Anti-Patterns in Incident Response That You Should Unlearn

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It is important to invest time and effort in understanding why a system performs the way it does and how we can improve it. Companies continue with practices that yield successful results but ignoring anti-patterns can be far worse than choosing rigid processes. In this article, we will explore anti-patterns in incident response and why you should unlearn those.

Common Anti-Patterns in Incident Response 

Just Get Everyone on the Call 

Alerting everyone each time an incident is detected is not the best of practices. Sometimes notifying everyone is easier or adds value. For example:

Gutenberg 14.4 Introduces Distraction-Free Mode, Redesigns Pattern Inserter

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Gutenberg 14.4 was released today with long-awaited support for distraction-free editing, to the delight of content editors around the world. It hides all non-essential UI and clears the canvas for a focus on text-based content creation.

The mode can be toggled on in the options menu in the top toolbar. Distraction-free mode hides the top toolbar, any open sidebars, along with the insertion point indicator and the block toolbar.

source: Gutenberg 14.4 release post

The project to improve the editing experience for text-based content began with early explorations in February, which progressed into a PR that contributors have been refining for the last few months. This distraction-free mode is a monumental improvement over the days when users struggled to write with various UI elements popping in and out of view.

Another major update in 14.4 is the redesigned pattern inserter. It has been updated to show the categories before rendering the patterns, giving users a more fluid visual preview as they browse the pattern library. Patterns can be dragged and dropped from the preview pane into the canvas.

source: Gutenberg 14.4 release post

Other notable improvements users may notice include the following:

Performance benchmarks show an improvement in loading time for both the post and site editors. Check out the release post to see the full list of all the changes and bug fixes included in 14.4. This release will not be included in the upcoming WordPress 6.1 release next week, but users who are eager to adopt these new features can get them right now in the Gutenberg plugin.

How would you write this into pseudo code?


How would you write this into pseudo code

using namespace std;
int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[])

string var, var1;
float cm, mile, kilometer, inch, meter, AU, fahrenheit, celsius, foot, quit, i;
i = 1;
while (i <= 1000000000) 
    cout << "Enter the starting unit. For a list of all units and commands, type list. To exit, type quit. Please note that this program will only loop one billion times." << endl <<endl;
    cin >> var;
    cout << endl;

        if (var == "quit")

                return 0;

        //list of functions
        if  (var == "list")

            cout << "For cm to inch type centimeter. For inch to cm type inch. For miles to km type mile. For km to miles type kilometer. For meters to AU or feet type meter. For AU to meters type AU. For feet to meters type feet. For fahrenheit to celsius type fahrenheit. For Celsius to Fahrenheit type celsius then rerun the program." << endl << endl << endl;

        //inches to centimeters
        if  (var == "inch")

            cout << "Please enter the number of inches" << endl;
           cin >> inch;
            cm = inch * 2.54;
            cout << "Distance in centimeters:" << endl;
            cout << cm << endl;

        //centimeters to inches
        if  (var == "centimeter")

            cout << "Please enter the number of centimeters" << endl;
            cin >> cm;
            inch = cm / 2.54;
            cout << "Distance in inches:" << endl;
            cout << inch << endl;

        //miles to kilometers
        if  (var == "mile")

            cout << "Please enter the number of miles" << endl;
           cin >> mile;
            kilometer = mile * 1.609344;
            cout << "Distance in kilometers:" << endl;
            cout << kilometer << endl;

        //kilometers to miles
        if  (var == "kilometer")

            cout << "Please enter the number of kilometers" << endl;
            cin >> kilometer;
            mile = kilometer / 1.609344;
            cout << "Distance in miles:" << endl;
            cout << mile << endl;

        //meters to AU or feet
        if  (var == "meter")

            cout << "Please select which unit you would like to convert meters to out of Astronomical units and feet" << endl;
            cin >> var1;
            if  (var1 == "AU");

                cout << "Please enter number of meters" << endl;
               cin >> meter;
                AU = meter / 149598000000;
                cout << "Distance in AU:" << endl;
                cout << AU << endl;

            if  (var1 == "feet")

                cout << "Please enter number of meters" << endl;
                cin >> meter;
                foot = meter * 3.2808399;
                cout << "Distance in feet:" << endl;
                cout << foot << endl;

        //AU to meters
        if  (var == "AU")

            cout << "Please enter number of AU" << endl;
            cin >> AU;
            meter = AU * 149598000000;
            cout << "Distance in meters:" << endl;
            cout << meter << endl;

        //feet to meters
        if  (var == "feet")

            cout << "Please enter number of feet" << endl;
            cin >> foot;
            meter = foot / 3.2808399;
            cout << "Distance in meters:" << endl;
            cout << meter << endl;

        //fahrenheit to celsius
        if  (var == "fahrenheit")

            cout << "Please enter temperature in Fahrenheit." << endl;
            cin >> fahrenheit;
            celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * (5 / 9);
            cout << "Temperature in celsius:" << endl;
            cout << celsius << endl;

        //celsius to fahrenheit
        if  (var == "celsius")

            cout << "Please enter temperature in Celsius." << endl;
            cin >> celsius;
            fahrenheit = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32;
            cout << "Temperature in Fahrenheit:" << endl;
            cout << fahrenheit << endl;



Where can I get a Website Done?

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I've recently started off a Cupcake business for myself and I really need a website done as most of my customers are struggling to find my business on the web. I just need a website which can showcase the different sweets and everything I bake and maybe even a direct purchasing page. Anyone has any suggestions?