21 Little-Known Ways to Use Expiring Posts in WordPress

You may already know that WordPress lets you schedule posts to publish at a later date, but did you know that you can also schedule posts to automatically unpublish after a set time period?

In a previous article, we looked at the best post scheduling plugins for WordPress. Depending on the nature of your content, however, you may also want posts to automatically unpublish after having served their purpose.

In this article, we look at practical ways to use expiring posts in WordPress and plugins that will help you automate this.

We’ll cover the following areas:

21 Ways to Use Expiring Posts

Here are 21 ways to improve your content and marketing strategy using expiring posts in WordPress:

1. Time-Sensitive Promotions

If you run time-limited sales announcements, promotions, offers, or contests on your website, scheduling expiring posts lets you automatically remove or update those posts once the promotional period has ended.

Scheduling posts to automatically expire at the end of a promotional campaign ensures that visitors and customers are not presented with outdated offers or information, preventing confusion and avoiding disappointment, and helps to maintain your brand’s credibility.

For example, let’s say you have a retail store or an eCommerce website and are planning to run a week-long flash sale on selected items. You could create a series of posts promoting different products and schedule them to automatically expire at the end of the sale period, ensuring that customers only see your active promotions.

2. Seasonal Updates

Scheduling expiring posts can be really useful if your business has seasonal products, services, or events.

Automatically expiring posts that contain seasonal content, such as holiday greetings, seasonal sales, or event announcements (e.g. festivals, growers markets, etc.) helps to keep your website’s content aligned with the current season and relevant throughout the year, and avoids showcasing outdated products or information.

This is not only useful for businesses that offer seasonal products or services, such as gardening supplies or holiday-specific decorations, but also seasonal offers or services.

For example, if you have a holiday-specific campaign, you can schedule the corresponding posts to expire once the holiday is over, saving you the effort of manually having to remove or update content every season.

Or, let’s say your client runs a travel agency and wants to showcase different holiday destinations throughout the year (or promote destinations that match discounted airfares from different airlines). They could create posts highlighting specific locations and set them to automatically expire once the corresponding season ends, keeping their website content aligned with the current season.

3. Event Management

Setting expiration dates for event-related posts ensures that outdated event details are automatically removed, maintaining accurate and up-to-date information for attendees.

For example, if your company organizes events, you can schedule posts to expire after the event has taken place. This helps manage event-specific content, such as registration details, agenda updates, or speaker information, and ensures that your website stays relevant before and after the event.

Similarly, if your business organizes conferences, you could create posts promoting each session and speaker and then schedule these to expire after the session has taken place, ensuring that outdated session details are automatically removed.

4. Limited-Time Offers

Promoting exclusive deals or discounts by scheduling posts to expire when the offer period ends creates a sense of urgency for visitors and encourages customers to make timely purchases.

This is ideal for online retailers planning to launch a one-day or weekend sale with posts featuring discounted products.

By scheduling posts to automatically publish when the event kicks off and then setting the posts to expire at the end of the sale, they would not only create a sense of urgency but automate the entire process so they wouldn’t even have to monitor it (think of all those limited-time sales that end at midnight…you could be sleeping and still be making money!)

5. News and Updates

When you have important announcements or releases that need to be shared at a specific time, such as product launches, press releases, or scheduled events, scheduling expiring posts ensures that the information becomes available and expires automatically according to your desired schedule.

Scheduling your news articles, press releases, or industry updates posts to automatically expire when the information loses its relevance or becomes outdated after a certain periodĀ helps to keep your website current, maintains a current and accurate representation of the news landscape, and ensures that readers are always presented with the latest news stories.

6. Product Launches

Scheduling posts to expire after a product launch prevents outdated information about previous releases from cluttering your website.

If you are a technology company planning to release a new version of its software, foir example, you could create a series of posts providing information and updates about the upcoming release, then schedule these to expire shortly after the launch to prevent users from accessing outdated software details.

7. Temporary Notices or Alerts

Displaying time-sensitive notices or alerts, such as maintenance notifications or temporary closures, that automatically expire once the issue or event has passed, ensures that visitors no longer see the closure notice.

For example, a small business could display a notice on its website about a temporary closure due to personal reasons (e.g. owners travelling overseas or a death of a key business team member), and schedule the post to expire once the business reopens.

8. Membership or Subscription Expiration

Automatically expiring posts that are accessible only to members or subscribers after their membership or subscription period ends, encourages them to renew or upgrade.

A good example of this is where a membership-based website grants access to premium content for a specific subscription period and sets users’ access to posts and resources to automatically expire at the end of their subscription.

9. Course or Lesson Availability

Controlling access to course or lesson content by scheduling posts to expire based on the duration of the course or availability of the material encourages students to progress through the course within a designated timeframe.

For example, an online learning platform could provide access to course materials for a limited duration with each lesson post scheduled to expire after a certain number of days.

10. Contest or Giveaway End Dates

Setting posts to expire when a contest or giveaway ends ensures that the information remains accurate and helps to avoid confusion for participants.

A practical use of this could be where a social media influencer runs a giveaway and promotes it through posts on their website. The posts are then scheduled to expire at the end of the giveaway, ensuring that participants can no longer enter after the specified deadline.

11. Archiving Outdated Content

Automatically expiring and archiving posts that are no longer relevant or useful keeps your website clutter-free and ensures a better user experience.

For example, suppose your company blog features posts about past product releases. As new products are launched, the corresponding posts are then scheduled to expire and automatically move to an archive section, keeping the main blog focused on current offerings.

12. Regulatory Compliance

If you need to comply with specific regulations regarding the removal or expiration of certain types of content, scheduling posts to expire can help you meet those requirements.

An example of where setting posts to expire once a required duration has passed to ensure compliance with regulations would be where a financial-related institution publishes posts with legal disclaimers that must be displayed for a specific time period.

13. Legal Compliance

Similar to the above, you can automatically expire posts that contain time-limited legal disclaimers, privacy policies, terms of service, or cookie notices to ensure compliance with changing regulations.

For example, let’s say that an online service provider includes a cookie notice on their website. The post containing the notice can be scheduled to expire after the required consent duration, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.

14. Expiring Downloads or Resources

You can also schedule posts to expire when downloadable files, resources, or documents are no longer available or have been updated.

Scheduling posts related to older versions to expire once new updates are released ensures that users access only the most recent and relevant resources and prevents them from accessing outdated information.

15. Scheduled Content Updates

Plan ahead by scheduling posts to expire and automatically trigger updates or new content, ensuring a consistent publishing schedule and reducing manual intervention.

So, if you run a magazine-style website publishing articles on a weekly basis, you could schedule posts to automatically expire at the time of each new publication, allowing for seamless content updates without manual intervention.

16. A/B Testing

Using expiring posts to test different versions of content or design elements by setting expiration dates lets you compare performance and make data-driven decisions.

For example, suppose you run an e-commerce website and want to test two different versions of a product description. You could create two posts, each featuring a different description, and schedule them to expire after a set period. You can then analyze the metrics and determine which version performs better.

17. Content Rotation

Automatically cycling through a set of posts by scheduling them to expire and publishing new content allows you to create a dynamic and ever-changing website experience.

Suppose an art gallery website wants to showcase different artists. They could schedule posts featuring different artists’ works to automatically expire and publish new posts showcasing other artists, providing a constantly changing selection for visitors.

18. User Engagement

Encouraging regular visits to your website by regularly expiring and replacing content helps to entice users to return for fresh information and increased engagement.

An example of this would be where a lifestyle blog regularly features “Tip of the Week” posts. Each post is scheduled to automatically expire after a week, encouraging readers to return for fresh tips.

19. Content Freshness

By scheduling non-evergreen posts to expire, you ensure that your website or blog remains up-to-date with fresh content. This is particularly important if you publish time-sensitive information, such as news, promotions, or event announcements on a regular basis.

Once a post expires, it can automatically be removed or replaced with new content, keeping your website content fresh and relevant.

20. Content Cleanup

Schedule posts to expire and be removed from your website’s public view to maintain a clean and organized content repository.

For example, suppose your blog includes guest posts or paid posts that are only relevant for a limited time. You can schedule guest posts to expire and be removed from your website after the agreed-upon period, keeping your content repository well maintained, clean, and focused.

21. Editorial Workflow

Scheduling expiring posts allows you to plan your content publishing in advance. This can help streamline your content creation process and manage your editorial calendar more effectively.

By pre-scheduling expiration dates, you can focus on creating new content rather than constantly monitoring and manually updating old posts.

This is useful for businesses with news-like websites that follow an editorial calendar. They can schedule posts to expire according to the planned publication schedule, ensuring a steady flow of new content while seamlessly removing outdated articles from the website.

Expiring Offer Post Example
Why stay up all night to unpublish posts when you can set these to automatically expire?

Expiring Post Plugins for WordPress

Here are some post expiration plugins for WordPress you can use to publish a post for a limited time and have your posts be automatically unpublished after the period has expired:

PublishPress Future

PublishPress Future
PublishPress Future lets you automatically unpublish posts in WordPress.

PublishPress Future (formerly Post Expirator) is a simple and easy-to-use plugin that not only lets you automatically unpublish posts, pages, and other content types in WordPress, but also delete your post, change its status, update the post categories, or make other changes.

With PublishPress Future installed, you can:

  • Choose expiry dates for content in any post type.
  • Select expiry dates in the right sidebar when editing posts.
  • Modify, remove or completely delete content when the expiry date arrives.
  • Modify expiry dates using ā€œQuick Editā€ and ā€œBulk Editā€.
  • Receive email notifications when your content expires.
  • Show expiry dates in your content, automatically or with shortcodes.

After installing and activating the plugin, you will see the plugin’s editor block (if using the Block Editor) or settings panel (Classic editor) when creating or editing a post, giving youĀ flexibility and control over when your content will expire.

Simply enter the date and time that you want your post to expire using the intuitive interface…

PublishPress Future Block
Use the plugin’s editor block to set your post’s expiry date and time.

And choose what should happen to the post when it expires by selecting an option from the “Action To Run” section…

PublishPress Future block - Actions menu
Choose what happens to your post after it expires.

You have various options for future actions on expired posts.

For example, you can:

  • Change the status to Draft, Private, or Trash.
  • Delete the post.
  • Keep all existing categories, and add new categories.
  • Remove all existing categories, and add new categories.
  • Keep all existing categories, except for those specified in this change.
  • Enable the ā€œStick to the top of the blogā€ option.
  • Disable the ā€œStick to the top of the blogā€ option.
  • Move the post to a custom status (Pro version)

PublishPress Future gives you complete control of scheduling and managing post expirations via its extensive settings panel. A Pro version of the plugin is available offering additional features and support.

PublishPress Future Settings panel
The plugin puts you in complete control of your post expiration’s settings.

The PublishPress Future plugin includes the following additional features and functionalities:

Quick and Bulk Edit

Use the convenience of the plugin’s “Quick Edit” and “Bulk Edit” options to make changes to expiry dates. and manage a large number of posts.

PublishPress Future - Quick Edit feature
Set posts to expire using the plugin’s convenient Quick Edit and Bulk Edit options.

Email Notifications

Receive notifications when your posts are due to expire so you can stay informed about your content’s expiry and never miss a critical update.

Display Expiry Dates in Your Content

PublishPress Future allows you to automatically show expiry or action dates within your articles. This feature adds a date stamp at the bottom of your post.

Post Expiry Status
Display the post expiry status to provide transparency to your audience.

You can also use customizable shortcodes to display the expiration date inside your posts, tailoring the format to meet your specific needs.

Expiry Defaults for Post Types

The plugin not only lets you customize default expiry options for each post type within your WordPress site, but you can also configure default expiry settings for all of your content.

PublishPress Future expiry options
Automate your content scheduling even further by configuring default post expiry options.

Advanced Features & Detailed Logs

The Pro version of the plugin offers additional functionalities, such as moving posts to a custom status upon expiration and keeps a comprehensive log of all changes made to your posts.

Seamless Cron Job Integration

WP-CRON is a built-in feature of WordPress used to schedule recurring tasks, such as publishing scheduled posts or processing queued tasks in plugins.

PublishPress Future uses custom cron jobs to execute expiration events efficiently, reducing server overhead for busy websites. To fully leverage the plugin’s capabilities, make sure that WP-CRON is properly set up and functional on your web host.

More details: PublishPress Future

Note:Ā When using plugins that require WP-CRON, it’s essential to monitor the performance and resource usage of your site, as WP-CRON can consume significant resources when running heavy or frequent tasks.

If you notice performance issues, you may need to optimize the plugin settings, offload tasks to external services, or use a real server-side cron job to improve efficiency and prevent performance degradation on your hosting account.

If your sites run on WPMU DEV hosting,Ā  rest assured that any WordPress plugins that require WP-CRON will run just fine.Learn more about our hosting

For the best experience running plugins that require WP-CRON functionality, consult the WPMU DEV support team to ensure your website is running optimally on your selected hosting plan.

Auto Post Expiration

Auto Post Expiration
Manage post lifespan in WordPress with the Auto Post Expiration plugin.

Auto Post Expiration is another plugin you can use to easily set expiration dates for your posts in WordPress.

With just a few clicks, you can schedule posts to automatically change to “draft” status, ensuring they are no longer visible on the front end of your site.

Key features of this plugin include:

Set Post Expiration Date and Time

The plugin provides an intuitive feature that lets you easily select the desired date and time for your posts to expire and transition to the “draft” status.

Admin Column Display

Auto Post Expiration shows the expiration date and post status directly in the admin column, making it easy to stay organized and keep track of when posts are scheduled to expire.

Gutenberg and Classic Editor Support

The plugin seamlessly integrates with the block and classic editors, so you can use your preferred editing interface when creating or editing posts.

The plugin also offers a Pro version that lets you unlock advanced features, such as setting expiration dates for single posts, pages, products, and custom post types, WooCommerce Support (set expiration dates for your WooCommerce products), and email notifications for Admin.

More info: Auto Post Expiration

From Inspired Content To Expired Posts

Hopefully, this article has inspired you to use expired posts. Auto expiring posts can help you streamline your content management processes, control the lifespan of your content, and keep your website current, fresh, and relevant to enhance user experience.

For complete WordPress automation, consider becoming a WPMU DEV member. Our all-in-one WordPress platform is ideal for web developers and agencies and includesĀ robust site management tools and Pro plugins that will automate all aspects of your WordPress sites.

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Threat Modeling

Designing secure software offers a wide range of benefits, from lowering the number of human hours spent fixing security vulnerabilities in production to limiting financial losses and regulatory penalties, thus gaining a competitive advantage and increasing customer loyalty. Threat modeling is a crucial component of the "Secure by Design" guiding principles. This Refcard will provide the key fundamentals of threat modeling, core practices for secure implementation, and key elements of conducting successful threat model reviews. Exploring the significance of modern tools for automating and streamlining threat modeling processes, we will look at improving the accuracy of findings and facilitating integration and collaboration among software and security teams throughout the software development lifecycle.

Building Resilience With Chaos Engineering and Litmus

The scalability, agility, and continuous delivery offered by microservices architecture make it a popular option for businesses today. Nevertheless, microservices architectures are not invulnerable to disruptions. Various factors, such as network communication, inter-service dependencies, external dependencies, and scalability issues, can contribute to outages.

Prominent companies like Slack, Twitter, Robinhood Trading, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and others have recently encountered outages resulting in significant downtime expenses. These incidents underscore the wide-ranging causes of outages in microservices architectures, encompassing configuration errors, database issues, infrastructure scaling failures, and code problems.

Create a BMI Calculator using Google Forms and Google Sheets

This tutorial explains how you can build a BMI calculator app with Google Sheets and Google Forms. When a user submits the form, their BMI score is calculated in Google Sheets and a personalized report is generated in Google Docs. The user then receives an email with their BMI score and the PDF report.

šŸ‘‹ Complete this quick Google Form to calculate your BMI and receive a personalized report in your inbox.

BMI Calculator with Google Forms

Google Forms BMI Calculator

We have a Google Form that asks the user to enter their height and weight. The response is stored in a Google Sheet and the BMI score is calculated automatically using the BMI formula.

The PDF report is personalized and includes the userā€™s BMI score, BMI category, and suggestions on how to improve their BMI score. The userā€™s photo is also embedded in the report as shown in the screenshot above.

BMI Calculations in Google Sheets

We perform the following calculations in Google Sheets to calculate the userā€™s BMI score.

Age of the respondent

The form requires the user to enter their date of birth. We use the DATEDIF function to calculate the age of the user in years.

=MAP(C:C, LAMBDA(c, IF(ROW(c)=1, "Age", 
   IF(ISDATE(c), ROUND(DATEDIF(c, TODAY(), "Y"), 0),))))

BMI Calculations in Google Sheets

BMI Score (kg/mĀ²)

The user enters their height and weight in the form. We use the MAP function to calculate the BMI score for each form response in the sheet.

=MAP(E:E,F:F, LAMBDA(ht, wt, IF(ROW(wt)=1, "BMI", 

BMI Category

The BMI category is calculated using the array function.

  IF(J:J < 18.5, "Underweight", 
  IF(J:J < 25, "Normal weight", 
  IF(J:J < 30, "Overweight", "Obese"))),)))

Prepare BMI Report

Weā€™ve created a template in Google Docs that will be used to generate personalized BMI reports for each user with the help of Document Studio.

BMI Report in Google Docs

The report uses conditional content to display suggestions based upon the BMI score of the user. For instance, if the BMI score is less than 18.5, the user is underweight and the report suggests that they should eat more calories.

The image is inserted in the report using a special Embed Image tag to add thethe photo uploaded by the user in the Google Form in the document.

Create BMI Workflow

Launch Document Studio inside the form responses sheet and go to Extensions > Document Studio > Open to create a new BMI workflow.

Weā€™ll only process the form responses that have a valid email address, the age of the user is numeric, and the calculated BMI score is at least 10.

Workflow Conditions

On the next screen, add a Create File task and select the Google Docs template that weā€™ve created in the previous step. You may also want to change the name of the generated PDF file to include the name of the form respondent.

Click the Add Another Task button to add the Send Email task. This will send the generated PDF report to the user via email.

For the recipientā€™s email address, select the Email column from the Google Sheet. You can also customize the email subject and the body of the email.

Email BMI Report

The Attach Merged Files option should be enabled so that the generated PDF report is attached to the email. Thatā€™s it. Click the Save Workflow button and your BMI calculator is ready for use.

You can view the tutorial section for more ideas on Google Forms automation with Document Studio.

Integrating Essbase Cubes With OBIEE for Advanced Reporting

In today's data-driven business landscape, organizations rely on robust reporting solutions to extract meaningful insights and make informed decisions. Oracle Essbase, a powerful multidimensional database, and Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE), a comprehensive BI platform, offer a formidable combination for advanced reporting and analysis. In this article, we will explore the steps to integrate Essbase cubes with OBIEE to create a unified reporting environment that leverages the strengths of both platforms.

1. Define Reporting Requirements and Design Essbase Cube

Before integration, it is crucial to define the reporting requirements and structure the Essbase cube accordingly. Identify the dimensions, hierarchies, and calculations needed for analysis. Plan the cube design to align with the desired reporting and analysis capabilities.

Setupad Review

Setupad is a header bidding and monetization platform for website owners with a monthly traffic volume of over 100,000.

When Setupad is implemented in line with recommendations, clients usually see a minimum of 30% increase in revenue compared to their previous monetization solution. Some users have even seen increases of up to 300%. 

Although header bidding is a relatively complicated concept, Setupad takes the stress out of the process and makes implementation super easy–no source code manipulation is required. 

Below, weā€™ll take a deep dive into how Setupad can help you monetize your website, what kind of features it has to offer, and the payment model.Ā 

Setupad logo for Quick Sprout Setupad review.

Setupad Pros and Cons


  • Easy to implement
  • Always up to date with industry standards
  • 30-300% increase in revenue
  • Supports multiple banner types
  • Mobile-friendly ads
  • Native advertising
  • Reliable customer support and personal account manager
  • Partnered with 30 industry-leading SSPs


  • 100,000 minimum monthly traffic requirement
  • Minimum payout of 100 Euro
  • Lack of notifications relating to ads.txt updates
  • Account manager must create ad placement code on the userā€™s behalf
Setupdd landing page screenshot.
Maximize your ad revenue with Setupad’s premium solutions.

Setupad Features

Understanding the pros and cons of a solution is a quick way to determine whether or not it could be a great fit for your needs. But to truly understand whether Setupad is the right solution for you, youā€™ll need to dive deeper into some of its key features. 

Header Bidding Wrapper

Header bidding is also known as advance bidding or pre-bidding. In a nutshell, header bidding allows website owners (publishers) to offer inventory (advertising space) to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously before reverting to their ad servers. 

The idea is that youā€™ll have numerous demand sources bidding for your inventory all at once, thereby increasing the yield and revenue that you make from ads. It sounds complicated, but it doesnā€™t have to be. Especially when you have Setupad on your side. 

Setupad header bidding wrapper landing page.
Optimize your ad stack and unlock higher ad revenue with Setupad’s header bidding.

Setupadā€™s header bidding wrapping solution is ideal for websites with less than 500,000 monthly visitors. Itā€™s ready to use and incredibly easy to implement. You see, instead of manipulating your source code, Setupad uses a tag-based solution implemented directly through your ad server. 

Setupadā€™s heading bidding wrapper will connect you with the top 30 SSPs including Google. And as soon as your tag is launched, it will start monetizing your site by buying inventory immediately.Ā 

If youā€™re worried about ads slowing down your site, you donā€™t need to be. Setupadā€™s heading bidder wrapper runs using a cloud-based ad server in order to connect SSPs that are near data centers. Not only does this mean your ads will be delivered faster, but it also means youā€™ll fill more inventory and be rewarded with higher revenue. 

Furthermore, Setupad will also help you with understanding the best ad formats and placements for your particular site. Youā€™ll have access to tons of free advanced formats such as sticky leaderboards, mobile anchor ads, and more. Enabling the right ad format is important in generating revenue performance. 

Finally, you donā€™t need to be concerned about filling your site with irrelevant or unwanted ads. Thanks to Setupad’s Google Chrome extension, you are able to see real-time data about winning SSP, eCPM pierces, and more, as well as report unwanted ads.

Customized Prebid.js Software

Setupad Prebid is a customized prebid.js software that seamlessly connects with a publisher’s 

existing SSP accounts and is optimized with Google. It integrates into the website’s header and publishers’ GAM codes in the body, offering a direct prebid solution.

Compared to header bidding wrappers, Setupadā€™s Prebid option is a far more advanced solution and is ideal for publishers with more than 5 million monthly visitors. 

This setup enables the software to connect all of the publisher’s ad space and optimize direct campaigns with partners such as Google AdX, SSPs, DSPs, and Deals. Since all campaigns and programmatic bids compete in the same header bidding auction, this can create increased ad revenue for publishers.

It offers access to hybrid Header Bidding with Prebid Client, Prebid Server, Open Bidding (OB), and Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM). Publishers can receive direct payments from Google and their SSPs, while benefiting from technology set-up support from Setupad.

One of the downsides of Setupad Prebid is that your website should have at least 5 million monthly visits. Itā€™s also much more difficult to implement and requires trafficking your own SSP accounts. But the reward is far greater flexibility. 

Sign up now to leverage the benefits of Setupad’s customized prebid.js solution and optimize your monetization efforts.

Setupad prebid integration features.
Efficiently monetize your website inventory with Setupad’s prebid.

Advertising Flexibility

A key highlight of Setupadā€™s product is that you have a range of options when it comes to deciding which advertising is best for your website. 

Advertising flexibility allows you to tailor your ads to meet the needs and preferences of your visitors, encouraging them to spend more time on your site. Itā€™s also important in allowing you to monetize your site in a way that is not disruptive, irritating, or unattractive for your audience. 

For example, Setupad can help you with content recommendation, native advertising, and video content. 

Content recommendation encourages users to stay on your website longer by suggesting other, relevant content for visitors to click through to. And the longer the visitors are on your website, the better your analytics and revenue are. Setupad delivers recommended content via a widget, offering you an opportunity to gain additional revenue from sponsored posts or content ads. 

Setupad also supports native advertising which engages users by presenting ads in a similar style to your website layout. The content is always sponsored and is relevant to the search history of the visitor. The ads are custom-made for each page and provide a non-intrusive, intuitive advertising experience for visitors. 

Finally, Setupad allows you to harness the power of video content. Video content and marketing is more prevalent than ever and one of the best ways to capture your audienceā€™s attention. Setupad video content can be native or display ads, allowing you flexibility in determining the most attractive type for your visitors. 

Three Setupad features listed.
Take control of your ad inventory and drive higher yields with Setupad’s feature set.

AdBlock Monetization

Did you know that 10-40% of your website visitors use content-filtering and ad-blocking software like AdBlock? It essentially prevents page elements such as advertisements from being displayed while they visit your site. 

When visitors arenā€™t seeing the advertisements on your site, it has a direct effect on your ad revenue stream. 

Thankfully, Setupad has your back. It respects the privacy of visitors using AdBlock and instead runs non-intrusive advertising. You see, some ad formats make the website more visually appealing and user-friendly, thereby appearing less intrusive to the user. These formats include desktop, native, mobile, sticky, and video. 

There are not many other monetization solutions out there that offer this feature, so itā€™s a clear benefit of using Setupad. 

Mobile-Friendly Ads

How often have you been browsing the internet on your mobile only to be bombarded by poorly placed ads that clearly arenā€™t optimized for mobile viewing? Itā€™s disruptive and irritating and most likely causes you to immediately leave that site. 

We donā€™t want this to happen on your site. Especially when, in todayā€™s day and age, mobile web traffic surpasses desktop traffic for most site owners. Thatā€™s why, itā€™s extremely important to have quick loading, mobile-optimized ads on your site. 

If youā€™re scratching your head wondering how best to do this, donā€™t fret. Setupad will create custom mobile versions of your ads to increase your website ad revenue. It also suggests the best type of ad format for mobile viewing and provides direction on where to position the ads so that theyā€™re not disruptive to the viewer.Ā Ā 

Setupad mobile ads with six examples.
Drive mobile ad performance to new heights with Setupad’s tailored solutions.

Although other monetization platforms do offer mobile-friendly ads, they will simply adjust the size of your ad to fit the mobile site. In comparison, Setupad will coach you on exactly where to place them and which formats are best for your mobile site. With this in mind, Setupad is a great option for users with heavy mobile traffic. 

Setupad Pricing and Package Options

One of the best things about Setupad is that it is completely risk-free. You donā€™t have to commit to a monthly subscription fee in order to use its services. Instead, Setupad earns money by keeping 20% of your ad revenue as commission. 

However, there are a few requirements that youā€™ll need to meet to use Setupadā€™s services. These requirements include:

  • Your website will need to be compliant with Setupadā€™s quality policy 
  • Youā€™ll need to prove that your website receives over 100K visitors per month
  • You must agree to paste Setupadā€™s ads.txt onto your website and utilize all demand sources, including Google

Setupad pays in Euros and you will need to earn a minimum of 100 Euros to be paid out. Setupadā€™s payment methods are via PayPal or bank transfer. Itā€™s important to note that the first payout is after 60 days. So if you start using Setupad in January, you wonā€™t see any revenue until March. After that, youā€™ll be paid monthly so long as you reach the minimum payout threshold. 

Setupad payment example.
Enjoy peace of mind with Setupad’s reliable and transparent payment process.

As far as revenue goes, Setupad can help increase your AdSense earnings by a minimum of 30%. But if you want to estimate the revenue Setupad can offer you, you can run a test period to see results before committing to a contract. 

One particular downside to Setupadā€™s requirements is that the minimum monthly visitor threshold is quite significant. It completely excludes all low-traffic websites from accessing Setupadā€™s solution.Ā Setupad does have some exceptions to the 100,000-visitor requirement. Reach out to the company to discuss your option.

Setupad Reputation

Setupad has a reputation for bringing in great revenue. Most users report seeing extremely satisfying results or having at least doubled their revenue since switching over. In fact, dozens of European publishers report revenue increases of anywhere between 30% and 300%. 

Reviews also suggest that Setupadā€™s customer support is very helpful and easily accessible via phone or email. Furthermore, once you sign up, youā€™ll be designated your very own account manager to take care of any issues or trouble you may face. 

Another thing that Setupad is well known for is its easy setup process. Setupad is easily implemented with a tag-based solution on your ad server–no mucking around with your source code or needing a developer to make changes. 

Client success stories with three examples from Setupad.
Learn from real-life experiences of satisfied clients who have benefited from Setupad’s services.

Although users have few negative things to say about Setupad, multiple users have commented that creating ad placement codes fall into the hands of the account manager, which can be frustrating. Some users have reported issues with not receiving notifications when the company modifies its ads.txt. 

Some suggest that the 60 day payment period is quite long compared to other monetization solutions. In saying that, payments are reportedly always on time, and earnings are paid exactly as expected so there are never any issues in that regard. 

So if you own a high-traffic website with at least 100,000 monthly visitors and want to increase your current revenue by at least 30%, Setupad is a great solution for you. It can offer you advertising flexibility, AdBlock monetization, and mobile-friendly ads, allowing you to monetize your site without impacting your visitors’ experience. 

If your site has fewer than 100,000 monthly visitors, you wonā€™t be able to use Setupad, but that doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t monetize your site. Starting off with Google AdSense or the Amazon Associates Program are great ways to get started without minimum visitor thresholds holding you back. 

The post Setupad Review appeared first on .

4 Signs Your Sprint Is Failing, and 4 Ways to Fix It

Sprints have a sacred place in agile, and are often used as a commitment tool to streamline engineering teams. These two-week timeboxed events convert your product wishlist into actionable tasks, shape brainstorming into concrete results, and even create a culture of reviews and retros. 

Sprints do not just accelerate project deliveries, but even create a culture of accountability, especially in geographically distributed teams. While sprints have always been a sure-shot way to fast-forward project management, they can create severe process imbalances if not done right. 

Install Prometheus on Kubernetes: Tutorial and Examples

As one of the most popular open-source Kubernetes monitoring solutions, Prometheus leverages a multidimensional data model of time-stamped metric data and labels. The platform uses a pull-based architecture to collect metrics from various targets. It stores the metrics in a time-series database and provides the powerful PromQL query language for efficient analysis and data visualization.

Despite its powerful capabilities, there are several key considerations that determine the observability efficiency of a Kubernetes cluster through Prometheus. These considerations include:

How to Manage Ads in WordPress with Adsanity Plugin

Are you looking for a way to manage ads in WordPress with AdSanity?

Selling advertising space is one of the best ways to make money online. However, creating, adding, and tracking your ads can become time-consuming and complicated.

In this article, we will show you how you can easily manage ads in WordPress using the AdSanity plugin.

How to manage ads in WordPress with AdSanity Plugin

Why Manage Ads in WordPress Using the AdSanity Plugin?

Like billboard owners, many website and blog owners make money online by selling advertising space. However, WordPress doesn’t come with an easy way to manage your ads.

Most WordPress themes don’t even have space where you can show advertisements. By default, you will need to edit your theme files to insert ad code into WordPress.

That’s where AdSanity comes in.

This advanced WordPress ad management plugin allows you to show ads anywhere on your website using ready-made blocks, widgets, and shortcodes. You can even tell AdSanity to show a random ad to visitors without writing a single line of code.

AdSanity comes with built-in reporting and scheduling. It also supports self-hosted ads, HTML5 ads, and external ad networks like Google Adsense.

With that being said, let’s see how you can make money online by managing ads with the AdSanity WordPress plugin.

Step 1: Set Up the AdSanity Plugin

First, you will need to install and activate AdSanity. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to go to AdSanity Ā» Settings in your WordPress admin dashboard. Here, select the ‘Licenses’ tab.

The AdSanity WordPress plugin settings

You can now go ahead and add your key to the ‘License’ field. You can find this information under your account on the AdSanity website.

With that done, click on ‘Save Changes’.

Adding a license to the AdSanity ad management plugin

Now, you are ready to create ads for your WordPress website. To get started, go to AdSanity Ā» Create Ad.

To start, you will need to add a title by typing it into the field that shows ‘Give this ad a title’. Visitors won’t see this information, so it’s for your reference only.

Creating an ad for a WordPress website

Next, it’s time to choose an ad type. Your options are Ad Hosted On-Site, External Ad Network, and HTML5.

If you are just getting started, then it’s a good idea to try different types of ads. You can then look at the results and prioritize the types that make the most money.

With that in mind, let’s look at each option in detail.

Ad Hosted On-Site

To start, you may want to build and host your own ad on your website. By selling ads on your WordPress blog, you get to keep all the profits.

You can also use self-hosted ads to promote your own content. This includes products you sell in your online store or your upcoming webinars, conferences, and other events.

To create a self-hosted ad, select the ‘Ad Hosted On-Site’ tab. After that, you can open the ‘Ad Size’ dropdown and choose a size from the list.

Adding a self-hosted advertisement to WordPress

Larger advertisements are more likely to catch the visitor’s attention but can also distract from your site’s content.

After making a decision, you will need to type a URL into the ‘Tracking URL’ field. This is where visitors will go when they click the ad.

By default, the URL will open in the same browser tab. However, you may want to open it in a new tab, particularly if the advertisement is linking to someone else’s website.

For example, if you are linking to an affiliate marketing partner, then you will typically want to check the ‘Open in a new window’ box.

Adding a tracking URL to an online ad

Once you have done that, it’s time to upload the image that AdSanity will show to visitors.

Simply select ‘Set an image’ and then upload a banner or other ad graphic.

Adding an image to a WordPress ad

Finally, you may want to type some information into the ‘Notes’ field.

These notes will only be visible to people who have access to the WordPress dashboard, so it’s perfect for writing quick reminders.

If you run a multi-author WordPress blog, then you can even use the ‘Notes’ field to communicate with other users.

Adding notes to an AdSanity advert

External Ad Network

While you can sell advertising space directly to other businesses, many website owners use an advertising network instead. These networks are often hassle-free because you don’t have to deal with advertisers or worry about collecting money.

Instead, the network decides which ads to place on your site, collects the payment, takes their management fee, and then sends you the rest.

If you are using an advertising network, then click on the ‘External Ad Network’ tab.

Adding external network ads to a WordPress blog or website

You can now type a title into the ‘Title’ field.

After that, you can choose a size for your ads. If you are using Google AdSense, then you may want to see our guide on the highest-performing Google AdSense banner sizes and formats.

Resizing an external network advert in WordPress

You can also see our guide on how to optimize your AdSense revenue in WordPress.

Once you have done that, it’s time to copy the advertisement code provided by your network. The steps will vary depending on the network you are using, but you will often find the ad code by logging into the account you have created with that network.

If you are using Google AdSense, then see our guide on how to properly add Google AdSense to your WordPress site.

When you have the code, simply paste it into the ‘Ad Code’ box.

Adding external network code from a service such as Google AdSense

Finally, you can type any extra information into the ‘Notes’ field.

HTML5 Advertisements

If you want to create multimedia ads featuring a mix of animations, audio, video, and other content, then AdSanity has full support for HTML5. This means you can create engaging, interactive ads using HTML5 and then upload those files to AdSanity.

To add an HTML5 ad to your WordPress blog or website, simply select the ‘HTML5’ tab.

Adding an HTML5 ad to WordPress

You can now type in a title for the ad.

After that, click on ‘Choose File’ and then select the HTML5 file you want to use.

Uploading HTML5 ad files to a website, blog, or online store

With that done, you need to open the ‘Ad Size’ dropdown and choose how big or small the HTML5 ad should be.

When creating an HTML5 advertisement, we recommend using one of the ‘Responsive’ size options, as these tend to look the best.

How to create responsive HTML5 adverts in WordPress

Finally, you may want to add some notes by typing them into the ‘Notes’ box.

Step 2: Organize Your Advertisements Into Ad Groups

As you create self-hosted, external network, or HTML5 ads, it’s a good idea to organize those advertisements into groups.

For example, you might create a ‘holiday advertisements’ group for all the campaigns you run during the holiday season. This can make it easier to find a specific ad, even if you have created lots of advertisements for WordPress.

To create an ad group, click on the ‘Add New Group’ link. You can now type in the title for it.

Creating ad groups in WordPress

Just like WordPress categories and subcategories, you can arrange your advertisement groups into parent-child relationships.

By default, all of AdSanity’s groups are parent groups. If you want to create a child group instead, then simply open the dropdown that shows ‘Parent Group’ by default.

Creating parent and child ad groups

You can then select the group you want to use as the parent.

When you are happy with how your advertisement group is set up, click on the ‘Add new Group’ button to save your changes.

To add a self-hosted, external, or HTML5 ad to a group, simply check that group’s box.

Organizing the ads on your website or blog

Step 3: Publish or Schedule a WordPress Ad With AdSanity

When you are happy with your ad, it’s time to make it live. If you want to show the ad right away, then simply click ‘Publish’.

Publishing an AdSanity ad to WordPress

Another option is to schedule the ad so that it will appear on your site automatically later. This allows you to schedule all your campaigns in advance, which is a great option if you run lots of campaigns or you are a busy business owner with limited time.

To schedule an ad, click on the ‘Edit’ link next to ‘Publish forever.’

Scheduling an ad to go live automatically

You can now set the date and time when the ad will go live.

You can also choose when the ad gets removed from your website.

Scheduling advertising campaigns for your website

If you want to keep the ad on your site indefinitely, then click on the ‘Publish Forever’ button.

When you are happy with your schedule, simply click ‘Publish.’

Step 4: Placing the Ad on Your WordPress Website

The next step is placing the ad on your online marketplace, store, or website. You can use shortcode, but using the ready-made AdSanity blocks is typically easier.

To add an advertisement to a page or post, simply open that post or page for editing. Then, click on the ‘+’ button.

Placing an advert on your site using a block

To start, type in ‘AdSanity.’

You will now see all the different AdSanity blocks that you can use.

Adding AdSanity blocks to a page or post

To add a specific ad, select AdSanity Single Ad.

You can now open the ‘Select an ad’ dropdown and choose the advertisement that you want to show. You can also change the ad’s alignment using the ‘Align’ settings.

Showing a single ad on your website or blog

Another option is to show advertisements from the same ad group. This allows you to display multiple related ads on the same page or post.

To do this, click on ‘AdSanity Ad Group’, which adds the block to your layout.

Adding an AdSanity Ad Group block to your WordPress website

You can then open the ‘Select an ad group’ dropdown and choose the group you want to use.

You can also pick how many ads to show in the block and how many columns to use in the advertising area.

Showing advertisements groups on a WordPress page or post

Finally, you can show a random advertisement from a particular group using the AdSanity Random Ad block. This is useful if you have created many different ads but have limited advertising space on your website.

In the popup, simply click the ‘AdSanity Random Ad’ block.

Showing random ads on your website or blog

You can now open the ‘Select an ad group’ dropdown menu and choose the group that you want to use.

Once again, you can change the advertisement’s alignment using the small icons in the ‘Alignment’ section.

Managing ads in WordPress using AdSanity

When you are happy with how the page or post looks, either click on ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ to make the advertisement live.

You can also add the AdSanity blocks to any widget-ready area in your WordPress theme. For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to add and use widgets in WordPress.

Are you using a block-based theme? You can also use the full-site editor to add an AdSanity block anywhere on your website.

Finally, you can embed a single ad on any page, post, or widget-ready area using a shortcode. Simply head over to AdSanity Ā» Manage Ads and find the ad that you want to show.

You can then go ahead and click on ‘[shortcode]’. This will copy the ad’s shortcode to your computer’s clipboard.

Adding adverts to your WordPress website using shortcode

Now, you just need to add the shortcode to your website. For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to add a shortcode in WordPress.

Step 5: Monitor Your WordPress Ads Using AdSanity and MonsterInsights

After publishing one or more ads, it’s important to do conversion tracking. This allows you to see what’s working and what isn’t. By continuously monitoring and fine-tuning your ads, you should get more clicks and conversions.

If you are showing HTML5 ads or ads from an external advertising network, then you will need to set up AdSanity’s Google Analytics Tracking Addon. This allows you to track views and clicks on these advertisements.

Simply install and activate the plugin, and then follow the onscreen instructions to set up the add-on. If you are using MonsterInsights, then the AdSanity Addon will recognize the connection as soon as you authenticate your Google account, which makes the setup process much easier.

For more information, please see our guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

For self-hosted ads, you can simply go to AdSanity Ā» Reports in your WordPress dashboard.

Viewing advertisement reports in the WordPress dashboard

Here, you will find the following information:

  • All-Time Summary: The total views and clicks across all your ads, plus the total click-through rate.
  • All-Time Top 10 Clicks: The 10 ads that have got the most clicks.
  • All-Time Top 10 Click Through Rate: The 10 ads that have the highest interaction rate based on their display rate. Here you will also find the total views, clicks, and the click-through rate.
  • All-Time By Ad Group: The 10 best-performing ads in each ad group, based on views, clicks, and click-through rate.

We hope this article helped you learn how to manage ads in WordPress with the AdSanity plugin. You may also want to check out our guide on how to increase your blog traffic and our expert picks for the best WordPress popup plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to ourĀ YouTube ChannelĀ for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us onĀ TwitterĀ and Facebook.

The post How to Manage Ads in WordPress with Adsanity Plugin first appeared on WPBeginner.

Microservices With Apache Camel and Quarkus (Part 4)

As we've seen previously, running our microservices in JVM mode means packaging and running them as executable JARs. But Quarkus also allows us to compile them into machine code and run them as native processes. This has the advantage of dramatically improving the application start-up time and memory usage. Hence, the native mode is the preferred execution mode of the Quarkus applications in production.

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In order to efficiently handle and analyze data for decision-making purposes, data warehousing has become a crucial aspect of modern enterprises. Tools used for data warehousing are essential for efficient data management and analysis. 

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A touch of creativity, a dash of control, and a sprinkle of humor can be found in the world of artificial intelligence, where algorithms and data reign supreme. We introduce prompt engineering solutions that guide AI models using magical incantations to guide them with precision and finesse. Essentially, this is a dance between developers and artificial intelligence, where developers provide prompts, and the AI responds with impressive results. It is true that prompt engineering is a serious endeavor, but it is not limited to algorithms and code. Because of this art form, artificial intelligence systems are sometimes able to come up with the quirkiest jokes. Take a trip into the amazing world of AI prompt engineering, where serious prompts and a little bit of humor are crucial to maximizing the potential of AI models; let's explore the world of AI prompt engineering.

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Managing Configuration in a Distributed System Using Consul

Managing Configuration in a Distributed System

Managing configuration in a distributed system can be a complex task. As the number of nodes in a system grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of all the configurations and ensure that they are consistent across all nodes. Consul is a tool that can help with this task by providing a centralized configuration management system that is distributed and highly available.

What Is Consul?

Consul is a tool that provides a distributed key-value store, service discovery, and health checking. It can be used to manage configuration data for a distributed system and ensure that the data is consistent across all nodes. Consul uses a gossip protocol to ensure that updates to the configuration data are quickly propagated to all nodes in the system.

Build a Serverless Application To Automate Invoice Processing on AWS

In this blog post, you will learn how to build a serverless solution for invoice processing using Amazon Textract, AWS Lambda, and the Go programming language. Invoices and expense receipt images uploaded to Amazon S3 will trigger a Lambda function which will extract invoice metadata (ID, date, amount, etc.) using the AWS Go SDK and persist it to an Amazon DynamoDB table. You will also use Go bindings for AWS CDK to implement "Infrastructure-as-code" for the entire solution and deploy it with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) CLI.

The code is available on GitHub.