How Can Digital Testing Help in the Product Roadmap

A product roadmap is a high-level visual representation of a product’s strategy and plan. It provides a clear and concise overview of the product’s vision, goals, and initiatives, as well as a timeline for their delivery. Digital testing is essential to the product roadmap as it sheds light on user experience. This testing evaluates user interaction with the product covering aspects such as user interface, functionality, and usability.

Digital testing can inform a product roadmap by providing insights into how users interact with and feel about the product. This information can help to prioritize features, identify areas for improvement, and inform design decisions. By regularly conducting user testing and incorporating the results into the product roadmap, companies can ensure that their products meet the needs and expectations of their users, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty.

Detecting Network Anomalies Using Apache Spark

What Is Apache Spark?

Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system designed for large-scale data processing. It was developed at the University of California, Berkeley's AMPLab, and is now maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. 

Spark provides a unified framework for processing and analyzing large datasets across distributed computing clusters. It allows developers to write distributed applications using a simple and expressive programming model based on Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). RDDs are an abstraction of a distributed collection of data that can be processed in parallel across a cluster of machines.

Web Testing Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Web testing entails validating a website to ensure it works correctly and fulfills its purpose. The activities can include checking that all links on the website work and the website is compatible with different browsers, devices, and operating systems. Testing a website also ensures it is secure and protected against attacks.

In this technologically connected world, websites are everywhere. From paying bills sitting at home or purchasing that item you have wanted for a long time, we all need a website. Even before landing on these websites, we search our query on a search engine, like Google, which is a website.

Don’t Overpay for Cloud: Six Mistakes To Avoid When Moving to the Cloud

The public cloud is here to stay. Analyst surveys estimate that total public cloud spending will reach US$1T by 2025. The promise of reduced cost, on-demand provisioning, and innovative financial models are key drivers of this growth. However, as with any new technology, there are teething challenges. A pervasive CIO concern has been the seemingly out-of-control and opaque cloud bill and the associated lack of organizational governance around cloud costs. Unfortunately, by the time the CIO intervenes, it’s too late, as the money has already been spent. 

While optimizing cloud spend requires a hands-on approach to governance and forecasting, it does not require perfect knowledge of the future. The graph below illustrates that reservation-based discounts can deliver cost savings even when you can’t fully predict your upcoming cloud needs.

Using Artificial Intelligence in Finance

It is believed that no other technology has had a greater impact on the world in the last ten years than AI. Artificial intelligence, which gives robots the ability to learn based solely on data, is being incorporated into almost every aspect of our daily lives. 

With artificial intelligence automating time-consuming tasks, increasing efficiency to a new high, and maintaining strict security and safety standards, it’s playing a significant role in improving all existing industries, from healthcare, transportation, education, management, marketing, and more. So, how big is the AI industry exactly, and just how much of the globe is integrating this technology into their workflow?

Technological Advancement in EV (Electric Vehicle) and EV Ecosystem

The Electric Vehicle (EV) Market

The Electric Vehicle (EV) current market share is under 5%, which is expected to grow to 24% by 2028, 40% by 2030, and 90% by 2040. Electric vehicle adoption is low due to high cost, limited driving range, and lack of charging infrastructure. 

The cost of electric vehicles is high. Not all people segment can afford to buy. There needs to be a huge surge in the cost to boost sales. Electric vehicles are powered by batteries. The driving range is limited to battery capacity. This is another major issue. One needs to stop the vehicle to recharge the battery once the maximum distance is reached according to battery capacity. Unlike petrol stations, there are not many EV charging stations. This is another major issue. Hence, it is important to know the nearby charging station before the battery gets drained fully. Unlike ICE-powered vehicles(Gasoline/Petrol or Diesel), Electric vehicle needs an ecosystem approach to drive EV adoption on a large scale. A piecemeal solution may not help. The solution needs to address all the following aspects of the ecosystem.

The Architecture and MVC Pattern of an ASP.NET E-Commerce Platform

An open-source project based on .NET technologies with understandable architecture can help many developers to build e-commerce solutions for their customers or employer. It can be easily customizable and pluggable that enables the development and integration of any features, extensions, and themes. Every .NET developer may download the source code and start creating any e-commerce project. 

To help developers create high-performance and scalable e-commerce solutions, this article explains how to build an architecture and source code, as well as how to use an MVC pattern.

Apache Druid, TiDB, ClickHouse, or Apache Doris? Comparing the OLAP Tools We Have Used

To brief you about me, I lead the Big Data team at NIO, an electric vehicle manufacturer. I have tried a fair share of the OLAP tools available on the market and here is what I think you need to know.

Apache Druid

Back in 2017, looking for an OLAP tool on the market was like seeking a tree on an African prairie—there were only a few of them. As we looked up and scanned the horizon, our eyes linger on Apache Druid and Apache Kylin. We landed on Druid because we were already been familiar with it, while Kylin, despite its impressively high query efficiency in pre-computation, had a few shortcomings:

Application Architecture Design Principles

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Software Integration Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

Designing an application architecture is never complete. Regularly, all decisions and components need to be reviewed, validated, and possibly updated. Stakeholders require that complex applications be delivered more quickly. It's a challenge for even the most senior technologists. A strategy is required, and it needs to be nimble. Strategy combines processes, which aid in keeping a team focused, and principles and patterns, which provide best practices for implementation. Regardless, it's a daunting task requiring organizational commitment.

Orchestration Pattern: Managing Distributed Transactions

As organizations migrate to the cloud, they desire to exploit this on-demand infrastructure to scale their applications. But such migrations are usually complex and need established patterns and control points to manage. In my previous blog posts, I covered a few of the proven designs for cloud applications. In this article, I’ll introduce the Orchestration Pattern (also known as the Orchestrator Pattern) to add to the list. This technique allows the creation of scalable, reliable, and fault-tolerant systems. The approach can help us manage the flow and coordination among components of a distributed system, predominantly in a microservices architecture. Let’s dive into a problem statement to see how this pattern works.

Problem Context

Consider a legacy monolith retail e-commerce website. This complex monolith consists of multiple subdomains such as shopping baskets, inventory, payments etc. When a client sends a request, the website performs a sequence of operations to fulfil the request. In this traditional architecture, each operation can be described as a method call. The biggest challenge for the application is scaling with the demand. So, the organisation decided to migrate this application to the cloud. However, the monolithic approach that the application uses is too restricted and would limit scaling even in the cloud. Adopting a lift and shift approach to perform migration would not reap the real benefits of the cloud.

id list1 open for random

Hi, I'm Arcon.

I have a problem when saving records, it saves a record and when it saves another it overlaps the first record
when reading records with its id it does not read it to me correctly

thank you

Utilizing Database Hooks Like a Pro in Node.js

In this article, I’ll explain how to use database hooks in your Node.js applications to solve specific problems that might arise in your development journey.

Many applications require little more than establishing a connection pool between a server, database, and executing queries. However, depending on your application and database deployments, additional configurations might be necessary.

Demystifying the Infrastructure as Code Landscape

Infrastructure as Code started off with the commoditization of virtual machines sometime around the mid-2000s.

As with many things in the cloud infra space, Amazon played a key role in making IaC popular. The launch of AWS Cloudformation in 2009 made IaC an essential DevOps practice.

How Agile Architecture Spikes Are Used in Shift-Left BDD

An architecture spike in agile methodologies usually implies a software development method, which originates in the extreme programming offshoot of agile. It boils down to determining how much effort is needed to solve a particular problem or discover a workaround for an existing software issue.

So, let us explore the benefits and see how these spikes can help in improving quality and making testing easier—by shifting our attention to the left—challenging the specification at a very early phase, asking questions, and getting the ground ready for sensible software architecture, which will, in turn, improve the testability of our application under test.

Chris’ Corner: Fresh SVG Drop

Lemme show off some cool SVG-related things this week. Gotta love SVG. It’s this graphics language built right into the web platform that has a ton of capability and is always right there waiting for us when we need it. Thanks the web!

Portability is a cool SVG feature. You can copy and paste a bit of SVG right into HTML and that’s not only functional but actually, a pretty good way to do it. That way you can style it freely and no additional network request is made.

Ya know… that’s how our icons feature works here on CodePen.

The Assets panel on CodePen offers one-click SVG icons from Font Awesome.

And it’s a decently common way to deliver UX on a set of SVG icons generally. For example, check out Monika Michalczyk’s Shapes project, where you can just click any of them and get all the code right on your clipboard. They paste into Pens really nicely, of course.

I like how weird they all are. Nothing practical in here, just lovely interesting shapes. I bet they would morph into each other in fun ways.

Or here’s Robb Knight’s Mac 30th Anniversary Icons which are super cool minimalist representations of Macs over the last many decades.

No click-to-copy here, but the downloaded versions you can drag-and-drop into the CodePen editor if you want to play with them there.

You can learn the SVG syntax. I guess that’s kinda obvious but maybe not to everybody as SVG is often the output of tools. You can export SVG from Figma and Illustrator and stuff and you didn’t have to learn the syntax, you just use the output.

Just SVG paths alone are fairly complicated and something of a sub-syntax. I wouldn’t say I know it super duper well, but I know enough that I wrote a guide a while back.

Some of the other attributes of SVG elements are a bit more straightforward like circle essentially has a central point at an X, Y coordinate and then a radius. Sébastien Noël has a new guide on fffuel that helps understand a lot of these syntaxes:

I just love interactive code examples like this.

But leave it to yuanchuan (creator of css-doodle) to Experimenting [with] A New Syntax To Write SVG. It’s centered around the idea that the stylistic SVG attributes can be moved to a CSS-like syntax, which doesn’t just select and style SVG, but creates it.

Check out how easy it is to play with on CodePen.

OK I saved the best for last for you: Draw SVG rope using JavaScript (and it’s not just because there is an excellent CodePen demo) from Stanko Tadić. And not just rope like a line that maybe has some basic physics, but real-looking twisted rope, like the kind that might be holding a large ship to dock. The journey, which is excellently documented, involves really digging into the SVG APIs, doing interesting math, and knowing about fancy algorithms and stuff (see “Chaikin’s method” for rounding). I like it when you can tell someone is clearly captivated by an idea, gets it all figured out, then documents it so well the output and the explanation are equally interesting.

The post Chris’ Corner: Fresh SVG Drop appeared first on CodePen Blog.