Find Local Hookups In New York City On Prime Informal Dating Site

You should focus on one thing wondering the method to pickup actual MILFs close to me. All the cougars are often underestimated by their bosses, husbands (or ex-husbands), pals. Fucking a mature Carry Bradshaw Evaluation of Flirt features (yes, it is from the same Sex and the City, dude) is a dream of many! Local […]

Information Sharing With Data Room Providers

Information sharing with data room providers is a useful tool that allows businesses to share confidential spreadsheets and documents securely without losing control. The VDR (Virtual Data Room) is used for M&A due diligence, as well as other corporate transactions, offers an secure place to share documents from business. It also helps streamline administrative processes …

Information Sharing With Data Room Providers Read More »

how use CreateDIBSection() with a pointer?

with CreateDIBSection() we create an array of DIB's pixels .. but it's a copy and not a pointer :(
when i change 1 pixel or draw a rectangle, i must re-create the DIB's and then draw the result.

Private bmpPtr() As Long
ReDim bmpPtr(ImageWidth * ImageHeight - 1)
  hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, bmpInfoHeader, BI_RGB, ByVal bmpPtr, 0, 0)

but when i do:

bmpPtr(PosY * Width + PosX) = color

the value is changed on 'bmpPtr' but not on Bitmap or HDC :(

Chris’ Corner: Design

Rauno Freiberg wrote an article getting into the CSS implementation of some of the neat features of the most recent Next.js website. Gotta love an article showing off how things work on a really top-notch modern design. Thoughts as I go down the list:

• The randomized dots on the switchboard look super cool. Just a tiny little box-shadow does the trick, but they need to be animated with opacity because animating opacity is super performant and animating box-shadow is very not. I wonder if we’ll ever get past gotchas like that? Also, the dots aren’t exactly random, they are just placed seemingly-randomly. What if we had real randomization in CSS? It’s been being talked about again seriously.

• The offset focus styles were done with a box-shadow. It was noted that outline now follow border-radius across the board, which opens up that door, and is powerful thanks to outline-offset. I think I would have gone with outline-offset because I like thinking about how easy that is to control. One example: if you find that your focus styles are getting cut off by hidden overflow, you have the option to use negative offset to pull the focus styles inside where they won’t get cut off instead.

• To pull the quotation marks of a blockquote toward the inline direction a bit, lining up the words, a bit of negative text-indent was used. That’ll work cross-browser, but it’s a shame we have to rely on a magic number rather than the purpose-built hanging-punctuation property. Let’s root for better support there.

• Love to see that fluid type in action! I see the blog post is using clamp() with a viewport unit. I’d recommend making sure that middle parameter factors in a little rem unit of some kind so that user font sizing is honored. The production website actually uses max(48px,min(5vw,76px)) and I’m curious about the change there. Seems… the same? And actually, since I bet the headline is an isolated React component, it’s kinda begging for the whole thing to be a container and for the header sizing to be done with a cqi unit instead.

• The “gradient tracking” trick using a moving SVG gradient background is just incredibly cool and absolutely one of the nicest effects I’ve seen anywhere this year. 5 stars.

I did a talk somewhat recently called “Modern CSS in Real Life,” and now I’ve turned it into a blog post in case digesting it that way is of interest to you.

One of the things I dwell on in the beginning is the use of Logical Properties in CSS and how you get some nice benefits out of using them. One is that I think it very slightly makes CSS easier to reason about. But the bigger one is that it helps a site that is being auto-translated behave better. In particular, I showed off an article that would have ended up mucher nicer when being translated from the Left-to-Right English default to Right-to-Left Arabic.

I thought of that again the other day as I came across the Arabic Design Archive. It’s interesting to look at designed items that need both language directions at the same time.

I like how the main thrust of the design is RTL, forcing the English headline to be right-aligned, but still looks great. Then in the smaller and slightly longer text, both directions are accommodated nicely by that vertical bar which both inline directions butt against.

Oh and speaking of design archives… is:

A digital archive of graphic design related items that are available on the Internet Archives

The post Chris’ Corner: Design appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Risk Assessment Using Blockchain

Blockchain technology is an emerging technology field, and to explore its wide use of application, several companies have a dedicated research teams for the same. One such field that could take advantage of this technology is risk assessment. Blockchain technology can help in creating a secure and decentralized system that can be used to manage risks. These assessments, if performed, have the potential to be considered more accurate and trustworthy than any external audits.

Risk assessment is an important activity to align that is often listed as a part of an organization's security strategy policy and procedures. It starts with the analysis of the company's various assets resulting in the identification of potential risks and vulnerabilities. The likelihood and impact of the identified risks are evaluated. The security team then develops strategies to mitigate or manage them. The risk assessment process requires extensive collaboration with multiple stakeholders and is both time-consuming and resource intensive. 

Coding In the Age of AI: ChatGPT’s Role In Next-Gen Programming

Coding is a fundamental pillar of the digital age. It's a skill that's necessary to take full advantage of the advancements in hardware and software that have enabled us to do amazing things. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become integral to modern software development. Besides, it promises to revolutionize the industry. As a result, the way we code is changing. With the emergence of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPTs), programmers create smart programs faster. 

In this article, you'll learn about chat GPT and its implications for the coding landscape and potential applications for GPTs. 

The Future of Cloud and Data Center Infrastructure: Four Key Trends and the Role of Public Cloud Spending

The transformational potential of cloud computing is no longer in question. As businesses globally continue to adopt and integrate cloud technologies into their operational strategies, it becomes crucial to understand the future landscape of cloud, data centers, and edge infrastructure. 

Coupled with the exponential increase in worldwide public cloud spending, these developments paint a vivid picture of the digital future. In this article, I’ll delve deep into these trends, exploring their potential impact and examining the forecasted growth of worldwide public cloud spending.

Amazon Instance Connect Endpoint

In the realm of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instances have gained immense popularity for their scalability, flexibility, and reliability. Managing these instances often requires remote access for administrative tasks, debugging, or troubleshooting. To address the security concerns associated with traditional bastion hosts and security key management, AWS recently introduced the Amazon EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint Service. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of Amazon EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint, its features, benefits, and how to leverage it for secure remote access to your EC2 instances without associated public IP.

Why Instance Connect Endpoint?

The Amazon EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint is a service provided by AWS that revolutionizes SSH access to EC2 instances. Traditionally, managing SSH access to AWS EC2 servers required solutions like bastion hosts and public IPs to the instances. However, EC2 Instance Connect simplifies this process by leveraging AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies to grant temporary, time-bound access to EC2 instances.

Exploring Amazon Security Lake: Strengthening Data Security in the Cloud

In today's digital landscape, data security is a paramount concern for organizations of all sizes. With the increasing volume and complexity of data breaches, businesses must adopt robust security measures to protect their sensitive information. Amazon Web Services (AWS) understands the criticality of data security and offers various tools and services to fortify data protection. One such tool is Amazon Security Lake, a comprehensive security service designed to enhance data security in the cloud. In this technical blog, we will delve into the details of Amazon Security Lake, its features, and how it can be leveraged to bolster security in AWS environments.

What Is Security-Lake?

Amazon Security Lake is a cloud-native security analytics and operations solution provided by AWS. It serves as a central repository for storing, processing, and analyzing security data, enabling organizations to gain deep insights into their security posture. By consolidating security-related data from multiple sources, such as AWS CloudTrail logs, Amazon VPC Flow Logs,  AWS Config rules, and also SaaS providers and on-premises, Security Lake provides a unified view of security events and activities across the AWS infrastructure.

POV on Best Fit Solution for Managing Secure Properties in MuleSoft

What Are Secure Properties?

One of the best practices in any application development is to keep the application properties configurable rather than hard-coded. This is achieved by keeping the properties in property files. These application properties are very much required in order to run the application. There will be different sets of application properties defined for each environment, such as development, testing, and production. We have different types of properties defined in the property files, such as host, port, log level, timeout, etc.

However, there are many configuration properties (such as User, Password, AccessKey, SecretAccesskey, client id, client secret, etc.) that are quite security-sensitive in nature and can’t be kept as plain text in application property files. Just imagine, if we keep the credentials as clear text in the application property file, anyone can read this information and misuse it. This could be more disastrous if this information is exposed to hackers or bad actors. 

Streaming Change Data Capture Data Two Ways

Every database event is important: don’t let them rot away in an old batch, forgotten to the ravages of time and irrelevance. Let’s capture all that data.

Since we are out of the office and working remotely, I need our relational database records to follow us and be sent offsite. Our physical tables may be empty, but our database ones are not. Let’s get that data streaming and useful.

The Types of HTTP Status Codes

By understanding these codes and their implications, developers, and webmasters can better manage and troubleshoot their applications, ensuring optimal performance and a seamless user experience. So, let's expand our knowledge and uncover the specifics of each category of HTTP status codes.

Importance of HTTP Status Codes in Rest APIs

HTTP status codes are essential in REST APIs for several reasons. They provide clear error messages, enabling efficient troubleshooting and issue resolution. Standardized codes facilitate documentation and understanding of the API, promoting seamless integration with other systems. By adhering to these codes, compatibility with various clients and frameworks is ensured, enhancing interoperability. Additionally, HTTP status codes contribute to API security by communicating authentication failures and enabling appropriate security measures. In summary, HTTP status codes play a crucial role in creating reliable, user-friendly, and scalable REST APIs.

That’s How You Can Use MapStruct With Lombok in Your Spring Boot Application

Hi! My name is Viacheslav Aksenov, and I am a senior software developer. Most often, I have to write code using Java and Kotlin. I have accumulated many examples of how to simplify boilerplate code using simple but effective libraries.


When you implement services of any size, you often need to move data from one structure to another. Often this is the same data that is used on different layers of logic — in business logic, at the database level, or at the controller level for transfer to front-end applications.

Exploring API Headers

Continuing our exploration of APIs and their fascinating capabilities, we delve deeper into the realm of API headers. Building upon the insights shared in our previous blog, 'Using Query Parameters and Headers in REST API Design,' where we've discussed that REST APIs utilize query parameters and headers to enhance flexibility, security, and user experience. By optimizing performance and prioritizing usability, effective API design can be achieved.

So let us begin a new journey; headers play a crucial role in communication between clients and servers in the world of web development and API design in the form of API headers. These seemingly small snippets of information hold valuable metadata that can impact how data is exchanged, interpreted, and secured. In this guide, we will delve into the realm of API headers, uncovering their significance and exploring various aspects of their usage.

Using Spring To Download a Zip File, Extract It, and Upload It to Cloud Storage Without Storing Files Locally in the Container

There are use cases in which, as part of the integration work, you might need to download the zip file from one of your partners, extract the zip file content and then move the extracted files to cloud storage. We had a similar need to download the uploaded ID (Driver’s license) images (Front/Back) from one of the leading ID verification service providers, which persists in the organization’s cloud storage. The challenge lies in downloading a zip file, extracting its contents, and uploading them to cloud storage — all in a transient manner without creating any temporary files on the container of your microservice.

Downloading the Zipped File Content From Third-Party Service

Below is the code snippet to get the zipped file from the partner service.

The Uncomfortable Truth of Scaling ‘Agile’

Agile transformations, scaling Agile from a team level to the whole organization, are more than implementing frameworks like SAFe®. They require a radical shift from rigid, top-down management to flexible, people-centric operations rooted in simplified structures, autonomous teams, and frequent, sustainable value delivery rather than promising quicker, cheaper results.

The Background of Scaling Agile

Any agile transformation extends beyond adopting frameworks like SAFe, challenging traditional Taylorist, top-down management styles. Instead of simply rolling out another initiative, probably master-minded by McBoston or another of the usual suspects, Agile transformations require a completely different approach. They are never process-driven but depend on cultural and mind-shift changes.