Understanding AVL Trees in C#: A Guide to Self-Balancing Binary Search Trees

In my previous article, we discussed the binary search tree and its implementation in C#. We learned that this data structure allows for fast searching, insertion, and deletion of elements in logarithmic time. Still, if the tree is not balanced properly, its performance can suffer greatly. We also noted that there is a more advanced tree called AVL with self-balancing, which guarantees logarithmic time complexity for all operations, regardless of the incoming data.

In this article, we will continue our exploration of binary search trees by diving deeper into AVL Trees. We will discuss their structure, properties, and implementation details and compare them to other self-balancing trees. We will also provide examples of AVL Trees in action and demonstrate how they solve the problem of unbalanced trees. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of AVL Trees and be equipped with the knowledge to use them effectively in your own code.
