How to Point a Domain to WPMU DEV Hosting

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Pointing domains… nameservers… figuring out DNS… it can all feel daunting! Fortunately, WPMU DEV makes it easy, whether you’re working with a domain purchased from us or from another provider. We break it all down in this article.

Keep reading to learn how to easily connect your domain to our hosting service.

Here are the topics we’ll be covering:

Connecting Your Domain To WPMU DEV Hosting

With our new domain service recently rolled out, you can directly purchase domains and register them through WPMU DEV – in which case we automatically do the DNS hookup (i.e., the pointing part) for you.

If you purchased your domain through another DNS provider and are hosting with us, the tutorial below will show you exactly what you need to do and explain why this is also a great choice.

Prepping for a Change in Domain Nameservers

Nameservers are often referred to as the phone book of the internet, sending you to the correct domain when you type in a web address.

There are two primary components to making your website accessible to the public:

  1. Your domain name (purchased from a registrar)
  2. Nameservers (provided through a host)

The first must point to the second to connect the two.

The registrar you purchased your domain from also has its own nameservers (if it offers hosting), however if you want them managed elsewhere you must change the DNS records.

Doing it all from a single location is ideal, as it cuts out the middle agent and puts the same quality that powers your sites behind your DNS.

DNS propagation is the term for your site’s nameservers and other records (e.g., A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, etc) updating across the web. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple days to finalize.

If your site was already live, it might become briefly inaccessible to visitors during the nameserver change. You could create a temporary page with info regarding the approximate downtime, then publish it just prior to the server change. (Remember to change it back once the process is complete).

It’s also helpful to handle nameserver changes during a period when traffic volume is typically on the low end.

Importing Your Domain Records to WPMU DEV

Alright, we’re ready to start our edits. The first thing we’re going to do is navigate to The Hub on WPMU DEV.

Click on Domains from the top menu bar, then Connected Domains from the submenu, then the Connect Existing Domain button.

connected domains - populated and unpopulated (wpmudev)
Connecting domains in WPMU DEV’s The Hub.

The Add New Domain modal will pop up. Here you will enter your domain name in the text field – making sure to include the extension (e.g. .com, .net, .xyz) – then click the blue button.

add domain (step 1)
Step 1 of 2 in WPMU DEV’s Add New Domain modal.

The Hub DNS Manager will run a scan for common DNS records, then automatically import and list them for your verification.

setup dns (step 2)
Verifying the scanned records to import into a WPMU DEV DNS configuration.

Here you’ll see the summary of record information, which will include:

  • Type – A, CNAME, MX, TXT
  • Hostname – @ for root; www for www. subdomain
  • Value – if record is an alias, directs, or returns
  • TTL (seconds) – Time To Live is how long the DNS query caches before expiring and needing a new one. (The lower this number, the better/faster.)

You can remove any records, if you want to exclude them from being imported, by clicking on the Trashcan icon.

You can also manually add any records that are missing. See Add or Edit DNS Records for details.

If you’re in any doubt as to whether records should be added or deleted, just reach out to support (any time, day or night) and they’ll happily walk you through it.

Once you’re satisfied with the populated DNS records, click the blue button once more.

After the ellipsis bounce, the page will load with the imported information specific to your domain.

WPMU DEV nameservers are listed towards the top of this page, where you’ll see there are three of them.

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WPMU DEV’s trio of nameservers, ready to copy/paste into your domain registry records.

Keep your Hub page open, as we’ll be copying & pasting the nameservers in the next step. (Or, do what I do, and just copy the first one, then replace the “1” with “2” then “3” as you paste each, since these ordinal numbers are the only difference.)

Putting WPMU DEV Nameservers in Your Domain Registry Records

Now that we’ve imported your domain details into WPMU DEV, the next step is to overwrite the nameserver records of your registrars with ours.

There are a lot of registrars, so how your domain details are kept and displayed will vary, but they should all have the same key elements. We cover more than a dozen of the most popular ones here.

In the case of registrars that serve as hosts, what they permit when it comes to allowable changes in nameservers can vary. For example, pointing nameservers to another host is not permissible for a Wix-purchased domain. However, you can transfer your domain away from them (although it involves a different process).

Assuming your domain registrar allows for pointing nameservers away from them, or that you’ve taken any necessary prior steps in preparation, login to their website and locate the records for your domain.

namecheap nameservers (orig)
Changing nameservers through the Registrar; in this case, Namecheap.

Popping back over to the Hub, copy that first nameserver, then head back to your domain registrar details page, pasting it in the appropriate text field. Do this for all three nameservers, then save your input.

Depending on your registrar, you’ll probably get a confirmation message with time estimates on how long it will take the DNS hosting server to update.

It’s rare, but on the outside chance your domain registrar requires identifying our nameservers by IP address, you can find them here.

Double-Checking Your Changes

As with any significant edit, verifying everything is working as it should is an important last step.

Some registrars will send you an email notifying you that the propagation is complete. With others, you might need to revisit the site and continue checking.

Either way, we can verify things through The Hub. Let’s head there, and navigate to Domains > Connected Domains.

For the domain name in question, if you see the green check marked Propagated correctly under Nameservers Status – you’re good to go. If it says Pending, click on the vertical ellipsis icon to the right, and select Manage DNS from the dropdown.

onnected domains manage dns (wpmudev)
Managing DNS through WPMU DEV’s The Hub is effortless.

If everything was done properly and the process has completed, you’ll see a row of green highlighted text, confirming Your nameservers are propagated correctly. If that message isn’t displayed, click on the Check nameservers button.

check dns - nameservers propagating correctly (wpmudev)
Success! Nameservers have been propagated to WPMU DEV.

You’re all set! Your nameservers are successfully pointing to WPMU DEV as your acting DNS provider.

If you don’t get a confirmation or see an error message, check out our detailed documentation, or reach out to our always-on-call support team.

As an additional option, you can use this DNS propagation checker to verify the current IP address and DNS record information for your domain name(s).

The Benefits of Pointing Domains to WPMU DEV Nameservers

Nameservers are essential in directing internet traffic as they locate and translate hostnames into IP addresses.

If you host your own or your client sites with WPMU DEV, pointing your domains to our nameservers has definite advantages.

For starters, subpar nameservers will experience difficulties more often, and your visitors could get “DNS server not responding” messages. Quality nameservers, like ours, can limit or avoid that altogether.

Additionally, pointing your domains to our nameservers allows you to keep the settings with your current email client as is, eliminating the hassle of making a bunch of changes in that regard. (Just make sure existing MX records are imported during the DNS record setup.)

Finally, with the ability to purchase domains now directly through WPMU DEV, managing client sites becomes even more centralized, as your hosting provider and domain provider will be one in the same.

This gives you all of your domains in one place/one dashboard, with auto renewal, free protection, and a built-in grace period; priced incredibly low for Agency members.

Not a member yet? Give us a go, and see how much our hosting has to offer. If you’re not thrilled, we’ll refund you 100%; simply cancel within 30 days. Chances are good you’ll find our value and service are unmatched.

New Changes to DZone Website

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Hello DZone Contributors!

We have an exciting update to share with you all about some changes to our website. As the scope of content on DZone has continued to grow and expand over the years, we realized that the navigation to and from our Zones has become a bit crowded and difficult to navigate, so we’ve spent the past several months rebuilding and redefining what this will look like.

Quality Management – Whose Responsibility Is It Anyway?

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In 1924, W. A. Shewhart of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed a statistical chart to control product variables. This chart is the beginning of statistical quality control as we know it.

After the second world war, engineers W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran, who worked as consultants in the Japanese manufacturing industry, created the concept of Total Quality, in which quality extends beyond the manufacturing process to all organizational processes and instills the values of quality in every worker called – Total Quality Management (TQM)

How to Better Manage Automatic WordPress Updates

Wp Plugins

Are you looking for a way to automatically manage WordPress updates?

Updates are important for the security and stability of your WordPress site.

In this article, we will show you how to better manage automatic WordPress updates.

How to Better Manage Automatic WordPress Updates

Why Do You Need Better Automatic Updates in WordPress?

Keeping your WordPress website updated is extremely important. The same goes for all plugins and themes installed on your website. You need to install updates for WordPress core, themes, and plugins to get new features and fixes.

Learn more in our guide on why you should always use the latest version of WordPress.

WordPress will automatically update itself when a security or minor release is available. You can also enable automatic updates for major releases, as well as plugins and themes.

WordPress updates

However, you may have noticed that some of them are updated more frequently than others. A lot of popular plugins are updated almost weekly.

Some users find it a bit annoying that whenever they log in there are new updates available for WordPress core, one or more plugins, or their theme. It becomes even more time-consuming when you manage multiple WordPress sites.

That’s why many users want to have WordPress automatically install updates for WordPress core, trusted plugins, and themes. But while WordPress now lets you do this without a plugin, you still don’t have full control over your auto-updates.

Let’s take a look at how you can take total control of WordPress and minimize the time spent on installing updates.

Setting Up Easy Updates Manager

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Easy Updates Manager plugin. This plugin gives you complete control over customizing your updates and also keeps logs of what is updated and when.

For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit Dashboard » Updates Options page to set up the plugin.

Enabling Automatic Updates With a Plugin

This page provides you quick access to turn on or off updates for WordPress core, plugins, themes, and translations. The default settings here will work well for most websites.

We strongly recommend that you never turn off updates for WordPress core, plugins, or themes. It will seriously compromise your site’s security and health.

Setting Up Automatic Updates for WordPress, Plugins, and Themes

Easy Updates Manager allows you to quickly enable automatic updates for WordPress core, plugins, and themes from the Dashboard » Updates options page. Simply click on the blue ‘Auto update everything’ button in the ‘Quick configuration actions’ section.

Auto Update Everything

This plugin also allows you to selectively turn on automatic updates for certain plugins or themes. If you would like to selectively turn on automatic updates, then click the ‘Choose per plugin’ and ‘Choose per theme’ buttons.

Next, we’ll show you how to select which plugins and themes are updated automatically.

Setting Up Automatic Updates for Select Plugins and Themes

If you selected to individually enable automatic updates for a few plugins, then you need to switch to the ‘Plugins’ tab on the Dashboard » Updates options page.

Enable automatic updates for individual plugins

Here you will see a list of all plugins installed on your WordPress site. To automatically update a certain plugin, simply click the ‘On’ button under ‘Automatic updates’.

When you switch to the ‘Themes’ tab, you will see a list of themes installed on your site.

Select which themes to automatically update

You need to click the ‘On’ button under ‘Automatic updates’ for those themes that you want to be updated automatically.

Rolling Back to a Previous Version of a Plugin or Theme

Plugin and theme incompatibilities are the major reason why some users are hesitant when it comes to updating. Even though most good developers thoroughly test their plugins, there can still be bugs that can cause your site to break.

The first step you should take to protect your website is to install a WordPress backup solution. This will let you restore your entire website if something goes wrong.

However, restoring your WordPress site from a backup can be a lot of work. If you know which plugin or theme update caused the problem, then it’s easier just to roll back that one update.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Rollback plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, go back to the plugins page on your WordPress site. You will notice a new Rollback option below each plugin installed on your site.

The Plugins Page Now Has a New Rollback Link

Clicking on the ‘Rollback’ link will allow you to roll back your plugin to any previous version you want. It can also roll back theme updates.

For detailed, step-by-step instructions, see our guide on how to rollback WordPress plugins.

We hope this article helped you find a better way to manage automatic WordPress updates on your site. You may also want to learn how to increase your blog traffic, or see our list of 40 useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Better Manage Automatic WordPress Updates first appeared on WPBeginner.

11 Typography Styles to Consider for Your Next Design

Typography Definitions Cover

When it comes to typography, there’s a seemingly infinite number of styles to choose from. But which one is the right one for your next design?

That is the ultimate question when it comes to typography. And, unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on the specific project you’re working on and what kind of message you’re trying to communicate.

However, we can narrow it down to a few general categories.

Here are 11 popular typography styles to consider for your next project.

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Starting at only $16.50 per month!

1. Serif

01 - times new roman-Typography Styles

Serif fonts are the ones with the little feet (serifs) on the end of each letter. They are classic and elegant, and they have been around for centuries. Think of Times New Roman or Garamond – these are both serif fonts.

Serif fonts are generally seen as being more formal and traditional than other types of fonts. They are often used for headlines, logos, and other high-impact pieces.

2. Sans Serif

02 - sans serif-Typography Styles

Sans serif fonts are the exact opposite of serif fonts. They have no little feet on the end of the letters, hence the name “sans serif.”

Sans serif fonts are generally seen as being more modern and clean than serif fonts. They are often used for body copy, menus, and other pieces where readability is key.

3. Script

03 - adelia-Typography Styles

Script fonts are designed to look like they were written by hand. They are usually very flowing and cursive, and they can be difficult to read if they are used for large blocks of text.

Script fonts are best used for small pieces, such as headlines or logos. They can also be used for body copy, but only if the design is very simple and easy to read. A good example would be the Adelia Font.

4. Display

Display fonts are any type of font that is designed to be used at large sizes. They are often very bold and eye-catching, and they can be difficult to read at smaller sizes.

Display fonts are best used for headlines, logos, and other short pieces of text. They should not be used for body copy or any other type of long-form text. A good example that shows how bold these fonts can be is Arbutus.

5. Decorative

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Decorative fonts are just what they sound like – they are designed to be used for decorative purposes only. They are often very ornate and can be difficult to read.

Decorative fonts should only be used sparingly, if at all. They can be used for headlines or logos, but they should never be used for body copy. They are a lot of fun though. Just check out the Space Time font.

6. Blackletter

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Blackletter fonts are a type of serif font that is designed to look like it was written in the Middle Ages. They are very ornate and can be difficult to read. It also goes by the name of gothic script or Old English.

Cloister Black is a great example of a blackletter font that encapsulates this old-fashioned style.

7. Handwritten

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Handwritten fonts are designed to look like they were written by hand. They can be either serif or sans serif, but they usually have a more organic feel than other types of fonts.

Handwritten fonts are best used for small pieces, such as headlines or logos. The Autography Font illustrates this typography style well.

8. Slab Serif

08 - rosette

Slab serif fonts are a type of serif font that is designed to be used at large sizes. They are often very bold and eye-catching, and they can be difficult to read at smaller sizes.

Slab serif fonts are ideal for headlines, logos, and titles. They should not be used for body copy or any other type of long-form text though as the line weight is too thick for the confined spaces of paragraphs. The Rosette Font has a chunky look that serves as a good example of a slab serif.

9. Geometric

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Geometric fonts are designed to be very clean and simple. They often have straight lines and angles and rely on a geometric construction to achieve their letter shapes.

This kind of font is best used for headlines or logos, or any other spot where just a few words are needed. They can also be used for body copy, but only if the design is very simple, large, and easy to read.

10. Grotesque

10 - grotesque

Grotesque fonts are a type of sans serif font that is designed to be used at large sizes. Historically, they’re known for looking a bit awkward and unusual.

It is advisable to only use grotesque fonts for headlines, logos, and other brief pieces of text. They are not meant to be used for paragraphs or long stretches of text. Work Sans is a great example of a neo-grotesque style.

11. Humanistic

Humanistic fonts are sans serif fonts as well that are designed to look very natural and organic. They often have curved lines and softened edges.

Humanistic fonts are most successful when used for titles, headlines, or logos. They can also be readable if used sparingly in body copy with a simple design layout. You can look to the Centaur Font as a good example of this classic font style.

Let Typography Style Options Inspire You

There you have it! These are the 11 most common types of fonts that you’ll see used in graphic design. As you can see, each one has its own unique purpose and should be used accordingly.

When it comes to choosing the right font for your project, it’s important to think about the overall style you’re going for. Do you want something clean and modern? Or are you going for a more vintage or retro feel?

Once you have a general idea of the style you’re after, you can start browsing through different font options until you find one that fits your vision. Good luck!

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Problem: Product Strategies Take Too Long To Create

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How to Disable WordPress Admin Email Verification Notice

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Do you want to disable the admin email verification notice in WordPress?

By default, WordPress displays an admin email verification notice to the site administrators every few months to verify the email they use is still correct. It’s a pseudo-security measure that many site owners feel is unnecessary and annoying.

In this article, we will show you how to disable the admin email verification notice in WordPress.

How to Disable WordPress Admin Email Verification Notice

What is an Admin Email Verification Notice

The admin email verification notice feature was introduced in WordPress 5.3. The purpose of this feature is to show a screen to website administrators every few months that asks them to verify their site email address.

The admin email verification notice ensures that the email address provided by the administrator is accurate and still in use. Having a working email is important to site security and management.

Admin email verification notice

However, originally planned to appear every six months, sometimes the admin email verification notice can be displayed more frequently than necessary.

This can be annoying for users who’re just trying to log in to their WordPress website. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just turn off the admin email verification notice?

Let’s take a look at how to easily disable the admin email verification notice. You can click the links below to jump directly to the method you want to use.

You can easily disable the admin email verification notice by adding a code snippet to your WordPress files. If you haven’t done this before, then take a look at our beginner’s guide on pasting snippets from the web into WordPress.

Generally, you would need to manually add the code to your theme’s function.php file, but it can be a bit tricky since even a minor mistake can bring down your whole website.

This is why we recommend using a code snippet plugin like WPCode to add custom code in WordPress without having to edit your theme’s core files.

First, you need to install and activate the free WPCode plugin. For more instructions, please take a look at our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once the plugin is activated, go to Code Snippets » Add New from your WordPress admin dashboard.

Go to Code Snippets and click Add New

This will take you to the ‘Add Snippet’ page.

As we have to add custom code, simply click on the ‘Use Snippet’ button below the ‘Add  Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’ option.

Click Use Snippet button

This will take you to the ‘Create Custom Snippet’ page where you can start by entering a title for your code snippet. It can be anything that helps you identify the code.

Next, select the ‘PHP Snippet’ as the ‘Code Type’ from the drop-down menu on the right.

Choose PHP as a Code Type

After that, all you have to do is copy and paste the following PHP code snippet in the ‘Code Preview’.

// Disable WordPress Administration Email verification Screen 
add_filter( 'admin_email_check_interval', '__return_false' );
Disable sdmin email verification PHP snippet

After that, scroll down to the ‘Insertion’ section and select an insert method.

Now, simply choose the ‘Auto Insert’ option to automatically execute code on your site upon saving the snippet. Make sure to select the location “Admin Only”.

WPCode Insert Snippet for Admin Only

Now, go to the top of the page and toggle the switch from ‘Inactive’ to ‘Active’ in the top right corner and then click the ‘Save Snippet’ button.

Once, you have saved and activated the code snippet, it will be automatically executed on your site.

Click on Save Snippet button

Now you will no longer see the admin email verification notice.

Method 2. Disable Admin Email Verification Notice Using a Plugin

If you prefer not to add code to your WordPress site, you can always use a plugin.

For this tutorial, we will be using the Make Disable Admin Email Verification Prompt plugin.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Make Disable Admin Email Verification Prompt plugin. For more instructions, you can check out our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once the plugin is activated, simply go to Settings » General from your WordPress admin dashboard.

Go to Settings and then click on General

Now that you’re on the ‘General Settings’ page, scroll down to the bottom.

Here you will find the ‘Disable Admin Email Verification Prompt’ option. Now, simply make sure to check the box beside ‘Disable Admin Email Verification Screen.’

Check the disable admin email verification box

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.

That’s it! You and your team should not see the admin email verification notice anymore.

We hope this article helped you learn how to disable the admin email verification notice in WordPress. You may also want to see our tutorial on how to disable automatic update email notifications in WordPress, and our comparison of the best email marketing services to grow your website traffic and sales.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Disable WordPress Admin Email Verification Notice first appeared on WPBeginner.

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