Schedule Randomness With Gelato, Witnet, API3, and Chainlink Vrf

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From roulette wheels to action-adventure games, randomness plays a major role in the gaming world. It is for any scenario where opponents or scenes are created dynamically and for those where users need “on the fly” randomness.

This is a far cry from my memories of the 1980s, when gaming was a lot less enjoyable precisely because everything was predictable- if your character went on a mission once, the next time you played the mission would be exactly the same. As you can imagine, this got very boring very quickly.

Robust Hotlink Protection Strategies

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For example, if you operate the website yourbusiness.example, you may have an image at https://yourbusiness.example/infographic.png that you use within your website. A hotlink is when an unrelated property (for example, the site anotherbusiness.test) embeds that image directly on their website by reference to your server, for example using the following HTML code: