responding, or archiving messages.

Definition of what is the OCR

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that enables the conversion of images or scanned documents into machine-readable text. OCR software uses algorithms and machine learning models to recognize and extract text characters from an image, which can then be converted into an editable and searchable format.

OCR technology has been around for several decades, and it has seen significant advancements over the years. In the early days, OCR software was limited in its capabilities and was often unreliable, producing inaccurate results. However, with the advent of digital imaging and machine learning, OCR technology has become more accurate and efficient, making it an essential tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals who need to process large volumes of documents.

The OCR process involves several steps, starting with the scanning or importing of an image into OCR software. The OCR software then analyzes the image to identify individual characters and their locations within the image. The software uses a combination of pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms to recognize the characters and convert them into machine-readable text.

OCR technology has several advantages over manual data entry. It can process large volumes of documents quickly and accurately, reducing the need for manual labor and saving time and money. OCR technology can also improve data accuracy and reduce errors associated with manual data entry, which can be critical in industries where accuracy is essential, such as healthcare or finance.

However, OCR technology has its limitations. It may struggle with handwritten text, distorted images, or non-standard fonts, which can reduce its accuracy. The OCR process may also require manual intervention to correct any errors in the recognized text, which can be time-consuming.

In recent years, OCR technology has seen significant advancements with the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning. AI-based OCR technology can learn from past experiences and adapt to new scenarios, improving accuracy and reducing errors. It can also recognize and process multiple languages, making it a valuable tool for businesses and organizations operating globally.

OCR technology is widely used in various industries, such as healthcare, banking, finance, legal, and government. In the healthcare industry, OCR technology is used to process medical records, insurance claims, and other documents quickly and accurately, improving patient care and reducing administrative costs. In the banking and finance industry, OCR technology is used to process checks, invoices, and other financial documents, reducing the risk of errors and improving efficiency.

In the legal industry, OCR technology is used to convert paper-based documents into digital formats, making it easier to search and retrieve relevant information. OCR technology is also used in the government sector to process documents related to taxes, licenses, and permits, reducing administrative costs and improving efficiency.

In conclusion, OCR technology is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way businesses and organizations process documents. It has the potential to save time, reduce errors, and improve accuracy in document processing, making it an essential technology for industries such as healthcare, banking, and government. As OCR technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more advancements in the future, further improving its capabilities and expanding its applications.

Boosting Model Interoperability and Efficiency With the ONNX Framework

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence and machine learning has led to the development of numerous deep learning frameworks. Each framework has its strengths and weaknesses, making it challenging to deploy models across different platforms. However, the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) framework has emerged as a powerful solution to this problem. This article introduces the ONNX framework, explains its basics, and highlights the benefits of using it.

Understanding the Basics of ONNX

What Is ONNX? 

The Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open-source framework that enables the seamless interchange of models between different deep learning frameworks. It provides a standardized format for representing trained models, allowing them to be transferred and executed on various platforms. ONNX allows you to train your models using one framework and then deploy them using a different framework, eliminating the need for time-consuming and error-prone model conversions.

Exploring Seamless Integration: Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence in Jakarta EE 11 With Open Liberty

In the ever-evolving landscape of enterprise Java, the seamless interaction between various specifications plays a pivotal role in shaping the architecture of modern applications. One such integration that garnered significant attention is between Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence, the latest evolution of the former Java Persistence API (JPA). The integration of Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence brings forth a unified approach to handling data, making application development more efficient, flexible, and aligned with the demands of contemporary software design.

In this article, we embark on a journey to delve into the intricacies of integrating Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence within the Jakarta EE 11 framework. We’ll explore how this integration is a foundation for developing robust and scalable applications. To illustrate the concepts in action, we’ll leverage Open Liberty, an open-source application server that supports the latest Jakarta EE specifications.

Choosing an OLAP Engine for Financial Risk Management: What To Consider?

From a data engineer's point of view, financial risk management is a series of data analysis activities on financial data. The financial sector imposes its unique requirements on data engineering. This post explains them with a use case of Apache Doris and provides a reference for what you should take into account when choosing an OLAP engine in a financial scenario. 

Data Must Be Combined

The financial data landscape is evolving from standalone to distributed, heterogeneous systems. For example, in this use case scenario, the fintech service provider needs to connect the various transaction processing (TP) systems (MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL) of its partnering banks. Before they adopted an OLAP engine, they were using Kettle to collect data. The ETL tool did not support join queries across different data sources, and it could not store data. The ever-enlarging data size at the source end was pushing the system toward latency and instability. That's when they decided to introduce an OLAP engine.

Top 10 Microservices Frameworks

Microservices are a type of service-oriented architecture that is used to develop multifunctional and complex applications. Instead of creating a complete software unit, developers can add small services to create software.

Is it confusing to know what framework to use for creating applications with microservices? Find out what the latest frameworks have to offer. When you have chosen the framework, hire dedicated developers that build high-performance, scalable applications.

Mastering AWS Cost Management and Optimization

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a powerful and flexible cloud platform, but it's essential to manage and optimize your costs effectively to maximize the value of your investment. In this blog, we will explore various tips and techniques for optimizing AWS costs, including monitoring usage, setting budgets, and leveraging cost-effective services. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your AWS infrastructure remains efficient, cost-effective, and aligned with your business goals.

Let's have a look at all strategies one by one.

Java ZGC Algorithm Tuning

ZGC is a specialized garbage collector that focuses on managing large heaps and minimizing pauses in Java applications. It tackles the challenges of garbage collection in scenarios where memory-intensive workloads and consistent response times are vital. Leveraging concurrent processing capabilities and advanced algorithms, ZGC offers an effective solution for optimizing performance in modern Java applications. In this post, we will explore techniques to tune ZGC for enhanced performance specifically. However, if you want to learn more basics of Garbage Collection tuning, you may watch this JAX London conference talk.

ZGC Tuning Parameters

ZGC, a garbage collector in Java, takes a different approach to tuning by minimizing the number of exposed JVM parameters. Unlike traditional garbage collectors that require fine-grained adjustments, ZGC focuses on optimizing the management of large heap sizes while providing efficient garbage collection with minimal configuration overhead. This streamlined approach allows developers to primarily focus on one key JVM parameter for tuning: the heap size. 

Building a Real-Time IoT Application With Solace Technology

As a software developer who lives with his aging parents, I was worried about their well-being and wanted to ensure that they were safe and secure at all times. So, I created an IoT application that would help me monitor their activities in real time and alert me in case of any emergency.

I started by installing sensors in different parts of the house to monitor temperature, humidity, and sound levels. I then used Solace technology to build an IoT application that would use the data from these sensors to alert me in case of any abnormal activity. I connected the sensors to the Solace messaging platform, which would send messages to my smartphone whenever there was a change in the sensor data. For instance, when the temperature in the house dropped below a certain level, I received an alert on my phone, prompting me to check on my parents’ heating system.

Three Best React Form Libraries

How can we simplify work as our React project's forms become increasingly intricate? Creating and handling forms in React can be challenging and time-consuming. Fortunately, third-party libraries can help. Many exceptional form libraries are available that can simplify the process and make React form development more efficient and enjoyable.

The primary question then becomes which form of library is the best. In this blog post, we'll discuss three of the top React form libraries that every React developer should know.

MySQL Multi-Source Replication

MySQL replication is a powerful feature that allows you to copy and synchronize data from one server to another. In this guide, we will explore the concept of multi-source replication in MySQL and learn how to configure and manage this advanced replication technique. Whether you are a seasoned database administrator or a beginner in the world of MySQL, this article will provide you with a deep understanding of multi-source replication and its benefits.

What Is Multi-Source Replication?

Multi-source replication in MySQL enables a replica server to receive data from multiple source servers. Imagine a scenario where you have a replica server at your workplace and several source servers located in different locations. With multi-source replication, you can directly gather data from these source servers and consolidate it on your replica server.

FeatureFlag 101

In the dynamic landscape of modern software applications, catering to millions of users is a norm, and multiple teams work on various components concurrently. With the Agile development approach, new features are continuously onboarded to enhance application capabilities. However, releasing these features to all users simultaneously can lead to potential issues, such as exposing buggy features, performance regressions, and user dissatisfaction.

The Role of Feature Flags

To mitigate these risks and ensure a smoother rollout, the use of feature flags has become instrumental. Feature flags, also known as feature toggles, act as conditional switches that enable or disable specific functionality in an application without requiring redeployment. By serving as gatekeepers, feature flags allow developers to grant access to new features gradually, targeting specific user groups.

“Auth” Demystified: Authentication vs Authorization

One of the most widely held misconceptions is that authorization and authentication are the same, or something your identity provider does. It also doesn't help that certain authentication vendors blur the line by offering their versions of access controls. But, the reality is that authentication and authorization are two distinct processes with vastly different challenges and architectural needs. 

Authentication is a solved problem. We have well-defined standards, protocols, and established vendors that offer off-the-shelf solutions. Authorization, on the other hand, is far from solved. There are no standard protocols or frameworks, so every app must build its own system. To make matters worse, authorization is a complex problem, one that requires a distributed systems architecture with real time access checks to get right. Read on for all the details.