Team Collaboration Ensures Digital Transformation Success

In assessing the enterprise landscape and planning for a digital transformation (Dx) transition project, every organization will certainly focus on technology and infrastructure. Technology is, after all, inherent in the very nature of a Dx discussion. Infuture Institute recently published a study that describes the critical factors in a digital transformation (Dx), and one of the most provocative insights states that, "What we need is…the change of attitude in the approach to digital transformation — from a technological approach to the humanistic approach (human over technology, not technology over human), i.e., focus on the employees within the organization and the needs and expectations of customers and consumers."

Business managers might disagree with that conclusion, believing that if we plan appropriately for technology changes and upgrades, we will logically support the needs of the team and customers and stakeholders. But that belief is flawed. The very technology and infrastructure you are planning will be used and leveraged by people (business users, customers, suppliers, and so on). People use technology to achieve goals, monitor results, process requests, collaborate and more. 
