8 Steps to a Winning Product Strategy Made Simple: What You Need to Know

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You built a product, and it’s working well. You might even achieve your goals and start making a profit. But how do you know when you’re done building it? When do you need to create a new feature or add a new marketing channel?

When you bring a product to market, you solve a problem for your users. But you’re not the only person who can solve that problem. In fact, you’re one piece in a much larger ecosystem — a network of developers, customers, and manufacturers — all working together to build a better product. It’s a complex ecosystem, and you need a product strategy that can help you navigate it. 

Unreveal Effects for Content Previews

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Some time ago, we explored a cover page transition that would hide some initial content and show another level of content, i.e. “unreveal” it. Today I’d love to share some more ideas for showing another page or preview, including one that uses CSS clip-path to achieve the effect.

This is our initial view:

When clicking on an item, we hide the current content by covering it with an expanding circle. Then uncover the preview by expanding a clip-path. This is the next view:

And this is how it all looks in action:

There are three different effects. Hope you enjoy them and find them useful!

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