Side nav menu with accordion sub-items


I've searched, but can't even find what to call this. Any links or code would help a ton. I want 8 main items to appear from a side-menu with 4 sub-items branching out to their right when clicked. As any sub-item is clicked, I'd like for 4 items below that to appear in an accordion-style fashion. The entire thing should never get any larger than 8x2.

Does this make sense? What am I looking for here? Thanks for any help you're able to provide.

Creating ‘Crap’ Faster Isn’t an Improvement

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Over the last few weeks, there’s been a lot of chatter about ChatGPT, a writing tool built in OpenAI. So much noise, in fact, that everyone from CNN, the NYT, Forbes, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, the Guardian, BBC, TechCrunch, CNet, and approximately a half billion techbruhs on YouTube had to sound off on it. All in the last two weeks.

The opinions range from incredulous to breathless to skeptical — albeit carefully so. Nobody really knows what the next few weeks will bring, and therefore nobody is willing to declare ChatGPT entirely one thing or another.

A Simple Method for Training GPT-2 To Generate Haiku Using the NanoGPT Repository

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In this article, I will show how to easily train GPT-class neural networks from home. Let me start by saying that we won’t train NN from scratch, as that would require 8 (eight!) A100-class GPUs at least and a massive dataset. Instead, we’ll focus on fine-tuning a pre-trained GPT-2 model using a smaller dataset, which anyone can easily make or find online. OpenAI has kindly released GPT-2 under Modified MIT License.


We’ll use the nanoGPT repository created by Andrej Karpathy for fast and easy GPT training. He has a comprehensive video lecture explaining how GPT-2 works and how to train such a neural network. However, we’re interested in fine-tuning the model using our own dataset and seeing the difference from the original (GPT-2 trained by OpenAI).