How Has LINQ Performance Enhanced in .NET 7?

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The new version of .NET enhanced the performance of the Min, Max, Average, and Sum methods for arrays and lists. How much do you think their execution speed has increased? Two times or five times? No, they got even faster. Let's see how that was achieved.

How Has LINQ Enhanced?

LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) is a simple and convenient query language. It allows you to express complex operations in a simple way. Almost every .NET developer uses LINQ. However, this simplicity of use comes at the price of execution speed and extra memory allocation. In most situations, it has no significant effect. However, in cases when performance is critical, these limitations may be pretty unpleasant.


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I’ve had the animation tool Rive on my list of bookmarks to check out for a while. I recently got around to making an account and giving it a shot.

I was immediately interested in what the final output/export is. Because, of course, I want to know how I can use it… to connect it to my own web work. I’m not sure what I expected. Maybe SVG output with a bunch of inline JavaScript to control it? It’s not that, though. Ultimately you get a .riv file.

Then you use one of their runtime libraries to ultimately display the animation. I opened one of their demos, exported the animation, and here I am using the JavaScript runtime and CodePen Asset Hosting to display the animation:

They have loads of interesting use cases and demos on their website. For the web, it ultimately ends up as a <canvas>. I don’t know much about canvas and accessibility, but I imagine you’re kind on your own there to do the best you can do.

Anywho — just a 10-second glance here. The big takeaway here is that their Get Started button is the GOAT:

The Enterprise, the Database, the Problem, and the Solution

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A friend of mine runs a company that has almost 100 clients. His company is delivering IT services to its clients, managing databases, servers, apps, etc. Some of his clients have 1,000 + employees and create hundreds of millions of database records each month. For most people, such numbers would result in data becoming completely opaque.

How do you manage hundreds of millions of database records, divided unto thousands of databases?

PHP Implode and Explode Functions

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Imploding and Exploding are two crucial PHP features that are available for use on strings or arrays. Implode() and explode() are two built-in PHP functions that can help us with these tasks.

When working with arrays and strings in PHP, the imploding and exploding functions are frequently utilized. Using a code sample as a guide, we will learn how to utilize implode in PHP. We will also look at an example of how to utilize explode in PHP.