21 Best Ruby Testing Frameworks for 2023

QAs are always searching for the best automation testing frameworks that provide rich features with simple syntax, better compatibility, and faster execution. If you choose to use Ruby in conjunction with Selenium for web testing, it may be necessary to search for Ruby-based testing frameworks for web application testing.

Ruby testing frameworks offer a wide range of features, such as support for behavior-driven development, mocking and stubbing, and test suite organization, making it easier for developers to write effective tests for their Ruby-based applications.

Hot Hot Fruit Slot Machine Review: A Sizzling Spin for Slot Enthusiasts

The Hot Hot Fruit slot machine will spark your gaming experience. This fiery slot, created by a prominent gaming supplier, promises an explosive gameplay experience packed with alluring features, bright graphics, and the possibility of huge payouts. We’ll examine the game’s mechanics, symbols, bonus features, betting possibilities, visual and auditory components, as well as its […]

Virtual Meetings Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Host productive and engaging virtual meetings with GoTo Meeting, a video conferencing software that seamlessly integrates with your existing infrastructure while offering crystal-clear audio, superior uptime, and enterprise-grade security. Try GoTo Meeting risk-free with a 14-day free trial with no credit card required. 

Most myths about remote work have been dispelled after over two years of work-from-home arrangements. Companies have found that keeping teams connected, maintaining productivity, and working without specialized equipment is easier and more workable than many first assumed. But one aspect of the office hasn’t changed despite going remote: meetings. The only difference is now those meetings are virtual, requiring video conferencing services to run.

The 8 Best Video Conferencing Services for Hosting Virtual Meetings 

Our trusty team of experts and reviewers did a terrific job researching, testing, and comparing the Best Video Conferencing Services. So whether you’re new to virtual meetings or looking for an alternative to your current software stack, below are the best tools for hosting successful virtual meetings. 

  • GoTo Meeting – Best video conferencing service for small businesses 
  • RingCentral – Best video conferencing service with VoIP business phone plans
  • ClickMeeting – Best video conferencing software for webinars 
  • Zoho Meeting – Affordable video conferencing software with basic features 
  • MicrosoftTeams – Best video conferencing software for internal communication 
  • Zoom – Best video conferencing service for stability 
  • Join.me – Annual contract video conferencing plans for small meetings 
  • Webex – Best video conferencing software for cloud collaboration 

What Are Virtual Meetings and How Do They Work? 

Virtual meetings, also called remote, online, or video meetings, are real-time sessions that happen over the internet, complete with audio and video. The concept is similar to an in-person meeting, except the meeting takes place on computer screens or similar hardware. In addition, video conferencing software or services help facilitate these online meetings.  

Thanks to the internet and supporting software and hardware, participants don’t have to be in the same room to conduct meetings. The interactions are location-independent; participants can attend the online meeting virtually anywhere with an internet connection. Some of the things you need to host and conduct a virtual meeting include: 

Microphone – Meetings are primarily based on verbal communication. So you need a microphone to express your ideas. Most modern computers come with built-in microphones. However, it’s good practice to purchase a high-quality microphone. 

Built-in microphones typically don’t meet the standard for clarity. Usually, the after-market microphone is attached to a headset, so you don’t have to use your external speakers. A good quality microphone guarantees clarity and eliminates echoing and reverberation. 

Webcam – Virtual meetings are modeled after in-person sessions. Though not compulsory, virtual meetings often include a video feed. So a webcam lets you transmit the video. 

The webcams found on most modern computers are more forgiving than built-in microphones. Therefore, you may not need to purchase an additional webcam if you’re happy with the one your computer provides. 

Up-to-date operating system – Many people forget to update their computer’s operating systems. Virtual meetings are resource-heavy, so you need the most recent system updates. Sometimes this may mean upgrading your computer if the OS is outdated. 

Video conferencing software typically publishes system requirements for using the software. So you can check these details against your hardware to ensure the software works as intended during meetings. 

Professional background – While remote meetings are location-independent, much in-person meeting etiquette applies. So you need a well-lit, organized, and minimalist space to host or attend meetings. However, draping a piece of fabric behind you or sitting in front of a blank wall may suffice. 

Most video conferencing software also provides a virtual background feature. For example, you can set up a virtual bookshelf or other backdrops to replace a less-than-ideal background. 

Software – Finally, you may think of video conferencing software as the backbone of hosting online meetings. Typically, this is a software you install on your computer or access via a URL link. Regardless, you’ll need the software to host or attend meetings. 

The software works similarly to traditional conference calls. However, the software transmits video and audio communication over internet protocols without getting too technical. This way, people on either end of the connection can communicate face-to-face and in real-time. 

Video conferencing software has many other applications besides video meetings. Other potential use cases include hosting virtual webinars, product demos, one-on-one training and support, and job interviews. Therefore, the software is a worthwhile investment with multiple potential applications. 

Different Types of Virtual Meetings 

Virtual meetings are often synonymous with video calls. However, there are various distinct types of virtual meetings. So it’s helpful to explore these options and their advantages and disadvantages. 


Teleconferencing is the most basic type of virtual meeting and is a modern adoption of the traditional conference call. The session is audio only and can facilitate small and large groups of geographically-dispersed participants.

Participants are assigned a dedicated phone number or passcode and use it to dial into a virtual meeting. The technology uses a conference bridge to connect multiple calls simultaneously. Many video conferencing software provide this feature, so you may not need a separate teleconferencing service. 

The main advantage of teleconferencing is the low technology requirements. You don’t need video equipment, screen sharing, and other high-tech features to conduct meetings. The technology is also easy to master, even for non-tech users. 

Teleconferencing systems are also cheap to purchase and operate. Typically, these require a one-off payment. Additionally, teleconferencing technology is generally cheaper than video conferencing. 

However, using teleconferencing eliminates video aids like screen sharing, PowerPoint presentations, and virtual whiteboards. These video aids help explain complex ideas. Lastly, the technology doesn’t capture nuances such as body language and other non-verbal cues, which are helpful in interpersonal communication. 

Video Conferencing  

Video conferencing is the most popular type of virtual meeting. As the name suggests, these meetings capture audio and video and are the next best thing to in-person meetings. Video conferencing is also flexible, allowing participants to join the discussion from any device, including a laptop, PC, smartphone, or tablet. 

The main advantage of video conferencing is the visual elements. Members can use diagrams, flip charts, and whiteboards to aid their presentations. There is also free video conferencing software, so you may not have to pay for a subscription, especially for a small team. 

Video conferencing is also terrific for observing visual cues like body language and facial expression. It is an excellent solution for hosting productive meetings without incurring travel costs. It’s also possible to turn off the camera if participants don’t need to see each other during the session. 

The main disadvantage of video conferencing is the technology requirements. For example, you’ll need high-quality hardware like a webcam and microphone for the best result. Additionally, the video quality relies heavily on bandwidth, so people with a poor internet connection may have difficulty attending virtual meetings. 

Video conferencing software also has a learning curve. For example, some users may need help downloading the software. They may also need to learn how to operate the software features, such as turning the microphone or camera on or off. The technology is also more prone to technical interruptions compared to teleconferencing systems. 

Web Conferencing 

Web conferencing and video conferencing are often used interchangeably. Although both technologies serve the same fundamental purpose, they work differently. While video conferencing requires installing software, web conferencing is entirely web-based. 

Therefore, you only need to visit the website with a unique link to the meeting to join a web conference. Like video conferencing, web conferencing allows you to share media assets such as presentations and documents. 

You can use web conferencing for meetings. However, the technology typically supports one speaker at a time. Therefore, it is better suited for conducting webinars, training sessions, and monthly update meetings. 

On the downside, web conferencing requires a stable internet connection, and you can only attend a meeting with internet access. 


A webinar is a virtual seminar usually hosted by one person or group. A webinar can also have a large number of attendees. Most video conferencing software provides webinar capabilities. 

Webinars are helpful for launch events, quarterly roundups, and partnership meetings. Typically, only the presenter shares their video feed. However, the technology also supports media sharing, including presentations or documents. 

How to Choose Video Conferencing Software 

Virtual meetings are only as productive and engaging as the supporting software. So there are important considerations when choosing video conferencing software. While there are many options on the market, not all software is created equal. 

It’s helpful to decide beforehand what you’d like the software to do besides transmitting audio and video.  Video conferencing software features vary widely from one provider to the next. So speak to your team about the features they need for productive meetings. 

Some of the must-have features for most organizations include: 

Recording – This allows you to record the meeting for future reference. It is a handy feature for long sessions where it is difficult to retain all the information. The recording feature is also helpful in case some people miss a meeting. 

GoTo Meeting call recording features
With GoTo Meeting’s call recording features, you can revisit important meetings without ever having to take notes.

Screen Sharing – It is much easier to show than to explain. Screen sharing allows the presenter to share the contents of their screen with the participants. It is a fundamental feature in most video conferencing software. 

Chat – A chat feature lets participants ask questions or comment on the meeting without interrupting the main speaker. It is a valuable feature for maintaining order and decorum during meetings. 

Background – A background feature is handy for people working from home. Not everyone has access to a dedicated home office or library. A virtual background can transform any space into a professional meeting room. 

Breakout Rooms – Breakout rooms break off from the central meeting. It’s a convenient feature for assigning small groups for discussions. They also offer a private environment for side conversations and discussions. 

File Sharing – Media such as spreadsheets, presentations, images, and documents can help support the main discussion. So consider video conferencing software with file sharing and document management capabilities. 

Cost is also a critical factor. It’s tempting to choose software with all the bells and whistles. However, extra features add to the cost of the software. Fortunately, most software providers offer steep discounts for longer subscriptions to help you save money. 

Group size is another important consideration. Think about the number of people that will regularly attend the meetings. Most software easily supports hundreds of users. Still, it is worth investigating how many users can participate in a meeting before you purchase the software. 

Finally, choose video conferencing software with excellent support. Technology is a fickle ally and prone to interruptions. Competent customer support ensures you can solve problems quickly and reduces downtime caused by technological issues. 

How to Hold Effective Virtual Meetings

Most principles of in-person meetings carry over to virtual meetings. However, virtual meetings also bring unique nuances and challenges worthy of special consideration. Here’s how to conduct effective online meetings. 

1. Develop a Clear Agenda 

The agenda helps set the pace and structure the meeting to achieve its objectives. Some of the considerations when creating a meeting agenda include: 

  • The main goals and objectives of the meeting
  • The people and teams involved in the meeting 
  • The key talking points and the time spent on each item
  • The overall duration of the meeting with provisions for beaks and Q&A sessions 
  • Each participant’s role in the meeting 
  • Relevant material, including documents, diagrams, or slides

Ensure that you distribute the agenda at least 24 hours before the event. Engaging a timekeeper or moderator to steer the meeting and ensure things stay on track is also helpful. Still, build some flexibility in the agenda to allow more organic discussions. 

Similarly, send supporting documents with an explanation in the email before the meeting. It allows the participants to review the information beforehand and prepares them for the discussion. You’ll also save time on unnecessary explanations or lengthy Q&A sessions.

2. Pay Attention to Scheduling  

It’s also important to time the meeting appropriately to ensure the participants are engaged. You can use a time-zone scheduling tool to find a perfect meeting time that works for everyone. Google Calendar is a terrific tool for this purpose.  

Conflicting time zones isn’t the only scheduling consideration. The best time for a meeting is one that fits the team’s natural work rhythm. For example, Friday afternoons signal the end of the work week and are not ideal for hosting productive meetings. 

Meetings on Monday through Thursday are the sweet spot in most cases. Also, try to hold the virtual meeting before midday.  It leaves sufficient time for follow-up actions that attendees might otherwise postpone to the next working day. You’ll also avoid the post-lunch period when people are more likely to be lethargic. 

3. Send Meeting Invitations  

Be careful about who you invite to the meeting. Running a productive meeting is challenging if some participants don’t think it is relevant. Think carefully about what each person brings to the meeting. 

For example, some team members only need an update on the critical talking points. In this case, an email summary of the meeting will suffice. It will free up the employee to focus on more important work. 

Moreover, send personalized invitations where possible. For example, the attendee’s name in the subject line or email body will likely elicit a positive response about the meeting. Also, craft a clear and concise subject line that captures the essence of the meeting. 

The invitation email should also include crucial information about the meeting. For example, include details such as the meeting date and time, the meeting’s purpose, duration, and a link to the meeting.  

Finally, ask participants to RSVP. It is an excellent way to get an approximate headcount for the meeting. Consider also including a deadline to confirm attendance so you can prepare adequately. 

4. Test Your Technology in Advance 

Next, test your technology in advance. Consider the features you’ll use during the meeting and ensure you can use them effectively. For example, check that you’re familiar with the live chat, screen sharing, breakout rooms, session recording, and whiteboards. 

GoTo Meeting bullet list for what to do before a video meeting
Among other features, GoTo Meeting allows you to test your webcam before entering a virtual meeting.

Similarly, ensure that the presenters and moderators are familiar with the platform. Also, encourage all the participants to test their technology beforehand. For example, ensure they know how to mute the microphone or set up the webcam correctly. 

5. Define Virtual Meeting Etiquette 

It’s important to set ground rules for the meeting. These rules help avoid common mistakes that can potentially interrupt or derail the discussion. Some examples of virtual meeting etiquette and ground rules include: 

  • Log in five minutes before the meeting 
  • Mute audio when not speaking 
  • Use the raise hand feature to ask for attention 
  • Dress appropriately
  • Turn off mobile notifications 
  • Read the agenda thoroughly before the meeting

You can also include these guidelines in your email invitation. You can also include details of the technology you’ll use, including instructions and troubleshooting tips. Most software already provides this information, so you don’t have to create it from scratch. 

6. Play The Perfect Host 

The meeting’s facilitator plays an essential role in the success of the meeting. So it is necessary to know what goes into running a productive meeting. Here are a few things to keep in mind when running the meeting: 

  • Schedule time for introductions, small talk, and icebreakers before the meeting starts
  • Ask for thoughts or ideas if the meeting requires participation 
  • Stick to the meeting’s agenda
  • Schedule breaks for longer meetings 
  • Dedicate time for Q&A to avoid interruptions during the central meeting
  • Make eye contact while speaking by looking directly at the camera 
  • Use non-verbal cues such as a silent nod to acknowledge the speaker’s contributions 
  • Speak clearly and directly into the microphone 
  • Smile 
  • Dress appropriately for the meeting
  • Use visual assets like whiteboards, slideshows, and screen sharing 

7. Close the Meeting with Purpose 

Virtual meetings can end abruptly with the click of a button. While convenient, ending the session immediately after completing the agenda items can be anticlimactic. So be sure to close the meeting on a high note. 

You can ask participants for questions or thoughts about the meeting. It’s also helpful to summarize the critical points of the meeting before closing. Then, finally, outline any key next steps so employees know what to do after the meeting. 

GoTo Meeting bullet list for what to do after your virtual meeting
With GoTo Meeting, you can view stats, share meeting transcriptions, and watch cloud recordings after your meeting is over.

Lastly, send the participants a post-meeting email. The email may include meeting minutes, key next steps, responsible parties, and action points. Ask the participants to look out for the post-meeting email so they don’t miss it. 

Final Thoughts About Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings are all but mandatory in the context of dispersed teams, flexible work schedules, and hybrid teams. But, with the right video conferencing software, virtual meetings can be just as engaging and productive as in-person meetings. Plus, most software is affordable or even free for smaller teams. 

Still, virtual meetings present unique challenges worth noting. For example, online meeting etiquette and the learning curve involved with new technology can take away from the advantages of virtual meetings. Therefore, learning how to use the software and implement best practices to help you host and run effective virtual meetings is essential. 

How to Remove the Powered by WordPress Footer Links

Do you want to remove the ‘powered by WordPress’ footer links on your site?

By default, most WordPress themes have a disclaimer in the footer, but this can make your site look unprofessional. It also leaves less space for your own links, copyright notice, and other content.

In this article, we will show you how to remove the powered by WordPress footer links.

How to remove the powered by WordPress footer links

Why Remove the WordPress Footer Credits?

The default WordPress themes use the footer area to show a ‘Proudly powered by WordPress’ disclaimer, which links to the official WordPress.org website.

The Powered by WordPress disclaimer

Many theme developers take this further and add their own credits to the footer.

In the following image, you can see the disclaimer added by the Astra WordPress Theme.

The Astra footer disclaimer

While great for the software developers, this ‘Powered by….’ footer can make your site seem less professional, especially if you’re running a business website.

It also lets hackers know that you’re using WordPress, which could help them break into your site.

For example, if you’re not using a custom login URL, then hackers can simply add /wp-admin to your site’s address and get to your login page.

This disclaimer also links to an external site, so it encourages people to leave your website. This can have a negative impact on your pageviews and bounce rate.

Is it legal to remove WordPress footer credit links?

It is perfectly legal to remove the footer credits link on your site because WordPress is free, and it is released under the GPL license.

Basically, this license gives you the freedom to use, modify, and even distribute WordPress to other people.

Any WordPress plugin or theme that you download from the official WordPress directory is released under the same GPL license. In fact, even most commercial plugins and themes are released under GPL.

This means you’re free to customize WordPress in any way you want, including removing the footer credits from your business website, online store, or blog.

With that in mind, let’s see how you can remove the powered by WordPress footer links.

Video Tutorial

If you don’t want the video or need more instructions, then simply use the quick links below to jump straight to the method you want to use.

Method 1. Removing the ‘Powered by’ Link Using the Theme Settings

Most good theme authors know that users want to be able to edit the footer and remove the credit links, so many include it in their theme settings.

To see whether your theme has this option, go to Appearance » Customize in your WordPress admin dashboard.

Launching the WordPress Customizer

You can now look for any settings that let you customize your site’s footer, and then click on that option.

For example, the Astra theme has a section called ‘Footer Builder.’

Customizing the Astra theme disclaimer

If you’re using this theme, then simply click on the ‘Footer’ section and select ‘Copyright.’

Doing so will open a small editor where you can change the footer text, or even delete it completely.

How to remove the 'powered by WordPress' disclaimer

No matter how you remove the footer disclaimer, don’t forget to click on ‘Publish’ to make the change live on your site.

If you’re using a block theme, then you can remove the footer disclaimer using Full Site Editing (FSE) and the block editor.

This is a quick and easy way to remove the ‘Powered by’ credit across your entire site, although it won’t work with all themes.

To launch the editor, go to Appearance » Editor.

How to launch the FSE

Then, scroll to your website’s footer and click to select the ‘Powered by’ disclaimer.

You can now replace it with your own content, or you can even delete the disclaimer completely.

Editing the 'Proudly powered by WordPress' credit using the full site editor

When you’re happy with how the footer looks, simply click on ‘Save.’ Now if you visit your site, you’ll see the change live.

Method 3. How To Remove the ‘Powered by’ Disclaimer Using a Page Builder

Many WordPress websites use the footer to communicate important information, such as their email address or phone number. In fact, visitors might scroll to the bottom of your site looking specifically for this content.

With that in mind, you may want to go one step further and replace the ‘Powered by’ text with a custom footer. This footer could contain links to your social media profiles, links to your affiliate partners, a list of your products, or other important information and links.

You can see the WPBeginner footer in the following image:

An example of a WordPress footer

The best way to create a custom footer is by using SeedProd. It is the best page builder plugin and comes with over 180 professionally-designed templates, sections, and blocks that can help you customize every part of your WordPress blog or website.

It also has settings that allow you to create a global footer, sidebar, header, and more.

First, you need to install and activate SeedProd. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There’s also a free version of SeedProd that allows you to create all kinds of pages using the drag-and-drop editor. However, we’ll be using the premium version of SeedProd since it comes with the advanced Theme Builder.

After activating the plugin, SeedProd will ask for your license key.

SeedProd license key

You can find this information under your account on the SeedProd website. After entering the key, click on the ‘Verify Key’ button.

Once you’ve done that, go to SeedProd » Theme Builder. Here, click on the ‘Add New Theme Template’ button.

The SeedProd theme builder

In the popup, type in a name for the new theme template.

Once you’ve done that, open the ‘Type’ dropdown and choose ‘Footer.’

Creating a custom footer with SeedProd

SeedProd will show the new footer template across your entire site by default. However, you can limit it to specific pages or posts using the ‘Conditions’ settings.

For example, you may want to exclude the new footer from your landing pages, so it doesn’t distract from your main call to action.

When you’re happy with the information you’ve entered, click on ‘Save.’

This will load the SeedProd page builder interface.

At first, your template will show a blank screen on the right and your settings on the left. To start, click on the ‘Add Columns’ icon.

The SeedProd theme builder editor

You can now choose the layout that you want to use for your footer. This allows you to organize your content into different columns.

You can use any layout you want, but for this guide, we’re using a three-column layout.

Choosing a layout for the WordPress footer

Next, you can edit the footer’s background so that it matches your WordPress theme, company branding, or logo.

To change the background color, simply click on the section next to ‘Background Color’ and then use the controls to choose a new color.

Changing the background color of a WordPress footer

Another option is to upload a background image.

To do this, either click on ‘Use Your Own Image’ and then choose an image from the WordPress media library, or click on ‘Use a stock image.’

Adding an image to a custom WordPress footer

When you’re happy with the background, it’s time to add some content to the footer.

Simply drag any block from the left-hand menu and drop it onto your footer.

Adding blocks to the WordPress footer

After adding a block, click to select that block in the main editor.

The left-hand menu will now show all of the settings for customizing the block.

The SeedProd advanced theme builder

Simply keep repeating these steps to add more blocks to your footer.

You can also change where each block appears by dragging them around your layout.

A custom footer, created using the SeedProd theme builder

When you’re happy with your design, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Then, you can select ‘Publish’ to complete your design.

Publishing the SeedProd template part

For your new footer to show up on your website, you’ll need to finish building your WordPress theme with SeedProd.

After building your theme, go to SeedProd » Theme Builder. Then, click on the ‘Enable SeedProd Theme’ switch.

Now, if you visit your website you’ll see the new footer live.

How to enable a custom WordPress theme

For a step-by-step guide, please see our guide on how to create a custom WordPress theme.

Method 4. Removing the WordPress Disclaimer Using Code

If you can’t see any way to remove or modify the footer credits in the WordPress customizer, then another option is to edit the footer.php code.

This isn’t the most beginner-friendly method, but it will let you remove the credit from any WordPress theme.

Before making changes to your website’s code, we recommend creating a backup so you can restore your site in case anything goes wrong.

Keep in mind that if you edit your WordPress theme files directly, then those changes will disappear when you update the theme. With that being said, we recommend creating a child theme as this allows you to update your WordPress theme without losing customization.

First, you need to connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client such as FileZilla, or you can use a file manager provided by your WordPress hosting company. 

If this is your first time using FTP, then you can see our complete guide on how to connect to your site using FTP

Once you’ve connected to your site, go to /wp-content/themes/ and then open the folder for your current theme or child theme.

The FileZilla FTP client

Inside this folder, find the footer.php file and open it in a text editor such as Notepad.

In the text editor, look for a section of code that includes the ‘powered by’ text. For example, in the Twenty Twenty-One theme for WordPress, the code looks like this:

<div class="powered-by">
					/* translators: %s: WordPress. */
					esc_html__( 'Proudly powered by %s.', 'twentytwentyone' ),
					'<a href="' . esc_attr__( 'https://wordpress.org/', 'twentytwentyone' ) . '">WordPress</a>'
			</div><!-- .powered-by -->

You can either delete this code entirely or customize it to suit your needs. For example, you may want to replace the ‘Proudly powered…’ disclaimer with your own copyright notice.

A custom disclaimer, created using FSE

After making your changes, save the file and upload it to your server. If you check your site, then the footer credit will have disappeared.

Warning! Avoid the CSS Method at All Costs!

Some WordPress tutorial sites may show you a CSS method that uses display: none to hide the footer credit links.

While it looks simple, it’s very bad for your WordPress SEO.

Many spammers use this exact technique to hide links from visitors while still showing them to Google, in the hopes of getting higher rankings.

If you do hide the footer credit with CSS, then Google may flag you as a spammer and your site will lose search engine rankings. In the worst-case scenario, Google may even delete you from their index so you never appear in search results.

Instead, we strongly recommend using one of the four methods we showed above. If you can’t use any of these methods, then another option is hiring a WordPress developer to remove the footer credit for you, or you might change your WordPress theme.

We hope this article helped you remove the powered by WordPress footer links. You may also want to check out our expert pick of the best contact form plugins and proven ways to make money online blogging with WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Remove the Powered by WordPress Footer Links first appeared on WPBeginner.

Apache Kafka [Video Tutorials]

Below, you will see a series of video tutorials about Apache Kafka. After watching these videos, you will have more knowledge about Apache Kafka’s features, workflow, architecture, fundamentals, and so much more! So, let’s get started. 

Video Tutorials

Apache Kafka Introduction

The following three introduction videos about Apache Kafka will go into detail about Apache Kafka’s:

Lessons Learned from Picking a Java-Based Driver for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis: Part 1

In my day-to-day job, I support teams at different organizations and help them with their AWS challenges. One of the teams I recently supported was using Amazon ElasticCache for Redis as a storage/caching layer for their primary workload. They were validating their production setup and testing several failure scenarios. In this article, I will share some of the lessons learned. Keep in mind that the cases described in this article are very context-specific and might not reflect your use case, so my advice is to always do your own tests.

Initial Architecture

The team built a REST-based service by using API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon ElastiCache for Redis.

7 Common Machine Learning and Deep Learning Mistakes and Limitations to Avoid

Whether you’re just getting started or have been working with AI models for a while, there are some common machine learning and deep learning mistakes we all need to be aware of and reminded of from time to time. These can cause major headaches down the road if left unchecked! If we pay close attention to our data, model infrastructure, and verify our outputs as well we can sharpen our skills in practicing good data scientist habits.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning Data Mistakes to Avoid

When getting started in machine learning and deep learning there are mistakes that are easy to avoid. Paying close attention to the data we input (as well as the output data) is crucial to our deep learning and neural network models. The importance in preparing your dataset before running the models is imperative to a strong model. When training an AI model, 80% of the work is data preparation (gathering, cleaning, and preprocessing the data), while the last 20% is reserved for model selection, training, tuning, and evaluation. Here are some common mistakes and limitations we face when training data-driven AI models.

Which Type of MFA Is Most Secure?

More and more people are adopting multi-factor authentication today to protect themselves from increasing rates of hacking and data theft. Several popular options are available for MFA, but which is the most secure and effective? 

1. Social Media Login

One of the most common types of MFA is social media login. This method avoids using a password by having the user log in using a verified social media account. Most of today’s leading social media sites have their own two-factor authentication methods, such as one-time SMS codes. By logging in to other sites using a secure social media account, users can minimize the number of unique passwords they have to create and store.

How To Get a Business Phone Number in 5 Simple Steps

Nextiva is a reliable virtual phone number company that provides business phone numbers in every US state. Request a quote to get one for yourself.

A business phone number gives customers a direct way to contact your team. It also lets you route calls to different departments or employees within your company to resolve issues promptly and effectively. 

If you’re looking for a professional business phone number, you may not know where to start. 

Don’t worry, this guide will walk you through the entire process of acquiring a business phone number, including the various options available to you, to provide customers and clients with a convenient way to reach your business. 

How To Get a Business Phone Number in 5 Simple Steps

The 7 Best Virtual Phone Number Companies to Get a Business Phone Number

The easiest way to get a business phone number is through a virtual phone number company. The following are some of the best options you can consider to get started:

  • Nextiva — The Best Overall (For a limited time, get 25% off when you sign up!)
  • RingCentral — The Best for Advanced Features
  • 800.com — The Best for Toll-Free Numbers
  • CallHippo — The Best for Vanity Numbers
  • Google Voice — The Best for Free Virtual Phone Numbers
  • eVoice — The Best for Faxing
  • Talkroute — The Best for Call Centers

Check out our detailed breakdown of each virtual phone number company here.

Get a Business Phone Number in 5 Easy Steps

The good thing about business phone numbers is they are easy to set up. All you have to do is choose a business phone number, purchase a plan, and optimize your business calls with extensions.

  1. Decide If You Need a Business Phone Number
  2. Choose the Appropriate Type of Business Phone Number
  3. Sign Up With Nextiva
  4. Purchase Your Business Phone Number
  5. Add Business Phone Number Extensions

We highly recommend Nextiva to make the task easier. It lets you choose from the main types of business phone numbers and set up a local line of communication for locations you don’t have offices in.

Step 1: Decide If You Need a Business Phone Number

A business phone number offers several benefits over traditional landline or even smartphone numbers, but the question is whether your business will benefit from it. 

Nextiva's best loved features for small business phone service: auto attendant, call recording, unlimited calling, video conferencing, voicemail transcription, and call routing
With Nextiva, businesses of all sizes can benefit from having a business phone number.

Here are a few instances when getting a virtual business phone number makes sense:

  • You want multi-device access and other flexible features like call forwarding and call waiting.
  • You want to offer customers additional communication channels aside from voice conversations, like SMS texting, online faxing, and video conferencing.
  • You feel you need more advanced features to manage customer/client support calls better. Think real-time notifications, caller ID, and voicemail transcription.
  • You want to assign separate business phone numbers to team members, so they can communicate with customers without sharing their private contact information.

If you’re nodding your head to even one of these instances, your team will likely benefit from a professional business phone number.

Step 2: Choose the Appropriate Type of Business Phone Number 

Decide what type of number you need for your business. Each type of number supports different business needs, so you must consider your requirements before deciding. 

Your business phone number options include:

Local Business Number

Local phone numbers have specific area codes for specific cities and regions to help businesses build a more trusted local presence. Seeing a familiar local area code also makes it more likely for prospects and customers to answer your calls if they haven’t saved it already.

  • Faster and cheaper to acquire
  • Plans often include unlimited minutes for local numbers
  • Familiar area code seems more trustworthy 
  • Landline callers may be charged when making calls outside their local area code

Toll-Free Business Number

Toll-free or 800 numbers are location-agnostic business phone numbers that help you establish a nationwide presence. As the line owner, you’ll incur charges for both calls made and calls received. In other words, your client or customer won’t be charged for contacting you using this number.

  • Gives an impression of a large business
  • Customers living at specific locations can contact your business for free
  • Serves as the main business number or hotline
  • International callers may not be able to use it

Vanity Business Number

Vanity phone numbers are personalized toll-free numbers that include specific words or phrases related to your business. For instance, 1-800-FLOWERS if you’re a flower boutique; 1-800-GET-MORE-LEADS if you’re a lead generation company.

  • Improves brand recognition
  • Can be toll-free or a local number
  • Excellent marketing tool
  • May take longer to set up and involve extra charges

International Business Number

International numbers help you build a local presence in a foreign company, even if you don’t have a physical office in that region. Whenever a client calls this line, the provider will route the call to your domestic phone number you can then pick up on your office or mobile phone.

  • Supports customers in international locations and global markets
  • Cheaper for customers to call an international number
  • Doesn’t require a physical presence
  • May have to pay per-minute rates

As you can see, each type of phone number serves a specific purpose. Choose one that best meets your needs.

Step 3: Sign Up With Nextiva

Nextiva is a leading virtual phone number company that provides business phone numbers in every US state. You can use it to set up any type of phone number—local, toll-free, vanity, or international. Nextiva also offers a host of other features like prompt customer support and superior audio quality, making it one of the most reliable options for setting up a business phone number.

That is exactly why we recommend getting a business phone number through it.

Here’s how to go about this.

  1. Open Nextiva’s website and click Get Started.
  2. Fill in your details, such as your email ID and phone number.
  3. You’ll get an email informing you about the next steps.
Nextiva's next steps email for providing you with a business phone service quote
Nextiva will walk you through the process of setting up a business phone number.

Essentially, Nextiva will give you a call to learn more about your requirements and provide you with a quote. You can also contact the company directly if you want it immediately. 

Step 4: Purchase Your Business Phone Number

Once you’ve purchased a plan and are set, you can get a phone number for your business. Choose one or more business phone numbers from the displayed options and add them to your cart. Then complete the checkout process and make the payment. 

If you plan on porting an existing business number (that is, taking your existing business number and transferring it to another provider), talk to Nextiva’s support team for the next steps. Keep in mind that the porting process usually takes five to seven business days—at times, even ten days. That said, you can continue using your previous provider until your port is complete.

Step 5: Add Business Phone Number Extensions

At this stage, you’ve set up your business phone number, and now, you can add extensions to route calls to staff members and teams. Optimizing business calls with extensions also cuts down on your company’s overall phone bill, which is another huge advantage.

Instead of having separate numbers for each department or employee, you can use one central phone number for the entire company. Customers can then dial the extension of individual departments/employees from within the phone system and connect to them. You can also forward the extension to a personal number to handle VIP calls.

If you’re unsure how to do this, the support team at Nextiva can help you get extensions set up. 

Final Thoughts About Getting a Business Phone Number

To get a business phone number, you’ll have to choose the type of number that works best for your business. Then purchase the number from a virtual phone number company like Nextiva, followed by optimizing the line with extensions.

And that’s it—you’ll finally have a brand-new, convenient way for customers to contact your business.

Different Ways to Get CSS Gradient Shadows

It’s a question I hear asked quite often: Is it possible to create shadows from gradients instead of solid colors? There is no specific CSS property that does this (believe me, I’ve looked) and any blog post you find about it is basically a lot of CSS tricks to approximate a gradient. We’ll actually cover some of those as we go.

But first… another article about gradient shadows? Really?

Yes, this is yet another post on the topic, but it is different. Together, we’re going to push the limits to get a solution that covers something I haven’t seen anywhere else: transparency. Most of the tricks work if the element has a non-transparent background but what if we have a transparent background? We will explore this case here!

Before we start, let me introduce my gradient shadows generator. All you have to do is to adjust the configuration, and get the code. But follow along because I’m going to help you understand all the logic behind the generated code.

Non-transparent solution

Let’s start with the solution that’ll work for 80% of most cases. The most typical case: you are using an element with a background, and you need to add a gradient shadow to it. No transparency issues to consider there.

The solution is to rely on a pseudo-element where the gradient is defined. You place it behind the actual element and apply a blur filter to it.

.box {
  position: relative;
.box::before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset: -5px; /* control the spread */
  transform: translate(10px, 8px); /* control the offsets */
  z-index: -1; /* place the element behind */
  background: /* your gradient here */;
  filter: blur(10px); /* control the blur */

It looks like a lot of code, and that’s because it is. Here’s how we could have done it with a box-shadow instead if we were using a solid color instead of a gradient.

box-shadow: 10px 8px 10px 5px orange;

That should give you a good idea of what the values in the first snippet are doing. We have X and Y offsets, the blur radius, and the spread distance. Note that we need a negative value for the spread distance that comes from the inset property.

Here’s a demo showing the gradient shadow next to a classic box-shadow:

If you look closely you will notice that both shadows are a little different, especially the blur part. It’s not a surprise because I am pretty sure the filter property’s algorithm works differently than the one for box-shadow. That’s not a big deal since the result is, in the end, quite similar.

This solution is good, but still has a few drawbacks related to the z-index: -1 declaration. Yes, there is “stacking context” happening there!

I applied a transform to the main element, and boom! The shadow is no longer below the element. This is not a bug but the logical result of a stacking context. Don’t worry, I will not start a boring explanation about stacking context (I already did that in a Stack Overflow thread), but I’ll still show you how to work around it.

The first solution that I recommend is to use a 3D transform:

.box {
  position: relative;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
.box::before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset: -5px;
  transform: translate3d(10px, 8px, -1px); /* (X, Y, Z) */
  background: /* .. */;
  filter: blur(10px);

Instead of using z-index: -1, we will use a negative translation along the Z-axis. We will put everything inside translate3d(). Don’t forget to use transform-style: preserve-3d on the main element; otherwise, the 3D transform won’t take effect.

As far as I know, there is no side effect to this solution… but maybe you see one. If that’s the case, share it in the comment section, and let’s try to find a fix for it!

If for some reason you are unable to use a 3D transform, the other solution is to rely on two pseudo-elements — ::before and ::after. One creates the gradient shadow, and the other reproduces the main background (and other styles you might need). That way, we can easily control the stacking order of both pseudo-elements.

.box {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 0; /* We force a stacking context */
/* Creates the shadow */
.box::before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  z-index: -2;
  inset: -5px;
  transform: translate(10px, 8px);
  background: /* .. */;
  filter: blur(10px);
/* Reproduces the main element styles */
.box::after {
  content: """;
  position: absolute;
  z-index: -1;
  inset: 0;
  /* Inherit all the decorations defined on the main element */
  background: inherit;
  border: inherit;
  box-shadow: inherit;

It’s important to note that we are forcing the main element to create a stacking context by declaring z-index: 0, or any other property that do the same, on it. Also, don’t forget that pseudo-elements consider the padding box of the main element as a reference. So, if the main element has a border, you need to take that into account when defining the pseudo-element styles. You will notice that I am using inset: -2px on ::after to account for the border defined on the main element.

As I said, this solution is probably good enough in a majority of cases where you want a gradient shadow, as long as you don’t need to support transparency. But we are here for the challenge and to push the limits, so even if you don’t need what is coming next, stay with me. You will probably learn new CSS tricks that you can use elsewhere.

Transparent solution

Let’s pick up where we left off on the 3D transform and remove the background from the main element. I will start with a shadow that has both offsets and spread distance equal to 0.

The idea is to find a way to cut or hide everything inside the area of the element (inside the green border) while keeping what is outside. We are going to use clip-path for that. But you might wonder how clip-path can make a cut inside an element.

Indeed, there’s no way to do that, but we can simulate it using a particular polygon pattern:

clip-path: polygon(-100vmax -100vmax,100vmax -100vmax,100vmax 100vmax,-100vmax 100vmax,-100vmax -100vmax,0 0,0 100%,100% 100%,100% 0,0 0)

Tada! We have a gradient shadow that supports transparency. All we did is add a clip-path to the previous code. Here is a figure to illustrate the polygon part.

Showing the clip-path coordinates for the element.

The blue area is the visible part after applying the clip-path. I am only using the blue color to illustrate the concept, but in reality, we will only see the shadow inside that area. As you can see, we have four points defined with a big value (B). My big value is 100vmax, but it can be any big value you want. The idea is to ensure we have enough space for the shadow. We also have four points that are the corners of the pseudo-element.

The arrows illustrate the path that defines the polygon. We start from (-B, -B) until we reach (0,0). In total, we need 10 points. Not eight points because two points are repeated twice in the path ((-B,-B) and (0,0)).

There’s still one more thing left for us to do, and it’s to account for the spread distance and the offsets. The only reason the demo above works is because it is a particular case where the offsets and spread distance are equal to 0.

Let’s define the spread and see what happens. Remember that we use inset with a negative value to do this:

The pseudo-element is now bigger than the main element, so the clip-path cuts more than we need it to. Remember, we always need to cut the part inside the main element (the area inside the green border of the example). We need to adjust the position of the four points inside of clip-path.

.box {
  --s: 10px; /* the spread  */
  position: relative;
.box::before {
  inset: calc(-1 * var(--s));
  clip-path: polygon(
    -100vmax -100vmax,
     100vmax -100vmax,
     100vmax 100vmax,
    -100vmax 100vmax,
    -100vmax -100vmax,
    calc(0px  + var(--s)) calc(0px  + var(--s)),
    calc(0px  + var(--s)) calc(100% - var(--s)),
    calc(100% - var(--s)) calc(100% - var(--s)),
    calc(100% - var(--s)) calc(0px  + var(--s)),
    calc(0px  + var(--s)) calc(0px  + var(--s))

We’ve defined a CSS variable, --s, for the spread distance and updated the polygon points. I didn’t touch the points where I am using the big value. I only update the points that define the corners of the pseudo-element. I increase all the zero values by --s and decrease the 100% values by --s.

It’s the same logic with the offsets. When we translate the pseudo-element, the shadow is out of alignment, and we need to rectify the polygon again and move the points in the opposite direction.

.box {
  --s: 10px; /* the spread */
  --x: 10px; /* X offset */
  --y: 8px;  /* Y offset */
  position: relative;
.box::before {
  inset: calc(-1 * var(--s));
  transform: translate3d(var(--x), var(--y), -1px);
  clip-path: polygon(
    -100vmax -100vmax,
     100vmax -100vmax,
     100vmax 100vmax,
    -100vmax 100vmax,
    -100vmax -100vmax,
    calc(0px  + var(--s) - var(--x)) calc(0px  + var(--s) - var(--y)),
    calc(0px  + var(--s) - var(--x)) calc(100% - var(--s) - var(--y)),
    calc(100% - var(--s) - var(--x)) calc(100% - var(--s) - var(--y)),
    calc(100% - var(--s) - var(--x)) calc(0px  + var(--s) - var(--y)),
    calc(0px  + var(--s) - var(--x)) calc(0px  + var(--s) - var(--y))

There are two more variables for the offsets: --x and --y. We use them inside of transform and we also update the clip-path values. We still don’t touch the polygon points with big values, but we offset all the others — we reduce --x from the X coordinates, and --y from the Y coordinates.

Now all we have to do is to update a few variables to control the gradient shadow. And while we are at it, let’s also make the blur radius a variable as well:

Do we still need the 3D transform trick?

It all depends on the border. Don’t forget that the reference for a pseudo-element is the padding box, so if you apply a border to your main element, you will have an overlap. You either keep the 3D transform trick or update the inset value to account for the border.

Here is the previous demo with an updated inset value in place of the 3D transform:

I‘d say this is a more suitable way to go because the spread distance will be more accurate, as it starts from the border-box instead of the padding-box. But you will need to adjust the inset value according to the main element’s border. Sometimes, the border of the element is unknown and you have to use the previous solution.

With the earlier non-transparent solution, it’s possible you will face a stacking context issue. And with the transparent solution, it’s possible you face a border issue instead. Now you have options and ways to work around those issues. The 3D transform trick is my favorite solution because it fixes all the issues (The online generator will consider it as well)

Adding a border radius

If you try adding border-radius to the element when using the non-transparent solution we started with, it is a fairly trivial task. All you need to do is to inherit the same value from the main element, and you are done.

Even if you don’t have a border radius, it’s a good idea to define border-radius: inherit. That accounts for any potential border-radius you might want to add later or a border radius that comes from somewhere else.

It’s a different story when dealing with the transparent solution. Unfortunately, it means finding another solution because clip-path cannot deal with curvatures. That means we won’t be able to cut the area inside the main element.

We will introduce the mask property to the mix.

This part was very tedious, and I struggled to find a general solution that doesn’t rely on magic numbers. I ended up with a very complex solution that uses only one pseudo-element, but the code was a lump of spaghetti that covers only a few particular cases. I don’t think it is worth exploring that route.

I decided to insert an extra element for the sake of simpler code. Here’s the markup:

<div class="box">

I am using a custom element, <sh>, to avoid any potential conflict with external CSS. I could have used a <div>, but since it’s a common element, it can easily be targeted by another CSS rule coming from somewhere else that can break our code.

The first step is to position the <sh> element and purposely create an overflow:

.box {
  --r: 50px;
  position: relative;
  border-radius: var(--r);
.box sh {
  position: absolute;
  inset: -150px;
  border: 150px solid #0000;
  border-radius: calc(150px + var(--r));

The code may look a bit strange, but we’ll get to the logic behind it as we go. Next, we create the gradient shadow using a pseudo-element of <sh>.

.box {
  --r: 50px;
  position: relative;
  border-radius: var(--r);
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
.box sh {
  position: absolute;
  inset: -150px;
  border: 150px solid #0000;
  border-radius: calc(150px + var(--r));
  transform: translateZ(-1px)
.box sh::before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset: -5px;
  border-radius: var(--r);
  background: /* Your gradient */;
  filter: blur(10px);
  transform: translate(10px,8px);

As you can see, the pseudo-element uses the same code as all the previous examples. The only difference is the 3D transform defined on the <sh> element instead of the pseudo-element. For the moment, we have a gradient shadow without the transparency feature:

Note that the area of the <sh> element is defined with the black outline. Why I am doing this? Because that way, I am able to apply a mask on it to hide the part inside the green area and keep the overflowing part where we need to see the shadow.

I know it’s a bit tricky, but unlike clip-path, the mask property doesn’t account for the area outside an element to show and hide things. That’s why I was obligated to introduce the extra element — to simulate the “outside” area.

Also, note that I am using a combination of border and inset to define that area. This allows me to keep the padding-box of that extra element the same as the main element so that the pseudo-element won’t need additional calculations.

Another useful thing we get from using an extra element is that the element is fixed, and only the pseudo-element is moving (using translate). This will allow me to easily define the mask, which is the last step of this trick.

  linear-gradient(#000 0 0) content-box,
  linear-gradient(#000 0 0);
mask-composite: exclude;

It’s done! We have our gradient shadow, and it supports border-radius! You probably expected a complex mask value with oodles of gradients, but no! We only need two simple gradients and a mask-composite to complete the magic.

Let’s isolate the <sh> element to understand what is happening there:

.box sh {
  position: absolute;
  inset: -150px;
  border: 150px solid red;
  background: lightblue;
  border-radius: calc(150px + var(--r));

Here’s what we get:

Note how the inner radius matches the main element’s border-radius. I have defined a big border (150px) and a border-radius equal to the big border plus the main element’s radius. On the outside, I have a radius equal to 150px + R. On the inside, I have 150px + R - 150px = R.

We must hide the inner (blue) part and make sure the border (red) part is still visible. To do that, I’ve defined two mask layers —One that covers only the content-box area and another that covers the border-box area (the default value). Then I excluded one from another to reveal the border.

  linear-gradient(#000 0 0) content-box,
  linear-gradient(#000 0 0);
mask-composite: exclude;

I used the same technique to create a border that supports gradients and border-radius. Ana Tudor has also a good article about masking composite that I invite you to read.

Are there any drawbacks to this method?

Yes, this definitely not perfect. The first issue you may face is related to using a border on the main element. This may create a small misalignment in the radii if you don’t account for it. We have this issue in our example, but perhaps you can hardly notice it.

The fix is relatively easy: Add the border’s width for the <sh> element’s inset.

.box {
  --r: 50px;
  border-radius: var(--r);
  border: 2px solid;
.box sh {
  position: absolute;
  inset: -152px; /* 150px + 2px */
  border: 150px solid #0000;
  border-radius: calc(150px + var(--r));

Another drawback is the big value we’re using for the border (150px in the example). This value should be big enough to contain the shadow but not too big to avoid overflow and scrollbar issues. Luckily, the online generator will calculate the optimal value considering all the parameters.

The last drawback I am aware of is when you’re working with a complex border-radius. For example, if you want a different radius applied to each corner, you must define a variable for each side. It’s not really a drawback, I suppose, but it can make your code a bit tougher to maintain.

.box {
  --r-top: 10px;
  --r-right: 40px;
  --r-bottom: 30px;
  --r-left: 20px;
  border-radius: var(--r-top) var(--r-right) var(--r-bottom) var(--r-left);
.box sh {
  border-radius: calc(150px + var(--r-top)) calc(150px + var(--r-right)) calc(150px + var(--r-bottom)) calc(150px + var(--r-left));
.box sh:before {
  border-radius: var(--r-top) var(--r-right) var(--r-bottom) var(--r-left);

The online generator only considers a uniform radius for the sake of simplicity, but you now know how to modify the code if you want to consider a complex radius configuration.

Wrapping up

We’ve reached the end! The magic behind gradient shadows is no longer a mystery. I tried to cover all the possibilities and any possible issues you might face. If I missed something or you discover any issue, please feel free to report it in the comment section, and I’ll check it out.

Again, a lot of this is likely overkill considering that the de facto solution will cover most of your use cases. Nevertheless, it’s good to know the “why” and “how” behind the trick, and how to overcome its limitations. Plus, we got good exercise playing with CSS clipping and masking.

And, of course, you have the online generator you can reach for anytime you want to avoid the hassle.

Different Ways to Get CSS Gradient Shadows originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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