How To Draw Fire (Easy Guide)

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Drawing fire can turn out to be a perplexing feat, but it could also be a fun, rewarding, and fascinating experience. As an aspiring artist, I vividly remember the first time I attempted to draw flames, using bold strokes and vibrant colors to create an image that was, at best, mediocre. But with practice and ...

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The Two-Pointers Technique

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Aloha, guys. Today, we will address more frequently asked questions and solve a few problems using the two-pointers technique. 

This approach is widely used in interview tasks. It is crucial to read the patterns in the condition of the problem and use them when solving it. This approach aims to create two-pointers, usually fast and slow pointers. After that, depending on the condition of the problem, we will move the fast/slow pointers.

Chris’ Corner: Font Size, Document Hierarchy, and Dialog

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How about some accessibility quick hits!

It’s a bit hard to keep track of when using certain CSS value types is bad. For a while, using pixel (px) values in media queries was considered a bad practice as the breakpoints didn’t trigger as expected when a user zoomed in. But then that changed, and media queries do now, and using pixels for media queries isn’t really a bad practice any more.

But is using px still a bad practice in other cases? Yes, says Josh Collingsworth.

… when or if the user changes their preferred font size, if you’re using em and rem, all the text on your website will change accordingly, like it should. 2rem is still double that font size; 0.5rem is still half of it.

By contrast, px values are static20px is just 20px, regardless of the container’s, browser’s, or user’s font size. No matter how large or small the user’s font preference may be, when you set a value in static pixels, it clobbers that choice and overrides it with the exact value you specified.

Critically, that means if your stylesheet uses px to set font-size anywhere in it, any and all text based on that value will be impossible for the user to change.

Did you know that it was, up until fairly recently, specced that heading elements (e.g. <h1>, <h2>, etc) would “reset” inside of a new <section> (and similar) elements? I admit I thought that was kind of a neat idea. For example, if you’re building a site with HTML partials, and one of those as a little <aside> that I plunked into a sidebar or something, that I could have an isolated set of headings that would be valid and squoosh into the proper hierarchy going on on the rest of the page, without knowing or caring about headers scattered around the rest of the page.

Well, despite being specced, and despite general liking of that idea, no browser ever implemented it, and it was removed from the spec. Pour one out for the Document Outline Algorithm.

Doesn’t make me want to hold my breath for browsers implementing a tab order fixer-upper that follows the visual order of grid or flex items, like has been tossed around a bit.

Léonie Watson:

… you may be surprised to learn that there is no way for authors to design the aural presentation of web content, in the way they can design the visual presentation.

Why we need CSS Speech

All the major browsers now have “listening” features built right into them, and still no way to control that experience.

The good news is that there is a spec for CSS speech. Léonie thinks it’s too old and too big, so offered to take it on and trim it down (hopefully into something browsers will take on). Looks like that’s starting to happen based on the names on the spec.

This is a wild story: Safari’s date-picker is the cause of 1/3 of our customer support issues.

Shortly after I read it, I had to use this exact date picker a number of times while filling out online forms on an iPad at a doctor office and I friggin get it. Using that date picker for birthdays is horrible. Even knowing exactly how to do it, I tripped up several times in a row.

The danger of all this is companies, sometimes rightfully, going “screw it we’ll just build our own”, and having that home-grown picker perhaps solve this one UX issue, but cause accessibility issues that harm another group of people.

A smidge of good news. We can Use the dialog element (reasonably) says Scott O’Hara. There have been some recent updates that solve some the focus handling issues that apparently gave it a red flag before. I’m glad about this, as I think it suffers from exactly what I described above: people build dialogs in-house instead and get some (if not most) of the accessibility requirements wrong. Focus-trapping alone is brutally difficult to get right, and it’s just a freebie with <dialog>.

Team Collaboration Ensures Digital Transformation Success

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In assessing the enterprise landscape and planning for a digital transformation (Dx) transition project, every organization will certainly focus on technology and infrastructure. Technology is, after all, inherent in the very nature of a Dx discussion. Infuture Institute recently published a study that describes the critical factors in a digital transformation (Dx), and one of the most provocative insights states that, "What we need is…the change of attitude in the approach to digital transformation — from a technological approach to the humanistic approach (human over technology, not technology over human), i.e., focus on the employees within the organization and the needs and expectations of customers and consumers."

Business managers might disagree with that conclusion, believing that if we plan appropriately for technology changes and upgrades, we will logically support the needs of the team and customers and stakeholders. But that belief is flawed. The very technology and infrastructure you are planning will be used and leveraged by people (business users, customers, suppliers, and so on). People use technology to achieve goals, monitor results, process requests, collaborate and more. 

How To Create Your Own ChatGPT (Ish) In 5 Minutes

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Most developers are probably aware that OpenAI provides an API at this point. By intelligently using this API, you can actually “create your own ChatGPT chatbot.” Your own private ChatGPT that answers questions the way you want it to answer questions. To see an example of this, check out our ChatGPT chatbot. If you’re too lazy to click the link, there’s a screenshot below.

The basic idea is really simple. You point it at a website, our system scrapes your site, and you get your own custom ChatGPT version that knows everything about YOU and YOUR COMPANY and only speaks nicely about your services. Watch the video below to understand the process.

Data Governance Is Ineffective Without Automation

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Data governance is one of the most important undertakings for businesses today. Regulations like the GDPR and CCPA require organizations to have thorough insight and control over their data, and the costs of poor-quality information keep climbing. An effective governance strategy addresses both, but creating and implementing such a program is often easier said than done.

More than 90% of enterprise leaders plan data initiatives for the coming year, yet more than half report struggling to pull any business value from their information. Many of these companies realize the importance of data governance in achieving their goals, but their strategies frequently fall short. For many organizations, that's because they rely too heavily on manual processes.

A Brief History of Website Builders

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history of website buildersThe process of website building has gone through significant transformation over the years. Nowadays almost anyone with basic computer skills can build a website, but during the early days of the internet, web design was the sole domain of programmers and coders. In this article, we will explore the history of website builder from the mid-90s to the present.