Deploying Prometheus and Grafana as Applications using ArgoCD — Including Dashboards

If you're tired of managing your infrastructure manually, ArgoCD is the perfect tool to streamline your processes and ensure your services are always in sync with your source code. With ArgoCD, any changes made to your version control system will automatically be synced to your organization's dedicated environments, making centralization a breeze. Say goodbye to the headaches of manual infrastructure management and hello to a more efficient and scalable approach with ArgoCD!

This post will teach you how to easily install and manage infrastructure services like Prometheus and Grafana with ArgoCD. Our step-by-step guide makes it simple to automate your deployment processes and keep your infrastructure up to date.

What “The Rings of Power” Taught Me About a Career in Tech (Part 4)

At last comes their answer through cold and through frost,
That not all who wonder or wander are lost,
No matter the sorrow, no matter the cost,
That not all that wonder or wander are lost.

. – Poppy Proudfellow, “The Rings of Power”

We’ve arrived at the end of the series. If you have missed parts of the journey so far, you can find part one here; and here you’ll find part two; and then you’ll find part three waiting for you here. And now, let us see what final wisdom Amazon’s “The Rings of Power” has in store for us:

Building Multiple Barcode, QR Code and Datamatrix Scanner With Flutter for Inventory Management

Barcode scanning is an essential tool for modern inventory management. It improves accuracy, efficiency, real-time tracking, and cost savings, making it an important part of any effective inventory management system. In this article, we will demonstrate how to build a multiple barcode, QR code and DataMatrix scanner with Flutter for inventory management on Android and iOS.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS

Flutter Dependencies Used for Multi-Code Scanning App

To extend the capabilities of the target Flutter project beyond what is provided by Flutter’s core libraries, third-party Flutter plugins are necessary. The following is a list of the plugins used in this project:

Getting Started With Web Components Using Stencil

Web components (or Custom Elements) are a set of standardized APIs that allow you to create reusable and encapsulated components for the web. Custom elements allow you to define your own HTML elements and their behavior using JavaScript. This means you can create your own custom elements like <my-element> and define their behavior using JavaScript.

It has been around for quite some time now, but it hasn’t gained notable traction in the frontend world as most are still quite unfamiliar with it, although it’s being widely used in top websites such as YouTube, GitHub, and many more.

Updating SwiftUI Views From Objective-C Using MVVM

On the internet, in the Apple documentation, and on Medium, there is a ton of information about SwiftUI, how to use it from UIKit, and vice versa. But today, let’s consider a not-so-common case in real life that’s useful to reflect on non-standard situations in iOS development.

Task: Show SwiftUI view from Objective-C codebase. Moreover, when an Objective-C model should be observable, the respective SwiftUI should be updated.

Compress File Using Mule 4 With AES 256 Encryption

In this article, I will discuss the process of zipping a file using Mule 4 with AES 2565 encryption.

Here is the background in some cases after generating the output file in the Unix server.
the file needs to move to a window's location for business, to which the developer team does not have access.

How To Install Oceanbase on an AWS EC2 Instance

In the world of big data, distributed databases play an important role. As data generated and processed by companies grow exponentially, there is a growing need for scalable and reliable database management solutions. An increasing number of companies are already shifting to distributed databases. OceanBase, a distributed database that offers capabilities in both transactions and analytics, as well as compatibility with MySQL, is rapidly gaining traction among data-driven teams.

Developed by Ant Group, OceanBase has been the driving force behind Alibaba’s Singles Day shopping event for nine consecutive years, managing billions of dollars in transactions annually.

Unlock Customer Behavior With Time Series Analysis

Time series analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze and interpret data that is collected over time. This technique is widely used in various fields, such as finance, economics, engineering, and environmental sciences, to identify patterns and trends in the data.

A time series is a sequence of data points that are recorded over a specific period, typically at regular intervals. Examples of time series data include stock prices, weather patterns, and customer sales records. The analysis of time series data involves understanding the underlying patterns in the data, predicting future trends, and identifying the factors that contribute to the observed patterns.

Useful NPM Tips and Tricks for Developers to Boost Productivity

NPM, short for Node Package Manager, is a widely-used tool for managing JavaScript packages in a project. It allows developers to install and update packages, as well as manage dependencies and scripts. NPM comes bundled with Node.js, so if you have Node installed on your machine, you automatically have access to NPM as well.

NPM Tips and Tricks

npm Commands You Should Know

This is not a tutorial for learning npm, the official docs are a good place to get started, but a collection of tips and tricks that will help you do more with the npm utility. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, these tips can help you be more efficient and productive in your work with npm.

Instantly run packages without installing

The NPM registry is a treasure trove for finding packages that do useful stuff and they aren’t just for programmers.

For instance, the speed-test package shows the speed of your internet connection. The emoj package helps you search for emojis from the terminal. And the wifi-passwords package can help you find the password of your current WiFi network.

You can run these utility packages directly from the command line using the npx command.

npx speed-test
npx emoj unicorn
npx public-ip-cli
npx wifi-password-cli

Get package details

Use the npm view command to get details of any npm package, including the repository URL, the dependencies and the date when the package was last updated.

npm view eslint

Install npm packages faster

You’ve probably used npm install to install packages, and dependencies, in the local node_modules folder of a project. Replace this command with npm-ci and you’ll be able to install packages significantly faster.

npm ci

If a node_modules folder is already present, it will be automatically removed before npm ci begins to install packages.

Recover space

If you have been working with npm packages for some time, the various node_modules folders on the disks could be consuming several gigabytes of space. The very useful npkill finds all node_modules folders on your system and lets you delete them interactively.

npx npkill

Quickly download a Git repository

Most developers use the git clone command to download a Git repository. However, this also downloads the entire git history making the process slower. The degit package can download the latest commit to the master branch locally and you need not specify the full Github URL.

npx degit username/repo
npx degit labnol/apps-script-starter

List installed packages

Generate a list of all npm packages that are installed on the system with global scope. Remove the -g flag to list only packages installed in the current project directory.

npm ls --depth=0
npm ls -g

Find unused dependencies

The depcheck command will list all the npm packages that are not used in the project based on the dependencies in package.json.

npx depcheck

Use the command npm uninstall <package-name> to uninstall any unused package.

Find unused source files

The unimported package will find all the unused files and dependencies in your JavaScript / TypeScript projects.

npx unimported

Find outdated dependencies

Get a list of all outdated packages in your current project. This command checks every single module listed in the package.json file and compares it with the latest version available in the NPM registry.

Add the -g flag to get all outdated packages that are installed globally on the system.

npm outdated
npm outdated -g

Update the package versions

The npm outdated command will list all packages in your current project that are outdated and a newer version is available. Add the -g flag to list outdated packages that are installed in the global scope.

The ncu command will update the package.json file with the latest version of the packages listed in the dependencies and devDependencies sections.

Or use the npm-check -u command to update packages to their latest version in interactive mode.

npm outdated
npm outdated -g
npm-check -u
ncu -u

Remove extra packages

Use the prune command to remove all packages that are installed locally but not listed in the package.json file. If the —dry-run flag is used then no changes will be made.

npm prune

Alternatively, you can remove the node_modules folder and run npm ci again.

Find vulnerable packages

Run the audit command to check for vulnerabilities in the packages listed in the dependencies and devDependencies sections. Add the fix flag to automatically apply the fixes, if any.

npm audit
npm audit fix

Useful NPM Package Websites

  • - Upload your package.json file and get an idea of how much it would cost (size-wise) to install the dependencies.
  • - Compare any two versions of a npm package and know which files have changed in the update.
  • - Compare the relative popularity of packages across the npm registry based on the number of downloads.

Low-Code and No-Code Are the Future of Work — For IT and Beyond

In the aftermath of the pandemic, there have been immense changes in the ways employees interact with IT tools and teams. Not coincidentally, there's also been a rise in the use of low/no-code development tools.

Given the prevalence of hybrid work, the increasingly younger workforce, and a shortage of software-engineering talent, it's no wonder many are excited about the future of low/no-code development tools. Gartner analysts predict that 65% of all app development will be low-code-driven by 2024. Even more astounding, they believe that 80% of technology services will be created by non-technology professionals by 2024. 

How to Use Buildpacks to Build Java Containers

Do you still write lengthy Dockerfiles describing every step necessary to build a container image? Then, buildpacks come to your rescue! Developers simply feed them an application, buildpacks do their magic, and turn it into a fully functional container ready to be deployed on any cloud.

But how exactly does the magic happen? And what should you do if the resulting container performance doesn’t meet the business requirements? 

Driving Isn’t Like Riding; Building Isn’t Like Using

I’ve made no secret of the fact that, at 55 and after 35 years in I.T., I’m learning to code “for real." And some of this journey is far from comfortable. Some of it is downright frustrating and difficult in ways I didn’t expect and feel (albeit without justification) it shouldn’t be.

It took a drive in the car with my son to put it into perspective.

What Is Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm: Simplifying Container Orchestration

In recent years, containers have become an increasingly popular way to package, distribute, and deploy software applications. They offer several advantages over traditional virtual machines, including faster start-up times, improved resource utilization, and greater flexibility.

However, managing containers at scale can be challenging, especially when running large, distributed applications. This is where container orchestration tools come into play, and Docker Swarm is one of the most popular options available.

What Is Enterprise Portal and How to Develop One?

In today's fast-paced business world, organizations require efficient tools to manage their internal processes and enhance communication and collaboration among employees. As a result, enterprise portals have become an indispensable solution that provides a centralized platform for accessing various types of information, applications, and services tailored toward a particular organization or group of users.

This blog will examine what enterprise portals, different enterprise portals, the steps involved in planning, designing, and developing one, and the ongoing maintenance and upgrades necessary for its success is. In addition, we'll cover identifying business requirements and objectives; defining target audiences and user roles; choosing an appropriate technology stack; creating a wireframe/prototype; developing, testing, and deploying the portal itself. By the end, you will have a better insight into essential elements of an enterprise portal and how to construct one that meets your organization's requirements and objectives.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Software Testing: Automating Test Case Creation and Documentation

The rapid growth of technology has led to an increased demand for efficient and effective software testing methods. One of the most promising advancements in this field is the integration of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. NLP, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), is focused on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. In the context of software testing, NLP offers the potential to automate test case creation and documentation, ultimately reducing the time, effort, and costs associated with manual testing processes.

This article explores the benefits and challenges of using NLP in software testing, focusing on automating test case creation and documentation. We will discuss the key NLP techniques used in this area, real-world applications, and the future of NLP in software testing.

How To Add Estimated Review Time and Context Labels To Pull Requests

The pull request (PR) review process, if not set up well in your team, can create a lot of bottlenecks in getting your code merged into the main branch and into production. By adding more context and information automatically to your PRs, you save yourself and your teamwork.

Take the scenario of fixing a typo in documentation. If there’s a backlog of PRs that need attention, such a PR may take two days — or longer — just to be approved. Here, learn about continuous merge (CM) with gitStream. gitStream is a tool that allows you to add context and automation to your PRs, classifying PRs based on their complexity.