Getting Started With Raspberry Pi Pico Programming in IoT

Raspberry Pi Pico is a popular microcontroller (MCU) option for hobbyists and IoT professionals alike. It holds a special place in the IoT world because of its small physical size paired with relatively high processing power and low energy consumption. 

Add to that the huge mainstream adoption of its larger siblings (Raspberry Pi 1 through 4) making Raspberry Pi hardware well-known throughout the IoT world. The Pico is also exceptionally cheap, especially compared to the siblings, and you can get started with one in just minutes. You don’t need extensive programming knowledge, and there’s enough documentation online to keep you busy experimenting for weeks on end.  

E-commerce Cybersecurity: How to Protect Customer Data and Online Transactions

With the COVID-19 outbreak, the e-commerce industry experienced significant growth, as the demand for online sales increased exponentially. With the decrease in live sales, multiple organizations, which ignored the online world or just hadn’t prioritized this marketing and sales channel before, understood the importance of e-commerce.

Nevertheless, organizations became vulnerable right after applying e-commerce tools and practices. E-commerce is, in many ways, about operating sensitive data including personal details and financial information. This fact poses specific and strict demands to cybersecurity in e-commerce — whenever a site falls victim to a global incident or clients just have the reason to doubt the protection of their data, you lose reputation and profits.

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There are hardly any people who have not heard about this platform on condition that it turns into more and more in style yearly. So what makes Tinder so well-liked, especially amongst youngsters? One of the biggest reasons is the reality that this platform is the right place when you need… SSL certificate, knowledge encryption, …

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how i can read an image on memory?

how can i read a file to StdPicture?
and draw it on memory HDC?

Public Sub LoadImage(strPath As String)
    Dim myPic As New StdPicture
    Set myPic = LoadPicture(strPath)

    NewImage myPic.Width, myPic.Height
    BitBlt MemoryHDC, 0, 0, Width, Height, myPic.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY 'i get only a black background color
End Sub

Introduction to Lean Methodology

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency and productivity have become key drivers of any company’s success. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to adopt the Lean methodology. Lean is a customer-centric approach that focuses on reducing waste, improving quality and maximizing value for the customer. In this article, we will explore the history, principles and benefits of the Lean method.

History of Lean Methodology

The lean method originated in Japan in the 1950s and 1960s. The Japanese car manufacturer Toyota was the pioneer of this approach. The company faced several challenges at the time, including high costs, low productivity, and quality issues. Toyota’s management realized that the traditional manufacturing approach, which focused on producing large batches, was not efficient. They found that this led to overproduction, excess inventory, and long lead times.

The State of Data Streaming for Retail in 2023

This blog post explores the state of data streaming for the retail industry in 2023. The evolution of omnichannel customer experiences, hybrid shopping models, and hyper-personalized recommendations requires an optimized end-to-end supply chain, fancy mobile apps, and integration with pioneering technologies like social commerce or metaverse. Data streaming allows integrating and correlating data in real-time at any scale. I look at retail trends to explore how data streaming helps as a business enabler, including customer stories from Walmart, Albertsons, Otto,, and more. A complete slide deck and on-demand video recording are included.

General Trends in the Retail Industry

Several disruptive trends impact innovation in the retail industry to reduce costs, increase the customer experience, and keep customer retention and revenue high: