External Data Services Plugin Design in IBM Content Navigator and a Sample Scenario of Implementation

Wp Plugins

An External Data Services (EDS) plugin in IBM Content Navigator (ICN) is used to integrate external data sources with ICN. An EDS plugin allows ICN to retrieve data from external data sources, such as databases or web services, and display it in ICN. The EDS plugin interface defines the methods that ICN uses to communicate with the plugin, such as initializing the plugin, performing queries, and retrieving data.

 The following is an overview of the design considerations for developing an EDS plugin in ICN:

How We Built a 1% Website in 3 Days for €7

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Due to events outside of our control, Aria, Tage, and I were forced into a situation where we had to launch a successful and profitable ChatGPT-based website chatbot company in two weeks. The stakes are super high, but we'll get there with some help from our friends.

Failure is not an option, though, so we're confident that we'll make it — especially considering all of our amazing friends who have been there for us these last days and supported us. Thank you, it means the world to us. The words "teamwork and friendship" have created meaning for us these last days in ways most people unfortunately never will experience during their lifetimes.

Introducing Broken Link Checker – Never Have Dead Links On Your WordPress Site Again

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Are you tired of finding and fixing broken links on your WordPress site?

Have you ever wished there was a foolproof method to periodically monitor all internal and external links easily WITHOUT the high costs?

If you’re like me and most other smart website owners, then you have at least wished for this solution a couple of times in your WordPress journey.

Today, I’m excited to announce my new product, Broken Link Checker, which works silently in the background on your site, giving you peace of mind.

We built this tool to help you quickly check your site for broken links and easily fix them to improve search engine optimization (SEO).

introducing broken link checker for wordpress by aioseo

What is Broken Link Checker?

Broken Link Checker is a powerful WordPress plugin that crawls your website periodically and checks every link to ensure it is not broken.

It is built as a SaaS service, so it never puts load on your WordPress hosting server or slow your website down.

The Broken Link Checker plugin was developed by the same team behind AIOSEO (All in One SEO), the best SEO plugin for WordPress.

When broken links are found, the plugin makes it easy for you to fix them right from within the plugin without even having to visit individual pages where those links were added.

Why Do You Need Broken Link Checker?

Broken links can frustrate your website visitors and cause them to leave your site. They can even hurt your website’s SEO, conversions, and sales.

On WordPress sites, broken links typically occur when moving a site to a new domain name, or when deleting a post or page without proper redirection.

Sometimes broken links can also happen due to a typo, and they can go unnoticed for months if not years. But worse, if you ever link to an external website that’s not yours, and they change the page, delete it, or shut down the site, then your site will have broken links.

This is why monitoring broken links on a regular basis is important for your WordPress website.

While there are SaaS broken link checkers in the market, most are either crazy expensive or not built specifically with WordPress websites in mind.

So I decided to work with my team to finally create a beginner-friendly broken link checker for WordPress.

With Broken Link Checker, you can…

  • scan all links on your site every 3 days
  • detect valid links, broken links, and redirects
  • set which post types (posts, pages, or custom post types) and statuses (published, draft, and so on) to monitor
  • exclude certain URLs from being checked

… and a whole lot more.

If you’re serious about your website and want to grow your online business, then you know how important it is to offer a seamless website browsing experience to your visitors.

The last thing you want your readers to see is a big 404 page not found error message serving as a dead end on your WordPress site.

How to Use Broken Link Checker in WordPress

The first thing you’ll need to do is install and activate Broken Link Checker on your site.

aioseo broken link checker

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Next, you’ll need to connect the plugin to your Broken Link Checker account.

Upon connecting the plugin with your account, you can turn the toggle on to stop search engines from following broken links. You can even set it not to update the modified date for a page/post when a link is updated via the plugin.

link tweaks broken links tool

When you click the Broken Links tab, you can see that the plugin has automatically scanned the entire site, and links are categorized into broken, redirects, and dismissed.

The Broken Link Checker plugin lets you fix broken links quickly and easily right within your plugin. To replace a broken link, simply click Edit URL.

Alternatively, if you want to remove the link, just click Unlink and the link will be removed from the page.  

edit url in broken link checker

After updating the link, you can recheck if the link is still broken by clicking the Recheck option. If you want, you can even dismiss the message from the plugin.

Get More Details About Each Link

Broken Link Checker gives you additional details for each link, like how long the link has been broken and response header information, HTTP Status code, and more.

get status details for broken links

Control Which Types of Pages are Scanned

Another important Aspect of Broken Link Checker is its advanced settings, which give you full control over which pages get scanned. Within the plugin, you can set which post types (posts, pages, or custom post types) and statuses (published, draft, and so on) to monitor.

You can also exclude certain pages from being checked.

advanced settings of broken link checker

This helps you better manage the crawl budget, so you can ensure you’re not wasting the link scan credits.

Scanning Your Site the Right Way

Broken Link Checker scans both external (links from your website to others) and internal links (links from one page on your site to another page) on your site.

Unlike other WordPress plugins, Broken Link Checker uses an external private server to scan (or, in other words, ping) for broken links on your site. That’s because repeatedly pinging external sites from your servers can make your site look suspicious to internet service providers, putting your sites at risk of being blacklisted.

This is why most WordPress hosting companies put traditional broken link checker plugins in their block list.

Since Broken Link Checker uses an external private server for pinging external links, you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands.

What’s Coming Next?

Broken Link Checker is a product by my AIOSEO team which is a leading WordPress SEO plugin with over 3 million installs.

Our goal is to continue to build best-in-class SEO tool to ensure your website is always outranking your competitors.

Broken Link Checker is just one of the new tools that we’ve launched.

We have an exciting roadmap ahead of us to make this plugin even more powerful, and I am very proud of our team.

If you have ideas on how we can make the Broken Link Checker platform or other SEO tools more helpful for you, then please send us your suggestions.

As always, I want to thank you for your continued support of WPBeginner, and we look forward to continue serving you for years to come.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

P.S. Want us to acquire or invest in your WordPress business? Learn more about the WPBeginner Growth Fund.

The post Introducing Broken Link Checker – Never Have Dead Links On Your WordPress Site Again first appeared on WPBeginner.

Chris’ Corner: Have You Ever

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Have you ever heard web developers talk over each other? I enjoyed Mat​hia⁠s S​chäf⁠er’s Client-side JavaScript and React criticism: What comes next?. It’s a solid baby-bear take on meta discussions on the state of building websites.

I hear JavaScript critics yelling: “Just use Progressive Enhancement! Sprinkle some JavaScript on your static HTML! Don’t believe those fraudsters, grifters, bastards, idiots that lied to you!”

Again, I understand the frustration. Nonetheless, I don’t think the current situation can be explained in terms of fraud, lies, gaslighting et cetera.

I think we’re at the point where we agree that there is, in general, too much client-side JavaScript and it has negative implications. But it wasn’t the fault of a criminal overloard.

At the risk of being reductive, it came out of developers inventing things that helped them build the things they needed to build in a way they liked, partially because the web platform itself wasn’t giving it to them. They just dropped a few balls along the way. Now we can pick them back up.

Have you ever heard someone say “Put JSX in the browser you cowards!” and scratched your chin and thought “Yeah! They should!” well perhaps you could get involved with ESX, which is as far as I know the closest thing going on that. And if you say “Why? Template literals are that”, then I think you have some catching up to do because that’s been done six ways to Sunday with all sorts of different libraries. Perhaps the biggest push was Google’s Lit, which I think even Google has gotten bored of.

Have you ever thought “TypeScript is pretty complicated, but at least it’s not Set Theory!”? Never fear, Vladimir Klepov is here to ruin that for you with Making sense of TypeScript using set theory. I kid, I kid, it’s actually a nice way to think about complex types. I’ll steal the first two bullet points of the big reveal:

  1. Our universe is all the values a JS program can produce.
  2. A type (not even a typescript type, just a type in general) is some set of JS values.

Have you ever read that web performance concerns are 80% client-side concerns and 20% back-end concerns? Tim Kadlec verified that decade-old claim recently in The Performance Golden Rule Revisited. It’s still true. It largely means you’ll see more benefit from focusing your web performance improvements on client-side things. I’ve always thought, yes, that’s true, unless that 20% is really bad, because that 20% is the first thing that happens during website loading. That’s why metrics like Time to First Byte (TTFB) are important because they measure that first response from the server. Jeremey Wagner had a post about that this year: Optimize Time to First Byte.

How to Generate Scripts of Database Objects in SQL Server

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The Generate Scripts feature in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) allows you to create T-SQL scripts of various database objects, including tables, views, stored procedures, functions, and triggers. This feature is useful when you are creating a backup of your database objects, transferring objects to another database, or simply generating scripts for documentation purposes.

SQL Server management studio creates a script of the individual objects of a database and all database objects of the database. First, we will see how to create the script for a single object. I have restored the stackoverflow2010 database on my computer. We will generate CREATE TABLE script for the dbo.posts table.

How To Create and Edit PDF Annotations in Java

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PDF file structure – unlike many other common document formats – provides natural, built-in protection for our intellectual property, ensuring unsolicited third parties can’t easily change or delete our content.

Despite this built-in file security, however, PDF files still do provide a meaningful way for document creators and viewers to interact and share ideas. The PDF annotations feature allows (authorized) viewers to provide feedback on a document’s contents by inserting new text (or other) objects at specific points calling out elements of the document’s original content.  

GitHub Exposed a Private SSH Key: What You Need to Know

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Secrets leakage is a growing problem affecting companies of all sizes, including GitHub. They recently made an announcement on their blog regarding an SSH private key exposure:

[Last week, GitHub] discovered that GitHub.com’s RSA SSH private key was briefly exposed in a public GitHub repository.

The company reassured the public explaining that the key was only used to secure "Git operations over SSH using RSA," meaning that no internal systems, customer data, or secure TLS connections were at risk. They reacted immediately by detecting the incident and changing the key:

Top 10 Effective Strategies Optimize your website

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Improve Site Speed: Site speed is a critical factor in determining your website's search engine ranking. A slow-loading website will increase bounce rate, decrease user engagement, and hurt your overall user experience.

Optimize for Mobile: Mobile optimization is crucial as more and more users access the internet through their mobile devices. Google also prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in its search results.

Use Relevant Keywords: Using relevant keywords in your website content can help search engines understand the content of your site and rank it higher in search results.

Produce Quality Content: Your website's content should be of high quality and provide value to your users. This not only improves user engagement and experience but also increases your search engine ranking.

Use Header Tags: Header tags (H1, H2, H3) provide a hierarchy to your content and make it easier for users to navigate through your site.

Optimize Images: Large images can slow down your website speed, so it's essential to optimize images by compressing them without losing quality.

Build Quality Backlinks: Backlinks from high-quality sites can help increase your website's authority and improve your search engine ranking.

Use Meta Tags: Meta tags provide information about your website to search engines and improve your site's visibility in search results.

Ensure Website Security: Ensuring your website is secure and uses HTTPS protocol can improve your site's credibility and search engine ranking.

Use Social Media: Social media can drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and improve your search engine ranking. Sharing your website content on social media platforms can also help generate backlinks.

The Ultimate Playbook for Hiring Engineering Managers

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I’d like to share a complete guide to how to hire and interview engineering managers. I’ll cover every step of the process and even include a sample interview plan you can use. I think you’ll find a lot of surprises and some genuinely useful templates and questions to use.

This approach can be used for other roles as well.

Why ChatGPT Is Not as Intelligent as Many Believe

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ChatGPT is an AI chatbot made by the OpenAI company and is loved for its astonishing ability to generate convincing imitations of human writing.

Indeed, when it first appeared in public in November 2022, the reaction was, to say the least, wow. Influencers like Marc Andreessen and Bill Gates called it "pure magic" and "the greatest thing ever created in computing." Both specialists in various fields and ordinary users shared this widespread astonishment:

Demystifying Generative Text AI

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When I first planned to start this blog, I had in mind to talk about my personal views on generative language technology. However, after sending my first draft to friends, family, and colleagues, it soon became clear that some background information about generative text AI itself was needed first.

So, my first challenge is to offer an introduction and simple explanation about generative text AI.

Hyperplexed Videos

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Hyperplexed makes amazing Pens on CodePen! If you’ll remember from our Most Hearted of 2022 wrap-up, in 2021, he got one place on the Top 100, then in 2022 had nine, including the #1 spot.

But not only does he create great work, he’s also an educator, showing off how some super modern and classy effects are pulled off with web technologies. Where? YouTube! It’s an easy subscribe since every video is a pleasure to watch. They tend to assume an intermediate level of knowledge, which I find a nice comfortable niche.

Here’s a few recent ones:

Gotta love the CodePen usage and shout-outs, right? 💪

That URL pen.new is sure easy to remember and get started with, and works for everyone, of course.

The post Hyperplexed Videos appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Bridging WebAssembly Gaps With Components and Wasifills

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An examination of how wasifills — a component adapter pattern like polyfills, but for components — can help bridge the gap between today's rapidly changing standards landscape and the future of interoperable components facilitated with wit and wit worlds. 

It's an amazing time to be on the bleeding edge of the WebAssembly adoption curve, but it's not without risk.

Stocks Notification: TradingView Webhook to Telegram

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At the start of the year, I worked on a Telegram bot that sends market data of certain stocks for the previous day's close to a Telegram channel.


  • Basic info such as closing price, EMA20, difference between closing price and EMA20
  • Overextension from EMA20 based on the median delta when stock reverse in the next few days


The Art of Being Ready: Reliability in Extreme Conditions

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When it comes to online services, uptime is crucial, but it’s not the only thing to consider. Imagine running an online store — having your site available 99.9% of the time might sound good, but what if that 0.1% of downtime happens during the holiday shopping season? That could mean losing out on big sales. And what if most of your customers are only interested in a few popular items? If those pages aren’t available, it doesn’t matter that the rest of your site is working fine.

Sometimes, being available during peak moments can make or break your business. It’s not just e-commerce — a small fraction of airports handle most of the air traffic, just a tiny minority of celebrities are household names, and only a handful of blockbuster movies dominate the box office each year. It’s the same distribution pattern everywhere.