How To Design An Effective User Onboarding Flow

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What is it that causes users to give up on an app before ever stepping inside or really giving it a fair chance? It could be the onboarding process.

Sometimes half the battle in getting users to adopt the products you build is to first get them in them so they can see how awesome they are. With a high-quality user onboarding flow, you can easily increase conversions, user satisfaction, and user activation within the product.

In this post, we’re going to look at what it takes to design an effective user onboarding flow that maximizes how many engaged users you get inside your web app. We’ll be using Feathery — a powerful, no-code onboarding form builder — to demonstrate how to do this.

What Can You Accomplish With An Onboarding Process?

The onboarding flow is a multi-step process that helps users get started with a new SaaS product. In most cases, the flow appears right after signup and bridges the user into the app. And for more complex SaaS, onboarding flows can appear as tooltips and guided tours inside the product.

With a particularly effective onboarding flow, you’ll be able to:

  • Increase conversion rates.
  • Reduce user abandonment.
  • Increase user activation within the product.
  • Improve overall user satisfaction.
  • Decrease churn.

Ultimately, your user onboarding process sets the tone for what’s to come.

You can personalize the product based on user responses, demonstrate how easy it is to get started, or reinforce the overall value of adopting the product into their workflow.

How To Design A Great User Onboarding Flow With Feathery

As I break down the steps below, I’ll demonstrate how to use Feathery to create an effective user onboarding flow similar to Duolingo’s popular onboarding flow.

Note: After you sign up for Feathery, you’ll have a short onboarding process of your own to complete. In the end, you can choose to use a template or start with a blank canvas. For the purposes of this walkthrough, I’ll be starting from scratch.

Step 1: Design The Container Style

Although each step in the flow will contain different content, you want the general design and format to remain consistent throughout. Not only should this design improve the usability of the onboarding process, but it should give users an idea of what your app will look like.

To make changes to the appearance of your onboarding screens, click on the container in Step 1. A “Style” panel will open on the right.

From this panel, you can modify the following:

  • Layout,
  • Background color or imagery,
  • Corner radius,
  • Shadows,
  • Hover-triggered transformations,
  • Click-triggered transformations.

Note: If you plan on making extensive customizations to the style of your container, I’d recommend deleting any subsequent steps that were included with your template if you’re using one. It’ll be much easier if you duplicate this first container for subsequent steps and save yourself time replicating the styles. Alternatively, Feathery offers the ability to build and save reusable styles and components using themes.

Step 2: Create The Steps In Your Flow

People can really only hold about five to seven items in their short-term working memory.

If you want to get as many users through the onboarding process as possible, only give them as much information or ask them as few questions as needed.

That means capping your onboarding steps at no more than seven steps. Five would be better, but if they’re super short and not overly complicated requests, you might be able to stretch it a bit.

To build out your steps, first, decide what type of onboarding flow would be the most beneficial for your app. For example:

  • A product setup walkthrough to help users personalize their experience or get started;
  • A series of questions that help identify what type of user they are;
  • A preview of the core features;
  • A video or GIF intro that welcomes the user and shows them how easy the app is to use;
  • Powerful statistics that reinforce the transformative effects of your product.

Then start piecing them together.

To add a new screen to the flow, use the “Flow” tab on the left. Use the “+Step” button at the bottom to add a new step, or you can click the plus sign that appears beneath your existing step button when you hover over it.

In Feathery’s ‘Flow’ control tab, users can add new steps with ease. (Source: Feathery) (Large preview)

You can rename the labels of each step by double-clicking on each block. Alternatively, if you hover over the block, three vertical dots appear to the right, which gives you the ability to duplicate, rename or delete it.

Step 3: Customize The Content

In terms of what makes an onboarding flow effective, you generally want to keep the design simple — lots of white space, concise and easy-to-follow language, and motivational imagery and colors.

Each step will include a combination of imagery and text. You’ll find all of the mix-and-match components you need under the “Elements” tab in the left sidebar.

Let’s go through an example of what you might put on one of these screens from top to bottom.

Step 3a: Add a Progress Indicator

To start, place a “Progress” element at the top of the page. Whenever you have a multi-step process, providing users with visibility into their progress is a must.

You can customize everything about this progress indicator, including:

  • Length,
  • Alignment,
  • Visibility,
  • Color,
  • Font,
  • Text placement,
  • Text styling.

When designing your progress bar, consider its prominence in terms of the rest of the design. You want it to be easy to find, but not so overpowering that it distracts from the actual message on the page.

Step 3b: Customize The Text

Before adding any imagery, lay down your text layers. Ideally, each screen should contain no more than 50 words or so.

Another thing to think about with text is a hierarchy. If all of the text is the same size and styling, it could end up looking like one long block of text (even if it’s only 50 words).

To keep onboarding screens easy to read:

  • Limit the amount of text,
  • Keep it simple and jargon-free,
  • Choose a readable font,
  • Use headings at the top of the page,
  • Add bolding and italics for emphasis,
  • Place single- or multiple-choice options into blocks with visual companions.

In Feathery, use the “Text” field to add individual text layers.

You’ll have total control over how the text looks from the “Style” panel.

Step 3c: Add Imagery

With Feathery, you can add images and videos to your onboarding step designs using the corresponding elements — images you’ll have to upload from an external source, and videos will need to be hosted on YouTube and then embedded with a link.

For more complex configurations (like text and image blocks), use the element that most closely resembles what you need.

For instance, I want to create nine clickable blocks so that users can tell us how they found the app. For this, I’ll use the “Button Group” element:

You can edit the labels, add images, customize the layout and spacing, change the font, apply a border and shadow, and more.

The three side-by-side button blocks have been transformed into a colorful, custom-labeled grid of options. If they’re going to be clickable options like in this example, you’ll be able to program in hover effects to make them respond to your users’ touch.

Step 3d: Add Other Elements

You can add all kinds of interactive and attractive elements to your onboarding flows. For example:

  • Account setup/login forms;
  • File uploaders;
  • Slider selections;
  • Rating requests;
  • Payment forms.

It all depends on your goal for that step and what the easiest way to get that information across or to collect it from your users is.

Step 4: Add Navigation Buttons

Giving your users full control over their onboarding experience is going to be crucial in getting as many of them through the process as possible.

Although it’s common to place a single “Continue” button at the bottom of each onboarding step, it might be a good idea to give them extra navigation options.

For instance, let’s say the step we designed above is the first in a series of six. We can place a “Next” button on the right side of the step. A “Previous” button wouldn’t make sense, but a “Skip” button would be useful. While it’s nice to find out how people discovered our apps, it’s not totally necessary, so giving them the option to skip is good.

Both buttons are placed side-by-side here. However, the “Skip” button has been designed as a plain text link as opposed to “NEXT,” which is more prominent. You can play around with how you present the various button options to your users.

Step 5: Enable Interactivity and Connectivity

Every step you build will have at least one element of interactivity. To configure your clickable elements, use the “Properties” setting on the right toolbar.

Let’s start with the “Button” elements.

You can configure more than just links to the next steps or pages in your app. You also have the ability to:

  • Set multiple actions.
  • Disable the button if the fields aren’t submitted.
  • Create custom validation rules that need to be met.
  • Set conditional logic that determines when the button appears in the flow.
In Feathery, users can program multiple actions for button elements and force certain rules to be met. (Source: Feathery) (Large preview)

When it comes to other clickable elements in Feathery, you’ll have similar options with regard to validation rules and conditional logic. However, the other settings will differ based on what the element is.

For example, the “Button Group” element asks you to set constraints. You can allow for multiple responses. You can also make the response optional, which you’ll need if you include a “Skip” button on that screen. When it comes to form fields, on the other hand, you may need to set limits on what can be entered or uploaded.

Interactivity is an important piece of the user onboarding flow. If there are any issues with getting through the process, you’re going to lose users before they get inside your app. The rest will likely expect the app to be just as confusing or difficult to use, which won’t bode well for user attrition. So spend extra time on this step to make sure you get it right.

Step 6: Create The Flow

Depending on how you added new steps to your user onboarding flow, you might not need to do much in this step. However, it’s still a good idea to check.

To see what your flow looks like, click on the “Flow” tab on the left. Then click on the “Flow Editor” button to open your flow chart.

If you set up the steps initially to connect together, you’ll see them connected here. Additionally, if you programmed buttons to connect to other slides, you’ll see that reflected in the chart.

In addition to visualizing your flow, you can:

  • Create a new step,
  • Add new connections between steps,
  • Set the connecting element between two steps,
  • Add a condition so that different actions take users to different steps.

When you’re done, click the “Designer” button in the top-left to return to the main editor.

Step 7: Add Integrations (Optional)

There are different reasons to integrate other apps with your onboarding flow. For instance, you might want to track user engagement with a tool like Google Analytics. This would be helpful in keeping an eye on how many users are getting through each step. If they’re dropping out around the same point, your data will at least indicate where the greatest friction point is.

There are other tools that Feathery integrates with as well. Go to the “Integrations” tab at the top of your screen to find them.

You’ll be able to add a wide variety of functionality to your onboarding flows with integrations. Analytics is just the start.

For example, you can integrate with the following:

  • Firebase or Stytch to add an authenticated login step;
  • Stripe to collect one-off or recurring payment from new users;
  • Plaid to automatically collect user financial information;
  • Slack to notify your team when a new user has completed the process;
  • HubSpot to add new users to your CRM and automated email marketing campaigns.

A user onboarding form is a great way to get users into your app without the need for a sales rep or customer service associate to contact them. Adding integrations will allow you to streamline the onboarding and engagement process even more.

Step 8: Publish

When you’ve finished designing your user onboarding steps, hit the “Publish” button in the top-right corner. Use the down arrow to open a preview or the live form to see how your new onboarding flow looks and to test it out.

To add the new onboarding process to your app, use the “Publish” dropdown one more time to retrieve the JavaScript or React code.

The code will automatically be copied to your clipboard. Go into your CMS and add it wherever you want the element to appear — like in a pop-up at startup.

Wrapping Up

Is a user onboarding flow necessary? If you want to maximize conversions or collect necessary user information for other purposes, then yes.

Despite the critical role that onboarding plays in product adoption, designing a great onboarding experience for your users doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you build it from scratch, use another app’s onboarding flow for inspiration, or start with a template, you can have a well-thought-out and beautifully designed user onboarding flow set up in no time at all.

Sign up for Feathery to start creating effective user onboarding flows of your own.

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How to Build a URL Shortener Web App With Flask Framework

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What Is a URL Shortener?

A URL shortener is a tool that takes a long, complex URL and generates a shortened, easier-to-recall version. The shortened URLs typically redirect to the original, longer URL when clicked. URL shorteners are commonly used for social media posts, email messages, and other situations where a long URL could be more convenient and easier to share.

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The more 404 pages you have on your site, the fewer time users spend on the site. To reduce the bounce rate and build a top-notch online reputation for your website, it is essential to check for broken links using Cypress. It is relatively easy to check broken links on the website by performing Cypress testing compared to other test automation frameworks like Selenium.

.NET on AWS – Persisting Application Data to S3 (Part 1)

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S3 provides low latency for data, and it has high throughput (able to move data in and out of S3 quickly). S3 is highly available, durable, and can encrypt data. S3 provides access management, lifecycle management, and the ability to query-in-place (no need to move to a data lake). Static website hosting is another very popular feature of S3.

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At the first sight, it looks pretty simple, but we needed a well-configured custom solution. Of course, I checked existing libraries that I could reuse and adjust this kind of animation for our needs. After the first try, I figured out that the libraries are not so adjustable, and we cannot control the animation of each number. I won’t go into details too much. However, I decided to make my own solution from scratch.

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Even though these microservices are different, they work together to complete the job. Microservices are becoming an essential part of modern app architecture, so let's talk about what microservices architecture is, how they work, and why they are helpful.

Handling Bad Messages via DLQ by Configuring JDBC Kafka Sink Connector

Any trustworthy data streaming pipeline needs to be able to identify and handle faults. Exceptionally while IoT devices ingest endlessly critical data/events into permanent persistence storage like RDBMS for future analysis via multi-node Apache Kafka cluster. (Please click here to read how to set up a multi-node Apache Kafka Cluster). There could be scenarios where IoT devices might send fault/bad events due to various reasons at the source points, and henceforth appropriate actions can be executed to correct it further. The Apache  Kafka architecture does not include any filtering and error handling mechanism within the broker so that maximum performance/scale can be yielded.  Instead, it is included in Kafka Connect, which is an integration framework of Apache Kafka. As a default behavior, if a problem arises as a result of consuming an invalid message, the Kafka Connect task terminates, and the same applies to JDBC Sink Connector.

Kafka Connect has been classified into two categories, namely Source (to ingest data from various data generation sources and transport to the topic) and Sink (to consume data/messages from the topic and send them eventually to various destinations).  Without implementing a strict filtering mechanism or exception handling, we can ingest/publishes messages inclusive of wrong formatted to the Kafka topic because the Kafka topic accepts all messages or records as byte arrays in key-value pairs. But by default, the Kafka Connect task stops if an error occurs because of consuming an invalid message, and on top of that JDBC sink connector additionally won’t work if there is an ambiguity in the message schema.

Private DNS Zone With Azure HDInsight Kafka

What Is HDInsight Kafka?

Azure HDInsight Kafka is a cloud-based, managed Apache Kafka service offered by Microsoft Azure. Apache Kafka is an open-source, distributed streaming platform that allows for the processing and analyzing of high-volume, real-time data streams.

Azure HDInsight Kafka provides a fully managed and scalable environment for deploying and running Apache Kafka clusters, allowing users to easily create, configure, and manage Kafka topics, producers, and consumers. It also provides integration with other Azure services, such as Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Event Hubs, and Azure Stream Analytics, enabling users to ingest, process, and analyze large volumes of data in real-time.

Streaming in Mule 4: Processing Large Data Sets

Mule is a lightweight enterprise service bus and integration framework provided by MuleSoft. The platform is Java-based and hence makes use of the JVM for process execution. It is the fundamental task in MuleSoft to integrate different systems, and there are scenarios where we take data from one system, then process it, and finally load it into another system (ETL), where these source and end systems can be Database, Salesforce, SFTP/FTP or Files. There can be various approaches we can adopt to achieve the above goal. But when processing a reasonable amount of data, one of the concerns designers and developers need to address is the potential of retrieving an enormous number of results in a single load session because if the size of the data being loaded into the JVM Heap Memory exceeds its size, we get the memory out of bound exception, our
application crashes, and the process execution fails.

Some Conventional Solutions

To address the problem we encountered in the above scenario, we can make use of the following logic:

Data Modernization Stages and Best Practices

Data is a priceless resource for any company. But, the pace of innovation using data differs from organization to organization. Organizations with sprawling legacy systems slow down innovation, while cloud-native ones rapidly benefit from modern analytics and AI through more straightforward implementation.

Companies with sizeable on-site data environments may plan to upgrade their data and use AI to overcome business obstacles. However, the transition from on-site to AI may seem intimidating to them.

Team Mentoring and Learning Path

Considering a lot of demand for the various skill sets of people for upgrading existing systems or for new projects, it is very challenging to prepare the best team for the project. 

A few successful processes could improve the situation; I have listed some of them below and hope they are helpful.

How to Properly Use Heading Tags in WordPress (H1-H6 Explained)

Are you wondering about the proper way to use H1-H6 heading tags in WordPress?

When you use headings effectively in your posts and pages, you make your content more readable, improve user experience, and boost your website’s SEO.

In this article, we’ll show you how to properly use heading tags in WordPress.

How to Properly Use Heading Tags in WordPress (H1-H6 Explained)

What Are Heading Tags in WordPress?

Heading tags are HTML elements used to identify the title and headings on a webpage.

Both visitors and search engines will understand your content better when your posts and pages contain headings. When you add headings correctly, you can improve the post’s SEO, so it ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

You add a logical structure to your posts by using different heading levels. Post titles will use H1 tags, and you typically use H2 tags for the main headings and H3 tags for subheadings.

When viewing a webpage as HTML, heading tags look like this:

<h1>Post Title</h1>
<h4>And so on</h4>

However, you can easily add heading tags to your WordPress posts and pages without using code.

We cover this step-by-step in our guide on how to change the font size in WordPress.

You Can Easily Add Heading Tags Without Code Using the WordPress Block Editor

The sizes and colors of the different heading styles are controlled by your theme’s stylesheet, and we’ll show you how to customize their appearance below.

With that being said, let’s take a look at how to properly use H1-H6 heading tags in WordPress. Here is a quick overview of what we’ll cover in this guide:

1. Use Headings and Subheadings to Structure Your Content

Headings help you create a logical structure for a post or page. They guide your readers through the article by briefly describing the main sections of the topic and how they relate to one another.

You can use up to six hierarchical heading levels to structure your content:

  • H1 tags are the most important and there should be only one H1 heading in a post. This tag is used for the post title, and you can learn how to add and optimize your titles in our guide on SEO titles and H1 post titles in WordPress.
  • H2 headings are the main headings and are used in the different sections of a post. If you need to split these sections up into subsections, then you can use H3 tags. Most themes will display H3 subheadings in a smaller font than H2 headings.
  • Most posts only need two or three levels of headings, so you may never use heading tags H4 to H6 on your WordPress website. However, they can be used to provide further structure in very long posts or academic articles.

Structuring your posts in this way helps both website visitors and search engine crawlers quickly grasp the context of your content. A well-structured post may be ranked higher on search engine results pages.

Tip: Make sure you use heading tags to structure your article, and not simply for formatting, such as making a block of text larger. For more on formatting text, see our guide on how to easily change the font size in WordPress.

2. Customize the Appearance of Headings to Grab Attention

Using headings in your content is a great way to grab user attention with a larger-size font. In most WordPress themes, headings are in a larger font than regular body text. They allow you to break your posts and pages into sections.

You can also customize the appearance of your headings, so they stand out even more. For example, you can attract attention to your headings by adding color, especially with H1, H2, and H3 headings.

Some themes offer preset font choices that will change the font on your entire website.

Change font in theme customizer

Besides that, you can also change fonts for individual elements on your theme. For example, you can use a different font for the body text and headings. There are even options to use separate fonts for each heading level.

For more details, see our guide on how to change fonts in your WordPress theme.

3. Use Headings to Improve Readability and User Experience

No one likes a wall of text. The easiest way to make your content more readable is by breaking it up using headings and short paragraphs.

This makes it easier to read and understand your content. It also helps your users scan through the article quickly and find the sections they want to read more thoroughly.

These factors will increase page views and reduce bounce rate, which is good for SEO.

Checking the Readability of Your Headings Using All in One SEO

The best way to check the readability of your post is by using All in One SEO (AIOSEO). It’s the best WordPress SEO plugin that allows you to easily optimize your WordPress website for search engines and social media platforms.

Note: The free version of AIOSEO will show you if your post contains enough headings, and also let you set a focus keyphrase as we cover below. However, the extra features of the premium version will get your site ranking even higher on search engines.

Once you have installed and configured All in One SEO, simply scroll down below the post content to the AIOSEO General Settings area.

You will find a ‘Page Analysis’ section that gives you a list of actionable tasks you can follow to make the post rank higher. It includes tabs for ‘Basic SEO,’ ‘Title,’ and ‘Readability,’ and each tab shows you how many errors you need to fix in that category.

The ‘Readability’ tab offers suggestions on how to improve readability, such as including images, shortening paragraphs and sentences, using transition words, adding subheadings, and more. Items marked with a red cross need more work.

AIOSEO's Action List for Improving Readability

Under ’Subheading distribution’, you will be given feedback on any steps you need to take to improve the headings in the post, such as:

  • ‘1 section of your text is longer than 300 words and is not separated by any subheadings. Add subheadings to improve readability.’
  • ‘You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn’t need them.’
  • ‘Great job!’

You should aim to get a green checkmark next to every item under the Page Analysis section to improve the post’s SEO.

4. Optimize Your Headings for SEO by Adding Appropriate Keywords

Adding headings to your blog posts is great for your site’s SEO. That’s because search engines give headings more weight than normal paragraph text. Google will try to use the content of your headings to better understand the topic you are writing about.

You can optimize your headings for SEO by adding appropriate keywords. These are the keywords users will search for when looking for your content. You can learn how to find them in our guide on how to do keyword research for your WordPress blog.

But it’s important that you don’t just add random keywords to your headings. Only use keywords when they make sense and clearly describe what that part of the post is about.

Checking Whether Your Headings are SEO Optimized Using All in One SEO

You can use All in One SEO‘s SEO Analysis feature to check whether you have used enough keywords in your headings.

First, you need to add a focus keyword to your post. Simply scroll to AIOSEO Settings under the post content, then type the post’s most important keyword next to ‘Focus Keyphrase.’

All in One SEO focus Keyphrase

The plugin will then analyze your content for the keyword, show you a score, and give suggestions on how to improve your ranking.

Among other things, All in One SEO will show you if your post has a healthy number of keyword-optimized H2 and H3 subheadings.

AIOSEO Will Recommend When You Should Use the Focus Keyphrase in More Subheadings

You can also use All in One SEO to optimize the post title. For more details, see our guide on how to use a headline analyzer in WordPress to improve SEO titles.

Besides adding keywords, we also recommend making your headline catchy and click-worthy. That’s because your organic click-through rate (CTR) plays an important role in SEO.

5. Automatically Create a Table of Contents From Headings

A table of contents is a clickable list of the headings contained in a post. They make it easier to jump between the sections of a long article, improving navigation through your content.

When your visitors click a link in the table of contents, they will be taken immediately to that heading in the article. This allows users to quickly move to the content they are interested in.

Anchor link preview

All in One SEO can save you time by automatically generating the table of contents based on your subheadings, while also making it completely customizable with editable links.

When editing your post, you’ll need to click the blue ‘+ ’ icon and locate the ‘AIOSEO – Table of Contents’ block. Simply drag the block onto the post or page where you wish the table of contents to appear.

Add an AIOSEO Table of Contents Block to the Post or Page

The plugin will automatically identify the headings on the page and add them to your table of contents. If you use different heading levels (say H2 and H3), then lower-level headings will be indented to show the structure of your content.

If you are still writing the contents of your post or page, then any headings added to the document will be automatically added to the table of contents. Also, any changes that you make to the headings themselves will be reflected in the ToC block.

For step-by-step instructions, see our guide on how to create a table of contents in WordPress posts and pages.

Organizing your heading tags well may help your content rank for Google featured snippets. These are highlighted results that are shown at the top of the search results page.

Tables of Contents Are Also Used in Featured Snippets

Google was able to pull the headings from the above post to create the number list you see on the search results page, earning this post a featured snippet.

This will help you get the maximum SEO traffic since a user is more likely to click on a featured snippet than a plain search result.

For tips on ranking for featured snippets, see our guide on how to get a Google Featured Snippet with your WordPress website.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Heading Tags in WordPress

Here are some of the most common questions our readers ask us about heading tags.

What is the difference between H1 and H2 in WordPress?

H1 is used for the post title, and this should be the only H1 heading in a post. H2 is used for the main headings throughout a post. For many blog posts, H1 and H2 are the only heading tags you will need.

What are the six types of headings in WordPress?

There are six types of heading tags in WordPress, and they are H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6. The H1 tag is used for the title and H2-H6 can be used for different levels of headings and subheadings throughout the post.

You don’t need to use all six levels of headings in a post. However, you shouldn’t skip a level. For example, when you use H2 for headings, you should use H3 for subheadings, and not skip straight to H4.

What is the difference between H1 and TITLE in WordPress?

The title you type at the top of a post or page is an H1 heading. However, when search engines display the post in search results, they will use a different title identified by a TITLE tag rather than H1. This is known as the SEO title or meta title.

You can add a meta title to your post using an SEO plugin such as All in One SEO. You can learn more in our guide on the difference between SEO titles and H1 post titles in WordPress.

How do I create an H1 heading in WordPress?

When you create a new post or page in WordPress, you will see the words ‘Add title’ at the top of the page. Simply type the post title on this line to add an H1 heading.

While it is possible to create additional H1 headings using Heading blocks, we don’t recommend using more than one H1 tag.

How many H2 headings should a WordPress post have?

H2 headings are used to break up a long post and make it more readable, and there are no rules about how many you should use. In fact, if your post is only a few paragraphs long, then you may not need to add H2 headings at all.

The All in One SEO plugin has a Page Analysis feature that can check your blog post for readability. In general, if you have 300 words of text or more without a heading, it will recommend adding more headings or subheadings.

Do heading tags affect your WordPress website’s SEO?

Yes, the title of your blog post is extremely important for search engine optimization (SEO). A powerful title can get people to click on the link to visit your website, so we recommend you use a headline analyzer to create engaging titles that get more clicks.

H2-H6 headings can also impact SEO. They improve user experience, and this improves SEO. Adding appropriate keywords to your headings may also help your post rank higher.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to properly use H1-H6 heading tags in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create an email newsletter, or our expert pick on the best SEO plugins and tools.

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The post How to Properly Use Heading Tags in WordPress (H1-H6 Explained) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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