Welcome WP101 to the WPBeginner Family of Products

Today, I’m extremely excited to share that WP101 is joining Awesome Motive, and they’re now part of the WPBeginner family of products.

WP101 is one of the most trusted premium WordPress video training providers in the market. Over 3 million users have learned WordPress from their WordPress video tutorials. The WP101 Plugin allows WordPress agencies and service providers an easy way to offer white-labeled professional WordPress training videos to their clients.

WP101 is joining the WPBeginner Family

Introduction to WP101 – Quick Overview

WP101 offers professionally-produced WordPress training videos to help you learn WordPress, fast. It’s a perfect solution for small businesses owners, large corporations, and government agencies who want to offer professional WordPress training videos in their employee onboarding process.

With WP101, you get access to over 200+ WordPress training videos that cover everything you need to learn the WordPress user interface in a university style format.

In addition to the popular WordPress 101 series for both Gutenberg and the Classic Editor, the current library also includes video tutorials for top WordPress plugins including WooCommerce, WPForms, Elementor, Beaver Builder, and more.

WP101 Course Library

The WP101 Plugin makes it easy for WordPress developers and agencies to offer white-label training videos to their clients, right inside the WordPress dashboard.

It gives you the ability to add your own custom videos as well as selective show / hide videos based on client’s needs.

WP101 WordPress Training Videos inside WordPress Dashboard

Whether you’re a small business owner or large corporation, I highly recommend adding WP101 training to your employee onboarding process.

If you’re a WordPress freelancer or agency, then you should consider adding the WP101 Plugin to your client and build a recurring revenue stream.

Background Story – Why WP101? 

Both WPBeginner and WP101 started around the same time with a similar mission: making it easy for people to learn WordPress.

At WPBeginner, we did it with our easy to understand written tutorials, while Shawn at WP101 offered premium video training.

I have been friends with Shawn Hesketh, founder of WP101 for a long time, and we have enjoyed over a decade of coopetition. I have a lot of admiration and respect for the massive impact he’s had in the growth of the WordPress community.

Syed Balkhi and Shawn Hesketh at Pressnomics

After 14+ years of creating WordPress training videos, when Shawn was ready to move on to the next chapter of his life, we started talking about the future of WP101 and carrying his legacy forward.

Given my experience running the largest WordPress resource site, it made perfect sense for us to be the future custodian of the WP101 brand. 

It gives me great joy to be there for a friend and offer him the exit that he deserves as he pursues the next chapter of his career. At the same time, it’s an honor and a privilege that Shawn trusted us to carry the mission forward.

Note: Want to join our remote team to work on something awesome & make an impact? We’re hiring. Come work alongside me and help shape the future of the web.

What’s Coming Next? 

Our work is just starting.

My goal is to create the best class-room style WordPress training videos to help WordPress grow in enterprise, government agencies, as well as at the school and collegiate level. 

I’m really excited about the latter because I believe that education helps level the playing field, and that’s the mission of my Balkhi Foundation.

WordPress is an open source platform, and open source is one of the greatest ideas of our generation. It has the power to transform the lives of so many people across the world, like it did for me when I first immigrated to the US.

While talent is everywhere, opportunities are not. I want to use the WP101 training platform to bring opportunities everywhere, so we can help shape the future of the web for billions worldwide.

This is a big mission, and I need your help. If you have experience with instructional design or higher-ed, I would love to chat with you to see how we can work together to bring WordPress to classrooms and universities. Please send me a message via WPBeginner contact form.

If you’re passionate about teaching WordPress and want to be a part of our mission, we’re hiring content creators and trainers. While the listings for these roles aren’t public, just send me a brief message via our contact form with your resume, and I’ll get in touch with you.

As always, I want to thank you for your continued support of WPBeginner. 

Every time I share an announcement like this, I realize that I’m only able to do what I love every day because of you, our amazing readers, and I’m extremely grateful for your support throughout the years.

WPBeginner and Awesome Motive would not be here without YOU, and I just want to say how much I appreciate all of you.

I look forward to continuing serving you, and the larger WordPress / web ecosystem for years to come.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

P.S. Want us to acquire or invest in your WordPress business? Learn more about the WPBeginner Growth Fund.

The post Welcome WP101 to the WPBeginner Family of Products first appeared on WPBeginner.

35 Best Content Marketing Tools to Maximize Your Results in 2023

content marketing toolsWhether you're a professional blogger or marketer, the right content marketing tools can help you stand out from the crowd. Fortunately, we've put together a list of the best tools for content creators, from SEO plugins and email marketing software, to AI writing assistants and idea generators. This post will look at some of the most useful content marketing tools, covering their key features and pricing details. Let's get started!

The Pros and Cons of API-Led Connectivity

API-led connectivity is the most important design pattern facing IT today. It is the key to digital transformation and an IT strategy that unlocks an organization's products and services to its consumers. There are many aspects to this pattern, so in this article, I will put down some key tenants and a few ideas from this. Then, I hope, through comments and conversations, I can begin a discussion and follow up with more articles in the future.  

As a Senior Solution Architect in EPAM's API Practice, the most impactful change that we can bring about is the adoption of API-led connectivity. Most organizations have APIs to some degree, often evolving out of an SOA or microservices approach. APIs are brought into an organization, one at a time, so that, from natural evolution, there will be many APIs, but they won't follow an API-led connectivity approach. The next step is to follow this standard, but there is often resistance, as in all changes. This leads organizations down a point-to-point path of connecting their systems, which is an anti-pattern in the API world. This was like the days of client-server applications, which were ultimately replaced by a model-view-controller design pattern. API-led connectivity has a similar concept. In the model-view-controller, the users of the system connect at the view layer, the controller manages the orchestration, and the model connects to the data.

How to Obtain EV Code Signing Certificate for Azure?

Microsoft offers an Azure Key Vault, which is responsible for storing and managing secrets, keys, and certificates. All of them are present in a Hardware Security Module (HSM) that adheres to the standards of the industry. This suggests that "EV Code Signing" with "Azure Key Vault" removes the need for a cryptographic token to be issued. The vault itself is enough for the purpose. 

With EV Code signing, it is possible to practice key management, secrets management, and even certificate management. In this process, it proves to be a one-stop solution for your security requirements. It also empowers the idea of signing codes in a more secure, tamper-free environment that protects data integrity.  

How to Tackle Mobile CI/CD: A Hands-on Guide for Mobile App Developers

React Native is a popular framework for developing cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript and the React library. This article will teach how to set up a CI/CD pipeline for a React Native project.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CI/CD) is a software development methodology that aims to reduce the time between writing code and to deliver it to users. This includes automatically building, testing, and deploying code changes. This practice allows developers to quickly and easily push new features and bug fixes to their users without manually building and deploying the code.

Meet Penpot, An Open-Source Design Platform Made For Designers And Developers Alike

This article is a sponsored by Penpot

The world of developer tools lives and breathes open-source. Open, free programming languages, frameworks, or even code editors everyone can contribute to — lay at the heart of the premise of the free, open web. Yet, with the design tools, it’s always been a much different story. For our design processes, most are sticking to a palette of paid, commercial tools — the majority of them were either created or later acquired by big tech companies. Fortunately, also in this space, we’re starting to see some alternatives.

One such alternative is Penpot, an open-source design app that recently started to boom in popularity. With over 250k signups and 20k GitHub stars, Penpot has already made a name for itself, and it’s growing as a viable alternative to other design tools out there.

However, being open-source is not the only thing that makes Penpot unique. It also has a few killer features up its sleeve that make it a really great match for a good collaboration between designers and developers. Curious to learn more? Let’s take a closer look together.

A Design Tool Done Right

If you’ve ever done a fair share of designing and coding, I bet you also had your moments of confusion and frustration. One thing I never managed to understand: Why are the apps used primarily for designing user interfaces that are later built with web technologies often so bad at matching the standards of these exact technologies?

For example, they offer fancy layout tools that follow a completely different logic than how layouts are built on the web. Or they offer drawing tools that work differently than graphics on the web, so once you export your work, you get weird, unexpected results. Why?

The answer is actually quite simple. For most of the design tools, hand-off and developer-focused features were an afterthought. Based on different patterns and standards, they often prove to be confusing and frustrating for developers.

This is where Penpot is different. Created by a team of designers and developers working very closely together, great design-development collaboration was their priority from the start.

Same as other web apps, Penpot can be run on any operating system or web browser. But to make access to it truly open and democratic, it is also based on Open Web Standards. For example, Penpot’s design files are saved in SVG format — the same standard as the most popular image format for vector graphics on the web.

What it means in practice is not only better compatibility with web technologies but a natural parity between designs and code. With Penpot, you don’t have to export to SVG, your graphics are SVG, by definition.

Same works with translating styles from designs into code. Penpot doesn’t have to generate any CSS values. It can just read and cater CSS values directly from designs.

A great example of that in practice is Flex Layout, i.e. Penpot’s layouting feature that not only works exactly like CSS Flexbox. It simply is CSS Flexbox. We’ll give it a shot together in the later part of the article!

Open Source And Why Should You Care

Before we take a deeper dive into the tool itself, let’s talk about Open Source for a bit. But why is it so important, and what does it mean for you?

It Means It’s Free

In the programming world, Open Source usually means that the source code of the tool, app, or framework is available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. But why would that be important for you and your choice of a design tool?

First and foremost, the code of the app´ is 100% free and available for commercial use. Every part and feature of the app that is free today will remain as such. Personally, out of all the design tools I have ever tried, I’ve never seen an equally featured and solidly built design app that is completely free, even for a big team. In this field, Penpot is far ahead of any competition.

It Means Better Security And Control

But open source is so much more. It also means greater transparency, control, and security. Anyone can audit the app’s code for potential security vulnerabilities or add new features to the tool that meet specific needs. Additionally, open source means that code cannot be controlled by a single entity or corporation, and users are not locked into a particular vendor’s ecosystem.

That all is true also for Penpot. It might not sound particularly significant or sexy at first glance, but if your company would ever have to worry about maintaining full control over its toolkit’s security standards or if you’d like to avoid vendor lock-in, choosing an app that is Open Source might be a big deal.

It Means Endless Customizability

Have you ever used plugins in a design tool? If so, you’d probably be pleased to hear that customizability is what Penpot brings to a whole new level. Open source means that users can modify the tool’s source code to meet any specific needs, customizing it as necessary.

You not only can extend the functionality of the app. You can literally edit it in any way you like to match your team’s processes and specific needs.

It Means You Can Run It Yourself

Penpot being open source, also means the ability to host your own instance of the tool. This means that you can run Penpot on your servers, having full control over your data and the application itself.

It Means A Peace Of Mind For The Future Of The Tool

Finally, open source provides peace of mind for the future of Penpot. With the tool being open source, users will always have control over the tool they work with, no matter what the future holds. Regardless of what happens next, you’ll always be able to use Penpot on your own terms. This means that people can invest in Penpot with confidence, knowing that they will always have access to the tool and their work (rather than being at the mercy of potential business shifts, acquisitions, pricing changes etc.)

I hope that by now, you’re left with no doubt about how many advantages it brings to work with Open Source tools. Now, let’s take a look at Penpot itself.

Where Penpot Shines...

If you recently worked with any of the most popular design tools in Penpot, you’ll feel right at home. Its interface should be familiar and predictable, and also offer all the basic features you could be looking for.

The user interface is unobtrusive, the perceived performance is good, and everything works as expected. But it’s the handoff-related features where Penpot really shines.

I already mentioned Flex Layout, Penpot’s own layouting feature. If you have ever used the Flexbox model in CSS, it might look oddly familiar. In fact, it’s exactly that: CSS flexbox inside a design app.

And that means not only better parity with code than other design apps (at least as long as you’re planning to use CSS flexbox in your code) but also a better scope of possibilities inside the design tool itself (e.g. you can wrap items of the automatic layout into multiple rows).

More powerful layouts also mean much better possibilities when it comes to designing truly responsive designs. With what Penpot can do, there’s a high chance that, in many cases, you won’t have to create separate designs for different breakpoints ever again.

(Large preview)

All of that wouldn’t be as good if not for the great Inspect tab. Penpot gives you all the CSS you might need at hand, as well as the source SVG code of any component you select.

Pretty neat!

...And Where It Doesn’t (Yet)

Regardless of all the praise, Penpot is not perfect either. Being a relatively young tool makes it a challenging task to compete against the giants dominating the design tools scene.

If you compare it closely to other popular design apps, you’ll definitely find a few features missing, as well as some of them not as complex as elsewhere. For example, Penpot’s components toolkit and prototyping features are still relatively simple and limited.

That being said, Penpot’s roadmap is very actively being worked on. You can check what the team is onto right now on their website.

What’s also important to keep in mind is that Penpot’s development potential as an Open Source tool couldn’t be underestimated. The tool’s community of contributors is already pretty strong, and I believe it will only keep growing. That’s a competitive advantage closed source tools will never be able to meet.

Seeing what Penpot can do today, I personally can’t wait to see what’s next.

For example, looking at Penpot’s implementation of Flex Layout, think how cool it would be to have a similar tool for CSS Grid. Who’s in a better place to build it than Penpot? Spoiler alert: if you look at their public roadmap closely enough, you’ll find out they’re already working on it.

Final Thoughts

Even though Penpot is a relatively new tool, it stands as a solid choice for a design platform. It does a great job of narrowing the gap between designers and developers.

I believe it’s an open-source approach and a welcomed change that should only benefit our industry, as hopefully, others will follow.

If you’d like to give Penpot a try, it’s now out of beta and available for you and your team — completely for free


Building Micronaut Microservices Using MicrostarterCLI

MicrostarterCLI is a rapid development tool. It helps you as a developer generate standard reusable codes, configurations, or patterns you need in your application. In a previous article, I went through a basic example of creating REST and GraphQL endpoints in a Micronaut application.

This article demonstrates an example of bootstrapping a Micronaut microservices application using MicrostarterCLI. The application's architecture consists of the following:

Why and How To Create an Event Bus in Vuejs 3

Since I’m working on the 2.0 version of my product’s UI (to be released in May), I’m publishing some technical tricks I learned from migrating my application from Vuejs 2 to Vuejs 3.

The current version of the Inspector frontend application uses a global event bus. It’s needed to make the root component of the application (App.vue) aware of some particular events fired inside the component chain.

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an advanced language model created by OpenAI that uses deep learning algorithms to generate human-like responses to a wide range of natural language queries. It is capable of understanding and processing large amounts of text data, including news articles, books, and web pages. The model can learn from this data to generate responses to a wide range of questions and requests.

One of the primary uses of ChatGPT is in the field of natural language processing (NLP). NLP involves the use of computer algorithms to understand and process human language. ChatGPT is one of the most advanced NLP models available today, and it has the ability to understand complex language patterns and generate highly accurate responses to a wide range of queries.

Kubernetes Cluster Setup on Ubuntu, Explained


The purpose of this article is to provide guidelines for those who are interested in the details of setting up the Kubernetes cluster, understanding internetworking of pods, and other aspects related to the Kubernetes cluster.

This article provided the details for setting up Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu. The main topics are the following:

Building Micro-Frontends With Vue and Reusable Components

In recent years, the concept of microservices has gained immense popularity in the world of software development. Now, there is a new kid on the block that’s catching up fast—micro-frontend. It’s a technique that allows you to create and deploy small, reusable components that work together to build a larger application.

One of the most popular frontend frameworks today is Vue. Vue is a progressive framework that allows you to build user interfaces and reusable components. In this article, we will discuss how to build micro-frontends using Vue and reusable components, as well as the differences between normal application development and the micro-frontend approach.

Web Push Provisioning: Advancements for Digital Wallet Developers

Digital wallets and tokenization have been popular among FinTechs and developers for several years. However, the process of adding a payment card to a digital wallet has been a point of friction for the user experience. The good news is there is a new solution called “Web Push Provisioning” (WPP) that may be a game-changer in the industry. In partnership with the digital wallet providers, this technology was recently brought to market by Marqeta, an fintech leader in payments and tokenization.

In this article, we will discuss what web push provisioning is, how it differs from current tokenization methods, and its potential impact on FinTechs, developers, and consumers. We’ll also consider some typical use cases for web push provisioning. Before diving in, let’s cover some background concepts.

eFax vs. HelloFax

Many people believe that faxing is an outdated technology, and they’re right–to an extent. The use of traditional fax machines and paper documents is on the decline, but it isn’t leaving without a replacement.

There are plenty of reasons to use digital faxing, including fewer costs and an easier way to send documents. When it comes to selecting a service for digital faxing, two options come up frequently: eFax and HelloFax.

eFax vs. HelloFax

eFax and HelloFax Compared to the Best

eFax and HelloFax are straightforward, reliable faxing solutions for small businesses and individual users. They also both made our list of the best online fax services. But companies that need a higher level of security and features should consider a more advanced solution, like SRFax, the best fax software for rigorous compliance and cybersecurity requirements. You can get started with SRFax for the low price of $9.99 per month.

Here’s our full list of the best online faxing services:

  • SRFax – Best Fax Software for HIPAA Compliance
  • eFax – Best for Popular and Reliable Fax Service
  • MetroFax – Best Standalone Fax Service for Busy SMBs
  • Fax.Plus – Best for Flexible Fax Plans
  • HelloFax – Best for Small Teams
  • FaxZero – Best Standalone Fax Service for Personal Use
  • RingCentral Fax – Best for High-Volume Faxing Needs
  • FaxBurner – Best for Mobile Fax
  • CocoFax – Best Secure Fax For Any Industry

See our in-depth review post for more information on these top fax services.

eFax vs. HelloFax: High-Level Comparison

eFax is an online fax service owned by J2 Global and offers plans starting at $16.95 a month. It is designed for individual users and small businesses with limited faxing needs, but it also offers an enterprise plan with greater scalability.

HelloFax is a service owned by Dropbox and offers paid plans starting at $9.99 per month. It also offers an enterprise plan with more advanced features like fax number porting but with limited customization options.

Products and Services Offered by eFax and HelloFax

eFax offers two plans: a regular plan and a corporate plan (which has a separate website). If there is any sort of brand recognition in the online faxing world, it is eFax.

  • eFax Regular Plan: The regular plan is designed for individual users and small businesses that don’t require advanced features. It offers up to 200 sent and received pages per month and the ability to e-sign documents.
  • eFax Corporate Plan: The corporate plan is designed for larger businesses that require more advanced features like dedicated fax numbers, higher monthly page limits, and access control. It also offers unlimited online storage and a few additional features like vanity addresses and international faxing.

HelloFax offers a similar deal—cloud storage, editing and e-signature features, and email-to-fax functionality. But HelloFax also offers international faxing coverage across all of its plans, and as a Dropbox company, integrates with Dropbox, Google Drive, and other commonly used business tools.

Company Health and Stability of eFax and HelloFax

eFax is an established company that has been around since the late 1990s. It is owned by J2 Global, which also owns one of the biggest names in web hosting—Bluehost—and a few other faxing platforms. As such, eFax has a long history of providing reliable services and is backed by a large parent company that can help address any issues.

HelloFax is a relatively new company, having only been around since 2010. It has grown quickly but still faces stiff competition from the more established players in the industry. That being said, DropBox recently acquired it, which provides HelloFax with plenty of resources to continue growing and innovating.

As we mentioned earlier, eFax is probably the most well-known name in the online faxing world because it’s been around for so long. But HelloFax is backed by a highly reputable company and offers solid features for a similar target market.

eFax vs. HelloFax Pricing Comparison

Of course, pricing is one of the most essential factors to consider when choosing any software—particularly when both offer similar products. No product in the realm of online faxing will cost you an arm and a leg (i.e., you won’t spend hundreds of dollars on sending a few pages of faxes), but looking at pricing is still important.

In general, we find eFax to be a bit pricey compared to most online faxing solutions. Its faxing plan offers users the most basic features. And although it does so reliably, it does not offer any additional features like international faxing or toll-free numbers.

Pricing Structure of eFax and HelloFax

eFax’s pricing model is simple—one option is available to all users, and it includes all of the standard features that come with the platform. Instead of allowing users to scale up their plans, eFax charges a flat fee for their Pro plan and an additional $0.10 per additional page.

HelloFax has four main pricing options:

  • Free: The free plan is a great way to get started for users with minimal faxing needs. It includes up to five fax pages and one sender and allows for international faxes, cloud storage, and Dropbox and Google integrations. It does not, however, allow users to receive faxes or send faxes from their email accounts.
  • Home: This plan is designed for occasional faxers who need more than the free plan offers. It includes up to 300 pages, five senders, and the ability to receive and send faxes from email accounts.
  • Professional: The Professional plan offers up to 500 pages and 10 senders for businesses with moderate faxing needs. It also includes fax number porting, which is great for businesses looking to keep their existing fax numbers.
  • Small Business: For larger organizations, the Small Business plan offers up to 1,000 pages and 20 senders, as well as all the features in previous subscriptions.

HelloFax’s pricing structure is easy for anyone to understand, and since there isn’t as large of an overage fee, businesses won’t need to count the number of pages they send every time.

Cost Comparison of eFax and HelloFax

Compared to HelloFax (and the rest of the industry, really), eFax is costly. $18.95 per month doesn’t sound like a lot, but HelloFax gives users a greater faxing allowance (300 pages from HelloFax vs. 200 from eFax) for almost 50% less. And by the time HelloFax and eFax are the same in price, you’re getting a higher allowance from HelloFax.

One benefit of eFax is that it bundles its 200-page faxing service with jSign for the same price. Since its e-signature platform is usually a separate cost, using them together would be a monthly savings of around $16. But again, HelloFax offers electronic document signing and DocuSign integration for $9.99 per month.

HelloFax charges a $0.05 overage fee for pages after the monthly allowance, half of what eFax charges. For businesses sending a high volume of faxes, this could potentially result in significant savings.

In both cases, the value of these services plateaus and starts to diminish at the SMB level. Businesses with moderate or greater fax needs will almost certainly find better deals elsewhere.

Trials and Guarantees for eFax vs. HelloFax

eFax offers a 14-day free trial with its Pro plan. This gives you two weeks to test the service and ensure it meets your needs before fully committing.

HelloFax offers a 30-day free trial, and it can be used with any of the plans. This gives users more time to test out its features and decide if it’s worth the cost. Whether or not you plan to use HelloFax past the trial period, 30 days is better than 14.

Neither company offers a money-back guarantee, but both companies are highly rated by customers on consumer review sites. This means that users can be confident in these companies’ services.

eFax vs. HelloFax: Core Criteria Comparison

HelloFax and eFax are both reliable services for small businesses with basic faxing needs. Both services offer occasional faxers reasonable plans with per-page costs that won’t break the bank. But businesses with frequent or high-volume faxing needs will probably need to look elsewhere for online fax services.

From a purely objective standpoint, we compared eFax and HelloFax based on the most important criteria of an online fax platform:

  • Sending and Receiving Faxes
  • Email to Fax Capability
  • User Interface
  • Digital Signatures
  • Integrations with Popular Platforms
  • Multi-User Support
  • Mobile App
  • Compliance and Security

For each of these criteria, we looked at how eFax and HelloFax stack up against one another.

Sending and Receiving Faxes — eFax Wins

A list of eFax online faxing features
With features like a free mobile app and online file sharing, eFax makes it easy to send and receive faxes.

Sending and receiving faxes are the core functions of any online fax service. To effectively send and receive faxes, an online fax service needs to make it easy for users to do it from anywhere, anytime. And they must make sure that the faxes arrive intact and on time.

Both eFax and HelloFax have secure, reliable systems for sending and receiving faxes. But eFax edges out HelloFax in this category for a few reasons:

  • Archive and retrieval: You can send and store every message and document you receive through eFax for free. Everything is saved to the cloud, meaning you don’t need to worry about saving and organizing your faxes manually. HelloFax’s search features are limited to email and document titles, meaning you may have a harder time finding older faxes.
  • Annoying gamification: HelloFax has a gamification element to it…sort of. While faxing, you can expect to see numerous popups offering you discounts, rewards, and other incentives in exchange for sharing the service with friends. I’m not against gamification, but I find this approach to it to be quite obnoxious, especially when all I’m trying to do is send a fax.
  • Availability: HelloFax is only available in the US and Canada, while eFax is available worldwide. If you have an international team, you might need to consider a different option than HelloFax.
  • Fax Templates: eFax has an impressive selection of fax templates that you can use to customize the look and feel of your faxes. HelloFax also has templates, but not as many as eFax does. 
  • Recipient Notifications: When you send a fax with HelloFax, you won’t be notified of its delivery status. This makes it confusing for users who are not sure if the fax was sent successfully or not.
  • Mass Distribution: Both platforms allow for multiple fax recipients, but eFax is better for mass distribution of faxes.
  • Large File Transfer: Both platforms support large files, meaning that they are both viable options for those who need to send rich documents that are dozens of pages long.

Overall, eFax makes it much easier for users to send and receive faxes from anywhere, so it wins in this category.

Email-to-Fax Capability — eFax Wins

A list of benefits of faxing by email with eFax
Sending faxes straight to a recipient’s email is easier than ever with eFax.

One of the features eFax is known for is its email-to-fax capability. This allows you to send and receive faxes via email, eliminating the need for dedicated hardware or software. With eFax, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s fax number, attach the file you want to send, and hit “send.”

With HelloFax, the process is similar. But eFax gives you the highest level of reliability and security when sending and receiving faxes via email.

User Interface — eFax Wins

eFax setup screen
eFax’s user interface is easy to navigate, and its additional features are readily accessible.

Functionality is important because it determines whether or not the app can actually do the tasks its users need it to do. But a solid user interface is the icing on the cake—it makes the process of using the app easier, more intuitive, and more enjoyable.

As a Dropbox company, HelloFax’s interface is designed to be familiar and easy to use. The dashboard has a modern layout and straightforward navigation, making it easy for users to find their way around.

But eFax’s user interface is even more straightforward. It features a clean, uncluttered design that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. Its document organization can be a bit cluttered, but features like notes and easy-access contact integration make it easier to do what you’re using the platform to do: send and receive faxes from anywhere. You can even grab documents for faxing from drop sites and send faxes as PDFs from your mobile app.

Digital Signatures — HelloFax Wins

Example of HelloSign from Dropbox
HelloSign from Dropbox is easy to use with its fax tool.

Electronic signatures are an essential part of the faxing process. There’s no point in sending a document over the internet if you can’t get it signed and returned (and most recipients won’t have a printer or fax machine anyways).

HelloFax is a member of the DocuSign ecosystem, the best-known digital signature platform. This means that sending and receiving digital signatures is a breeze compared to other solutions. And best of all, recipients will already be familiar with it.

eFax’s e-signature platform is effective but not as widely used. This means that many of your clients may struggle to understand how it works. HelloFax brings a certain level of familiarity that can make the process smoother and faster.

Integrations with Popular Platforms — HelloFax Wins

HelloFax features: confidential and secure, customizable, paperless, and access from anywhere
In addition to a Chrome extension, HelloFax integrates with the Dropbox ecosystem and other business tools seamlessly.

Nobody seems to have the same tech stack these days. And if you’re trying to integrate faxing into your workflow, you need a platform that works with the tools you already use.

HelloFax integrates with many popular services like Slack, Dropbox, and Google Drive. This makes sending and receiving documents from anywhere much easier without worrying about software compatibility or manual uploads. Many of Dropbox’s own products, including Paper and Showcase, also integrate with the platform.

eFax integrates with many popular services and software tools, making it easy to use. But the familiarity and cohesion that the Dropbox ecosystem offers beat out eFax in this category.

Multi-User Support — HelloFax Wins

Description of how to scale as you grow with HelloFax
HelloFax allows up to 20 accounts to work from the same subscription.

Even small businesses or families need to have multiple users to fax effectively. If only one person has access, it means that others can’t join in when they need to.

Both platforms offer multi-user support. But eFax only allows up to five users, while HelloFax lets you have ten for the same price. And if you need to boost it to 20 users, you can with HelloFax.

For the smallest of businesses or those with the most limited faxing needs, this probably won’t matter. But if you run a small clinic, family business, or other organization with more than a few stakeholders, this might take eFax out of the equation.

Mobile App—eFax Wins

eFax mobile app on a mobile phone with header that says "Sending Faxes Has Never Been This Easy"
eFax offers a mobile app that business owners can use to send faxes from anywhere.

Mobile app support is a crucial element for any business tool. If you can’t effectively complete a business activity from your phone or tablet, there’s almost no point in using the platform.

HelloFax does not offer a dedicated mobile app for faxing. The mobile UI of its website and the Dropbox ecosystem are fine, but the lack of a dedicated app limits the amount of accessibility you have. If you want to send your fax quickly and efficiently, you’ll need your laptop.

eFax, on the other hand, offers a dedicated mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. This makes it much easier to send and receive faxes while you’re away from your desk. You can even upload documents directly from cloud storage solutions like Google Drive or Dropbox, making the whole process even more streamlined.

Compliance and Security — eFax Wins

Flexible Integration Options for Cloud Faxing with eFax
Cloud security is built into eFax’s software, and users can rest assured that no matter where they send their files, they’re safe

Above all, you don’t want your sensitive documents to be compromised, and neither do your recipients. That could mean bad news for your business or even legal repercussions.

With eFax, you can securely store your faxes in a digital folder accessible to you at any time and for the duration of your account. All faxes from desktop, email, and mobile apps are encrypted, making sure that your documents stay secure.

HelloFax also encrypts all data with bank-level cybersecurity measures and offers the same features as eFax in terms of compliance and security. However, it doesn’t have a two-factor authentication process, meaning that anyone with access to your account can view and send faxes from anywhere.

Final Verdict — eFax Wins

HelloFax has a few advantages with its integration capabilities and user-friendly design, but it’s not the best for compliance or security. And because it doesn’t have a dedicated mobile app, multi-platform access isn’t as easy to use as it should be.

eFax is overpriced—paying nearly $20 per month for basic faxing isn’t ideal. But if you need multi-user support, compliance and security measures, and a dedicated mobile app, it’s definitely worth the extra money when compared to HelloFax.

Configure Kubernetes Health Checks

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that helps manage and deploy applications in a cloud environment. It is used to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is an efficient way to manage application health with Kubernetes probes. This article will discuss Kubernetes probes, the different types available, and how to implement them in your Kubernetes environment.

What Are Kubernetes Probes?

Kubernetes probes are health checks that are used to monitor the health of applications and services in a Kubernetes cluster. They are used to detect any potential problems with applications or services and identify potential resource bottlenecks. Probes are configured to run at regular intervals and send a signal to the Kubernetes control plane if they detect any issues with the application or service.