Sentiment Analysis Data Pipeline: What, Why, and How?

What Is Sentiment Analysis?

In just 4 years, a whopping 6 billion users — that’s half of the world’s population — will be active on social media. And if you’re curious to know the time we spend on social media, it is a jaw-dropping 147 minutes daily.

Any place where people spend so much time of their day is important from a business perspective. Many businesses realize this and invest heavily in analyzing data from social media. In most cases, businesses are concerned about the sentiments on social media regarding their brand. It helps them gain insights into the kind of sentiments that social media users have regarding their brand.

The Evolution of Development and Coding

I had the opportunity to catch up with Andi Grabner, DevOps Activist at Dynatrace during day two of Dynatrace Perform. I've know Andi for seven years and he's one of the people that has helped me understand DevOps since I began writing for DZone.

We covered several topics that I'll share in a series of articles.

Leveraging Data Locality to Optimize Spark Applications

Data locality is an essential concept in distributed computing, particularly in PySpark. It refers to the ability to process data where it is stored, rather than moving the data to where the processing is done. In this article, we will explore how to take advantage of data locality in PySpark to improve the performance of big data applications.

1. Use Cluster Manager

The first step in taking advantage of data locality in PySpark is to use a cluster manager that supports it, such as Apache YARN. YARN ensures that the data is processed on the same node where it is stored, reducing data movement and improving performance.

GSC (Google Search Console)

hello to All my friends.. i am facing issue related to GSC. the errors are excluded by noindex tag
Page With Redirect, Soft 404, Blocked by Robotstxt, Redirect Error, can anybody tell me or guide me to resolve the issue? this is my website how i can resolve these errors?

Journey to Event Driven, Part 1: Why Event-First Programming Changes Everything

Recently, all types of businesses are beginning to use automated systems to perform their functions effectively. With ever-growing and changing business requirements, there is a need for modern, robust applications that can constantly adapt to business needs. To create such applications successfully, you should choose the right architecture. One of the most efficient modern architectures is event-driven architecture. In this article, we will explain in detail how it works, the ways to implement it, and its main advantages.

Why Does the Old Architecture Not Meet Modern Requirements?

Modern applications are very different from those that were ten years ago. Now there are opportunities to store data in the cloud, split data storage into parts, and move data in real-time between different parts of the globe. Modern applications need to run continuously and seamlessly and be elastic, global, and cloud-based.

Building a Certificate Authority (CA) Server for Your Servers and Applications Free of Cost

In any organization, it is a best security practice to have an SSL certificate installed on servers, applications, and databases. To get an SSL certificate, the first step is to have or build a Certificate Authority (CA). SSL Certificates and CA make communication secure between client and server or application. If you do not have a CA ready internally or externally, you can not issue the certificate to any internal or external application. In that case, the risk of the application or server is at stake, as anybody can prove its identity and read critical data to harm the system. The CA is responsible for attesting to the identity of users, computers, and organizations. The CA authenticates an entity and assures the identity by issuing a digitally signed certificate.

This article will focus on how to set up an internal CA for your organization. This provides better control to IT Admin over implementation and certificate life cycle management. You can use any number of SSL certificates free of cost. We will use a Windows server for it.

How Does SAFe Differ From LeSS?

During a practice meeting at my organization, a team member mentioned taking a class on LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum). Many questions were asked as to how LeSS differed from SAFe. I volunteered to present a comparison in a later meeting. The larger Agile community might benefit from this information as well. The below article will attempt to answer the following questions:

  • What are the differences?  
  • Why do companies choose one over the other?
  • How do the roles differ?
  • How do the events differ?
  • How do the certifications?
  • What percentage of organizations use SAFe vs. LeSS?
  • Does the organizational structure differ?
  • What are the pros and cons of implementation?
  • What is the average cost and time of education?
  • What is the average time to fully implement?
  • When was SAFe vs. LeSS published?
  • Geographically, where is SAFe vs. LeSS being adopted?

What Are the Differences Between SAFe and LeSS Frameworks?  

SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) and LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) are both frameworks used for scaling Agile practices to large organizations, but they have different approaches and principles.

Introduction to Maps in Oracle APEX

Maps are a vital feature for many applications made in Oracle APEX. How to offer this functionality in your software? My name is Lech Cieślik, and I’m an experienced Oracle APEX Developer working at Pretius Low-Code. In this blog post, I’ll explain how to use the default Map Region component.

I’ll also describe alternative solutions you can integrate with Oracle APEX to offer map functionality. Some of them might be better than Map Region in specific circumstances.

How social media can help small businesses to grow in 2023?

Here I have shared some points about How social media can help small businesses grow in 2023.

Increased brand awareness: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide small businesses with the opportunity to increase their brand awareness by reaching out to potential customers. By consistently posting high-quality content that reflects their brand values, small businesses can engage with their target audience and increase their visibility.

Cost-effective advertising: Social media advertising is often more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods. Small businesses can create highly targeted ads that reach their ideal customers, which can result in more sales and revenue.

Customer engagement: Social media allows small businesses to connect with their customers on a personal level, building loyalty and trust. By responding promptly to comments, messages, and reviews, businesses can create a positive online presence and improve their customer service.

Access to insights: Social media platforms provide businesses with valuable insights into their audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors. By using this data, small businesses can create content that resonates with their target audience, improve their social media strategy, and make informed business decisions.

Collaborations and partnerships: Social media allows small businesses to connect with other businesses and influencers in their industry. By collaborating on projects, hosting joint events, or cross-promoting each other's content, small businesses can reach new audiences and increase their visibility.